Crown of Silence

Chapter 424: Unexpected Reunion

Chapter 425 Unexpected Reunion

There is only one table in the narrow room with gray walls and chairs on both sides. A cold light shines down from above, illuminating the prisoner sitting behind the table.

Across the table, in the dim light, someone asked:





The prisoner was stunned for a moment, tilted his head and thought: "Fifty or seventy? Forget it, just pick the middle value, sixty."


“Headmaster of the Royal College of Music and a whole bunch of other messy part-time jobs.”

The white-haired prisoner said seriously: "All in all, he is a big shot, so be full of awe! Remember, when writing, you must silently praise the queen."

"Be serious! Ye Qingxuan! This is for your own good..."

The interrogator pounded the table angrily: "Do you want to stay here all your life? If you want a public trial to begin as soon as possible, please cooperate!"

"Please, if we were serious, we wouldn't have this time-wasting conversation repeated for so many days."

Behind the table, Ye Qingxuan raised his little finger and picked out his ears: "Besides, if you really want to put me on trial, you won't be the one to come, right?"

"I am enough!"

In the darkness, the interrogator turned pale with anger and said in a manic voice: "Who do you think you are?"

"Is it?"

Ye Qingxuan squinted his eyes, looked into the darkness, and stared at the person behind the table.

When the eyes narrowed, they revealed a sharp edge that seemed to sting the skin, making people want to avoid it unconsciously.

"Come, let me see."

He murmured softly: "The thick calluses on my wrists and fingers. The shirt is good, but the cuffs are out of line after washing. It must be washed frequently, right? Bleach is also put in, so the cloth is hardened... It must be stained frequently? Ink, yes Right? Well, maybe some ink pads.”

Having said this, he bent down, looked under the table, and whistled: "The leather shoes are good. They have not been stained with mud. They are well maintained. They probably rarely walk, but they are not high-end products... It turns out that he works in an office every day." Clerk? You should be the one responsible for copying, recording, stamping, and taking the blame for your boss every day. It’s not easy.”

"Shut up!"

There was a bang, and the sound of the pen shell being broken was heard.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and leaned forward slightly, "I said, although I killed someone, in terms of the plot and impact, it is at least a serious case, right? Let's talk about it, can we change it to someone more reliable?

I guess you don’t even know how to use a vise..."

After he finished speaking, he heard angry gasps in the dark. Just as he was preparing to face the expected rage, there was a sudden knock on the door opposite.

Against the light, someone walked in and whispered a few words into the interrogator's ear.

The man was stunned, and quickly stood up, put away the meaningless records, and turned to leave.

Before leaving, he glared at Ye Qingxuan angrily.

And Ye Qingxuan's wrist was once again shackles.

Ye Qingxuan sighed and raised his ankle:

"Isn't it enough to isolate the ether with this thing? The handcuffs are very heavy..."

Soon, he discovered that he had not returned to the road he had come from, but was turning a corner and embarked on a fork in the road that he had never taken before.

"Where are we going?" He frowned.

"Someone wants to see you."

The guard looked back at him with an indifferent expression. The door opened and he was pushed in. The other end of the shackles was locked on the steel pipe. Before the guard left, he left behind a sentence:

"You only have five minutes."

Ye Qingxuan was stunned. He looked around and found that he was in a narrow cubicle.

This is the prison's visiting room, divided into many compartments.

It's like a bank teller desk that handles secret business, except that the glass is covered with black curtains, so you can't see who is behind it. When he sat down in the chair, the black curtain slowly rose, revealing a familiar face.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

"What's wrong?"

The visitor was sitting on a chair, smoking a cigar and blowing smoke: "You used my name to fool the prosecutor a few minutes ago. You didn't expect retribution to come so quickly, right?"


Ye Qingxuan looked complicated and a little embarrassed: "I didn't expect you to come to the Holy City to see me."

"I came here the day before yesterday. It's not easy to see you. It requires opening up a lot of joints."

Maxwell smoked a cigar and said calmly: "Now the prosecutors in the Pardon Hall are so noisy about you that they are almost out of their minds. You are still so relaxed. Are you really ready to go to jail?" Prepare?"

"I guess so."

Ye Qingxuan found a comfortable position to sit down and nodded slowly: "Kill to pay for life, debt to pay for money. I have committed a crime, and I have to accept the consequences, even if I am sentenced to life imprisonment, it doesn't matter.

But I didn't expect that Angelou would be willing to fish me out. "

"It's not whether you are willing or not, it's whether you can."

Maxwell glanced at him: "Today's time is limited. I don't want to comment on what you have done. After all, it has become a fact. You have enough things to think about clearly.

I will find someone to try my best to clear you of your guilt and fish you out. We will talk about the rest later.

But I only ask you one thing. If you do something like this next time... don't say any nice words about killing people to pay off debts and money. "

He stood up, put on his hat, and sighed with a complicated expression: "Ye Qingxuan, your courage and determination are certainly worthy of praise. But there are many people who care about you in this world. For them, you cannot easily confess your guilt or die.

