Crown of Silence

Chapter 409 Awakening from a Dream

Chapter 410 Awakening from Dream

The moment the door to heaven opened, Paganini was too busy to take care of himself.

He mobilized all his strength to fight against the sword of divine punishment falling from the sky, including the Clothes of Original Sin.

As the carrier of the dark side of his personality, the Clothes of Original Sin can be said to form part of Paganini's body, which carries his evil thoughts and greed, and is tantamount to the body's organs and spare body.

In an instant, the 'infinite motion' ritual unfolded, and the power of the witch's dance was superimposed thousands of times, pushing it to an unprecedented peak.

The Dance of the Witches and the Sword of Divine Punishment collide.

Destruction broke out from that moment.

At the same time, Ye Qingxuan rushed towards the sword in the stone on the ground like an evil dog. At the moment when the torrent was about to swallow him, he barely touched the hilt of the sword.

Just the hilt is enough.

At that moment, Xiao Yuan, who was riddled with holes, was stimulated again, like a crazy horse pulling a broken carriage with foaming at the mouth, and began to run almost self-destructively. Following the Sword in the Stone, it reactivated the twelve must-dos. Wins the Golden Chapter.

The realm of heaven on earth is reestablished.

In a hurry, it can hardly be called a glorious 'Kingdom of Heaven'. The small and simple realm is more like a rough shelter.

Immediately afterwards, there was an earth-shattering shock, and the fierce light engulfed everything.

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes, put away all his senses, held the sword in the stone tightly, protected Elsa in his arms, and tried his best to maintain the realm of heaven on earth.

In just an instant, the small source, with the blood as its veins and the heart as its core, cracked open and cracks opened. The hot blood mixed with the brilliance of the moon spurted out from the pores, dyeing the shelter blood red.

A sad rift appeared in the kingdom of heaven on earth, which was quickly and reluctantly closed.

For the first time, he forgot everything and devoted himself entirely to the music theory of the Forbidden School, desperately repairing this small area. This was tens of millions of times more pressure than in the 'Naka Crystal Nest'. Just one second of support made him feel like he was about to be completely destroyed and evaporated.

In a daze, he had lost consciousness, but his body still continuously activated the Sword in the Stone, repairing the realm of heaven on earth over and over again.

I don’t know how long it took before the aftermath of the destruction disappeared.

He woke up from his drowsiness, and his eyes were dark.

But there was a vague laughter in his ears, and the crazy sound woke him up from his deep sleep. The strength he used from nowhere made him tighten the hilt of the sword and stab it in that direction.



What caught his eye was Paganini's astonished face.

Ye Qingxuan smiled.

Even if he is dying.

"How could you..."

Paganini murmured in shock: "...still alive?"

A crisp cracking sound sounded from his body, like burnt pottery, with cracks spreading from the point where the sword blade penetrated. The animalistic music theory contained in the Twelve Paths of Victory Golden Chapter turned into fierce poison, like the last straw that broke the camel's back, pushing his "prototype body" that he had painstakingly recast to complete destruction.

Abandoning the human body, suffering in the abyss, and gathering music theory, this "perfect body" created by hundreds of years of hard work even survived the judgment at the gate of heaven when it was still in its embryonic form.

But was destroyed by such an easy sword?


Destroyed again at the hands of the same person!

His face twitched, the last trace of elegance and calmness was trampled to pieces, leaving only madness and ferocity, and the long-lost anger once again occupied his will.

Even if this body is about to collapse.

"Ye Qingxuan!"

The broken palm suddenly hit his face, and Ye Qingxuan's body rolled backwards like a broken bag.

Paganini gritted his teeth, and regardless of the rapid collapse of his body, he stepped forward quickly, raised his soles, and stepped on his face, his eyes full of cruelty.

"You think I'm going to die like this?

Don't worry, it doesn't matter even if this body collapses, I can spend more time making another one! "

Spend some effort?

The word is an understatement, but everyone knows what a price this has to pay for Paganini. It also made his face become more ferocious.

