Crown of Silence

Chapter 420 Prayer

Chapter 421 Prayer

In the silence, Colt froze.

He stared at the sword in front of him blankly, as if he was shocked, his lips pursed, and he was speechless.

Soon, in his confused eyes, ruthlessness rekindled like a flame.

He gritted his teeth, reached out and grasped the hilt of the sword, and drew the sword!

Very few people know that apart from music theory, his martial arts skills are unrivaled in Yantie Academy. Even the black musician was beheaded in his hands in a hurry.

"You will regret it, Ye Qingxuan."

His pupils were blood red: "Definitely!"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him without saying anything, and just let Colt bend down, pointing the sword blade at his throat with murderous intent.

But in the next moment, Colt's expression changed.

His body was shaken violently, and the hilt of the sword fell to the ground. All his strength was drained away, and he could not move!

Colt looked at Ye Qingxuan blankly, not knowing why. It wasn't until he found the hint planted on the hilt of the sword that he suddenly realized it and roared madly:

"Ye Qingxuan!!!"

"I'm teasing you, but you still take it seriously."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head slowly, walked forward and pulled up his hair. Colt desperately tried to crawl back, but his hair was pulled up, and he was involuntarily pulled towards the gate of the Holy City.

Step by step.

It was like being pulled towards Hades.

He used crazy force and scratched the ground, leaving bloody traces on the ground with his hands. His nails were broken, but his body was still dragged into the city gate inch by inch.

Only then did Ye Qingxuan stop and let go of his hand.

"I followed the agreement and brought you back to the Holy City."

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and looked down at Colt with a soft voice: "Then, what happens next has nothing to do with the agreement."

He reached out and took out a slender silver nail from the bag at his waist.

The silver nails reflected the brilliance of the scorching sun, stinging Colt's eyes.

He reached out, took Colt's wrist, and made a gesture.

In a daze, Colt understood what he wanted to do and roared sharply:

"Ye Qingxuan, how dare you!"

The next moment, the roar turned into a scream.

The silver nails penetrated his palms and nailed him to the city gate. He screamed and struggled hard, but he was unable to resist.

The severe pain that penetrated his bone marrow made him twitch uncontrollably, and it also cheered up his spirit, and he spoke with difficulty:

"Ye Qingxuan, you win! I give up and stop here. I beg you."

He gave up all his dignity, ignored the stunned gazes of the people in the distance, and wanted to kneel down in front of Ye Qingxuan: "What can you gain by killing me? Think about it, Ye Qingxuan! You are not worth fighting for a villain like me. And it's such a big sacrifice, right?

You have more meaningful things to do!

You've proven your ability, haven't you? I...I can give you the papal canonization! The road to the future Scepter will be smooth! "

Ye Qingxuan paused and looked down at him.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's reaction, his eyes lit up and he was ecstatic: "Lighthouse! There is also a lighthouse! I can hand over the authority of the lighthouse to you! It contains the deep music theory of the Secret Keeper School and all the secrets! Think about it, that is The wisdom of so many generations of musicians! The treasure that so many people have dreamed of! Don’t you want to know?”

He walked forward on his knees, ignoring that the wound on his palm was torn, lowered his head, wanted to kiss his boots, and looked up with pleading:

"There are also ways to advance to the realm of omniscience, and even create legends and the secrets of advanced scepters! These are all yours, Ye Qingxuan, as long as you nod!"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him with an indifferent expression. It was like watching a bad clown, what a delightful show it was, but he couldn't laugh.

Seeing the coldness in Ye Qingxuan's expression, Colt's heart sank to the bottom, and he begged with a trembling voice:

"Stop it! Ye Qingxuan! I beg you, okay?

Even if it ends here, no one will say anything to you!

Haven't you done enough for that inexplicable little girl? If you stop now, all the praise will be yours, and I, a despicable person, will live in the haze for the rest of my life, setting off your brightness and greatness.

I can swear to Dayuan that I will be loyal to you for the rest of my life. Don’t you ban musicians? We can sign a contract! I still have in my hand the Judgment Movement that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has kept secret since the days of the Inquisition! And...ah! ! ! ! "

His other hand was raised, penetrated, and nailed to the city gate.