This is how dirty adults are made, and one day you will understand.

As for the remaining time, I leave it to you..."

After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving Ye Qingxuan stunned.

Before he could figure out who ‘you’ meant, a familiar smiling face appeared on the edge of the glass barrier.

"Hey! Cousin, long time no see!"

The girl shook her long silver hair and looked at him with a strange smile: "Although you let go of my dove for the Winter Veil Festival, thanks to you, I got a boat ticket to visit the Holy City!"

"Bai Xi!"

Ye Qingxuan felt his eyes darken: "Why are you here?"

"Not just me, but also the teacher..."

Bai Xi stretched out his hand and pulled the person next to him over: "Look, the principal has found connections with the military department and has specially approved teachers to represent the college to come to the Holy City for academic exchanges!"

Abraham's dull face appeared from the side. He looked at Ye Qingxuan with a complex and regretful expression. He opened and closed his lips for a long time and said in a muffled voice:

"As long as you're fine, Ye Zi, don't worry about things in the department."


For the first time, Ye Qingxuan felt unspeakably ashamed and embarrassed. He looked at the two of them, and after a long silence, he couldn't help but sigh: "I'm sorry, teacher. I'm afraid I've caused you a lot of trouble again, right?"

"There's nothing to be sorry for."

Abraham shook his head, thought for a while and then said: "To be honest, the teacher is very relieved. I no longer have to worry about you thinking that you are soft-hearted and will die on the street.

It's just killing someone, don't worry too much. And the prison seemed to treat you well, and you were not beaten. The teacher is relieved to see that you are okay.

Don't feel any psychological pressure. I will try to come and see you regularly with Bai Xi in the future..."

Abraham's words made Ye Qingxuan feel that his ears were damaged and he doubted his own perception.

Then he realized that his teacher didn't care about this at all!

Who is Abraham?

He was a dragoon who had killed many people in the first half of his life and originally held a killing license issued by the state... What he did was just making a lot of noise, and it was nothing to him!

Not to mention at the gate of the Holy City, I'm afraid he might have also committed assassinations inside the Holy City...

Ye Qingxuan really didn't know whether it was good or bad to have such a teacher who lacked common sense. But even if he said this, he was probably just trying to comfort himself, right?

Otherwise there wouldn’t be any worry about traveling all the way from Angru.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, and suddenly remembered something.

"Why are there just the two of you?"

He asked: "Where is Charles? Did he stay to look after the house?"

Hearing what he said, Abraham and Bai Xi's expressions suddenly became awkward, and they hesitated to speak.

"No need to explain."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head helplessly: "I knew that that heartless guy must be too lazy to walk, huddled in Angelo and unwilling to go out."

"...Junior brother, you talk like this, I feel so sorry for you."

In the cubicle next to Ye Qingxuan, a heartbroken voice came: "Am I such a person in your heart?"

For the third time, Ye Qingxuan felt his eyes go dark.


He was so frightened that he jumped up from his chair and looked at the wall of the cubicle blankly: "You, you, you... why are you here?"

"Why else?"

The sound of shackles rubbing against each other came from next door: "I've been locked in too. I chatted with the teacher and the others for a long time before you came. Oh, by the way, have you used the soap here? You are worthy of being a saint. City, even the soap in the prison is so high-quality, much better than the cheap ones sold in our college, and it also smells of jasmine..."


Ye Qingxuan was confused.

Originally, he thought that he had seen the wind and waves and the world when he came out to travel around the world, but he did not expect that after not seeing him for a long time, the brain-dead aura of his senior brother had improved so much, and it suddenly had a strong impact on his three views again. .

"you you……"

He spent a long time talking: "What on earth did you do that was so disgusting that you were sent here?"

"If I had known, I definitely wouldn't have come in!"

Charles's voice was full of grief: "What a hell. As soon as I entered the gate of the Holy City, I spat. Good guy, dozens of people rushed up to me, knocked me down and held me down. They put me in handcuffs and a sack. Stuffed in here!

So far no one has told me what exactly I did!

Is it because I am so good-looking that the priests are afraid that when I come to town, I will make those young ladies blush and lose control of themselves?"

"……you shut up!"

Ye Qingxuan kicked the partition wall and looked at Abraham.

Abraham was also helpless, nodding and sighing: "I haven't been to the Holy City for many years, but I didn't expect the law to be so strict."


Ye Qingxuan wanted to spray blood on the glass: Teacher, do you really think that this guy Charles was arrested for spitting?

"Don't worry, Charles might get lost in the prison and escape. Don't worry."

Bai Xi comforted him seriously, but Ye Qingxuan didn't feel comforted at all.

In just a few minutes, his worldview was severely impacted, and he felt that his IQ, which had finally recovered, had fallen to the bottom.

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