Crown of Silence

Chapter 464 Accident

Chapter 465 Accident

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The hinges of the bronze door twisted and rubbed, making loud noises one after another.

Before the hurried footsteps, six huge doors opened one after another.

The disheveled Archbishop Albert held his hat in his hand, ignoring that his shoes were on backwards, and rushed towards the Central Temple on this steel road.

From the periphery to the core, it takes just two minutes.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Amidst the piercing sirens, he rushed into the central temple and screamed: "What's the war siren? The northern defense line collapsed? Angru fell? The abyss blew out? Natural disasters invaded?!"

The priest on duty in the temple had a pale face. When he noticed Albert's arrival, he rushed over: "Archbishop, the barrier of the Holy City has been broken! I, I don't know what happened. I swear, I was confused for a moment. When I raised my eyes, I saw a big hole in the barrier!"

Albert was stunned for a moment, and his face turned dark instantly. The skinny old man lifted the priest's collar: "Who did it?"

"No, I don't know..."

The priest shook his head vigorously.


Albert threw him away and ran towards the tumbling silver light in the center of the hall. As his fingers flicked, the silver light changed, quickly revealing the locations of thousands of tuners in the Holy City.

In this city of steel, a huge surveillance barrier is covered from beginning to end. Cables can be dug hundreds of meters into the ground to connect to various countries, keeping in touch with the entire world at all times.

Countless iron towers are like bones supporting the barrier of the Holy City, and just under the towers are the only two thousand synchronized super-giant synchronizers in the world, which are always taking over the barrier and ether, controlling All music theory changes.

There is no doubt that these two thousand Xieluyi are the core of the core.

Although there are also three, six or nine levels internally, their importance cannot be ignored.

And now, during the inspection of the Central Temple, six Xieluyi lost contact, and even the area where they were located fell into silence.

It's like, suddenly... there's a strike.

If it's just a strike, other Concord Yis will share the pressure. Even if there is only one left, the Holy City barrier can be maintained. But in that area, the barrier was silently dissolved.

All music theory is completely lost once it enters it.

Like ice cubes melting into water.

No more traces.

This is even scarier than being destroyed!

If it is damaged, it can still be repaired, but such a huge loophole appears in the Holy City barrier for no reason. If the reason is not understood, there will be endless troubles!

And, even worse, could this have been done on purpose?

Or, someone has already mastered the method of interfering with the Holy City's barrier?

Instantly, Albert was sweating profusely.

"It's broken, that's the embassy area..."

Albert suddenly thought of this and his face turned green: "The envoys from all countries are inside. If they are taken away by some damn thing, the Holy City will be in great disgrace!"

In front of him, light and shadow swirled, revealing the operation status of countless music theories.

It can be clearly seen that the self-repair of the barrier has never stopped. But no matter what kind of power poured into that area, it would dissipate.

All ether is unresponsive!

There, a literal blank space appeared in the observation.

They didn't even know what was going on there.

Why is it at this time! It happened that this problem occurred while Nibelung was sleeping and performing self-examination! Albert couldn't even find a consulting party.

He stared intently at the control center of the barrier in front of him, sweating profusely and his mind spinning.

No response from any movement.

Unless there is no ether here, the concentration can be too high without any change.

After checking the operation status of the barrier again and again, Albert went a little crazy. There was no problem here.

At this moment, the siren suddenly stopped, and the Holy City, which was originally boiling, returned to silence after a weak chaos.

Albert was stunned for a moment and looked up.

A stream of light flew toward him, and an indifferent voice sounded:

"——The barrier is intact, the alarm is cancelled, everything is business as usual."

It was an order from the Red King!

The Holy City, which was about to be in turmoil, quickly returned to calm under the order.

"Is the barrier okay?"

Albert was silent for a long time, scratching his head and looking sad: "So, the problem occurs elsewhere? Could it be that something went wrong?"

Beside him, the priest on duty was thoughtful and whispered: "I have seen such a situation in books. Could it be something like a 'forbidden zone'?"

The 'forbidden zone' is a technique passed down by the holy name of Bach, and it can also be said to be the signature of the King of Blue.

Wherever the King of Blue is, all ethers must accept his control unconditionally, and his priority is supreme.

If it is fully deployed, Bach can even control all the ether within a thousand miles radius and make it change according to his own wishes.

The most important thing is to set up restricted areas.

With forbidden attainments beyond ordinary people's imagination, a restricted area is established in which only one's own music theory can operate, and all other foreign music theories disappear.

In other words, as long as Bach is willing, he can deprive any musician of his power at any time, even a saint.

This is the supreme authority of the Blue King.

It is also the power that a king of musicians should have.

But after thinking for a while, Albert shook his head and rejected this direction.

"Whether it's Mr. Bach's Forbidden Zone, Tianzhu's 'Brahma I'm One Heart', or the East's 'Tai Yi'... these similar abilities control the ether and make it guard under the music theory of the same theme. .