Colt twitched in pain, like a fish falling into a salt urn, cried bitterly, and screamed frantically: "Are you crazy! Ye Qingxuan, weren't you raised by a priest!

God loves the world! You are a good person, why are you so persistent and hateful? Everything I said is true and there are absolutely no lies..."

"I know."

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and interrupted him: "What you said is true, I can hear it. But it has nothing to do with your death."

Colt froze.

Ye Qingxuan stretched out his hand, lifted his hair, and pulled him up from the ground. Ignoring his painful screams when his wounds were torn open, he lifted him to the same height as himself.

"I should thank you, Mr. Colt."

He stared into Colt's eyes and said word by word: "You fully made me realize my weakness, my incompetence, and my naivety.

You do it better than anyone else, impeccably.

Therefore... you must die. "

There seemed to be pouring rain in those dark eyes, reflecting the scene in hell. Colt stared blankly into his eyes, trembling with fear and trembling on his lips.

In a daze, he finally saw where he was going, the road to hell.

Then he laughed, maniacally, with a twisted smile.

"Then enjoy the fruit of your revenge."

He whispered softly in Ye Qingxuan's ear, giggling strangely: "Unfortunately, no matter what you do, that little girl is already dead and can't come back... Hahahahaha!

I should have understood a long time ago that you are a bastard, a freak, and a deformed child like her, and you are unreasonable from the beginning. Go crazy as much as you want, poor thing! "

He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood-colored saliva, but he couldn't spit it out and it hung out from the corner of his mouth, looking so ugly.

"It's ugly, Colt, it's ugly."

Ye Qingxuan's expression was still indifferent, as if he hadn't heard anything. He just reached out and took out a handkerchief from his arms and helped him wipe away the bloody saliva with such gentle movements.

But Colt felt something terrible touching him, and he was so scared that he wanted to cry.

"You are a hero, Colt. You must remain fearless until you die."

Ye Qingxuan said calmly: "Seeing you like this, the dead priests in the Ministry of Doctrine of the Faith will also be sad, right? Besides, now that you want to die quickly... it's too late."

Colt froze, unable to move, and felt the biting coldness spreading from his limbs.

The sound of clanging iron armor came from the distance. It was the Knights Templar who had finally been dispatched, and the iron whale roared out of the sky.

"Don't worry."

Ye Qingxuan picked up a small iron box and opened it, revealing a cold glass needle, a metal needle, and a small bottle filled with ice-blue liquid.

He skillfully assembled the syringe, drew the ice-blue liquid into the needle, and aimed it at Colt's carotid artery. The tip of the needle was as cold as hell.

At that moment, he heard a hoarse murmur from Hades.

"——Before you die, you have to pay for what you have done!"


At the same time, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

"Ye Qingxuan!!!"

The archbishop on the hospital bed choked violently and roared hoarsely: "Is Angelou crazy?!"

Someone quickly walked into the room with a pale face: "Archbishop, Angelou sent an urgent report half an hour ago. Ye Qingxuan announced that he had given up the right to hold the Sword in the Stone. What he does after that has nothing to do with Angelou. "

"Where's the silent mechanism?!"

He stared at the monitor in the etheric sphere and roared: "Six masters of the Doctrine of the Faith are dead! Why didn't there be any response or report from Nibelungen? Why didn't the garrison of the Holy City dispatch!"

"The silent mechanism...has not responded."

The subordinate looked troubled: "The Nibelungen and the garrison did not respond either. I don't know why."

The archbishop suddenly pulled his subordinate over, exhaling a stench that smelled of medicine. His green eyes widened like a will-o'-the-wisp: "Then report it to the Pope's Hall!"

He suddenly let go, choked violently, and vomited scarlet blood from his mouth: "Set the alarm in the Holy City immediately, immediately!"

"My lord, without an order signed by the Pope, we..."

"I said immediately!"

The archbishop roared: "Don't you know how to obey authority in emergencies?! If Colt dies outside the gates of the Holy City, the Ministry of the Doctrine of the Faith will forever be a laughing stock!"

On the hospital bed where the order was issued, the archbishop's expression was still gloomy. Soon, he made up his mind and said hoarsely: "Come here, change my clothes."

