Crown of Silence

Chapter 339 Rain

Chapter 340 Rain

"I, Ye Qingxuan, don't change my name when I'm walking, I don't change my surname when I sit down, and I don't have to pay for meals in the East. What's wrong with you giving me a ride?"

A young man with gray hair and ragged clothes blocked the convoy with an arrogant expression. The reason why his clothes are ragged is because he didn't wear any clothes in the first place, and the reason why his hair is because the hair dye has faded.

Now 'Ye Qingxuan' was pointing at his faded hair and said proudly: "Did you see this? What a noble bloodline! Hurry up and get your best car, otherwise don't blame me for being rude. ”


Donald pressed the handle of the knife in his hand, his expression twitching: If something like this happens, it doesn't matter whether he hits or not... After all, who knows if this guy is a musician?

He looked at the carriage in the center of the team for help, but the young man in the carriage was whistling on the ground, as if it had nothing to do with him, which made him feel even more miserable.

What happened on this trip? Why do we always encounter such damn things?

But before he could react, a sinister laugh came from the sky.

"Ye Qingxuan? I'm looking for you!"

In an instant, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky, its sharp claws grabbed the shoulders of 'Ye Qingxuan', and suddenly rose into the air. The three-legged giant eagle spreads its wings up to ten meters, and it is obviously a summoned phantom beast.

On the back of the eagle, the flute musician laughed strangely: "A musician with such a weak foot is seeking death in Auschwitz. Why not form a team with the uncle and crack the code for me..."

Before he finished speaking, a scream suddenly came from the distant dense forest, and a dazzling light rose into the sky, breaking one of the giant eagle's wings and igniting the summoning musician's half body.

The musician screamed, urging the disabled giant eagle to accelerate and fly forward.

"You want to go to Auschwitz!"

The tattooed woman riding a giant python beat her big copper drum, and the drum roared, chasing after her.

Only a series of roars and constant loud noises were heard. The melodies played in the movement overlap each other and become dizzyingly complex fluctuations.

Faintly heard the voice of 'Ye Qingxuan' who would rather die than surrender: "Bah! Stop dreaming! If you want to fight or kill, just come..."


The entire caravan has been petrified, and it feels like gods are fighting and mortals are suffering.

"What...what's going on?" The leader of the caravan was about to burst into tears: "Why are people talking now and starting fighting! The good road has been interrupted!"

"It's okay if I don't drive for you, boss, just be satisfied!"

The young man wearing a big turban sat next to him and cracked melon seeds. He looked like he was watching the excitement and didn't mind the matter: "If I were you, I would quickly change the way to escape, otherwise I will wait for them to fight back..."

Before he finished speaking, the leader was so excited that he almost jumped up from his horse: "Change the road! Turn around! Leave quickly! Why are you standing still? Wait for those disaster stars to pay you wages!"

The long convoy turned around, and after making a big circle again, it finally carefully avoided the center of the battle between the musicians and went away.


After more than ten days like this, Ye Qingxuan's happy days of eating and waiting for death were finally over.

Because when the ride reaches here, there is no more ahead. Even though he walked slowly on the road for so many days, considering the prescribed time, Ye Qingxuan was still able to make it on time.

It would be great if you can get there!

Anyway, he had already made up his mind to goof around. With my small body, I can forget about fighting and killing, so I should stay clean and cherish my life!

"Is Sir just leaving like this?"

In front of the fork in the road, at the front of the motorcade, the leader of the caravan who was bidding farewell to Ye Qingxuan said politely: "You left so early, you were in such a hurry. Why don't you stay for a few more days? We can also treat you warmly."

He regretted it as soon as he finished speaking, because Ye Qingxuan's eyes widened:


"Uh..." the leader stammered, wiping his cold sweat: "However, we still don't want to delay your journey. After all, your time is precious. How can a small caravan like us be worth your time?"

"Tsk, that's not true. Besides, boss, you dare to sell something like power armor that can be used to rob families and exterminate families. I'm afraid the business is not small, right?"

Ye Qingxuan glanced at him with a half-smile, and stopped talking about this topic. He just picked up his backpack and the pile of trophies: "Further ahead is Oz.

Thank you all for giving me a ride for so long, and let’s just say goodbye. "

The young man turned around and was about to leave. After Donald hesitated for a long time, he called out to him: "Sir, can you tell us your name?"


On the horse, Ye Qingxuan looked back at him with a strange expression: "My name is...Simon! That's right, Simon, just think of me as a peace-loving Tianzhu musician."


Donald chewed on this unfamiliar name: "Well, Mr. Simon, see you later."

"Well, see you later."

Ye Qingxuan whistled and patted the horse's neck. The horse neighed and hurried away with its hooves raised.

Watching the young man drifting away, the leader of the caravan said with emotion: "It's really amazing. I didn't expect to meet such an adult on the road. It's a pity that I left in such a hurry.

With that level of power, could he be a legendary resonance musician? "

"Maybe, I can't see it."

