Crown of Silence

Chapter 415: Devil's Gate

Chapter 416 Devil’s Gate

"Ye Qingxuan, what you did went too far."

From the tuner, an old voice came: "At this point, the Keeper of Secrets School can no longer suppress it, and the Ministry of Doctrine of the Faith will soon react."

"If you can't hold it down, don't hold it down."

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and trimmed his nails.

The old voice paused, and then became suspicious: "Are you ready to face the wrath of the Holy City? No matter how clean you are, one day they will find you. Even we don't may have any impact on the investigation."

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but laugh: "Master Heisenberg, are you concerned about my safety, or are you worried about paying such a high price but not clearing the door?"

Heisenberg was silent.

Ye Qingxuan folded up the short sharp knife and looked up at the tuner: "Don't worry, cooperate with me, just like you cooperated with the House before.

You see, you need someone to take the blame, and I need him dead. I believe our cooperation will have a good result. "

"I hope so."

Heisenberg cut off communications.

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and coughed violently, blood streaks flying out from his fingers. Laura stretched out her hand and pressed the back of his heart, and his breathing sounded like an old bellows.

"Are you continuing to reconstruct music theory again?" Laura frowned: "You are too impatient."

"I know, Laura."

Ye Qingxuan waved his hand: "I will be cautious."

"Even with the Philosopher's Stone, rebuilding Xiaoyuan cannot be completed overnight. Now your body is simply a ruin. Those messy music theories just don't want your life. Do you dare to reactivate them?"

"If I have to wait for blood metabolism to be completed, it will take at least half a year."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head: "I don't have time."

"Let's take a rest."

Laura reached out and gently rubbed the back of his head, with a rare gentle tone: "Little Ye Zi, you have done a good enough job, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes, leaned back a little, and leaned into Laura's arms as if he was pushing the envelope, enjoying this rare tender treatment. After a long time, he said lightly:

"Laura, when you are so tender, you secretly use hints to change your mind to a person who has no resistance? What a shame."

Laura's fingers stiffened for a moment, then she sighed, and her slightly raised little finger returned to its original shape.

"Don't worry, I'm awake."

Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and said calmly: "Besides, I'm not the only one who is stressed."

"I'm afraid Maxwell won't be able to sit still anymore, right?"


Angelou, the Privy Council under the palace, was filled with smoke. Maxwell picked up the ashtray and poured the pile of cigarette butts into the trash can.

"Enough is enough, Maxwell."

Under the light, the Prime Minister looked at him and said in a low voice: "He went too far. Although the Order is a neutral organization, according to the Fifth Amendment, all churches are the direct jurisdiction of the Order and act in accordance with the canon.

What he did was legally equivalent to invading a country's territory. The Holy City will not leave it alone! "

"To be honest, I didn't expect him to do this."

Maxwell scratched his head and sighed softly: "But young people. Who hasn't gone crazy when they were young? Older gentlemen should understand and understand."

"go Ape?"

The Prime Minister was silent for a long time and sighed softly: "I'm just a little worried that our future sword holder... is not just crazy. To be honest, I regret signing the sword holder's appointment letter.

If I had known today, even if Her Majesty the Queen uses her seal, I would firmly oppose him taking over your position. "

Maxwell rolled his eyes: "It's not like that in hindsight. Besides, the Sword in the Stone is a sword of perfection, and he gets along very well with the Sword in the Stone. Are you still worried that he will really degenerate and become a black musician?" "

"Why not?"

The Prime Minister took a deep breath from the cigarette, burning it to his fingertips, and exhaled thick smoke: "Isn't the so-called human being that everything is possible?

In this crazy world, saints who are known as perfect people will fall, not to mention us mortals? "

He raised his eyes and looked at the mural on the ceiling, which was drawn from the legendary Battle of Heaven. On the ceiling, evil dragons and knights were fighting, dyeing the red clothes, and setting fire to the earth and heaven.

That is destruction.

In the secret scroll of the holy book, it is said: The monster that will bring the end of the world - the Dragon of Disaster - was once an angel beside the throne of God before his fall.

It is holy and majestic and is known as the bright morning star and the deputy king of heaven.

The more noble and steadfast an angel is, the more crazy and terrifying it is.

"Maxwell, you can open the devil's door for him, but if you want to close it, it's not that simple."

The Prime Minister put out his cigarette, stood up and left.


On the desolate forest road, the horse frothing at the mouth was beaten by the driver, struggling to pull a straw cart and galloping forward.

Dark red sticky blood dripped from the shaft of the car, leaving little scarlet tracks along the way.

The driver was wearing a dirty coat and his body was hunched. As the carriage jolted violently, the wound on the back of the hand holding the reins burst open, and the moist blood slowly oozed out from the dried blood.

"Master, we are almost there."

Colt's voice was hoarse, like sandpaper.

Half of his messy hair had been burned off, and his once handsome face was now covered with scars and burn marks, as if it had been burned by a raging fire. The healed wounds were full of hideousness, and he looked ugly like a demon.

No one could recognize that this guy was the once proud hero. He looked more like a ghost and demon hidden in the cellar, an ugly ghost that would scare children to tears.

"It's only a few hours away from the Templars' station. That bastard will definitely pay the price for what he did!"

There was no response in the straw cart.

The wet straw was stained with dirt, and it was almost stained dark red by blood. Master Philip lay in the straw, gasping for breath, one eye was blind, and a hoarse sound came from his throat.

He closed his eyes and prayed, but he couldn't even hear the sound of his prayer clearly. There was a sound of water in his lungs, and the vague whisper was like the roar of an animal.

His consciousness was blurred.

The man-made venation riot instantly destroyed the entire church and completely destroyed everything.

The turbulent ether engulfed everything.

An entire elite army was destroyed in one fell swoop.

No one expected that Ye Qingxuan, that bastard, would be so audacious! He disregarded the dignity and anger of the Holy City and dared to destroy the church and dozens of clergy in a despicable attack.

If it weren't for the activation of the divine punishment chapter on Master Philip's body at that moment, saving the lives of the two, they might have been burned to ashes now.

Unfortunately, they are still alive.

Still alive...

The reason they chose this road was not only because of secrecy, but because... this road was very close to the base of the Knights Templar.

The Knights Templar, who were about to return to the Holy City, were stationed and supplied here for the last time. It was only a dozen kilometers away from them. If Master Philip was in his prime, he could even reach it in an instant.

Ye Qingxuan dared to attack the church and slap the Holy City in the face, but no matter how crazy he was, Anglo would never support him to attack the Knights Templar, even if he was only facing a part of it.

It was a behemoth constructed by the power of various countries. If it received the order of destruction, it could turn the border of tens of millions of miles into scorched earth overnight.

No one wanted this sword aimed at the demon to hang over his head.

At that time, Ye Qingxuan would be helpless against himself...

"Haha, hahahaha, hahahahaha..."

He grinned and laughed hoarsely, and then he choked and coughed violently, coughing out scarlet blood, which flowed down his chin onto his clothes, vaguely depicting a grinning face.

Colt was stunned.


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