Crown of Silence

Chapter 367: Obstacles of Knowledge and Perception

Chapter 368 Obstacles of Knowledge and Perception

Five days

For five whole days, there were no clues or progress.

The angry musicians searched the entire underground palace, pushed down and smashed the statues one by one, and almost opened the lids of every coffin, but they didn't find even a hair of clues.

The Yellow King was not found, but dozens of yellow shrouds were found, enough for everyone to use as blankets at night. Some musicians were still looking for clues very carefully, while many musicians with poor patience had given up and said goodbye to go home, or simply fought in the underground palace, almost fighting their brains out.

But there were still no clues in the trial.

The Yellow King continued to "evaporate from the world", disappearing strangely and abnormally, which always made people feel absurd and abnormal.

Time passed day by day, and autumn was about to end and winter was about to come. The north wind gradually rose, and the temperature in Auschwitz was getting lower and lower.

Many people have changed into winter clothes.

In the sky, gloomy clouds condensed, brewing a heavy snow, and it was difficult to see the sun.

In this depressing atmosphere, many people have lost the motivation to continue searching, or they are impatient and do something exaggerated.

From the beginning to the end, after returning from the underground palace, Colt has been locking himself in the library of the cult, rarely going out, and even his teammates gradually stopped contacting.

And in the library, among the countless scattered books, Colt with disheveled hair silently flipped through the records one by one, trying to find any clues from them.

However, it was in vain.

After flipping through the excavation records for the fifth time without any gains, he closed the books expressionlessly, and the books turned into dust in the angry ether fluctuations and fell from his hands.

In the end, the white ashes fell into the messy records on the ground, and they could no longer be distinguished from each other.

"That group of Romulans..."

A cold light flashed in his narrowed eyes: "They must have hidden some important clues!"

Unfortunately, the Holy City has expressly forbidden any musicians to attack this group of Romulan survivors, otherwise Colt would never have wasted time until now.

He thought silently, his eyes changing, looking for some way to pry open the mouths of those Romulan people.

Unfortunately, Caligula is a shrewd old man, who is impervious to water. He takes drugs and drinks every day, and lives a hellish life where it is not uncommon to die tomorrow. He is obviously the most resistant to treatment among these refugees who have given up treatment.

If it is not done well, it may backfire.

If a riot is provoked, I am afraid that the Holy City will directly order the Rock Iron Academy to be completely reorganized and pay the price for it.

The Pope of this generation is not a merciful person. His ruthlessness is almost as ruthless as the fifth Pope who re-sealed the Dragon of Doom in the previous generation. He never shows mercy to anyone who dares to disobey the orders of the Holy City.

While thinking silently, the ring on his finger suddenly flickered.

His eyes lit up, and he took out a pot of water from his arms and poured it out. The water did not fall to the ground, but flowed in the air in a gentle movement, forming an extremely thin water mirror.

The water mirror is just a layer of medium, and its essence is actually a projection of the scepter from the etheric world.

Thousands of miles away, the "torch light" covering the entire Rock Iron Academy cast light into his mirror, and also built a connection between him and thousands of miles away.

Soon, a vague figure emerged in the water mirror.

He said, "Mr. Colt, there is a clue to what you are investigating."

In the north, above the permafrost of Asgard, the Rock Iron Academy stands high on the top of the mountains, carved out of the iron-rich rocks.

It is one of the highest places in the world and closest to the stars.

There is the oldest school of revelation in the world, the source of all "star musicians" - the "Secret Keeper". And Colt's teacher Heisenberg is one of the masters.

For thousands of years, the Secret Keeper has obtained signs of the future from the deepest part of the stars and listened to the voices from the earth. Under the guidance and promotion of several generations of masters, there are informants who provide information to the Secret Keeper in almost every place in the world. They continuously provide intelligence and secrets to the Secret Keeper, pushing the Secret Keeper School towards the legendary "omniscience" little by little.

As Heisenberg's disciple and future successor, Colt naturally has the authority to use this huge intelligence network to work for himself.

And now, after several days of silence, the feedback from the informants finally arrived.

In response, Colt just nodded.


"Ye Qingxuan, a member of the Music History Department of the Royal Anglian Conservatory of Music."

The man in the mirror said: "In the Anglian Conservatory of Music, which emphasizes background and knowledge, he entered the school with an unprecedented full score in the written examination, which can be said to be unprecedented.

Because of his own qualifications, he was considered a shame of the academy, but those who provoked him disappeared in the academy without exception.

In this year's academy trial, he fought against the entire academy alone, and won the first place, while allowing another senior who was recognized as a loser to graduate with the highest score of the year...

In just half a year, he went from nothing to something, from an entry-level apprentice to the current formal musician, and even has the hope of reaching the resonance level in a short period of time.

His teacher Abraham is a scholar who has laid the foundation for the greatest discovery in the ancient history community in decades by deciphering the Voynich Scroll.

