Crown of Silence

Chapter 340 The True Meaning

Chapter 341 The true meaning of this

Oz, in a desolate village.

"It's raining! It's raining!"

The ragged villagers screamed and worshiped the panting young man like a god.

The young man had short hair, sharp edges, and dark skin.

He stared at the heavy rain falling from the sky, and exhaustedly sat down in the dust on the ground, with mud splashing all over him.

"Why are you so poor and happy? I only understood nothing from the movement of "Storm Sonata". This rain consumes the water vapor in the sky. It can only last for a few hours. Find it quickly. The thing holds water.”

The villagers were stunned and immediately scattered. They ran to their homes and rummaged through the cabinets to find pots and pans.

The young man was the only one left in the empty space that had been so busy just now.

"...Hey, at least help me up."

The young man muttered something in a low voice and got up from the ground with difficulty.

When he saw the complex and huge alchemy matrix around him, his expression twitched, and he felt distressed: that was enough to buy the singing supplies for an entire village, and they were all spent just for this rain.

But seeing how these people seemed to have been saved, he didn't know how to collect the money.

"Sure enough, as the teacher said, doing things that cost money is fun for a while, but painful for the rest of your life. The money you finally borrowed...why was it gone in the blink of an eye?"

He patted the mud on his body. Soon, the mud dried and fell off, and his clothes were as clean as new. The downpour of rain fell on him, then turned into a faint mist and disappeared without a trace.

"Fortunately, we only have half a day to go from Auschwitz, otherwise I would really have to beg for food."

He rummaged through his pockets bitterly, but they were empty and cleaner than his face.

Behind him, there was the sound of horse hooves trampling in the mud.

He looked back behind him.

There, the young man reined in his horse and stared at him.

The person who came looked like a Tianzhu man, with a lot of swords strapped to the saddle beside him. He looked like a musician, but a musician would not bring so many cumbersome weapons.

He looks like a weapons dealer, but there is always something different.

"Who are you?"


The young man smiled and held his turban: "Just think of me as a Tianzhu man who sells swords. What about you?"


The man said seriously: "Others call me Hammer. Are you...also here to challenge me? How about we start after I take a break?"

Ye Qingxuan thought for a moment and shook his head vigorously: Are you kidding me, are you going to challenge a resonance-level elite musician in this situation? And it is the most restrained change faction... Let's forget it, this is not how we ask for trouble.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan shaking his head, Sam Miao looked regretful:



He reluctantly glanced at Ye Qingxuan: "Before departure, the teacher told me that if other musicians challenge me, just beat me down and take away the money and things..."

Wait, your logic is a little weird, my friend! Your teacher also has a problem! With such simple and robust logic, could it be that all your factions are from bandits?


Ye Qingxuan struggled for a long time and said, "Actually, I have a question."


"If you need water, why do you go to all the trouble to rain it?"

Ye Qingxuan asked seriously: "Wouldn't it be more convenient to just find the right place and dig a well?"


Samuel froze and looked at Ye Qingxuan.

His eyes were filled with astonishment and admiration, as well as a hint of enlightenment and enlightenment, but also a bit dazed. In short, it looked like it was filled with 'Why didn't I think of it! ’ in big characters.

"Is this still possible?"

He patted his head and sighed: "I didn't even think of it!"

This is not an unexpected question! My friend, how much do you lack common sense in life? Ye Qingxuan couldn't hold back his stomach full of disgust and couldn't vomit, so he could only hehe and took it over...

Just when he was about to say something, the sky suddenly lit up, and a huge thunderbolt passed through the sky. The originally surging ether fluctuations reached their highest peak, and in this earth-shattering loud noise, inexplicable changes were revealed in an instant.

At that moment, the sound of crystal growth came.

It was as if something had come to this world under the temptation of this wave of waves.

"No way?"

When Samuel came to his senses, he looked at Ye Qingxuan blankly. Ye Qingxuan was also a little in disbelief and wiped his face: "Go and take a look first before talking."

He turned the horse's head and galloped towards the direction where the tiny sound came from.

Samuel's body rose into the air like a boulder, covered with several layers of air shields, and he smashed straight in the direction of the sound.

In an instant, he fell from the sky and smashed a big hole in the ground. The landing position was not very good. He stumbled, then got up and rushed towards the sensing location.

Immediately afterwards, the young man with electric light all over his body activated the Governor's armor, ran towards him, and landed silently next to him.

The two men stared at what was in front of them, holding their breath at the same time.

A long silence, silence... The rain poured down, drenching the two of them.

Samuel took a deep breath and sighed:

"——It's worth it."


During the downpour, the thick, icy rain turned the ground into mud pools.

Ye Qingxuan and Samuel were lying in the mud, looking at the things in front of them intently like fools. What bloomed in front of them was a 'sunflower'.

It seems to grow out of nothingness. The further downward, the thinner the texture of the rhizome becomes, until finally, there is no entity anymore.

The round of huge light yellow petals bloomed like sunshine.

In the darkness shrouded by dark clouds, it seemed to be glowing faintly, so magnificent that it was impossible to look directly at it, but it was also untouchable. Rain and wind passed through its body like phantoms, unable to even move it.

It is obviously so small, but compared with it, the whole world it reflects becomes illusory.

Samuel looked at it for a long time and asked with some uncertainty: "Is this really..."