"Thanks to you, my strength is no longer enough to take you into the abyss. Do you feel relieved?"

"Don't be happy too early."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Qingxuan screamed.

In his hands, the broken Clothes of Original Sin turned into a pitch-black sword blade and penetrated Ye Qingxuan's shoulder. Blood spattered on his pale face, making the broken face even more ugly:

"I have a solution to this problem."

"If there's no way to bring the whole thing back, it's just as well to take the head back, right?"

Paganini smiled evilly, clenched the blade of the sword, and aimed it at Ye Qingxuan's neck, as if searching for the place to strike, but at that moment, Ye Qingxuan raised his groggy eyes and looked at him.

Staring at his ferocious face.

Paganini stiffened.

In a daze, he saw the dim moonlight flashing past in his pupils, and in the moonlight, there was a vague and distant silhouette.

That figure seemed familiar, extremely familiar.

It's as ethereal as an illusion.

"Ye Lanzhou? It turns out it's you..."

At that moment, the shadow in the moonlight turned back and glanced at Paganini, his eyes indifferent, full of regret and pity. It was like looking at a mad dog.

regret? mercy?

Paganini was furious: Why regret it! Why pity!

"You are already dead! You have rotted in the coffin for a long time!" He roared towards the boy's dimmed eyes: "Why should you have mercy on me! The set of tricks you left behind cannot fool me!"

No one responded.

Maybe what he just saw was just an illusion, but he didn't want to believe it.

"Come out, Ye Lanzhou!"

He roared angrily and looked around: "I know you are here! You arranged all this, right? Don't you have a trump card at all times! Get out! Come and kill me! Just like you did when you played tricks on me ! Don’t you always want to prove your innocence? Don’t you want to forget your wife until you die?

come! get out! Kill me, and you can beg for mercy from the Holy City like a dog! "

Still no one responded.

Ye Lanzhou is dead a long time ago, or in other words, he no longer bothers to take his own life?

Paganini looked blankly at this silent and broken world, and at the iron whales slowly approaching in the sky. Black spots were scattered on the iron whales, and there was a whistling sound in the distance.

The Knights Templar are approaching.

He had no time to hesitate.

But when he lowered his head and looked into Ye Qingxuan's eyes: he finally saw clearly that there was no moonlight in those empty pupils, only his own reflection.

A face like a mad dog.

Hateful appearance.

That little insignificant reflection was reminding him of his ridiculous appearance.

In order to pursue music theory, they abandon their status as saints and fall into the abyss. They are complacent and noble, but they are willing to fall. At some point, it turned into such a ridiculous face.

You have already lost.

In his heart, a mocking voice sounded: Why are you still lying to yourself? Paganini.

You have many excuses to explain all this, but you have completely lost this game, defeated by a small official musician.

Even the dignity was not left.

He stared blankly at Ye Qingxuan's face, as if looking at him or someone very similar to him. In the end, he covered his face and laughed. The laughter was bitter and crazy, like You are laughing at yourself.

"In the end, you still win."

Paganini murmured softly and dropped the sword. The madness and ferocity on his face gradually faded away, and in the end, only a heart-stopping calm remained.

He lifted Ye Qingxuan's neck and looked at his pale face.

Ye Qingxuan also raised his eyes with difficulty and looked at him.

"You win, Ye Qingxuan."

Paganini said frankly, without any covering up, his voice was gloomy and calm, not crazy: "I admit, you played with me like a mouse, making even a scum like me who has fallen into the abyss feel unprecedented shame. "

“This was a battle full of love, hard work and victory.

Justice fought against evil, and love and peace defeated greed and fighting. There is no flaw or shortcoming at all, and it can almost be recorded in the annals of history. What happens today will become a memorable event in your life..."

He paused, and his eyes became cruel, as if watching a child playing with fire from a distance:

"——It's a pity that you are dreaming."

He lowered his head, looked at Elsa beside him in the ruins, and said in a cold voice: "What do you think you are doing? From beginning to end, all the sacrifices you have made are meaningless, they are just wishful thinking and self-righteousness.

