Crown of Silence

Chapter 43 Where is she?


The burning wind lantern shattered in an instant, and the flying glass shards pierced his eyes, instantly blinding those eyes.

What's even more deadly is the kerosene and flames that are subsequently sprayed out of it...

In just a moment, with a low muffled sound, the flames spread with the flying kerosene. Even before Ye Qingxuan could see clearly what that man looked like, he was already screaming and tumbling down the stairs and falling.

The dwarf was stunned, staring blankly at the man rolling on the ground in the flames, his lips pouting, and his eyes full of despair.

Ye Qingxuan glanced at him one last time, turned around and prepared to leave.

Then, a wooden stick hit him in the face!


At that moment, Ye Qingxuan's vision went dark and his mind went blank. He just felt that this scene was extremely familiar.

He staggered back two steps, missed the step on the stairs, rolled back, and tried to get up despite being dizzy, but was kicked in the chest hatefully.

The pale wound was torn open again, and blood seeped out. He huddled up in pain and felt something hit him angrily.

Maybe a knife?

I didn't want him to die so happily, so I chose the back of the knife. When I hit it on the head, my eyesight would go dark again. As time went by, I felt my eyesight turn red.

Finally, he finally saw clearly the men who were kicking and beating around him.

There is also a dwarf with a ferocious face outside the crowd.

It’s been a long time no see.

"Boss Zizi, please help me! Please help me!!"

The dwarf was pulled by the invisible ghost in the stinky water and was about to fall into the water. When he saw his companions, he rekindled his desire to live. But the file just looked at him expressionlessly and asked coldly: "The invisible ghost has run out from below. Now open the fence, do you want to kill us all?"

The dwarf was stunned. He struggled to hold on to the railing and tried to climb up, but more and more squirming monsters clung to his body, struggling to drink his blood, and then a lifelike face appeared on his face. .

That face was so twisted and painful, full of malice and despair, but there was nothing in the pupils, only a chill that made people feel heart-stopping.

The men felt cold all over when they were stared at by these eyes. Although they knew that the invisible ghost could not break through the restraints of the cage, they still felt fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"Break this little bastard's legs for me."

Ji Zi fiercely snatched the rusted steel bar from his subordinates. After looking at Ye Qingxuan, he pointed the steel bar at his face: "Maybe it's better to start from here... Don't worry, you won't die. Disfigured Will disabled beggars be able to get more money in the future?”

During those painful kicks, Ye Qingxuan struggled hard and raised one hand, as if he had something to say. File frowned and looked at him.

"Actually, there is one thing I haven't made up my mind about yet. Before I take out that thing. If you stop now... everything will be okay, really..."

Ye Qingxuan raised his head and said seriously: "I never lie to people."


The steel bar stabbed into his stomach made him unable to breathe, and the file kicked him into the corner.

"You take out something?"

He sneered,

It was like seeing a wonderful clown: "What is it? King Arthur's sword in the stone? Or is it the treasure given to you by the magical fairy? Huh?"

"Sorry, actually I don't have King Arthur's Sword in the Stone. As for the magical fairy's treasure..."

On the ground, the suffocated Ye Qingxuan raised his head with difficulty, responded hoarsely, and raised his hand: "Does this count?"

At his fingertips, the heavy tinfoil bag reflected the firelight on the ground. The man was still rolling and screaming.

A fiery red glow illuminated their eyes.

Before they could react, the boy's fingers popped out the paper bag. The tinfoil bag rolled over and landed on the ground with a sizzling sound amidst the burning kerosene.

In the broken tinfoil bag, the white powder blended into the flames, and a thin and beautiful mist rose in an instant. Like a chain reaction, in an instant, all the medicinal powders were ignited by the hot flames, and thick smoke rose.

That's a mandala.

That's enough to last two serious drug addicts for a year.

It is a drug specially designed to give those addicts a more intense stimulation. It is an extract that is several times more powerful than the medicinal properties of mandala!

At that moment, everyone turned around in surprise, and then heard a crisp sound.


In the silence, the tinfoil bag expanded and shattered!

The pungent smell rose from the ground along with the thick smoke, spread quickly, and engulfed everyone in an instant. ♦♦  ♦♦In just a moment, everything was drowned. And it’s still spreading upward!

The pungent smoke carries a strong fragrance and an erratic taste. It just pours into the nostrils instantly, making you almost unsteady.

Amidst the violent coughing, someone screamed.

"Damn, what are you doing?"

Ji Zi finally reacted and kicked him angrily. But the young man didn't resist and allowed him to beat him. He just stared at him silently with pity and contempt in his eyes. He roared angrily, took out a knife and wanted to stab this damn little bastard to death.

But at that moment, he was stunned and felt a sense of drifting. Smoke entered his nostrils, and a huge amount of hallucinogens filled the space. The amount that exceeded the normal dose by hundreds of times was enough to take away a person's sanity in an instant.

The short man's hand loosened, and he staggered back, looking around in confusion. The smoke was clearly rising, but why did he see the gorgeous rainbow light? A gentle laugh came from the beautiful rainbow, making him forget where he was.

