Crown of Silence

Chapter 337 Are you hungry?

Chapter 338 Are you hungry?

Under the gaze of the silent eyes, the dark cave constantly reflects a chaotic light and ripples, one after another. Each crystal is like a piano key, silently playing a melody.

From the abyss under the feet, it echoes all the way to the distant sky above the head.

Even though that war has ended for hundreds of years, the song still echoes in this battlefield, which is the trace of the glorious battle in the past engraved in the ether.

Ye Qingxuan leaned against the wall, sitting on the horizontal crystal column, quietly staring at the dazzling light. Compared with such a huge relic, human beings are as small as dust.

"Abandon yourself..."

Ye Qingxuan whispered softly, thinking silently.

The core of the forbidden school lies in the construction of order and the interference of nature. In this regard, he felt that perhaps he would have a new understanding of the forbidden school in the chaotic ether environment.

But after coming here, he found that he was too optimistic.

Bolero's thought line just extended from his fingertips, and the water vapor thought line dissipated in an instant. The water vapor was too fragile to detect such a chaotic environment.

So, he had to change the medium.

He cut open his fingertips, and a line of blood floated out faintly, spreading in all directions, reflecting the faint moonlight. The moonlight spread in all directions, touched by the ether turbulence, and rippled like water light.

Then, in the darkness, the sound of a heartbeat sounded.

In the air, the dust fluctuated, floating like a dance, inspired by the sound of the heartbeat, and faintly formed a small ring.

The dust ring slowly expanded and enveloped Ye Qingxuan's body.

In the dust ring, the turbulent ether seemed to have entered a stable white area, no longer violently colliding and changing, and returned to tranquility. The small dust ring expanded to about five meters, and burst like a bubble.

Ye Qingxuan's heart beat chaotically, and his face changed.

After a short rest, the dust ring slowly spread again.

In this chaotic environment, he was trying to open up an area with stable music theory. After dozens of attempts, he finally managed to maintain a range of five meters.

Within those five meters, the wind was calm, even though there was a raging sea outside the dust ring.

Sweat oozed faintly on Ye Qingxuan's forehead.

If there was no Xiaoyuan, he would definitely not dare to mess around in such a black area. But since the opportunity is rare, why not try to build a stable white area from scratch?

Laying down order, interfering with properties and constructing music theory... This is the essence of the forbidden school. If you want to master the essence, there is no better way than to experience it yourself.

But this feeling of suffocation, like bearing ten thousand tons of water pressure, is a bit too much.

In the dead silence, Ye Qingxuan could only hear his heavy breathing and tired heartbeats, and each beat seemed to be carrying a heavy weight.

After a long time, he slightly adapted to such a huge pressure.

He slowly took out the food, chewed a small portion slowly, and then packed up the remaining food - he had made up his mind to fight a protracted war. Unless he figured out some tricks, he would stay here and not leave.

Three days later, Ye Qingxuan crawled out of the dark cave, his face pale and his eyes black.

Even though he claimed to be well prepared, he overlooked one thing...

In a place with a chaotic etheric environment, it is ridiculous to keep food fresh unless there are special utensils.

In fact, after six hours, he found that all his dry food had moldy, dehydrated, changed color... and some seemed to have not changed at all, but Ye Qingxuan did not dare to eat it.

So, he was hungry for the past two days.

As a result, it seemed that he did not understand anything.

Indeed, he had made considerable progress in his understanding of the forbidden faction and ether in the past two days, but he still had no progress in the proposition of "abandoning oneself", and he almost abandoned himself in that big pit.

Starved to death.

If it weren't for the assistance of the Ren and Du armor, he would not have the strength to climb up.

Ye Qingxuan now had the words "hungry" and "miserable" written all over his body, and he even had the urge to eat dirt. What's worse is that he found that the horse he tied to the tree had run away at some point.

Ye Qingxuan grabbed the half-bitten reins and felt that he had no desire to live.

"Oh my God! Hate! Starving..."

The young man wrapped in an Indian turban sighed to the sky.

The sad cry was heard several kilometers away, mixed with the sound of the wolf's howl, which was indescribably desolate.



Next to the fire, Donald subconsciously pressed the hilt of the sword, and soon, it loosened.

Around several fires, dozens of carriages in a caravan built a small camp around a mountain valley. After a day's journey, the merchants went into the tents and fell asleep, snoring.

Only a few burly men sat on the shafts of the carts, chatting casually. Next to them, the newly oiled crossbows shone brightly, and there were even a few alchemical crossbow arrows. Generally speaking, such taboo items are never allowed to appear in the caravan, but in such a desolate place on the edge of the countries, who would really care about the law?