At the same time, you should have heard about the plagiarism case.

According to the investigation, he played a major role in it.

In order to avenge the plagiarism, he drove Ingmar, the coach of the Revelation Branch, crazy, and Ingmar died in a mental hospital two months later. The cause of death was unknown, just like all those who had offended him.

Among them, Gavin's younger brother Banner. Gavin had a grudge with Ye Qingxuan because of this, and was framed by him, and the entire Adrian family fell in the political purge of Anglu last year...

According to our investigation, when he set off, the one who saw him off was the second princess of Anglu, the future queen... He had a close relationship with the royal family of Anglu.

And according to the investigation of the informant, there is a rumor that when he entered the Royal Academy of Music, the recommendation letter came from the contemporary... King of Blue? "

After reading it, the figure in the mirror also felt that this sentence was too ridiculous and was amused. But Colt did not laugh, but was silent for a long time, and his expression gradually became gloomy.

"I know. "

Colt raised his eyes and asked: "Teacher, what do you think about the whereabouts of the Yellow King?"

The man in the mirror replied: "According to the master's speculation, the Holy City may have known the whereabouts of the Yellow King for a long time, but has been unwilling to announce it. He did not understand the meaning of the Holy City in this musician trial, but the final result is nothing more than using your hands to announce the whereabouts of the Yellow King to the world, or to completely bury this matter. "

Colt pondered for a moment and nodded:

"I know."

He raised his hand and was about to cancel the water mirror, but heard the voice of the man in the mirror: "The master has another word for you, he hopes you can listen carefully."

Colt was stunned for a moment and raised his head.

The man in the mirror looked at him, his voice cold:

"The master said: Since you want to achieve the results of the trial, then Ye Qingxuan is your enemy. If you can't beat Ye Qingxuan, don't mention the stupid words of inheriting the mantle.

-I would rather the school be terminated in my hands than to be destroyed in the hands of incompetent people. "

After a long silence, Colt nodded.

"I know."

He just said: "Please tell the teacher: I know."

The water mirror dissipated.

In the silence, Colt lowered his head silently, staring at the yellowed books under his feet, hiding his eyes in the darkness.


At noon, the caravan in the distance reluctantly stepped onto the wasteland and trekked dozens of kilometers to Auschwitz.

Near the gate, the long-deserted market finally rang with shouts again. However, most caravans are unwilling to come to such a ghost place. There are not many people and not much money. The things they sell are some unprofitable things such as food, meat and salt. So many people have made a lot of money in a trip. The money earned from selling a piece of silk may not be as high as the profit from selling a piece of silk.

If the Holy City had not issued a tax exemption order for the caravan in order to take care of Auschwitz, I am afraid that no one would come here at all.

And in the midst of the hustle and bustle, there was a white-haired young man lying on the best stall and sleeping, basking in the sun, and smelling so sweet that it was outrageous.

In the caravan coming and going, someone seemed to have sensed something, raised his hand, lifted the curtain behind the carriage, and stopped after his eyes swept over the young man.

His eyes were meaningful.

"What's wrong? "The companion in the car asked.

The man retracted his gaze and lowered the curtain.

In the dim carriage, the hooded man said lightly: "I don't know why, I really want to kill him..."


For some reason, his thoughts were interrupted.

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes, sighed in frustration, looked at the carriages coming in and out in the distance, yawned, and then turned over and continued to sleep.

With his eyes closed, he seemed to be able to see the chapter of fate that was like the scorching sun.

As for the understanding of that chapter of fate, I am afraid that no one knows it better than him except the dead saint. He turned into moonlight, immersed in it, and got up to experience every change of the magnificent movement.

Countless notes make up the interval, the intervals fit each other, follow the music theory, and evolve into incredible miracles. Huge and delicate, exquisite and magnificent... Every time I think about it, it makes people feel awe.

Ye Qingxuan has no doubt that if his ability is sufficient in the future, the movement of "Moonlight" will be able to become like that when it is fully unfolded. In fact, after this experience of integrating into the Chapter of Fate, his understanding of music theory has risen a lot.

The Chapter of Fate is the condensation of the soul of the musician, the crystallization of life, experience, character... and everything.

Integrating into it is no different from a saint opening everything to him without reservation and letting him learn. If it weren't for the obstruction of the "barrier of knowledge and insight", I'm afraid Ye Qingxuan would be able to promote resonance on the spot.

In the end, Ye Qingxuan did not make up his mind to give up his own path, bypass the obstruction of the barrier of knowledge and insight, and directly borrow the power of the Chapter of Fate to break through the resonance.

If that were the case, if Laura knew that such a disappointing guy would definitely be hanged on the traitor's door.

But, what should I do?

Helplessly, Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and stared blankly at the sun in the sky.

After a long accumulation, he finally encountered... the evil ghost that will appear on the road of every musician, the eternal shadow, the unbreakable high wall...

The barrier of knowledge and insight!

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