The subordinate wanted to say something, but when he saw those eyes, he wisely kept his mouth shut and did not speak.

The servants wiped his body with hot towels and pulled out the medicine delivery tubes one by one. He gradually became weaker, but the aura exuding from his body became more and more powerful.

In the end, the servant put on a blood-red robe with lapis lazuli trim on him, majestic and solemn.

Outside the door, the Hammer of Witches had assembled, and the priests were possessed, kneeling on one knee.

"Archbishop Michel, how should we proceed?"

"Since Ye Qingxuan killed Colt, then we will let him pay with blood!"

The old man said coldly, holding the ivory crutch tightly: "Let them continue to be silent in the Pope's Hall. Anyway, our crown will definitely continue to sit on his throne and act as a decoration.

Silent mechanism... I'm afraid they have been waiting for someone to sweep us old and immortal things into the garbage heap, right?

However, I hope you can remember: the Ministry of Doctrine of the Faith will never decline, and Will’s death will never be meaningless!

Even if I pay the price for what I have done today, or even die, the fateful ‘Eastern March’ will never come to an end because of this! understand? ! "

All the witch hammers drew their swords, put them close to their eyebrows, saluted with swords, and responded solemnly:

"——Swear to destroy evil spirits!"

"very good."

Michelle nodded with satisfaction: "Let me go, let those people see the backbone of the Doctrine of the Faith!"

He pushed open the door and walked out.

Outside the door, the messenger rushed towards him, panting and kneeling in front of him: "Sir, Ye Qingxuan stopped! He did not kill Lord Colt!"

Michelle was stunned, her face turned red, and the determination she had just now turned into a smell of iron for some reason, and she almost coughed it out from her lungs.

"what happened?"

He gritted his teeth: "He was stopped?"

"not at all!"

The messenger stammered: "After he kidnapped Lord Colt, he stayed at the city gate and did not leave... He, he even intentionally triggered the alarm in the Holy City!

Now all the adults from all sides have rushed there, and the envoys from various countries have also been alerted. Now..."


Before he could finish speaking, Michelle instinctively felt something bad. He propped up his crutches and walked quickly toward the city gate.

By the time his carriage felt it, it was already too late.

Even though the civilians have been isolated, the place is still crowded with people. Even with the escort of garrison soldiers, the carriage still has to drive into the isolation area with great difficulty.

When he got off the carriage, he saw the people around him who were covered by many soldiers, and his heart became colder and colder.

Just by glancing at the colors and embellishments of those robes, one can distinguish the people coming from countless departments - the Papal Hall, the Pardon House, the Canon Court, Trinity College, the Ministry of Sacraments, and the Ministry of Evangelization. , Congregation, Temple of the Holy Spirit...

Even many musicians from embassies from various countries arrived.

And amidst the heavy siege, under the city gate, Ye Qingxuan was leaning on the city wall, as if he was basking in the sun.

In his hand, the pipe was half smoked.

The misty smoke spread around, faintly, as if there was a ghost parade. In the smoke, Colt was nailed to the city gate, his head lowered sluggishly, saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth.

No matter how people outside shouted, he never got any response.

The commander on the scene was an unlucky guy who was pushed out by who knows which department to take the blame. There was nothing he could do about this kind of thing. On one side was an upstart from Angel, and on the other was a hero who had gained fame... Although neither side is dead yet. , but he himself was filled with suicidal impulses.

When someone said that Michelle was coming, he ran over all the way and saluted: "Sir, the criminal kidnapped Mr. Colt, the priest of your department, and he is still resisting the arrest of the Holy City."

He paused and suggested in a low voice: "Look, how about we organize a team to raid in, first protect Lord Colt, and then..."


Michelle's voice was hoarse, and veins appeared on the palm of her hand that was holding the cane: "Kill on the spot!

Don't worry about Colt, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will never bow to criminals, no matter what price the other party offers, I will not accept it! "

The commander was stunned, with an awkward expression and a look of wanting to die: "Are you serious?"

Suddenly, a deep voice came.

"Since the prisoner acted so riskyly and took hostages, we might as well see what he wants to do." The man dressed as a musician interjected: "Any priest is a valuable asset of the Holy City and cannot be sacrificed easily."

