Crown of Silence

Chapter 366: Skull of True Knowledge

Chapter 367 The Head of True Knowledge

In an instant, the young man's eyes were determined, he opened his palm, and released a blazing flash of light.

The sun is coming.

Caught off guard, the countless mirror matrices refracted and almost turned into the sun's rays, blinding everyone. Then, amid screams, Ye Qingxuan suddenly threw the saint's body into the iron storm.

There was a loud bang.

The saint's body fell apart and was cut into more than a dozen large and small parts!

——Between good friends, it is natural to know how to share!

I don't know how many people screamed and yelled, and everything was in chaos. Even so, there were still people who rushed over despite the blinding light, trying to snatch the broken wreckage.

First, Samuel rode the flames down from the sky, reached out to fish into the bright light, grabbed it with both hands, and several fragments fell into the bag - his left arm, ribs and heart!

The three-headed dog rose up, opened its three big mouths, took a deep breath, swallowed all the fragments of the scepter, and then withdrew quickly.

Because immediately after, almost all the musicians swarmed over.

Debris flew across the sky.

Thunder sounded, and a musician with dreadlocks came through the air at a staggering speed. There was a pale air wave wherever he passed, and the protective gear on his hands and feet was almost red from friction. All obstacles in the way were violently knocked away and overturned.

He withstood the blazing light, grabbed two things, and then was swallowed up by a violent storm. His whole body was scorched and he rolled out, and he cautiously withdrew from the contention.

Another giant hand emerged from the crack, grabbed the saint's right leg, and disappeared immediately.

Barlow's flying sickle chicken thief flew at an extremely low altitude, biting a piece of crystal that rolled down from his chest, and immediately disappeared, hiding his merit and fame. Several groups of musicians worked together to carve up the saint's right leg.

With a roar, a three-meter tall, jet-black giant burst out of his clothes, jumped out of the crowd, kicked away a contender, and snatched away half of his left hand. After a few ups and downs, he jumped out of the crowd with a loud noise. His body shrank quickly, and the artificial muscles dissipated in the wind. Miller walked out of it, put away his trophies with a smile, and took out a A transparent test tube filled with a liquid that didn't look good at first glance.

He shook his head towards several musicians who had gathered around them, and they were obviously malicious. The expressions of the musicians twitched and their steps stopped in place.

And in the midst of the fierce dispute, all the musicians were fighting in a mess. One musician's eyes were red with anger, and he took out a dagger and stabbed a competitor in the back. The competitor fell down, but he was also stunned. He stood on the spot, a beam of iron light spurted out from his throat, and with a flexible movement, his head fell to the ground.

Violators die.

And while several musicians were fighting each other, the spine of the saint, who was coveted by most of the people in the body, was lifted up by the air waves, rolled through an arc in the air, and fell outside.

Then it fell squarely into someone's hands.

It's like a coincidence.

"What a blessing."

Facing everyone's astonished eyes, Colt, who had been standing there beforehand, sighed softly and effortlessly folded a section of his spine.

While everyone was looking at him in astonishment, he looked at the white-haired boy at the other end of the crowd without leaving any trace.

The young man stood there, looking at the group of people snatching the precious remains of the saints, and just smiled and stood with his hands tied. Just like there is no coveting of the saint’s body.

In his waist bag, a round outline was propped up.

A strand of burnt hair was exposed at the buckle.

The most precious part of the saint's remains, the skull of true knowledge, had unknowingly fallen into his possession.

Each part of the saint's body has different uses according to the field in which the saint was good at during his lifetime and the scepter.

For example, the fingers worn by some saints can provide the ability to breathe underwater and survive in the deep sea. Some saints can become nearly immortal by transplanting their hearts into their own bodies.

The only thing that is the same among all the saints' remains is their heads. The head with the chapter of destiny and all spirituality engraved on it is called the head of true knowledge. It can only be used once, but if the school matches, you can use the remaining power of the saint to gain a mysterious experience.

Peel away the fog of reality and get a glimpse of the true face of the etheric sea. And just after this experience, the user has gained most of the saint's insights during his lifetime, and has made great strides in music theory and cognition, getting closer and closer with each passing day.

For Ye Qingxuan, magical alchemy equipment and various special abilities are far less than the growth of his own strength. If used properly, it is not impossible to defeat the seven questions of the musician and advance to resonance.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan put away the treasure and pushed it away with a calm expression, Colt did not point out that he was carrying a treasure, but just said lightly: "I didn't force you to reveal your trump card. It seems that you hide it better than me." Think even deeper.”

In response, Ye Qingxuan just smiled slightly, and his smile was meaningful.

"Try a few more times, there is always hope."

There's hope!

There is no such thing as a trump card in the first place! It’s amazing that you can force it out! You want the trump card? No, I have a whistle given to me by a psychopath master. Do you want it? Take it!

Soon, after a fierce struggle, everyone took turns to use their wits and tricks, and finally divided up the saint's remains.

Samuel called Barlow and handed him his trophies. After whispering a few words to Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan nodded, and then he passed out with a look in his eyes.

Next to him, Miller had prepared various potions and music in turn and applied them to him for emergency treatment. Seventy percent of his body was severely burned, he suffered severe blood loss and was exhausted...