The bandits and horse bandits would not do it, and the merchants could not do it for self-protection.

"Boss, I asked the rabbit to put down all the traps." A big man with a long sword sat next to him and said while warming himself by the fire: "Anyone who wants to come over for fun in the middle of the night has to weigh his life. Okay. To be honest, I’m really looking forward to them coming.”

"Don't say such things."

Donald shook his head: "Unlucky."

"It's better to be careful, right?" The man laughed in amusement.

Donald was speechless. He just looked at the iron basin hanging on the fire. After thinking about it, he grabbed two more wild vegetables from his backpack and threw them in. In the iron basin, a pot of stew was bubbling, exuding a taste that was definitely not delicious.

In the wild mountains and ridges, just eat what you have, why should you pay so much attention to it?

Soon, the soup boiling in the iron basin was almost boiling and bubbling, but the iron basin started to shake, as if it was trembling.



Donald's expression changed, and he lay on the ground and listened carefully: "It's the sound of horse hooves."

Before he finished speaking, the roar of a horse sounded faintly from the distance. Then there was a sharp whistle. Just as the whistle sounded, it stopped suddenly, as if it had been cut off.

The big man jumped up from the fire: "Boss! There's a situation!"

Donald stood up, eager to kick the crow's beak into the fire.

"You don't need to tell me!"

Soon, after a burst of noise and chaos in the camp, all the combat-effective people were gathered together, holding swords and crossbows, nervously watching the light of the torches in the distance and the approaching cavalry.

In the wind, someone was shouting excitedly.

"Friends in front of me, please stop!"

Donald stood up and pulled out the long sword from the scabbard: "If you are looking for money, we can collect some wine money for you. It is not easy for everyone to run around in life. Why don't we help each other?"

The cavalry stopped not far away.

A charging distance.

I could vaguely see someone pulling out the saber and rubbing it against the saddle, making a sharp sound.

"How much?" A hoarse voice said: "How much do you want to buy your life?"

Donald's expression changed, he looked at the pale-faced businessmen behind him, turned around and said a number, which was not small.

The leader's husky voice laughed.

Someone rushed forward and threw something beyond the designed range of the crossbow. The defensive crowd was stunned for a moment and quickly retreated. But the thing rolled in the air, fell into the lighting range of the torch, and finally rolled down at Donald's feet.

It was a human head.

"Rabbit?" He was stunned and recognized this companion, as well as the whistle that he didn't have time to drop from his mouth.

The royal horse passed by and struck the owl's head with a beautiful knife. There was no expression of pain on his face until he died.

"That little money is too little. I'll save it for you to raise chickens."

The hoarse voice said lightly, and the horse bandits laughed.

"Think again and give me another number."

Donald gritted his teeth and looked back at the merchants.

"No more." The business leader's face turned pale: "There is no profit left in this trip. Each of us is carrying a debt. You were invited by us. You can't help them. Go and defeat those guys. ah……"

Donald's face was gloomy, and he raised his head on the ground: "Look at this cut, their saber style... Those guys are not ordinary horse bandits, they are elite cavalry from the Caucasus Federation.

They have thirty horses and at least forty men. One charge is enough to overwhelm our camp.

I have already killed one person. I took your money and I don’t even care about my own death. But you have to think about how many people can escape after the camp is breached? If you can escape, can you keep the goods? "

The businessmen were silent, looked at each other, and soon said a new number.

The hoarse voice did not laugh, but seemed to be pondering.

"Originally, this number is quite a lot, and you are very sincere, but..."

His painting style changed, revealing a hint of mischief: "Are you sure you have included the goods of the 'Chainsaw Monks' in the carriage?"

Donald was stunned, turned around, and looked at several businessmen. The businessmen looked away without looking at him. Someone whispered: "This is a secret of the Chamber of Commerce, and we don't want to hide it."

"Damn it, you killed me!"

Donald gritted his teeth: "These bastards even know what you have. There is a mole in your own chamber of commerce. We were targeted when we set off!"

"What to do now?" someone asked tremblingly.

What else can be done?

A whistling sound burst out in the wind, and the crossbow arrows whizzed in. Donald's arm suddenly raised, and the sword spine blocked the crossbow arrows. The crossbow arrows were torn apart, and a crack appeared on the spine of his sword.

Donald's face twitched, he gritted his teeth and chanted in a low voice: "My heart is like iron, and my blood is like fire."

As a result, the sword's blade burst out with fire, and the entire sword instantly turned into a blade of fire - this was the best alchemical weapon, his capital and trump card to settle down.

But it was too late.

The sound of galloping war horses was already close at hand.

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