Crown of Silence

Chapter 368: Knowledge and Insight

Chapter 369 Where the Knowledge and Insights are

For the first time, Ye Qingxuan experienced the frustration of not being able to move forward no matter how hard he tried.

Although it was not serious enough to constitute a blow, it was foreseeable that after being stuck for three or four years, he would be in a crazy predicament.

So many musicians would not hesitate to fall to the ground to break this high wall that blocked the road.

In the face of it, you must pay all the price and have the determination to give up everything, otherwise you must be prepared to never move forward again in this life.

Ye Qingxuan sighed, closed his eyes, stretched out his palm to the sky, and soft notes sounded as his fingertips pressed down.

So, he saw that the fog gradually dissipated, and the invisible sea of ​​ether gradually revealed in front of him that it was so huge that it filled the entire world.

Compared with it, his existence was so small that it could not even be called dust.

And in this little dust, there was gradually a faint sense extending out, heading towards the depths of the sea of ​​ether.

Ye Qingxuan could sense that four roads were slowly unfolding in front of him.

The four roads, long or short, led to four different directions, representing the four factions he controlled.

One of them seemed like countless stars gathered and moved, illuminating the fog for him and faintly pointing out the direction of the end. This was the music theory road of the Revelation School.

A vague, phantom-like road, which seemed to exist and not exist, was the road of the Illusion School.

A road extended from his feet, circling upwards, and countless blurred faces emerged, staring at him, as if full of infinite magic, bewitching him to move forward and go to the end.

This was the School of Mind.

And the last road, which was also the longest and most solid one, extended from his body, leading to the sky, firmly extending upwards, inch by inch to approach the core of all things.

This was the Forbidden School, and it was also the school that Ye Qingxuan currently mastered the most.

He could feel that, just a little bit away, just a tiny bit away, his consciousness could pass through the musician's path, enter the core of the etheric sea, and then project into the etheric world, rivet the origin for himself, resonate with the world, and step into the resonance level.

Only a line away.

But this line is as long as the abyss.

Ye Qingxuan knew that if he could not break through the barrier of his own knowledge and views, he would never be able to cross that line of distance.

That's why he felt upset.

If there was a way to easily cross it, would the barrier of knowledge and views still be called the barrier of despair?

There are only a few people who can cross this barrier with their own strength among so many musicians in the world. The cost of borrowing the Holy Spirit or falling is too small, so small that it is so easy to be driven crazy by the difficulties in front of you.

Ye Qingxuan withdrew his induction and opened his eyes again.

"Is it time to eat?"

He talked to himself, touched his stomach, and his stomach growled with hunger.

He still entered a state of doing nothing. During the day, when he was free, he would visit Elder Caligula's house to discuss classics and history, and gossip about family matters.

He did learn a lot about the ancient history of Romulus and the banned drugs that the elders gave him to get high. Ye Qingxuan kept the former in mind, and threw the latter directly into the trash can after leaving.

Other than that, he gained nothing.

Occasionally, he would go to the church to see if the priest had any research results on viruses.

As for the Yellow King? He had long forgotten about it. Anyway, he didn't go out for the reward from His Holiness the Pope.

Just as he was tossing and turning on the recliner, wondering whether to eat scones or some dry food for lunch, a shadow fell on his face.

"Oh, are you still basking in the sun?"

The white-haired elder from the East bent over and looked at him, smiling.

"Mr. Hu, are you taking a walk again?"

Ye Qingxuan stood up, asked him to sit down, and poured him a cup of coffee brewed on the small stove next to him.

"I call this a stroll."

Mr. Hu held the quilt and sighed: "It turns out that I really like walking. When I was studying with my teacher, my teacher told me that if I was in a bad mood or couldn't make a decision, I should go out for a walk."

"Is it useful?"

"Maybe it is useful?"

Mr. Hu scratched his head: "Once, my teacher went to meet the emperor. After returning, he was confused and took me for a walk. Starting from the imperial capital, he walked west for ten years and then walked back slowly.

In the end, the teacher finally figured it out."

Ye Qingxuan was very curious , I don't know what the problem is that made Mr. Hu's teacher think about it for more than ten years before he figured it out:

"What happened later?"

"What happened later?" Mr. Hu shrugged: "Then he died, I took his ashes back to the imperial capital, he was worshipped in Lingyan Tower, and now, many years have passed."


Ye Qingxuan didn't know what to say, he could only grunt for a long time and sighed: "The East is really magical."

