Crown of Silence

Chapter 416: Light of Hope

Chapter 417 Light of Hope


He whispered softly: "How could it be a curse?"

On the skirt of the clothes, the ferocious face slowly changed, its lips opened and closed, as if singing softly, and a sinister and hoarse smile came from his ears.

“Oh, Solomon, born on Monday, baptized on Tuesday… married on Wednesday, sick on Thursday… fell ill on Friday, died on Saturday… buried in the ground on Sunday.”

"Oh, Solomon, this is your miserable life..."

Colt was dizzy, his vision was dark, and he almost fell off the carriage.

In a trance, he saw a rickety old woman standing in front of the cauldron, laboriously stirring the soup in the cauldron, pouring her heart and blood into it, smiling strangely, singing songs from the Psalm faction.

As a result, the curse came thousands of miles away.

Through the water, the green eyes seemed to be aware of Colt's gaze, becoming mocking and cruel.

"He saw me? He saw me!"

The old woman touched her shriveled breasts and laughed strangely: "My poor little one, you are worth nine hundred thousand pounds. Don't resist. Just let your mother-in-law take you away. You have such an ugly face. It makes your mother-in-law’s heart itch. Before you die, your mother-in-law will be so kind and give you a fragrant dream, cluck, cluck, cluck!”

Colt gritted his teeth, pulled out the antidote, and stabbed it into his belly.

The alchemical matrix on the blade instantly connected the music theory in the body and the cursed tumor entangled in the deepest part of the body, and then released the counter-shock that killed both.

Colt screamed and vomited out dark blood. The vague sense of sensation dissipated instantly, and the last thing he heard was the loud sound of the copper cauldron exploding, and the old woman's roar and roar.

"Damn! I won't let you escape! Little bastard! I won't..."

Colt pulled out his dagger, roared and tied the wound tightly, gritted his teeth and drove, running wildly.

The attack just now severely injured both herself and that crazy woman. She would definitely not give up. She would definitely expedite the curse at any cost.

We must speed up and reach the Knights!

Must arrive!

As if aware of his arrival, soon, an iron whale airship rose in the distant sky, followed closely by the second, and the third...

In the high-pitched whale song, the overwhelming swarm of iron whales flew towards them slowly, seemingly slowly but actually quickly, and in an instant they were above their heads.

"They are coming! Master! They are coming!"

Colt screamed in surprise, danced in ecstasy, jumped off the carriage, waved to the sky frantically, roared, and cried with joy: "I'm here! I'm here! I'm still alive!"

Ye Qingxuan, have you seen it? You can't kill me, hahahaha... you're dead! You are dead! "

The high-hanging iron whale slowly approaches.

Something seems wrong.

Colt panicked and looked at them blankly:

Why isn't it slowing down?

The iron whale gallops and soars in the sky, the whistle roars, and the whale song fills the sky.

Just like this, calmly, quickly, and gracefully... slowly flew over Colt and the others, flying into the distance, casting only a shadow of despair.

They didn't see themselves at all!

Colt's smile froze, his whole body became cold, and he was completely swallowed up by fear, almost suffocating.

He climbed onto the hay cart like crazy, shook the unconscious Philip with all his strength, and slapped his cheek: "Send the signal! Send the signal, master!"

He screamed, his voice as sharp as a wire:

"Tell them I'm here!"

Phillip coughed violently, seemed to finally wake up, and looked at Colt blankly, not knowing where he was. Colt pointed at the black shadow in the sky in panic:

"Knights Templar, send the signal!"

For a long time, Phillip raised a finger with difficulty and pressed it into the void. A ray of light slowly lit up on his fingertip, like a candle in the wind.

Colt almost cried with joy.

What a beautiful light of hope it is, which seems to bring together all the good things in the world...

Then, in the next moment, the light was brutally extinguished by an invisible force.


The fireplace, food and warmth in the light all disappeared like a fairy tale.

It was only then that Colt discovered that the noise that was difficult to hear with the naked ear had already quietly filled the entire jungle, quietly lifting up the ether, as if a layer of thick fog that could not be reached could block all messages from being sent out.

This is the specialized technique of the Secret Keeper School: Theater of Silence.

At that moment, Colt felt like he had fallen into an ice cave.

It's over.


Iron whales soared through the sky.

On the flank, on a reconnaissance ship, the observer looked through the lookout glass and saw the scene below. He couldn't help but patted his colleagues beside him: "Hey, look, there are people in such a barren mountainous place below."