As the world spun, he was surrounded by a sense of empty satisfaction and happiness, hugging the steel bars in front of him, chewing on non-existent food, and chewing rust.

His nose and tears flowed wildly, but he was laughing...

"I told you I have a trick, why do you force me to use it?"

Ye Qingxuan whispered softly.


In the smoke, the boy crawled on the ground, immediately covered his mouth with the blood-stained coat, and breathed carefully. He pulled out the bottle from another person who had fallen to the ground, and poured the remaining liquor on the clothes that covered his mouth and nose.

But for a moment, he heard a sharp sound from the iron cage behind him.

He was stunned for a moment and looked back.

This time, I'm afraid it's a mess.


In the cage, shrouded in the smoke of the mandala... those invisible ghosts who were excited to share the flesh and blood were bathed in the smoke of the mandala.

It was like falling into magma. This group of demons, who were extremely sensitive to the external environment, screamed shrilly in an instant.

The scream was so sharp that it almost cut people's ears.

In the violent screams, the invisible ghosts became more and more violent. They rushed towards the iron cage frantically. On the iron cage, the runes that shackled them kept shining, but the color gradually dimmed.

Until the end, first the eye sockets of an invisible ghost turned from black to blood red, and then the body swelled wildly! Until the cage could hardly restrain it, and then it exploded!

The thick smoke almost broke through the invisible blockade on the iron cage, and then the second, third... and even all the invisible ghosts were atomized under the stimulation of psychedelic drugs!

The iron cage wailed and broke into pieces.

In the sound of the explosion, the thick fog like a tide swept out from it with a hurricane, filling the narrow space in an instant, and then spreading in all directions in the sewer.

It extended all the way to the depths of darkness.

Ye Qingxuan's pupils spread, he did not forget what the most terrifying thing about the invisible ghost was... It was not the power that could tear the prey apart, nor the bloodthirstiness that was always greedy.

It was the sound of fear that spread after atomization!


In an instant, countless whispering voices rang out in the thick fog.

Those whispering voices seemed to ring in his ears, like a palm stroking his brain, looking for the nerves of fear, to pull him completely into the abyss.

Ye Qingxuan's eyes went dark for a while, but soon, those whispering voices seemed to have found better prey and abandoned him. Only a cold and sticky feeling enveloped him, as if the demons that devoured their prey were still spying on new prey.

On the ground, those who were immersed in the hallucinogens finally woke up from their beautiful dreams.

Then they entered a nightmare.

In the thick smoke, there were constant screams and roars. Some people wanted to escape, but they were immersed in hallucinations and could no longer get up. Some people staggered forward and crawled out, but along the broken cage, they got into the boiling deep well.

Struggled for a long time and drowned.

On the ground, the dwarf was immersed in the beautiful dream that seemed to fly in the sky.

But in an instant, everything changed. He saw darkness falling from the sky, and countless ghosts and demons crawling out from the ground. They had indescribable appearances, and their saliva fell on the ground, corroding the ground.

"Oh my god..."

The dwarf was stunned, and then, in an instant, they pounced on him, devouring his flesh and limbs, causing him to struggle frantically and scream: "Don't touch me! Help! Help!"

His facial features twisted, like a group of irregular polygons twisting, changing the angle of fear. Any light and shadow stimulation will bring strong fear, and any slight touch will bring endless pain.

Ye Qingxuan looked down at him, and after a long time, he sighed softly, lifted his hair and made a sound.

At that moment, the dwarf saw it.

A hideous shadow wandered in the thick fog. He exuded the breath of blood, his eyes were red, and he had devil-like horns, but his body was rotten and parasitic on venomous snakes and insects.

The shadow pinched his neck one by one, shouting something.

It was raining blood from the sky, and the blood fell on the dwarf, making him scream and tremble.

The monster got impatient and pressed him against the wall. The wall was wriggling like flesh and blood. Countless poisonous snakes coiled around him, and he almost collapsed!

"Look into my eyes!"

The evil ghost roared, causing the dwarf to look at his red eyes involuntarily. It seemed that there was lava flowing in his red eyes, which was frightening.

"Where is that girl?!"

The evil ghost asked hoarsely, but the voice echoed in his ears like thunder.

"What girl? I don't know." The dwarf burst into tears: "God, save me, I repent..."

"This is not heaven, there is no time for repentance!"

The evil ghost asked again: "Where is the white-haired girl! Where is the girl brought by the shorty and the witch!"

"Upstairs, in the bedroom on the second floor!" The shorty screamed: "Emma said she would watch over him personally, I swear, I only know this much, let him go, let me go, God..."

So, the evil ghost let go, threw him to the ground, and watched him being pulled and swallowed by countless demons.


The iron hook in Ye Qingxuan's hand hit the back of the shorty's head, causing him to faint instantly, but his limbs were still twitching, immersed in an endless nightmare... Perhaps this illusion will remain in his nerves and brain forever.

If he didn't die from visceral spasms, then he would live a happy life in Arkham Asylum for the rest of his life... probably.

At least he wouldn't become crazy and commit suicide now. At least he's still alive...

Ye Qingxuan comforted himself like this.

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