Even if you defeat me, even if you try your best to save her... Do you think she will have the so-called future and happiness? Or do you think the world will be what you want? "

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan understood what he meant, so it was terrifying!

"Stop living in a dream, Ye Qingxuan."

He threw Ye Qingxuan to the ground, looked down at his fearful look, and smiled. That smile was like looking at a bubble that was about to burst, full of cold malice.

"——It's time to wake up."

Amidst the clanging sound of iron armor in the distance, his body was broken bit by bit, but in the broken body, a narrow gap leading to the abyss opened. The gap swallowed him, and he sank into the abyss and passed away.

Ye Qingxuan was left lying on the ground, trembling because of the malice in those words.

Rescue has arrived, but why am I so scared?

Blood flowed from the wound on the shoulder, taking away body heat.

Maybe the fire went out?

Therefore, the body becomes bone-chilling little by little.

Even his lungs and heart trembled in the sudden cold, as frightened as a child about to be thrown into the ice and snow.

The sound of iron boots came from afar, gradually. The harsh sound finally woke him up from his dream, causing him to use all his strength to raise his hands and crawl forward with difficulty.

Little by little, a trail of blood was smeared on the ground.


Those cold stone faces stared at him, admiring his embarrassed look, and the corners of his incomplete mouth seemed to be smiling. His pale fingers, stained with blood, pressed on those faces, leaving traces of pain.

Ye Qingxuan crawled over, moving forward bit by bit.


He stared at the sleeping girl in the distance.

As if she had experienced a long dream, the sleeping girl woke up from her dream, opened her eyes, and had no idea where she was and who she was.

She stared at Ye Qingxuan blankly, looking at this strange young man, not understanding why he was in so much pain, nor why the look in his eyes when he looked at her... was so sad.

"Run, Elsa!"

Ye Qingxuan looked into her eyes, and his broken vocal cords made a distorted voice: "Run! They are coming..."

Heavy footsteps approached, and the sharp sound of a sword being unsheathed came. Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and couldn't help crying cowardly tears: "They are here... to kill you!"

"Ye Qingxuan?"

The iron boots stopped in front of him, and the priest in a sad red cloak lowered his head, his face as stern as iron.

On their chests, they wear the blood-colored holy emblem, and on the arm armor on the back of their hands is the emblem of the 'Hammer of Punishment' - this is the 'Hammer of the Witch', a secret institution directly affiliated with the Doctrine Department of the Order. Heraldry.

These armored priests are known as the Inquisitors, the elite remaining after the disintegration of the Inquisition. They are responsible for examining the thoughts of each priest to ensure that their beliefs are pure and firm and will not be tainted by the temptations from the abyss. If necessary, the guilty will be burned at the stake.

Even among the Knights Templar, they have a secret presence to ensure that the Knights can implement the will of the Holy City at critical moments. Not disturbed by foreign objects.

Now, the priest bent down, took out a pair of dark handcuffs, and put them on Ye Qingxuan's wrists: "According to reports, you are suspected of betraying your compatriots and communicating with demons during the trial, and you are now being detained for investigation."

Around him, the priests' bloody cloaks opened a gap, revealing the cold palms holding the sword hilts.

"——If you dare to resist, you will be killed on the spot."

Ye Qingxuan raised his head blankly and looked at the pair of handcuffs in front of him, but his eyes passed through the handcuffs and the crowd, looking in the direction of Elsa.

There, the priests who whispered for orders finally received a response and nodded slightly:


So, without any hesitation, they pulled out the red-hot sword blades in their scabbards and pointed them at the ignorant girl in front of them.

"In the name of the sacred city established by all nations..."

The priest solemnly declared, carrying out the belated judgment:

"Purify the demon!"

At that moment, there was a broken sound.

This was followed by painful screams and the boy's angry roar, like a lion's roar.

