Crown of Silence

Chapter 425 Heart Music Chapter

Chapter 426 Heart Music

To be honest, the sudden surprise encounter made Ye Qingxuan a little confused.

This strong impact on the three views has been lingering in his mind, and it has not dissipated until he returned to the cell.

It can only be said that the senior brother is really affectionate to him. They were classmates together, shared the spoils together, and even came to accompany him in prison... Although Ye Qingxuan could not find any touch in his heart.

He just wanted to know how serious this bitch had committed!

After the short visiting time was over, the teacher and others had left. They lived in the embassy of Anglo, and there was a special car to pick them up, so there was no need to worry about any trouble.

And Ye Qingxuan here...

It must be said that there are still benefits to committing a serious crime. At least, the treatment will not be bad, and even the cell can be allocated a single room.

There are two prisons in the Holy City. One is located in the suburbs outside the Holy City. Ordinary criminals are imprisoned. Generally, those who commit crimes are thrown there.

The second one is located in the northeast corner of the Holy City, in a lonely tower that reaches the sky. The area within a few kilometers around the Iron Tower is a martial law zone, densely packed with various military agencies and sensitive departments. There is a checkpoint every ten steps, and the security is so tight that even birds can't fly.

The prisoners imprisoned on the Iron Tower are prisoners with sensitive identities like Ye Qingxuan.

In addition to the fallen politicians and nobles who occasionally come here, the main "customer group" is the arrested black musicians...

Thousands of black musicians have been imprisoned in the cages here alone.

More than half of them were pulled out from here for purification, one-third of them died of old age here, and as for the rest, they were often taken away on a dark and windy night and never came back.

No one is seen alive, and no body is seen dead.

Since its establishment, no one has ever been able to escape from prison.

However, compared with the horrific rumors outside, the prison is peaceful inside. The guards are all smiling, and the prisoners are calm and polite. When they greet and chat with each other, they use elegant rolled tongue sounds. There is no hostility that is common in prisons. It looks very bright, like a sanatorium with iron bars.

But this alone is enough to show how evil this place is!

In the days since he came in, Ye Qingxuan has not encountered the legendary prison bully or provocation, and has not even had any difficulties. He lives a "happy" life with meat every meal and books every day.

Except for the one-kilogram anklet on his foot, not being allowed to touch anything related to ether and music, and more than a dozen layers of barriers and forbidden laws from inside to outside, it is like a vacation.

For any qualified musician, life without ether... is no different from death?

Fortunately, Ye Qingxuan is not very qualified.

It is better to say that the anklet on his foot that blocks any ether induction has helped a lot.

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes and silently sensed his body. After a long time, he opened his eyes and sighed softly: "Really... the injury is serious..."

Double Snake Clock.

This alchemical weapon engraved with Faust's movement can at least rank in the top three among the musical instruments Ye Qingxuan has seen and known. And when it was detonated, the power it exploded was far beyond Ye Qingxuan's expectations.

Even with the precise control of the Nine Heavens Ring, the power was still too huge. After all of it was transformed into lightning, it even completely simulated the spirituality of the fallen Holy Spirit, and instantly wiped out the six masters. Even the Holy Domain could be pierced through with overwhelming force, and the aftermath of the frenzy reached the deepest layer of the Sea of ​​Ether.

The price was that Ye Qingxuan's body was completely in a mess, and the music theory system that had just been built with the Philosopher's Stone as the core also collapsed again.

As he broke through the barrier of knowledge and insight, the music theory that made up the Philosopher's Stone evolved again, leaving his body and merging into his origin in the etheric world, becoming a lever for him to pry the etheric sea.

The small source forged in this way has exceeded the imagination of all the musicians of the Stone Heart School in the past. Ye Qingxuan's foundation is so powerful that it can be said to have reached an unprecedented level.

Without the suppression of the Philosopher's Stone, his injuries broke out completely.

On the surface, he looked fine, which only meant that the Philosopher's Stone strengthened his physical fitness to an astonishing degree that he would not die even if his music theory collapsed.

But in fact, if he was disturbed by any music theory at the moment, the chaotic music theory in his body would kill him.

If it weren't for the suppression of the Philosopher's Stone at that time, his best fate now would be like Gavin's dead relative, with broken heart sounds and lying in a wheelchair pretending to be a ghost to scare people.

The greater possibility is that he died without a complete corpse.

Therefore, Ye Qingxuan even enjoyed the tranquility in prison in his heart.

Who doesn't like this kind of free treatment that doesn't require money? -

The afternoon sun came in from the window, with a warm golden color, making this iron prison gentle. The air was even filled with the fragrance of tea.

Thanks to the Holy City, even in prison, you can enjoy a high-quality afternoon tea.

The tray of snacks passed through the gap in the fence and was placed on the table.

In the cage, Ye Qingxuan seemed to be oblivious, just staring at the wall in front of him.

The wall was covered with pieces of white paper, with fine notes written on them, crossing the paper and connecting with each other. There were traces of modification and deletion, but they faintly formed a huge and complex piece of music.

This is just a pure framework, without any details, but it faintly reveals the indescribable complexity and arrogance.

It is as if thousands of water systems are to be cultivated on the wasteland, turning them into rivers, lakes and seas, brewing a huge wave. Building mansions and high-rise buildings on the ruins is better than before...

However, the complicated music theory is not delicate in the combination of details, and it is difficult to be self-consistent no matter what.

The four different factions of music theory are independent of each other. Although there is a vague theme running through them, it is always difficult to merge.

Ye Qingxuan stared silently at the messy music theories on the wall. Those complex and incomplete music movements changed in his eyes, like criss-crossing gears fitting each other, and the huge hubs were roaring and running under the same force, bursting out with great power.

But often when it is pushed to a certain place, the whole sophisticated system will quickly collapse. It is like steel twisted under internal stress, and an engine that explodes when overheating.

This is just a deduction on paper, and there is no danger. But if it is built into the body, it will bring disastrous consequences.

The combination of music theory and human body is too dangerous, even the Stone Heart School that implants ether into the human body must be cautious about it.

What's more, it is necessary to re-plan one's foundation in a prison and build the "heart music movement" that is the fundamental power of the resonance-level musician?

After advancing to the resonance level, the musician will re-combine the music theory in his body to form a movement and cast the "heart sound", so that the spirituality in the movement has its own personal color.

By resonating with the heart sound and the origin, the resonance-level musician truly breaks away from the shackles of the predecessors and walks out of his own path.

And the heart sound will also strengthen the musician.

For example, the effect of a certain type of movement is enhanced: such a typical example is Samuel, the music theory from the Gate of Annihilation strengthens all destructive types of movement, allowing him to achieve unimaginable accomplishments on the road of change.

Or give the musicians certain abilities, such as super-speed regeneration, hardened bones, and star-seeing eyes.

Or make up for the shortcomings of the musicians, or even give them an indescribable sixth sense and a certain mysterious induction, etc.

Every musician can find the most suitable path for himself from it. Since ancient times, various attempts and breakthroughs in heart sounds have been common.

Some of them succeeded, and more people died tragically in this crucial link.

Therefore, all resonance-level musicians are cautious in the stage of constructing music theory and casting heart sounds.

In this stage, each school secretly inherits the secret methods, music theory and rituals explored by the previous musicians to help the musicians better complete this stage, and even form a qualitative transformation, so there are so many advanced professions for musicians.

Where is there such a fool as Ye Qingxuan, who doesn't know whether to live or die, and actually rushes up and works hard in a cage with nothing.

Fortunately, Ye Qingxuan is not nothing.

He also has a treasure that all musicians would covet.

——Blood of a celestial being!

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