Crown of Silence

Chapter 417: Loss-making Business

Chapter 418 Loss-making business

"Ho ho..."

At that moment, in the straw cart, the confused Master Philip suddenly woke up, his burnt eyes widened, and the eye sockets were torn, leaving turbid red blood.

As if he got rid of the trouble of his injury in an instant, he suddenly stood up from the straw. The blood scab adhered to the straw was torn, and dried blood seeped out from the tragic wound.

"Master?" Colt was overjoyed and pointed at the black dot that was about to disappear in the sky, "Quickly..."

Philip turned a deaf ear, his empty eyes covered with blood were sharp, staring into the depths of the distant forest, his pupils emitting a miserable white light.

Wherever he looked, the blond boy squatted on the ground with a confused expression, holding half a toad dug out of the mud and eating happily...

"Uncle, he seems to have seen me." He swallowed the other half of the toad.


Naberis squatted on a tree stump, rolling tobacco slowly in his hand, with a calm expression on his face: "Then let him see."

"He's so ugly."

Mordred wiped his mouth: "I'm a little scared. Can I hit him?"

"There's no rush." ​​Naberis rolled up the cigarette, lit it for himself, and took two puffs: "Waiting."

Looking at those empty and ferocious eyes, Mordred couldn't help but... moved his index finger!

He endured his hunger and licked the corner of his mouth:

"How long?"

Naberis smiled, turned around, and glanced at Philip, who had a hollow and fierce look on the hay cart.

"hold on."

He said: "That old guy still has some strength left and is going to give us a hard blow."

At that moment, Phillip made a hoarse voice.

"Colt, run away."

His flesh and blood crackled, and the blood and dust were reopened along with the sudden gush of blood, leaving blood everywhere. But what it represented was an astonishingly strong vitality. The exhausted cells were dancing and reveling in unison, causing his scars to quickly recover and disappear.

In an instant, the blood was washed away by the light.

He was no longer old, but young again, sane, fair-skinned, and without any scars. Only her gray hair burned like a flame, as if her soul had been thrown into the fire.

So in exchange for strength.

At this moment, an ethereal and sad song echoed in his body. His bones were shaking and his internal organs were humming softly. The sacrificial chapter of the Psalm was played.

"I'll stop them."

Phillip stretched out his hand and put his hand on Colt's shoulder. The sacred chant rang out from the void and fell on Colt, dispelling the maggot-like curse in the tarsal bones and forming vague wings behind him. This is a blessing that almost spares no effort.

"Colt, run away."

He stared at Naberis who was looking over, holding the incomplete sword in his hand: "Go to the direction of the Holy City, and escape as far as you can."

As if he finally understood something, Colt's face turned pale and he almost collapsed to the ground. Soon, he gritted his teeth, abandoned the carriage, and turned around to leave.

Don't dare to look back again.

Under the blessing, his speed was incredibly fast, and he disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye.

"So, these fanatical believers are so stubborn that they will risk their lives when trouble comes."

Naberis sighed: "Why don't you think about the good life? Don't treat yourself as a human being, and don't treat others as human beings... What's the difference between this and us black musicians!"

The mocking voice went unanswered.

Philip stared at him, raised the incomplete sword blade, and brought it close to his eyebrows:

"Swear to destroy evil spirits."

He said.

The Chapter of Divine Punishment roared, and in an instant, a majestic light wheel appeared from behind. The huge light wheel covered with cracks burned with a grand flame. The green fire seemed to come from the fire of punishment in purgatory, which was terrifying.

The wailing sounds of countless sinners came from it, and in that purgatory, countless sleeping eyes opened their eyes, and those figures in red robes seemed to stare at this filthy world, shouting in unison:

"——Swear to destroy evil spirits!"

Like a landslide or a tsunami, the sound roared.

In an instant, a silent bell rang loudly in the Holy City. In the dark corner of the Holy Spirit Temple, the sarcophagus trembled. The sleeping Holy Spirit woke up from the darkness for a moment, opened his eyes, and looked here.

Then, a magnificent divine light fell from the sky.

The white-gold light is so hot, so pure, so pure that it cannot tolerate any contamination, and everything that touches it is completely vaporized.

Under the infusion of that light, Philip's body skyrocketed and turned into a giant more than two meters tall in an instant. Behind him, the wheel of divine power rotated, bursting with thunder, calling for lightning to transform into wings.

In an instant, the scorching sun dimmed.

There is only this pure white light left between heaven and earth.

"Damn, the Holy Spirit changes...why do you guys explode so easily?"

At that moment, Naberis cursed softly: "No wonder he gave me the money so readily. He was waiting for me here."

The next moment, he was beheaded by a fierce light.

The head grinned.

Smiling evilly.


At the moment when the bells of the Holy City rang, under the bell tower and in the main hall, the young musician who closed his eyes and prayed opened his eyes.

