Crown of Silence

Chapter 44 Nightmare

In the thick smoke, there were faint cries and screams. (audience)

Ye Qingxuan suppressed the hallucinations and forced himself not to listen to the murmurs that became increasingly clear in his ears.

In the thick fog, he groped upwards and stumbled along the abandoned sewers. Sometimes, he pushed open an iron door and saw no one inside. Then he opened another door and saw those twisted and crying faces.

Then he opened one door after another, but he never found the little girl he had lost.

Until finally, he tiredly climbed up the last step, pushed open the last door with all his strength, and saw her sleeping face.

"So you are here." He whispered softly.

She was still asleep and did not wake up, as if she was not aware of all this.

"It would be nice if you could stay quiet."

Ye Qingxuan pinched her cheek. Only at this moment could he see that she was a very cute little girl. The eyebrows are delicate, quiet, cute and beautiful, like a doll.

Ye Qingxuan bent down and reached out to pick her up, but at that moment, his expression changed and he fell to his knees.

"You... little bastard."

A dagger was drawn from his back, and the voice was hoarse.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned. Behind him, an old woman with red eyes was holding a dagger in her hand, her face twisted as if at home: "Do you know what you did?!"

Ye Qingxuan knelt on the ground, reached out and touched it, and felt blood red seeping out.

But looking at her red eyes, Ye Qingxuan couldn't be afraid anymore and wanted to laugh.

"Didn't you tell me? There are always so many misfortunes that come unexpectedly in life..."

He repeated the old woman's hypocrisy, stared into her eyes, but his eyes were extremely sincere, and said sarcastically: "Sometimes, you have to be patient."

"Damn little bastard!"

Emma whispered bitterly, biting her tongue to maintain her sanity.

Thinking of the crazy men downstairs, her heart was bleeding. She had finally managed to accumulate so many team members over the years and finally had a place in Xiacheng District. Unexpectedly, they all fell into the gutter overnight.

For the first time, she felt regretful and unable to get off.

She wanted to turn around and leave, running away from here, but the greed in her heart was burning like fire - so much money was enough to drive anyone crazy.

As long as the little girl is snatched back, she will no longer have to live in this shabby quagmire of Avalon. She could go to Burgundy, to the Corsica Islands, or smuggled to the East and live out her life in luxury.

The group of Orientals even promised to restore their youth and repair their aging bodies due to taboo surgeries. Youth, returning to youth, is really a dream that no amount of girl’s blood can be dreamed of...

"go to hell!"

She screamed hoarsely and rushed forward in an instant.

Ye Qingxuan rolled on the ground, but had no strength.

This old woman who once looked sad and lonely finally showed her true colors. Showing the ferocity of using other people's lives to feed demons.

Ye Qingxuan didn't expect her speed to be so fast. Ye Qingxuan rolled on the ground with all his strength, and saw that the floor where he was just now had been completely penetrated.

In her hand, the sharp dagger flashed with cold light, making people feel frightened.

She was able to secure her position as the boss in Xiacheng District not only because of the demons she raised. It has been so long that many people have forgotten that in addition to her ruthless and vicious heart, she also had a dagger from being a prostitute to her current status.

This is a killing technique honed in human life. Even if it is eroded by hallucinations, it is enough to kill this damn brat!

Now, her eyes were bloodshot and the visions were beginning to eat away at his brain. So he stopped talking nonsense to this damn little bastard and stepped forward with his knife.

There were two swords in an instant, so fast that people couldn't react. Ye Qingxuan retreated hastily, but there was still a trace of blood on his body.

"Come on, little bastard, come on!"

The ghost mother's steps staggered, but her eyes were fixed on Ye Qingxuan, and she pounced again. This time, in an instant, the dagger made two wounds on Ye Qingxuan's arm, and the fatal knife originally aimed at the heart was inserted into the empty space. .

Behind her ears, the mottled hair lifted up in a frenzy, exposing her hidden gills!


Ye Qingxuan was stunned when he saw the organ that should not belong to humans.

"What are you looking at?"

The ghost mother let down her hair frantically, as if she was furious, but in the hallucination, she seemed extremely happy. She stroked the inhuman organ behind her ear and laughed shrilly, like a midnight snack.

"This is Siren transformation..."

She murmured in a low voice, recalling with difficulty: "In order to have power, I spent thirty years of my life in exchange... Now that I have power, you all have to die! They are all dead, killed by that white-haired monster. Yes, the white-haired monster is dead too.

She murmured something nonchalantly, her eyes locked on Ye Qingxuan who was quietly retreating, and a ferocious look suddenly appeared on her face: "You have to die too! You, like that monster, have to die too!"

This crazy old woman stepped on him, lowered her dagger and stabbed out suddenly!

Ye Qingxuan used his last strength to roll over, only to hear the muffled sound of the dagger sinking into the floor.

"Fuck, die, die, die!!!!"

Emma screamed, she pulled her arm suddenly, and the dagger that had clearly penetrated the floor sliced ​​out towards Ye Qingxuan!