In the lookout mirror was Colt dancing in ecstasy.

"He seems to be waving to us!"

The colleague looked over and saw the face twisted with excitement. He couldn't help but shake his head and smile: "You are a farmer who has never seen the world. Seeing the fleet is like seeing a miracle. It's normal."

The observer put the observation glass aside and sighed: "When I first saw the fleet, it looked like them."


The colleague smoked a cigarette, his eyes nostalgically lost in the long past:

"Who isn't?"


A few hours ago, early in the morning.

A messenger on a gray horse came to the Templar's base, found the person in charge, and delivered a transfer order.

After reading it, Bane looked up and asked, "We remember that your country has granted us two more days to stay."

The messenger showed a blushing expression: "I'm sorry, sir, I know this request is unreasonable. We have set aside another camp for you to rest, just 200 kilometers away."

He paused and cursed in a low voice: "Those bastards in the Water Administration Bureau are busy embezzling money! The water plant that was just built here last year has stopped working again, the groundwater can't be pumped up, the water supply to nearby towns has stopped, and even the water you need here can't be guaranteed normally.

We need to temporarily dig a well in this camp to ensure emergency supply... I'm very sorry, this is the letter I was asked to give you."

He took out a letter and handed it to Bane.

Bane quickly finished reading and nodded:

"Please report to Minister Quinn that we are guests. When something like this happens, your country's affairs will naturally come first. There is no need for other camps. The Iron Whale is almost ready, and the personnel will rest and return to the Holy City.

We will set off as soon as possible and should be able to reach the Holy City in the evening."

The messenger was delighted: "Thank you for your magnanimity."

Following Bane's order, the quiet camp quickly became noisy. The Templars quickly packed up their bags and tents, and moved the supplies to the Iron Whale in an orderly manner.

After just two hours, the camp had been completely sorted out.

The Iron Whales took off into the sky and played the song of triumphant return to the Holy City.

Go home.


At the moment when Colt's light of hope was extinguished, a hoarse voice came from the rate regulator in the distance.

"'The Silent Theater' has been completed, Ye Qingxuan, this is the last time the Secret Keeper School will help you."

Master Heisenberg said: "I hope you can fulfill our agreement next."

"I have already arranged it, please rest assured, Master."

Behind the long table, Ye Qingxuan propped up his chin and looked at the map in front of him. On the map, the series of tragic blood spots slowly extended to the north and approached the Holy City.

He stared at the rugged blood road, as if staring at some great work of art, and whispered softly:

"Absolutely, foolproof."

"Oh? I would like to hear more."

Master Heisenberg could not help but feel curious when he realized the meaning in the words.

With the ability of the Secret Keeper School, he naturally saw all his arrangements in these days, but Heisenberg did not find out what kind of back-up he had hidden.

Although Master Philip was already exhausted, a master who achieved the chapter of fate with the theme of 'Divine Punishment' was definitely not so easy to deal with even at the moment of death.

Therefore, he was very curious about what Ye Qingxuan had arranged.

Ye Qingxuan smiled mysteriously.


At this moment, in the desolate jungle, a tender little hand pulled up the weeds under his feet, regardless of the soil and insects on it, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it very sweetly, and the green grass juice flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The fourteen-year-old boy looked like a wild child, despite his long golden hair and majestic face.

"Uncle, uncle."

He pulled the corner of the man's clothes in front of him, pitifully: "I'm hungry."

"Then just eat something, here, eat this."

The man in front pointed casually, pointing to a big tree. The boy opened his mouth, and the invisible dragon power turned into a huge mouth, uprooting the big tree and swallowing it into an unknown place.

Only the chewing sound of the wood breaking was heard.

But the gurgling sound of hunger still continued from the boy's stomach.

The man walking in front sighed, bent down, looked at the aggrieved nephew in front of him, and stretched out his hand to rub his hair: "My dear nephew, bear with it for a while, this is a rare time for my good friend to come to me for help, not to mention he gave money!" As he said, he gestured with his fingers: "So much money is enough for me to support you for a long time! I will buy you a steak when I go back, okay?"

The boy nodded aggrievedly: "I want five."

"Five is five! It's settled."

'Uncle' clapped his hands happily, stood up, looked at the dying hay cart in the distance, and showed a weird smile:

"Although I had a hunch that he would contact me, I didn't expect that the first time he came to me, he would do a big deal..."

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