The commander looked at him blankly: "Who are you?"

"Silent mechanism."

The musician said calmly: "To kill at every turn is really harmful to the peace of the world. If it doesn't work, even though it is the Ministry of Doctrine of the Faith, our Silent Organization is willing to take action."

Michelle turned her head suddenly and stared at him with tears in her eyes.

At this moment, a hoarse voice sounded from under the city gate.

"It seems that everyone has arrived, right?"

Ye Qingxuan took off the pipe from the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm sorry for causing such a big trouble and causing a lot of trouble for all of you."

He was apologizing, but his voice was unapologetic.

The hoarse voice, supported by the music, resounded in everyone's ears.

Outside the isolated area in the distance, the crowd of spectators were passing on true or false news and were noisy. At this moment, they heard Ye Qingxuan's voice and crowded forward one by one, looking forward to it.

The reporters who rushed to the scene wrote furiously, tore off notes and handed them to their assistants. The assistants rushed back and forth to the news agency to report the situation, sweating profusely, and all of them collapsed from exhaustion.

However, Ye Qingxuan's voice did not pause, was slow and calm, and rang in their ears word for word, leaving them no time to record it.

"As you all know, I am Ye Qingxuan, one of the participants in the Romulus War and a stateless musician.

Also the, the perpetrator of multiple attacks against Mr. Colt. This is a crime I committed, I admit it, and I am willing to take responsibility for it. "

Under the city gate, Ye Qingxuan raised his eyes and raised his voice: "I came here today. I have no intention of attacking the Holy City, and I don't want to interfere with your peaceful life. I just... have a few questions that I want to ask Mr. Colt in public.

Right now, right here. "

He threw out a few shining silver coins, which fell from his fingertips and rolled around. Music is applied to it, shining brightly.

That is the introductory movement of the Revelation School that all musicians have learned, and the effect is very simple...

Detect lies.

Seeing this scene, Michelle finally understood what he wanted to do and roared angrily: "Ye Qingxuan! You will pay for everything you have done!

Someone come! What are you waiting for! Take down this damn sinner! "

But the musicians of the Silent Organ stopped him and stood in front of him, even faintly emitting music theory fluctuations. He stared into Michelle's green eyes and asked softly:

"Why don't you listen to what he said? To be honest, I'm very curious..."

Under the city gate, Ye Qingxuan seemed to be aware of his roar, but just shook his head and smiled, without responding.

He just turned around, raised his head, and stared at Colt who was nailed to the city gate.

In a state of confusion, Colt seemed to be swallowed up by the dark rain, trembling, mumbling some vague words, and struggling constantly, as if avoiding those hands from hell.

He had already lost his mind under the hallucination potion and had no resistance at all.

"your name."

Ye Qingxuan said coldly: "Tell everyone who you are."


At the city gate, Colt looked at him blankly: "Colt Durand. I...I am a hero, I am a future saint, I..."

Ye Qingxuan interrupted him and asked solemnly: "Colt, why did you join the Black Musicians in Auschwitz? Is it to save people?"


Colt's answer caused an uproar in the crowd, with people screaming in shock.

Since the end of the Romulus War, Colt's achievements have been spread throughout the countries under the strong promotion of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and they are very popular. But now, the deeds that everyone knew were overturned by the person involved himself!

"Then why?" Ye Qingxuan looked at him coldly.

"I thought everything was over... everyone was going to die. The Black Musician was too strong, and even the leader of Praise of Destruction personally took action."

Colt replied dully: "If I don't become a black musician, my life will be hard to save."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and asked again: "Then why did you betray the black musician later?"

"I feel the 'lighthouse'."

He murmured to himself, his voice ringing in everyone's ears: "It tells me that the Knights Templar are coming. If I don't draw a clear line with them, it will be too late..."

"He lied!"

"Ye Qingxuan! What kind of trick are you playing!"

Michelle was furious, her eyes lit up with a fiery glow. The magnificent music is brewing in that old and withered body, and he wants to attack it with all his strength.

But behind him, a hand pressed on his shoulder.

He turned around in surprise and saw the old priest and the middle-aged man next to him who seemed to come from the East.