The moment the handcuffs were put on his wrists, closed and locked, Ye Qingxuan raised his head, his eyes burning with angry moonlight.

The dim moonlight in his heart suddenly lit up, dazzling like the scorching sun, and Xiao Yuan, who had inherited the core music theory of the Great Barrier of Avalon, exploded!

In his body, the blood boils and the moonlight burns!

This is the desperate melody of the Stone Heart School. It reverses the small source and completely activates the ether integrated into the body. At this moment, the musician will break through the shackles of the past and gain unrivaled power.

And the price...fuck the price!

No matter whether Xiao Yuan is broken, whether his heart disappears, or whether he has to give up his life...even if he burns himself to this day, it doesn't matter!

At that moment, his empty body was filled with the frenzied moonlight, and blood boiled and spurted out from his pores, causing his body to swell and his face to be ashen, as ugly as an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

At that moment, the ether attached to the body turned the bones into steel and the flesh into stone. It also transformed him into an inhuman being, into some kind of angry, burning, and about to burst iron!

"Give me……"

He held the iron cuffs tightly, and the wire-like veins on his arms arched:

"——Get away!"


The black iron shackles twisted, deformed, and collapsed in an instant. The broken iron blocks flew out from Ye Qingxuan's palm and were stained silvery white by the moonlight. The silver-white iron was full of murderous intent and flew away through the air.

——Throw the sword!


The raised red blade twisted instantly, and several layers of barriers and shields appeared on the monk holding the sword. Then it was shattered at the same time, and he flew out upside down.

Ye Qingxuan, on the other hand, had already climbed up from the ground, got into the arms of the priest in front of him, and held the hilt of his sword tightly.

The priest looked at his livid and ugly face in astonishment. Ye Qingxuan looked at him, grinning like a devil. The next moment, the sword was unsheathed and shot horizontally!

The blood-clothed Holy Judge subconsciously wanted to block it, but then his arm armor twisted and shattered, and he was thrown out, rolling on the ground and unable to get up.

At the same time, all the priests took action at the same time.

In the Hammer of Witches, all members are selected from active Templar knights and musicians. They not only need to be proficient in swordsmanship, but also must reach the level of official musicians themselves, so that they can not be infected in the process of fighting against the abyss. Transformation.

But now, dozens of blood-clothed priests drew their swords brazenly, and then a familiar melody sounded. First, there was the roar of a majestic horn. Silver-white long awls flew out from the priests' waists, piercing the air and entangled with chains, layer upon layer of restraints.

——Night on the barren mountain!

It's just that none of the priests expected to sense the fire and judgment behind the abyss music theory. The layers of iron chains instantly restrained Ye Qingxuan, but did not damage him at all.

There was never a trace of power from the abyss in him!

The expressions of the priests froze, but in the cage, Ye Qingxuan roared!


The sword that had been taken from the priest was raised and slashed suddenly, shattering the cage that bound him, and the fragments flew out with a sad sound. Bound by countless chains, Ye Qingxuan raised his head and faced the swords of the Judgment Priests with red eyes.

Forward, one step, and another.

collapse! collapse! collapse! collapse!

The young man was like a beast in human form, breaking the chains, tearing apart the restraints, holding the sword tightly, and slashing the sword at the blocker without hesitation.

"Get away!"

The swordsmanship was extremely crude, just using the long sword as an iron rod, without any rules. As long as you got started with swordsmanship, you could parry and block even with your eyes closed.

But the blade of the sword was shrouded in violent lightning, burning everything in its path.

——Eye of Indra!

At the moment of contact, it rushed into the body along the bridge of the sword blade, completely paralyzing the opponent regardless of the priests' fierce counterattack. Then, smash it away!

In his chest and empty heart, the moonlight vibrated, making a loud sound like a thunderous iron drum. There was an invisible river rolling in the loud noise, which shook the sanity of everyone who came close, making their vision black and their thinking sluggish. They were defeated one by one by the arrogance of the crazy young man, no matter how tragic he had left on him. trauma.

