Crown of Silence

Chapter 472 Purple-eyed Griffin

Chapter 473 Purple-Eyed Griffon

"Brother, I'm here to save you."

After hearing these words, Ciel completely collapsed on the ground, not wanting to move a finger anymore, and even the headache that was almost driving him crazy seemed to have disappeared.

He stretched out his hand and wiped away the snot and tears on his face: "Yi Zi, you came so slowly."

"It's pretty good so soon."

Ye Qingxuan got off the carriage and carefully helped him onto his seat: "I just woke up and rushed over here non-stop. You didn't thank me, but you complained as soon as we met."

"Don't worry so much. Senior brother is so beautiful. You can save me without suffering any loss."

Charles stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder feebly, but the blood remained on his shoulder, which was warm. He stared at Ye Qingxuan's uniform and dress, and his expression became happy.

"The clothes are good. Give me a set some other time, and we two brothers can go out on the street together to show off."


Ye Qingxuan took off his coat and covered him: "We will go when your injury is healed. We can go wherever we want. As long as I am here, no one can stop you."


Charles smiled: "Those people are very powerful, you have to be careful."

"Do not worry."

Ye Qingxuan turned around and looked at the livid-faced musicians: "It's just... just a few losers who are so old that even masters can't achieve success."

In an instant, the expressions of the three people changed drastically.

An almost substantial breath rose from them, and a faint melody stirred in the bones. It was the broken music theory being restored in the body, forcibly patched up, and squeezing out the last bit of strength.

Invisible flames rose up around them, and even the surrounding space became distorted and blurred, just like the virtual shadow of their hearts.

If you close your eyes, you can feel that three huge whirlpools have appeared in the sea of ​​ether, gathering strength furiously.

That is the determination and anger to extinguish Ye Qingxuan, Charles and Constantine here at all costs!

"Still energetic at such an old age? I'm really scared."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and shook his head. He casually took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, opened it, put it in the corner of his mouth, touched his pocket and couldn't help but sigh, and looked at Charles:

"Senior brother, can I borrow a fire?"

"Hey, pay more attention." Charles raised his finger helplessly and made a flame: "Recently, there are a lot of accidents involving pretense."

Ye Qingxuan shrugged, bent over and took a deep breath.

And at that moment, an angry roar sounded.

The three heart sound illusions completely condensed into reality.

Ring of thunder, dandelion and double ring nested nine-sided rune.

The Ring of Thunder erupted, and countless torrential rains and thunders roared out.

Countless dark red spores were released from the flesh and blood, and the corpses on the ground instantly swelled, releasing countless poisonous dandelions.

The air solidified, dust rose up, and in an instant it turned into steel sand, stirring each other, burning until red, roaring in, and under the control of nature interference, this place was already a dead place.

But Ye Qingxuan was completely unaware of it.

In the middle of the night, the dim flames on Ciel's fingertips danced.

The flame burned the charred tobacco. Ye Qingxuan inhaled and watched the cigarette become charred black under the burning of the flame, and glow with a little red light.

The thick smoke rose up and breathed out from his mouth, making the face look as handsome as a demon.

Behind him, a chaotic bang erupted.

It stopped suddenly.

Ye Qingxuan took a deep breath, took off the cigarette from the corner of his mouth, and looked back: "By the way, you don't think I came alone, do you?"

The darkness rolled, and four musicians from the Silent Organ came out, dressed in formal attire and holding instruments in their hands, and the sea of ​​ether turned into reality from behind.

Astonishingly, there are four Distortion Levels!

Relying on Ye Qingxuan to attract attention, the four of them attacked from behind without any sense of shame or morals. They severely injured the three of them in an instant. They used more to hit the less, and pressed forward step by step, completely suppressing them.

If it wasn't for the purpose of capturing people alive, they could be killed right now.

But now, their defeat is just a matter of time.

The Holy City is the core of the human world, and the Silent Agency naturally has an elite team here.


During the siege, the Transformation Musician roared and roared, "Ye Qingxuan, do you still have any sense of shame? Don't you have any dignity as a musician! Come here and fight me!"

"Look what you said, didn't we just have a duel before?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him and smoked a cigarette: "I am so young and not strong enough. If you want to help me, just let me rest for a while."


The changing musician was furious: "Ye Qingxuan, you shameless villain! You are not called a musician in vain! You..."


There was a loud bang.

Half of his body collapsed into dust.

Ye Qingxuan looked away, continued to smoke, and just smiled:

"You should worry about yourself."

He took one last deep drag, curled his fingers, and carelessly flicked the cigarette into the darkness.

The cigarette was released, drawing a long arc in the darkness, and exploded with a pop. Countless sparks were freed from the shackles of the white paper like fireflies, freed, and dancing in ecstasy.