"Michelle, let him continue asking."

The old priest said calmly: "I want to hear it."

At that moment, it was as if all the strength had been drained away, and Michelle's body was shaking.

In the end, he bowed his head tamely:


And just under the city gate, the young man's unhurried voice sounded, extremely stable and extremely cold.

"So, Colt."

He asked: "Did the situation really deteriorate to this when you were the observer of the Knights Templar?"

Colt was silent.

As if he instinctively felt something was wrong, he resisted Ye Qingxuan's questions, opening and closing his lips, but stammered and couldn't speak.

The crowd listened in silence, and when each pair of eyes looked at each other, they could see the shock and horror in each other's eyes.

They were shocked by the terrifying answer they associated with this question and did not dare to listen, but they were eager to get the answer.

"Answer me, Colt!"

Ye Qingxuan stepped forward and roared in his ear: "Is the war situation really about to get out of control? Answer me!"

The roar was like thunder, tearing apart the eardrums and reverberating in the heart and soul. The thunderous thunder tore through all resistance.


Colt screamed, and the truth seemed to come alive, crawling out of his throat like a snake, stretching into the air, revealing its ugly true face.

"it's me……"

He murmured in confusion: "I tampered with the observation records, yes, it was me... What a great opportunity, you can't miss it, you can't miss it... If you miss it, it's gone!"

That old guy would rather entrust the lighthouse to others than to me! I spent so many years and tried so hard to please him, but I ended up like this! I am not wrong!

Even if Yantie Academy is not willing to give it to me, it still belongs to me! "

"Just because...this?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him with pity, as if he were looking at a joke: "You deceived the Pope and forced the Knights Templar to open the door to heaven? Just for this?"

"I want to be a hero! The only one who can be a hero is me! It must be me!"

Colt murmured crazily, his eyes confused: "It's not me who's wrong, it's... it's wrong... it's that bastard who's wrong! He blocked my way, he must die... he's dead It’s...hehe, hehehe..."

He laughed hollowly, immersed in his dream, leaving saliva, like a wild dog secreting greed in his sleep.

Hateful appearance.

"last question."

Ye Qingxuan looked at him and was silent for a long time, opening and closing his lips several times. Finally, he squeezed out a hoarse voice: "Why did you kill Elsa?"

"Elsa?" Colt asked, "Who is that?"


Ye Qingxuan was silent, angry...trembling all over!

"Is it...that little girl?"

Colt looked at him blankly, his expression becoming confused: "She is going to die anyway, why should I leave the credit to others?

Killing a natural disaster by hand is excellent political capital. Only a fool would let it go, right?

I let her die happily, she will definitely thank me, right? If it falls into the hands of others, it will definitely..."


Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and closed his eyes sadly: "That's enough, Colt, shut up, I... don't want to listen anymore."

In the dead silence, everyone stared here in silence. Even the sound of breathing was hard to hear. There were only the incoherent words in Colt's mouth, as well as hollow breathing and laughter.

In the silence, Ye Qingxuan turned around and looked at everyone with sad and complicated eyes.

"Did you see it?"

He raised his hand, pointed at Colt's empty smile, and said in a hoarse voice: "This is the hero you admire, this is the idol you worship..."

He roared angrily: "Did you see it?!"

"This is the world created by your stupid dogma of 'the weak and the strong' and your 'consequentialism' and so-called 'overall interests'!"

There was silence, no one responded.

“In this hellish world, just wanting to follow the rules and be a good person is considered stupid, treated as a joke, and considered weak and easy to bully.

He had sacrificed so much and endured so much, but in the end, he was treated as a victim and buried at the feet of such a 'hero'! "

Ye Qingxuan roared and asked, "Doesn't anyone think this shouldn't be the case?"

A commotion broke out among the crowd, and low noises were heard.

Until now, they finally understood what this crazy man wanted to do standing in front of them. Therefore, the expression is complicated.

That's why his eyes turned to fear and compassion.

"Yes, that's it..."

Ye Qingxuan looked at those numb eyes and showed a bitter smile: "You have endured all this, but no one dares to stand up and say that this world is not good!"

He paused and used all his strength to shout at those silent people:

"Then let me tell you that this is wrong!"