In just a few steps, there were already more than a dozen criss-crossing and tragic wounds on his body, stained red by the hot blood.

On the ground, the priest who was first knocked away by him got up from the ground. Regardless of his twisted arms, he raised his head and stared at the frantic back of the young man, his pupils dilated:

"He's crazy!"



Ye Qingxuan had fallen into a trance, but he could still feel the burning rage in his body. Blood and moonlight are the firewood, causing the flame to burn violently, even if the soul is dragged into it.

In a trance, he was like a wild beast, holding the sword and cutting away all the shackles.

In the other hand, he still held the broken straw doll.

In a daze, the girl's playful laughter seemed to sound again, just like that afternoon when the girl squatted in front of him, held her face in her hands, looked at him, and laughed.

Her hair was flaxen, and when the sun shone down, it looked like it was sprinkled with gold.

"I'm looking for someone..."

"Because I'm worried he'll be scared alone."

"I am like this too, so I know that he will be afraid, having nothing, afraid of being alone, and very pitiful."

"I knitted a doll for him and kept him company, so he wouldn't be afraid."

The boy roared.

Blood fell into his mouth, and it tasted sweet.

Ye Qingxuan, she wants to save you...

She doesn’t remember you, but she still remembers that there is someone who is just like her, and a person will be afraid... so she still remembers to make straw dolls for him. In this way, he should be saved, right? No longer lonely, I became happy, even if I didn’t have a home.

So, you must save her!

He roared, and the broken blade suddenly fell down, splitting the last barrier, and squeezed into the arms of the blocker. The bloody hand jammed the wrist holding the sword. He raised his head and slammed forward.


The priest blocking the road fell to the ground, and Ye Qingxuan stepped on his body and staggered forward. Throwing away the twisted blade, he stretched out his hand, wanting to hug the frightened girl.

"Don't be afraid, Elsa."

He struggled to force out a smile, but his livid face looked as ugly as a demon: "It's me, don't be afraid, Elsa, I'll take you home."

Elsa stared at him blankly, but did not resist, just letting the blood-stained man pick her up.

Blood fell from Ye Qingxuan's forehead and landed on her face. She raised her head and stared at the boy's profile, finally distinguishing a familiar outline from it, as if she was waking up from a dream.

"I remembered you..."

She smiled and reached out to touch his cheek.

But Ye Qingxuan's cheeks turned pale and he stumbled to the ground.

The power was quickly leaving him, and he could feel that at that moment, the crazy little source was completely broken, the boiling blood cooled down again, and the moonlight diffused out of the body, flying in the air like a flying butterfly.

Someone came forward, grabbed his head, threw him to the ground, and looked down at him.

In that man's hand, he held a strange-looking dagger, which looked particularly familiar.

It's a 'counterpoint'.

Ye Qingxuan recognized it. Ancient times inspired musicians to forge it to break all barriers. It was the natural enemy of Xiao Yuan. What's more, Xiaoyuan has exceeded the limit of operation and is on the verge of destruction. It is almost on the verge of collapse.

"It's you……"

He raised his head and stared at the familiar man with an angry expression: "Colt?"

"It's rare to see you look so pitiful, Ye Qingxuan."

Colt smiled, stretched out his hand, and patted his face: "You should be lucky that you have a good godfather."

With that said, he stood up and told the priests beside him: "Take him away. Anyway... he is already a cripple."

Ye Qingxuan was dragged up, a needle was pierced into his neck, and tranquilizers and expensive life-sustaining potions were forcibly injected. The chants maintained his life and saved him from facing the same fate as Xiao Yuan.

The three psalmists stood beside him, looking after him as if they were afraid that he would die before the trial began.

He was shackled again and his will was dizzy.

And Colt turned around and walked towards Elsa, holding the 'Reverse' dagger behind his back...


Ye Qingxuan struggled hard, roared, and reached out to hold him. He was desperate. Even if he couldn't move, he frantically wanted to wake up the ladder, but his talent was already difficult to use. He has no price left to pay, and no more leverage.