Under the operation of nature interference, wherever it passed, iron, stone, water, dust, and everything else were ignited by flames. The heroic fire emerged from the stone, iron, and dust, illuminating the darkness.

In the envelopment of the flames, all musical theories were affected by this interference, producing imperceptible fluctuations.

Then, in the darkness, a vague figure flashed for a moment.

Someone was hiding there!

In the countless flying sparks, the figure raised his hands in astonishment, protecting his face, intending to retreat.

But behind the sparks, Ye Qingxuan's face suddenly appeared, stretched out his hand, and suddenly pressed his head: "Sorry, you are late!"

A sharp scream flashed, and the sound of steel friction came.

Ye Qingxuan's figure suddenly disappeared.

And in the original place, Ye Qingxuan's body shook, and his fingers twitched painfully.

His illusion was defeated, and the fulcrum was broken.

Originally, the sparks were used as the fulcrum, and the dazzling moment of hundreds of firelights transformed into Ye Qingxuan's phantom and attacked the enemy. And while the enemy was stunned, it could also be used as a basis to find the gap in the mind and plant hints.

Then, he could attack step by step. No matter who came, he would suppress the opponent neatly, fight and delay time until the people of the Silent Agency came back to help, and fight with more people and remain invincible.

Unfortunately, this plan failed at the beginning.

The person hiding in the dark actually saw through his plan in an instant, as if he had already predicted it. Even if he was discovered, he was not panicked at all, and broke Ye Qingxuan's fulcrum on his own. There was no gap in his mind, and the hint could not be implanted.

He met a difficult guy...

And it's not just that.

The mere existence of this person made Ye Qingxuan a little creepy.

He didn't even know when this person lurked nearby. If Charles hadn't given him a hint when he lit the fire, he wouldn't have noticed that there was still a person hiding in the darkness!

He merged his own etheric fluctuations with the outside world, inseparable, and his breath weakened to nothingness. If you didn't know it in advance, you couldn't tell where he was.

Just like the mysterious "unity of man and nature" in the East!

This skill of "everything is me" is rarely achieved even among the forbidden musicians who specialize in the field!

In an instant, Ye Qingxuan clenched his fist, and the strings of the Nine Heavens Ring were played, crisscrossing in the void.

Behind him, the shadow of a pure white moon slowly rose, casting a cold silver glow.

Xiaoyuan started.

Ye Qingxuan was ready to go all out.

But around him, at some point, fog had risen.

Wisps of fog appeared around, and they did not dissipate when the wind blew, lingering around. Wherever they passed, they not only obscured vision, but also blocked ether induction!

Ye Qingxuan's expression became more and more alert.

This is not water mist.

This is the result of "property interference", which directly interacts with the surroundings through music theory, distorts reality, and creates substances that should not exist out of thin air.

Even the moonlight could not penetrate the strange fog, nor could it be driven away.

In the mist, the figure finally lowered the arm that was protecting his face, revealing his face.

It was a mask like a falcon, with a long beak like a crow and an ominous aura, but possessing arrogance and ferocity far superior to that of a crow!


The head of the griffin!

And on the face of the griffin, two pupils released a fascinating purple light!

Purple eyes... purple eyes!

It was the strange figure that flashed in the Judgment Tower and destroyed all the records. Charles had seen him and was afraid of him as if he were a monster. He told himself to be absolutely careful and even to run away when he saw him... He always thought that Charles was scared.

Only now did he realize the pressure that Charles had once been under.

Being looked at by those eyes, he finally realized Charles' fear.

His whole body was covered with hair, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

He was in a state of panic all day long.

Waiting for death.

There was no hint of mind or magic interference in the strange purple eyes, but it fully released the murderous intent that was not human, but pure like a beast.

Even the butcher in Avalon who killed countless people would be completely suppressed by him.

This guy is a monster from head to toe!

It was just a moment of trance, and Ye Qingxuan heard a shrill and sad melody.

His face suddenly changed, and he staggered back.

The melody pressed forward step by step, and the purple-eyed griffin moved forward, beating the beat with both hands, but it was like beating a steel drum. The sound of the beat was soul-stirring, penetrated into the body, and vibrated between the bones.

The erratic and cold music theory came suddenly, like a seed.

The nature of the seed kept changing, the surface music theory was illusory, and it kept adjusting its essence, like a ghost passing through layers of walls, and in just a moment, it penetrated into Ye Qingxuan's body, ignoring all music theory defenses.

The forbidden school's domain theory places the greatest emphasis on defense. The structure of the internal music theory is seamless and impeccable. Not to mention external music theory, if Ye Qingxuan doesn't want to, even the internal and external parts can be completely isolated from all influences.

But the seed of music theory was cleverly integrated into his system, passing through layers of defense, and in an instant it was placed on his heart.

Then, the seed burst, and the bud of destruction absorbed blood and began to grow...

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