Amid the grinding sound of the floorboards breaking, wooden branches flew everywhere, and the dagger cut a huge gap in the floorboards, extending to Ye Qingxuan's throat. She was really crazy, and as long as she could kill Ye Qingxuan, she would do anything.

But the knife that was bound to completely split his throat and the floor in two stopped, and was firmly grasped by Ye Qingxuan's outstretched hand.

In dizziness, Ye Qingxuan consciously grabbed her arm, but accidentally grabbed the blade, but he had to grab it even if it was a blade! He firmly resisted the dagger that was cutting across.

The blade had cut deeply into the flesh and blood, and the bone was visible.

The terrible pain spread from the wound, and the burning pain made his palm twitch, but Ye Qingxuan stared at the twisted face of the ghost mother, and his eyes suddenly realized: "Are you afraid?"

"You little bastard..."

Emma's breathing became heavy, and saliva flowed from the corners of her twisted mouth. She growled hoarsely: "I'm going to tear your mouth!"

She scratched Ye Qingxuan's face like crazy, leaving a trail of blood. But Ye Qingxuan's body was stiff, as if frozen in an instant.

The trembling pupils gradually spread.

The ghost mother was stunned, stopped her hand, and suddenly laughed, as if she had heard the best joke in the world!

"Hahahaha! You've been pulled in too!"

She laughed shrilly, so happy: "Your nightmare has begun too!"

On the ground, Ye Qingxuan was still stiff, his body twitching as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and shrank into a ball. He was pulled into a nightmare by the invisible ghost.

"Just suffocate in your nightmare!"

The ghost mother slowly stretched out her hand, pinched his neck, and tightened it.

"There is no place for your innocence in this world!"


Amid the countless hallucinatory cries, Ye Qingxuan suddenly could not feel the excruciating pain on his palm, as if the pain had been isolated.

His consciousness was drawn into a black box, surrounded by countless cries.

In the stinging pain in his brain, those memories hidden in the corner surged again.

In the thick fog, countless faces were floating, and those faces forgotten in the depths of memory emerged. They stared at Ye Qingxuan, either sad or hideous, crying and cursing.

"He is the child of the traitor, beat him to death!"

"Take this bastard out, there is no such child in the Lancelot family!"

"Don't be afraid, Xiaoye, don't be afraid... Dad is just leaving home temporarily."

"Get out, there is no place for beggars here!"

"Hey, that oriental bastard..."

"Is your mother a prostitute? I heard that bastards are like this."

The faces surrounded him, constantly floating in the thick fog, and he suddenly realized...

"Long time no see."

He looked around and whispered: "I almost forgot about you."

The cries and roars penetrated his heart, making him fall into a trance, almost forgetting that Emma was still pinching his neck. Suffocation pushed him into the abyss of death bit by bit.

But at the same time, there was a kind of anger surging in his heart, as if it was stimulated by a drug, it was expanding, a hundred times expanding. The anger sleeping in the depths of memory burst out with the shadow. It was an unextinguishable flame, once ignited, it would completely devour people's reason.

It was like a voice deep inside went crazy, roaring and screaming hoarsely!

The beast hidden in the heart rammed the cage frantically, and also wanted to tear the heavy lock.

Once! Twice! Three times!

Until the end, it was covered with wounds! It roared in despair, dying...

But the iron lock was finally touched, and a crack appeared.

So the memory locked in the depths of memory, the pain forgotten in pain, emerged.

In an instant, he passed through a long time and returned to the past.

He seemed to be lying there, but he couldn't feel his body.

The cold sound of the scalpel and the iron bed colliding sounded, and there was a dripping sound accompanied by the heartbeat.

He stared blankly at the headlight hanging from the ceiling. The light of the headlight was dazzling and cold, illuminating the blurred figures, and they had no shadows.

What are those people doing?

He looked at them blankly, surrounding him, holding knives in their hands, cutting open his body...

Those people were wearing pure white clothes, and even their faces were covered, leaving only cold eyes. But why cover their faces? Why do we choose to cover our faces when we live in this world?

What are you doing?

What do you want to do to me...?

Stop it! Stop it! Don't go on!

He felt fear, But blood flowed from his cut forehead, covering his eyes.

Something, inch by inch, inch by inch, nailed into the skull!

"In this case, it's done..."

Those masked people looked down at him, as if they were laughing softly. They looked down at him with cold and superior eyes, casting the last pity, but so high above.

"Can you ensure that everything is foolproof?" asked a man with a cane next to him.

"The operation has been successful, there is no other possibility."

"Then prepare for memory cleansing."

The man glanced at him, his eyes cold and contemptuous: "After it's over, just leave it to that woman and let them get out of Avalon. I don't want to remember this bastard who only brings shame."

Ye Qingxuan stared at him, but couldn't see his face clearly.

The masked men lowered their heads again, as if smiling under the masks, and stretched out their hands to cover his eyes.

He roared hard and struggled hard.

But everything sank into darkness again, even if he tried everything.

Nameless anger and sadness erupted in his heart. In this endless abyss of fear, he roared hard and stretched out his palm towards the disappearing light at the top.

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