The incarnation of the Holy Spirit also comes at a price, especially since Samuel has just been promoted to the resonance level and is too unfamiliar with this power that can distort reality.

The more powerful the power, the more difficult it is to control, the more terrifying the movement, and the more serious the consequences will be if it loses control.

One wrong note can cause devastating disaster.

Barlow summoned a bear and carried Samuel on his back, with the invisible Feilian watching over him. He looked at Ye Qingxuan: "What should we do next?"

Ye Qingxuan turned around and looked at the door to the underworld that was opened a little behind him.

"Next, we have to see what's inside..."

At the gate of Hades, in front of the narrow gap, Colt, Torre and Ye Qingxuan, who walked over slowly, stood in front of the door, looking at each other.

But no one took a step forward.

The remains of the saints alone are so difficult to deal with. If you walk in the door and see the remains of six saints crawling out of the coffins... wouldn't it be worse!

Although this possibility is unlikely, who knows if it is possible?

In silence, Colt looked at Ye Qingxuan with a smile: "You invite me first?"

According to the rules, Ye Qingxuan should go in first, go first and pick first, and any loot he finds will be his. But since the benefits are your own, there is no need to worry at this time.

He thought for a moment and looked at Torre: "You first?"

Torre smiled, but held his sleeping brother in his arms without moving. Instead, he looked at Colt: "Come on."

After going around in a circle, he came back here again, but Colt was not surprised. Instead, he seemed to have expected it.

Among the three, he is the best at observation. If it were him, he would definitely know whether there was any danger behind the door. Therefore, neither of them could rule out that there was actually nothing behind the door, and that Colt was simply putting on a show to scare them.

Hearing what they said, Colt just smiled, stopped prevaricating, and walked toward the door.

The thin figure disappeared into the darkness, and there was no echo.

There was a long silence.

Logically speaking, when Colt walked in, he should say hello regardless of whether he discovered something or not, but there was no response for such a long time, which made people have some bad suspicions.

Just when Ye Qingxuan and Torre were looking at each other, an angry roar suddenly came from behind the door.

It's Colt.

The roar was like a roar that was about to go crazy after losing one's mind, with a kind of uncontrollable confusion and hysteria.

Ye Qingxuan and Torre were stunned for a moment, then rushed into the darkness behind the door.

Soon, they saw Colt.

He stood in the darkness, his eyes dark and angry, and veins popped up on the back of his hand holding the wooden stick. It was the first time that Ye Qingxuan saw him so out of control. Even the ether fluctuations could not be restrained. If this was in the black area, he would have exploded due to the backlash of music theory.

Ye Qingxuan frowned, looked around, and then froze.

Torre also looked around, silent, only his expression changed. After a long time, he sighed: "The machine is exhausted." He turned and left.

In the darkness, Ye Qingxuan stared at everything he observed in the eyes of silence. After a long time, he stretched out his hand, took out the torch from his arms, lit it, and held it high.

The light lit up and swept inch by inch through the dark hall behind the gate as Ye Qingxuan's footsteps moved.

The walls are full of majestic murals depicting the Kingdom of Heaven. After thousands of years, they have gradually lost their color and become mottled. The face of the angel in the mural has been blurred. When he looks down at the visitor, his eyes are subtle and hazy, as if he is staring at the present from the long past.

Amidst the countless dust and cobwebs, eleven huge statues of gods stood in the hall. The eleven main gods from the Pantheon of Romulus have been standing like this for thousands of years, and they are already dilapidated.

This place is like a lost temple, dilapidated and decayed, and no one has worshiped it for many years.

Under the statues of the gods, there is an altar of fire, but the holy fire in the altar has long been extinguished, leaving only a gray embers. Next to the fire altar, the firekeeper's chair has been slightly decayed, and you can vaguely see the saint's body sitting upright.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

There were no noble cemeteries as expected, no difficulties and obstacles, not even spiders or mosquitoes. There is only such an empty temple.

The silence makes people feel desolate.

There is no longer any way.

The underground palace has come to an end here.

"So, what's going on?"

Ye Qingxuan stared blankly at the huge broken statue in front of him. After a long time, he dropped the torch and looked at Colt: "Did you find any other clues like a secret passage or a secret room?"

Colt looked back at him, a hint of mockery in his dark eyes.

"What would happen to me if I found out?"

Who knows? A scheming bitch like you can do anything...

Of course, this kind of words can only be muttered in the stomach, and Colt may immediately fall out when he says it. But even though he still had the energy to curse and joke, Ye Qingxuan's heart couldn't help but sink.

According to the observation of the Eye of Silence, there is no dark room or secret passage, nor any mezzanine. There is nothing behind the mural. Ye Qingxuan reached out and cut off two pieces, and found that there was only loess behind. There is no information left on the picture.

The ground is flat, and like the statue, it is cut directly from the rock layer.

He reached out and took out the broken "ground probe" picked up from the underground palace, poked the ground twice, and found that hundreds of meters below here are dense rock layers, without any gaps.

In other words, there is really nothing to hide here.

Then, the question is...

Ye Qingxuan fell into deep thought.

——Where did the King of Yellow go?

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