"Yingkui, that's right,"

Ye Qingxuan nodded, reached out and brushed the 'sunflower', but his fingers passed through the air. It was like penetrating the air, touching nothing. But in sight, it was indeed his own palm that disintegrated into mist in front of Sunflower, and then reorganized after leaving.

It is clearly not supposed to exist here, but compared to it, everything else becomes an illusion.

It makes no sense.

That's right.

Ye Qingxuan sighed: "One of the four living creatures in the natural disaster, the most famous 'Shadow Sunflower'."


For musicians, the classification and list of natural disasters is definitely a required course.

Although the existence of some natural disasters will be kept secret for some reasons, most information about natural disasters will not be hidden from the musicians. Among them is ‘Ying Kui’.

In fact, in terms of harm to humans, Shadow Kui is definitely at the bottom of the list like Star Ring. One of them is the river of ether surrounding the sky, and the other is the mysterious plant growing on the ground. It has never had any impact on humans at all.

In addition to bringing a lot of talk.

The true body of 'Shadow Sunflower' does not exist in the material world, and the posture it displays at this moment is just a projection that landed from the etheric world. It's like the shadow cast by an object in the sun.

Unlike the Hundred-Eyed One, it itself had no influence at all except being like a plant. It never responded to outside interference and never interacted with anything else. Even other natural disasters are ignored.

Nothing can touch it.

According to human observation records, its appearance has no rules and is purely coincidental: as long as the ether density is too high and the music theory is disordered in certain places, there is a certain chance that such a sunflower will appear. Sunflowers appear quietly, bloom quietly, then wither quietly and disappear quietly.

If it hadn't revealed many of the plant's characteristics, such as its tendency to light and growth, it would have been classified as an unexplainable 'natural disaster' just like the 'Silver White Tide'.

"It's amazing."

Samuel stared blankly for a long time and nodded with satisfaction: "Sure enough, as the teacher said, it keeps the distance between itself and the outside world all the time. It seems that there is only a thin line between you, but no matter how close you are, , this line of separation will not doesn’t want to have anything to do with anything.”

"Is that so?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at Ying Kui blankly and gave a dull and perfunctory response. He didn't even know what Sam Miao said. Samuel seemed to be talking for a long time, but in the end he found that Ye Qingxuan didn't listen at all.

This young man who calls himself Tianzhu is lying in the muddy pond as if he has found a treasure. He just stares at Yingkui blankly, his eyes are crazy, he is muttering something to himself, and his whole body is exuding chaotic and turbulent ether waves.

Seems to have gained something.


Samuel was a little confused: Why would anyone gain insights from this kind of thing? It's so weird.

In fact, for most musicians, being able to see Ying Kui in person is definitely not worth the trip. But for most people, shadow sunflowers are just a rare spectacle. After all, the inability to interfere means that it cannot be studied, and it cannot even be contacted. If you ignore the appearance, you can directly treat it as something that does not exist.

What is the value of something that does not exist?

Samuel thought for a long time, then left quietly without disturbing Ye Qingxuan.

But Ye Qingxuan was still lying on the ground, looking at the sunflower in front of him with all his attention, muttering something messily in a low voice, concentrating on thinking.

In the silence, there was only the sound of rain.

In the long sound of rain, with the changes of ether fluctuations, the shadow sunflower bloomed silently, and then withered slowly. One by one, the petals withered, fell off, withered and dissipated in the wind.

Flowers bloom, flowers fade.

Ye Qingxuan watched blankly as the shadow sunflower faded and disappeared, one petal after another. Until finally, the shadow sunflower was so dim that its outline could not be seen clearly. The last golden petal, which was as real as an illusion, fell off, withered, withered, and drifted in the wind.

Somehow, Ye Qingxuan stretched out his hand towards the flying petals, and closed his thumb and index finger on his right hand.

At that moment, the fingers clasped together.

As if caught.

Or didn't catch it again.

The dreamlike petals dissipated.

But Ye Qingxuan still maintained his original posture, looking at his fingers blankly, as if the petal that didn't exist in the first place was still there.

"I see……"

he said softly.


The explosion sounded with the humming in his throat, and the rain that fell on him suddenly shook, reversed, and suddenly spread out, rising towards the sky - like a flame!

This is a raging fire transformed from water vapor.

In the rain like flames, the boy's eyes lit up: "So that's it... This is the change of ether, the interference of properties!"

This is the core element of the forbidden faction!

For the forbidden school, everything in the world is the image of ether, so there is no difference in essence. Everything can be constructed through music theory, and it can also be changed by interfering with properties.

Therefore, as long as the music theory is changed, the flame can flow and the rain can burn.

The existence of Yingkui seems to be static - but it is only relative to the "outside world".

It maintains its independence by constantly changing its own properties, and stubbornly maintains a relative distance from the outside world, and cuts off the connection from the music theory.

It's like a natural chasm.

I am on this side, you are on that side, looking at each other, but cannot cross. Throughout the whole process, the essence of ‘interference of nature’ was carried through.

It was at that moment of sudden enlightenment that the vague insights gained in the Naika Crystal Nest for several days and the confusion hidden in the deepest part of my heart were connected by a complete clue.

Ye Qingxuan finally touched the core of the musician’s seven questions - the true meaning hidden in the proposition of ‘abandoning oneself’.

Since everything in the eyes of humans is constructed by ether, then, Ye Qingxuan, does this include you?

And does this ‘self’ that you insist on also come from ether?

He fell into deep thought.

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