Donald sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect that the president would be so generous and gave away all his horses."


The president was stunned: "Didn't you give it to me?"


Donald looked at him, his expression becoming extremely exciting.

The president stared at the young man's black shadow on the horizon, and after a long time he said quietly: "You want to steal even a horse? This Simon named Asan is so shameless..."

"Well, that guy named Ye Qingxuan isn't a good guy either!"


In the wilderness of thousands of miles, the young man whistled and galloped.

After a long journey, he was finally not far from Auschwitz. Five kilometers away is Oz, a small village and the last supply point before reaching Auschwitz.

Under the scorching sun, only clumps of dried thorns and half-dead shrubs could be seen on the barren plain. It is said that this place is not far from the ancient Theban civilization, and there are still many relics and ancient ruins left.

Ancient books say that there once was a glorious city near here, where countless people lived and gave birth to a splendid civilization.

Unfortunately, the world has changed forever. After the changes in the ether and the diversion of rivers, the once fertile land has turned into a desolate desert-like place, and the prosperity of the past can no longer be seen.

And of the once great city, only the wind-blown ruins remain.

"Is there really enough land here to support hundreds of thousands of people?" Ye Qingxuan looked around and saw a creek not far away. But there was salt-alkali white frost everywhere on the beach, making it obviously undrinkable.

Ye Qingxuan dismounted, stretched out his hand, and dipped into the shallow stream at his feet. After tasting it in his mouth, he quickly spit it out.

Extremely salty, extremely bitter, with a pungent metallic and fishy smell. The groundwater here obviously does not fall within the drinking standards. Even if it is barely drinkable after several filtrations, the cost will not be affordable for common people, let alone irrigation.

Herding and planting are not feasible. In this damn place, transportation is so difficult that handicrafts may not be able to develop either. There are almost no specialties.

The only good thing is that everyone knows that the people here are so poor that they don't care about the taxes here.

"Let alone hundreds of thousands of people, even a few hundred people will have a hard time surviving, right?"

Ye Qingxuan sighed, stood up, and stared into the distance.

The old woman carrying a huge wooden frame staggered forward in the distance, holding on to a cane, lowering her head on the ground to check the berries in the bushes, and picking some edible wild vegetables. Sometimes, a palm-sized plant root piece is excavated and regarded as a treasure.

"Hello, how far is it from Oz?"

Ye Qingxuan stopped beside her.

The old woman raised her head and looked at him for a long time with squinted eyes. Her eyes were full of white clouds, and the emphasis in the dialect was difficult to understand. She raised her finger and pointed in a direction.

Roughly speaking, it takes three hours to walk.

Ye Qingxuan nodded, and she looked at him blankly. It was hard to tell whether it was a prayer or a request, but it was just empty.

That look made Ye Qingxuan unable to help but feel sad.

He looked at the old woman's backpack and saw the shriveled wild vegetables, tree roots, and berries: "Do you eat these things every day?"

"There's nothing else to eat."

The old woman answered vaguely: "It hasn't rained in months. Things in the fields are almost dying of drought and there is no water..."

She lowered her head and looked at the root in her hand: "I can only eat this."


Ye Qingxuan was silent, not knowing what to say. He suddenly realized that he had just made a mistake by asking this question. So what could he do if he asked it? He can't change anything.

Even if you give her money, what can you buy in such a desolate place where there is no caravan?


He didn't know why he said that, but he looked at her one last time and got on his horse. The horse galloped, and Ye Qingxuan looked back at her, only to find that the old woman was still standing there, looking in the direction where he originally stood.

There was obviously nothing there, but his cloudy eyes seemed to be really looking at something.

A drop of water fell on Ye Qingxuan's face.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned, raised his hand and touched his face: It was really water.

Water falls from the sky.

In the sky, at some point, dark clouds gathered, and thunder trembled faintly, as if there were majestic horns and drums echoing. No, it was really horns and drums.

Like thunder, like howling wind.

Echoing in the sky, rolling clouds and strong winds, they all set off waves in the etheric sea, playing a wild and rough melody. Then, thunder roared and the heaven and earth shook.

boom! boom! boom!

Ye Qingxuan was stunned and felt heavy rain falling from the sky.

One drop, two drops... In an instant, the dry wasteland was covered with traces of rain soaking, and the rain was so heavy!

In the heavy rain, Ye Qingxuan stared blankly into the clouds, the music theory intertwined by the vast ether, a set of jaw-droppingly huge formulas slowly forming.

That formula stirred the sea of ​​ether, guided infinite power to fall from the sky, transformed into wind and clouds, extracted water from thunder and flames, and heroically sprinkled countless water vapors from the sky.

It rained heavily.

"It's raining?"

On the wasteland, the old woman stretched out her hand blankly, looking at the traces of moisture in her palm, and raised her head against the sky in disbelief. A drop of rain fell on her face, washing away the turbidity in her eyes and sliding down like tears.

"It's raining!"

She danced and shouted loudly: "It's raining! It's finally raining!"

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