Soon, he stood up and walked out of the hall, running around the Papal Palace, passing through the doors, walking along the corridors, and finally entered the deepest place.

He knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Someone made a noise behind the door.

The musician entered the room with his head bowed respectfully, not daring to look at the bishops sitting at the table behind the door, but simply presented a roll of maps: "Master Philip has been found!

He was not far from the Holy City, hundreds of miles away, and used the Holy Spirit to transform him. I'm afraid... he will die soon. "

In the dark room, the heavy curtains blocked the sunlight, and there was a strong medicinal smell.

In the silence, several priests lowered their voices and held urgent meetings. When they heard what he said, they were stunned and looked at each other.

"Did you not expect that the situation has become so bad?"

An old priest in red clothes nodded and looked towards the deepest part of the room. Behind the layers of curtains, there was a hoarse and coughing figure, "Archbishop, let me go."

Behind the curtain, the figure opened his mouth, then choked violently.

"It's really embarrassing to fight like this."

In the midst of choking, a hoarse voice came intermittently from behind the curtain: "Over the years, the Ministry of Doctrine of the Faith has shrunk day by day, and it seems that there is no hope of another expedition. New blood is rare... Father Will, please bring them back if you can help me." "

"Yes." Will nodded respectfully.

"Others..." The figure behind the scenes choked, stooped and made a painful sound: "Others... just need to be cleaned up."


Will nodded and stood up.

The attendants came forward and put on his sword and armor for him. He held his sword and ran towards the palace gate. Soon, a stream of light rose into the sky and flew into the distance.

Silence returned to the dim room, except for the sound of a heavy cough coming from behind the curtain.


Someone asked cautiously: "How should this matter be handled?"

"This matter?"

The person behind the curtain coughed lightly, seemingly confused.

Yes, which one is it?

In the past few days, too many things have happened. And no matter which incident was involved, no one expected that before the Romulus rebellion came to an end, a new turmoil would arise. In the past few days, the almost crazy behavior of Angelou's new sword wielder has made everyone stunned.

Secretly, I don’t know how many people ran and fought because of this, how many people were involved, and even the face of the Holy City was affected.

Some people have a clear stance, while others have an ambiguous attitude. But the troublesome thing is: the Pope’s Office has not said a word yet. Even the silent agency began to investigate...

So, how to deal with it?

There was only a hoarse cough behind the curtain.


The stream of light flew over the Holy City at an incredible speed.

Flying in a semi-etheric state, the speed is comparable to sound. In just a few minutes, a long distance was covered.

But the closer he got, the stronger the uneasy feeling in Will's heart became.

In an instant, he had appeared at the location marked on the map.

It's just that where he is at this time is a stretch of endless mountains, with a huge mine at his feet, machinery roaring, countless people coming and going, and it's very noisy.

"Is this here?"

He closed his eyes to sense it, and the stream of light fell instantly.

Amid everyone's frightened cries, the sword slashed down, breaking the boulder, revealing a torn red cloth behind the boulder, which was a fragment of Philip's robe.

Will's expression quickly darkened, he closed his eyes and chanted the movement. After a few short bars, a vague revelation came from the prophetic movement from the Revelation School.

North, sixty kilometers.

A flash of light appeared in a barren mountain 60 kilometers away, with a strand of burnt hair hanging on a branch.

Will frowned and sang the movement again, and a mysterious revelation came: Thirty kilometers to the east. Will didn't move, just played the movement again, and this time the vague revelation emerged again:

South, nineteen kilometers.

The music was used again and again to find Philip's location, but the inextricable music theory pointed to dozens of different results in all directions.


The furious sword cut a deep crack in the ground.

Will's expression was livid, and he finally realized: Someone used the "medium misdirection" of the apocalyptic school to confuse everyone's perception, and led all apocalyptic movements to the wrong results!

In order to enhance the effect, I am afraid that someone has already spread these things stained with the breath of Philip and Colt all over the surrounding area of ​​the Holy City!

If you screen them at all costs, you will definitely be able to detect the differences between the media, but in a hurry, you can't tell the difference at all, and you can only run exhaustedly from one wrong place to another.

And the real location must have been artificially isolated into an island.


Will's veins popped up on the back of his hands and he roared angrily.


And just in the distance, where the real battle takes place.

The desolate forest has been completely ignited, and the earth is devastated and turned into scorched earth, as if giants are fighting here, and everything is completely destroyed.

Half of the mountain in the distance collapsed, and a sad crack was opened in the earth. Deep in the crack, the light of lava fire could be faintly seen, which was the trace left by the Sword of Judgment.

The ether was in turmoil, forming a chaotic chaos. The music theory here has become chaotic, and it will be difficult to return to normal within a few years.

And at the core of the turmoil, Naberish, with three or four large holes in his chest, struggled to crawl out of the lava, letting out a hoarse groan of pain.

"This time I really... lost money..."


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