"Don't kill her!"

He lowered his head, gave his last dignity, and knelt on the ground with tears streaming down his face:

"I beg you……"

Colt pulled Elsa's hair and paused when he heard Ye Qingxuan's voice. He couldn't help but want to laugh, and turned to look at him: "What did you say?"

Ye Qingxuan opened his mouth to speak.

In Colt's hand, the blade wiped Elsa's throat, and blood spurted out.

His smile was stained red with blood.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

He stared blankly at the gentle red color flying in the air, dancing with the broken moonlight. So cruel and beautiful, just like a flower blooming, all the beauty bloomed in an instant.

In an instant, it was gone, taking everything with it.

Elsa fell to the ground.

Losing breath.

She is dead.

It was as if he had fallen asleep again, with a smile still on his lips. Close your eyes gently and fall into a sweet dream, welcoming the arrival of peace. Eternal sleep came and she sank into ultimate bliss.

Thus, this wandering soul found peace.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

Ye Qingxuan screamed and struggled desperately, trying to touch her and wake her up again. But no matter how she called her name, Elsa never responded.

The red priest stepped forward, drew out the hilt of his sword, and struck him on the back of the head.

He paused, fell into a faint, and darkness swallowed him.

"Little Ye Zi, don't be afraid."

That sad voice seemed to sound from the depths of the nightmare again, like a slender palm touching his cheek with cruel tenderness:

"Be strong, little Ye Zi, don't be afraid... don't be afraid..."

"Run, little leaf, run quickly, don't come back here again."

"Because, from now on, you are alone again."


In the darkness, countless memories are surging, broken, and reassembled.

I don't know how long it took, but Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and woke up from the long nightmare. He opened his eyes and saw the pale ceiling and the IV pole. The purple potion hung on it and dripped into his body along the hose to maintain his life.

After a long time, he asked softly:

"Where am I?"

"This is the border of Asgard and you are in the hospital."

By the window, the old Dominic was lying on a chair. When he heard his voice, he opened his eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "The Knights Templar spent a lot of precious materials to protect your life.

Many people came to see you and then left. You woke up too late. "


Ye Qingxuan laughed: "I thought I would be in the dungeon of the Holy City."

"Colt reported to the Order that you colluded with the black musicians and betrayed the human world. Fortunately, many people did not believe it."

Dominic said calmly: "You have a few good friends who helped you clear away the suspicion.

It is said that the Miller family has a lot of energy in the Choral Music School, and they paid a high price to protect you this time. Torre and Casper also contributed a lot. The Gate of Destruction School has accepted your favor, and there are many masters willing to guarantee you. Of course, there is also Bach's disciple, the newly promoted Scepter Wolf Flute, running for you.

Although there was a lot of investigation and evidence collection in the middle, the result was that you were acquitted.

Congratulations, you have regained your innocence. "

"...How long has it been?"

"Five days."


Ye Qingxuan stared blankly at the pale ceiling, and after a long time asked: "Where is Elsa?"

Dominic was silent for a long time and sighed softly: "Didn't you already know that? Dead. Those Romulus people also disappeared, along with that city.

After Elsa died, they all disappeared. "

"Really? I know."

Ye Qingxuan's voice was calm, as if he heard something that had nothing to do with him, and he just asked softly: "Where is Colt? Where is he?"

Dominic thought for a while and replied: "Probably on the way to the Holy City?"

"Holy City?"

"Yes, Holy City. In this trial, only Colt succeeded.

He performed well in the trial and successfully prevented natural disasters and the abyss from destroying the human world. Therefore, he was awarded by the Holy City. He was unparalleled in the limelight and was hailed as a star of tomorrow.

The Holy City is probably still preparing for his canonization ceremony.

However, he announced his separation from Yantie Academy a few days ago. It can be said that he has turned ruthless. It is said that he has completely severed ties with the Keeper School and joined the religious order. Now he has become a holy priest prepared by the Ministry of Doctrine.