He said, "This is wrong!"

At that moment, he raised his palm, and the moonlight turned into a sword, holding it with a cold and sharp edge, and placed it on Colt's neck.

The moonlight stung my eyes and illuminated my confused soul.

Colt woke up from his sweet dream. He stared blankly in front of him, looking at this extremely strange man. Thus, the dark rainstorm seemed to fall from a nightmare into reality, announcing that the judgment was coming.

"Am I...dying?"

He murmured softly, and huge fear emerged from his heart, dominating his reason, making him tremble and speechless.

"Ye Qingxuan, no!!!"

He remembered a familiar voice. It was the wolf whistle. He finally arrived. He pushed forward hard, trying to pass through the layers of guards, and shouted at Ye Qingxuan:

"Put down the sword! Don't kill him! Otherwise you..."

Ye Qingxuan turned a deaf ear.

Just staring at Colt, looking at his pale face:



Colt's lips pursed, his eyes pleading.

"You should pray. But praying won't work."

Ye Qingxuan's eyes turned cold as he looked down at him, like iron.

"——All retribution is deserved."

The cold moonlight flashed away.

Quietly, Colt's head rolled off his shoulders, and the pleading in his eyes was lost in the moonlight before it could dissipate.

There was no sparkle in the empty eyes.

he died.

Blood spurted out and fell on Ye Qingxuan's face, coating the iron light in his eyes with a layer of red.

Amid the chaotic screams and angry roars, he turned around and stared at the stunned and furious faces. He didn't know why, but he suddenly wanted to laugh.

He stretched out his hand and wiped the blood from his face:

"It turns out... blood tastes like this."

In the sky, a mighty bell rang.

Under the dim sunset, in the huge steel city, the bell echoed, perhaps announcing the sunset, perhaps announcing the arrival of night.

In the midst of the chaos, Ye Qingxuan raised his eyes and looked up at the sunset.

He allowed the soldiers to pounce on him, push him to the ground, put layers of shackles on himself, escort him, and push him into the prison car.

Among the noisy crowd, he saw the long-lost Oriental scholar.

Mr. Hu noticed his gaze, and his eyes became complicated and pitiful: "More than that..."

Ye Qingxuan laughed as if he heard his voice.

For some reason, he remembered what Mr. Hu once asked him.

"Ye Qingxuan, if one day you find that the world is different from what you thought, what will you do?"

Yes, Ye Qingxuan.

What should you do if one day you find that the world is different from what you imagined?

The world is not as beautiful as you think.

It is cruel, terrible, callous and inhumane.

Kindness and gentleness are only occasional gorgeous embellishments. In other places, it is completely dark. Most of the time, justice and justice are just an illusion.

What those fairy tales tell you are actually lies.

How should you deal with it?

"It's very simple, Mr. Hu."

He responded softly: "As long as the world becomes what I want it to be."

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes.

At that moment, everyone heard a hallucinatory voice.

Just like the roar of dragons in the sea and the whispers of swallows hanging down the curtains, it was a sound of a piano that seemed both real and illusory... In front of this sound of the piano, the barriers to knowledge and vision quietly shattered.

Then, a long-awaited cold moonlight rose from my heart.

That was his heart, and the Philosopher's Stone combined with Xiao Yuan transformed into some kind of magnificent crystal at this moment.

It dances, setting off fine and distant waves in the etheric sea.

At that moment, it penetrated through the layers of the ether sea, and under the guidance of the ladder, it merged with the erratic source point.

And as everyone stared, it rose into the sky, radiant with brilliance, and merged into the quiet and cold moon, no longer distinguishable from each other.

The moonlight shone everywhere, scattering the clear light, illuminating Ye Qingxuan's white hair and pupils.

I send my sorrow to the moon.

Send this sorrow to the moon.

Even if the world is dark, there is always moonlight in the darkness.



Sorry, it was originally planned to be divided into three chapters, so the name of the previous chapter has a (upper), but after thinking for a long time, it is really not suitable for chapter division, so it made a mistake...

This lunch box has finally been sent out, a big chapter of 8,000 words, at the end of the month, please vote for the monthly ticket.

And, it is currently an important choice in life... I will take a day off tomorrow ORZ

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