"Yes, it's a good place."

Mr. Hu took out his thin pipe, skillfully stuffed tobacco into it, lit it, took two deep puffs, and exhaled a puff of green smoke. When he did this, he squatted on the ground, not like a teacher who was a role model, but like an old farmer who was taking time off and was lazy, smoking happily and comfortably.

"Hey, kid." He suddenly asked, "Have you ever thought about going to the East?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment and shook his head.

"You should go there."

Mr. Hu glanced at his white hair and said, "Otherwise it would be a pity."

The young man was silent for a moment and couldn't help scratching his head:

"Sir, there is nothing to regret. People like me can only do a few things - if they are done well, everything will be fine, if they are not done well, everything will be over.

But now, these things I should do alone have kept me busy, so how can I have the energy to think about things in the East?"

"...Have you ever thought that there is something waiting for you there?"

Ye Qingxuan thought about it and shook his head:


Mr. Hu nodded and suddenly laughed softly.

"That's it." He let out a long breath and stood up with a sense of relief: "This is actually quite good."

He nodded and said goodbye, and when he was about to leave, he was stopped by Ye Qingxuan.

"Mr. Hu, you are a big shot in the Imperial College, and you must have your own opinions on music theory, right?"

Mr. Hu looked at him puzzledly and nodded.

So, the young man smiled happily, rubbed his hands and came up:

"I have a question, can I ask you?"

Half an hour later, in a secluded corner of the hotel lobby.

"I see."

After listening to Ye Qingxuan's confusion and current predicament, Mr. Hu nodded, thinking.

Soon, he asked seriously: "Ye Qingxuan, have you ever thought about the origin of the world? How are all things generated and evolved?"

"No." Ye Qingxuan shook his head.

"The nature of time and space, the laws of nature, and whether the soul exists?"

"I don't know."

"The relationship between man and the world?"

"I haven't thought about it."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head straightforwardly, but Mr. Hu looked at him with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to expose his disguise: "Have you never thought about it, or don't want to think about it?"


Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, and his expression froze. After a long time, he scratched his head awkwardly: "What do you mean, sir?"

"'The metaphysical is called Tao, and the physical is called instrument'. This is the ancient Eastern interpretation of the path of musicians, that is, the outside and the inside. The seven systems of musicians can be distinguished by this.

If I am not mistaken..."

He reached out and held Ye Qingxuan's pulse gate, three fingers lightly touched it, sensing the boy's heartbeat, and his expression suddenly realized:

"Are there any prohibitions for revelation, mental appearance, illusion, and so on? It is true... Ye Qingxuan, how long have you not had a dream?"


Ye Qingxuan was confused: "I have it every day..."

He stopped talking.

It was not until now that he realized that he seemed to have not dreamed for a long time.

I don't know when I stopped dreaming, and I can't remember any dreams. Looking back now, he only remembered that a long time ago, the man said to himself in a dream, go to the end of the dream...

Thinking of this, his expression suddenly dimmed, and he forced a smile: "What does this have to do with my knowledge barrier?"

"That's your problem."

Mr. Hu fiddled with the thin pipe in his hand and asked lightly: "Ye Qingxuan, in addition to focusing on the forbidden way of ether, you have also practiced almost all the "ways of self", but your self has deviated from reality.

You have actually noticed this a long time ago, right?"

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

But what Mr. Hu said was right.

He may have noticed something wrong with him a long time ago, but he couldn't say where it was.

"So, you feel that you are out of tune with so many musicians.

Because you never feel that you are from the same world as them, and you lack the sense of being a musician. So many people come and go in mediocrity, but you are like a bystander in the middle, unable to fit in.

- Just like a zebra can't find a home among black horses and white horses."

Mr. Hu stared at him with pity and sympathy.

"Ye Qingxuan, if one day you find that this world is completely different from what you think, what will you do?"


Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and was speechless.

Mr. Hu stood up and said goodbye, patting him on the shoulder:

"- Your knowledge barrier is here."


Late at night, in the room, Ye Qingxuan finally woke up from his meditation.

To be honest, he really had no way to deal with this. If this problem was his knowledge barrier, then he really couldn't find some clues to solve it.

"So, I can only rely on you?"

He looked up at the table in front of him. On the table was a decayed head with dark eye sockets, as if it contained the original darkness of the universe and all the unknowable secrets.

——The head of true knowledge.


It's the end of the month before I know it. Friends, please give me some monthly tickets. I think this ranking is a bit dangerous.

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