Only in this way can the purpose of ‘control’ be achieved. "

He paused and showed a confused look: "But there is no trace of music theory in this area. Logically speaking, if there is no control, the ether will fall into chaos. But now there is no chaos here.

There is only nothingness. "

He thought for a moment and suddenly stretched out his hand.

On the side of light and shadow, it transformed again, revealing the ether detection map in the Holy City.

Under the control of the barrier, the ether activity of the Holy City is firmly suppressed - most areas are safe and harmless white zones. Important areas are marked as yellow zones because of the large amount of ether, and there are even red zones or The violent black zone of ether exists - but now, in the loophole, there are strange changes.

There is no color there.

A piece of transparency.

Colorless zone?

Archbishop Albert fell into complete sluggishness.

what 's wrong?

In the view of the ascetics of Tianzhu, the world is divided into three parts, which are called the desire realm, the sexual realm and the colorless realm.

The so-called desire realm is the material realm where we exist, and **** is the corresponding ether realm that only exists in concepts, the mysterious world observed through the ether perspective.

The formless realm, however, is independent of the two, like a blank space between them.

There is no matter and no ether.


It is said that true liberation and freedom exist there. Countless ascetics are willing to become annihilated and want to realize its existence in the moment of life and death but cannot achieve it.

But now, under the influence of something, all the ether has fallen into silence, which is absolutely similar to the kind of 'vacuum' that should not exist.

Although the two are completely different, Archbishop Albert feels scared when he thinks about the details and distance.

He finally thought about what that weird hole was.

This is the dream of the ether.

This is a piece of music that has been lost for hundreds of years...

——Longmian Barrier!

"Open the star map! Test all the musicians in the Holy City for me!"

Archbishop Albert jumped up, gritted his teeth, and said angrily: "I want to see which old bastard created this regardless of the Holy City's ban and the consequences of the experiment?!"

In an instant, the silver light and shadow changed.

The huge star field once again emerged in the darkness.

Countless stars shined, collided with each other, and burst out with dazzling light.

Each star is the source point of a resonance-level musician embedded in the etheric world.

Complex nebulae intertwined, covering the territory of the human world. Resonance, interference, distortion...the layers are clear.

And just above the position representing the Holy City, there is a majestic scorching sun that releases thousands of rays of light.

That's where the Red King is.

And in the distant dark world, there is also a scorching sun that illuminates the darkness and opens up a new realm. That's where Bach is.

And outside the nebula, there is a faint corona moving silently. It is fleeting, but it makes people unable to find its direction. That was the Yellow King who had already moved away.

The huge nebula just flashed by briefly, and soon, the starry field expanded, and in the end, only the Holy City was left.

Countless dazzling stars hover in the darkness, creating complex ripples with each other and moving silently.

Just the echoes of countless music theories between them are dazzling. Ether ripples like ocean waves rippled through the Holy City, but were integrated under the same frequency by the barrier.


In silence, the priest behind Bishop Albert looked up, and after searching for a long time, he froze:


Yes, no trace of anything unusual.

As always, all sources are registered musicians and no one is missing.

But in the silence, Archbishop Albert stared at the countless stars. After a long time, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the starry sky: "No, it is here..."

The priest followed his finger and saw nothing.

But when he concentrated on distinguishing, he found a vague shadow in the waves of ether.

That source point is like a huge black hole hidden behind layers of stars. It cannot be distinguished with the naked eye. Only by observing other stars can its existence be detected through the interference of gravity.

Following Archbishop Albert's movements, the direction of the vague star was marked, releasing a terrifying whirlpool-like glow that radiated in all directions.

Domineering and majestic.

It's as if all the ether is being sucked into eternal sleep.

Among the countless stationary stars, only the source point is moving. In the dull eyes of the two people, it wandered in the ethereal world, as if walking among the stars.

"Who is it?"

Albert murmured in a low voice, racking his brains to think, which old monster returned from the etheric realm and made such a big noise?

Or, what secret sect is conducting such forbidden experiments?

At that moment, the source point suddenly disappeared.

The vortex that pulled all the ether into silence disappeared with it.

The light is gone.

It gathered all its power and hid among the stars again, making it difficult to find traces of it by observing other stars.

Only a mocking afterglow was left, dissipating into the darkness of nothingness.

Albert was silent for a long time and then raised his head.

"Nibelungen, are you here? I don't believe you know anything about such a big movement."

In the silence, no one responded.

And Albert was still staring at the dome, waiting silently, as if he wanted to wait until the end of the world.

Until a long time later, an indifferent voice sounded.

"I came at your call, Archbishop Albert. What are your orders?"

"Come on, old friend, stop pretending." Albert sighed: "What happened just now?"

"It's just an accident, don't worry about it."


Albert frowned.


Nibelungen replied firmly: "The transformation of a certain musician's music theory caused the enchantment to become redundant in music theory. An endless loop caused the surrounding harmonies to go out of control, causing unexpected effects.

Now that the performance has resumed and everything is running normally, there is no need to worry. "

Albert looked at the dome coldly and said softly:

"I hope so."


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