His teacher probably wanted to strangle him to death, right?

It's a pity that he is a member of the Holy City now, and no one can do anything to him. "

"Okay, I get it now."

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes, as if falling into a deep sleep.

After a long time, he suddenly said softly:

"Mr. Dominic, I would like to ask you to do me a favor. I have a letter to deliver."

Dominic was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "I can help. Mr. Principal told me before I came here: The Sword in the Stone is the representative of the Anglo royal power. As long as the Sword in the Stone is not used, everything is allowed."

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and looked at him:

"Is everything really allowed?"

Dominic saw his dark eyes.

In a trance, it was like seeing the kingdom of the dead. A sharp edge emerged from the darkness, like lightning that devoured souls.

It's fleeting, but heart-stopping.

So he smiled, stroked his chest and saluted:

"Ye Qingxuan, from the moment you pulled out the Sword in the Stone, you were the sword-holder after Maxwell, the next president of the Royal Academy of Music, and the future Lord Privy Seal of Her Majesty the Queen.

You have nothing to worry or scruple about.

——Go the way you should go, fight the battles you should fight, and keep the way you should keep. From then on, Angelou will ensure that there is a crown of righteousness reserved for you. "


Five days ago, at dawn.

Holy City, Hall of Valor, the long and pleasant conversation is coming to an end.

Hermes got up from the ground.

"That's it for today."

He dusted himself off, turned around, and looked at the empty ceiling: "Thanks, old friend."

"Ever since that bitch Dong Wanggong fell out with me, it's been hard for me to find old friends who see eye-to-eye with me. Thank you to the Holy City for being so kind. Although you still look half-dead, I was able to see you before I left. ,very nice."

Nibelung was silent, and just when he was about to leave, he stopped him.

"One more question, Hermes."

"Huh?" Hermes turned back.

"In this matter, you designed the future path for the Romulus people, and asked the Yellow King to continue their life and bloodline. Although it has failed, I still have a question."

The Nibelungen asked: "Where is the Yellow King? Where has he gone?"

"He's already tired of everything, isn't he?"

Hermes showed a mysterious smile: "You know, your Majesty the Pope should also know. Ever since he broke into the Papal Palace that day and had an argument with the Red King, he has been completely disappointed with everything.

He hates this world, but he has to protect it, so he wants to get as far away from here as possible, as far away as possible...

He has left the Nibelungen.

He wanted 'quiet', so I sent him to a nice place.

Now he is in a very quiet and remote place. Go to sleep when you have time, and when you wake up, look at the world and think about your own life and the meaning of the world.

As far as I know, he quite likes this kind of life. "

"I see."

Nibelungen said: "Thank you."

"No thanks, I'd like to remind you by the way: Don't waste your efforts to continue observing. The next plot, hey..." Hermes shook his head: "It's no longer interesting."

"Aren't you curious about the results?"

"There is no second result, Nibelung." Hermes looked away: "Have you ever seen an angry dragon?"

"You mean the 'Disaster Dragon'?"

Nibelungen thought thoughtfully: "Do you think that boy is a terrifying person comparable to the Dragon of Disaster?"

"No, although the Disaster Dragon is terrifying, it is still a beast."

Hermes smiled and raised a finger: "I compare him to the third-generation Red King, the madman who cut off the head of the red dragon, even if the cost is that half of the holy city will be reduced to ashes."


"You know? The most adorable thing about a madman is that he only lives in his own world and is loyal to his own ideals and beliefs. He has principles, bottom lines, ethics, and is almost perfect.

Whether you hate him or fear him, as long as you stay away from him, he won't be in trouble with you. But the most troublesome thing about this guy is..."

"——Once he wants to kill someone, no one can stop him."

In the silence, Hermes opened the door.

The strong wind and heavy snow rolled into the door and fell on his shoulders.

"It turns out that it also snows in the Holy City."

He sighed softly and disappeared into the snow.


Sorry, I stopped updating. This paragraph was written in a stumbling, jerky and sad way. Please forgive me.

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