Crown of Silence

Chapter 473 True and False

Chapter 474 True and False

That was a flame!

A flame that burned with blood as fuel!

In an instant, the ‘interference of nature’ hidden in the seed was released, and began to construct music theory at will, modifying Ye Qingxuan’s body. All flesh and blood were transformed into fuel for the flame, until Ye Qingxuan was burned to ashes from the inside out.

On the Burning Ashes!

The music of Saint Tchaikovsky, the most vicious and most inconspicuous killing method of the Forbidden School, planting the seeds of music theory when passing by, lodging in the enemy’s body, and bearing fruit.

Using heart sounds to make fire, using flesh and blood as fuel, completely turning the enemy into burning ashes from the inside out. But it will not disturb anything else.

The only thing left for the deceased is a complete set of clothes and hot dust all over the ground.

Ye Qingxuan knew this very well.

From beginning to end, all this happened under Ye Qingxuan’s nose, but he couldn’t stop it.

Nature interference, this is the core skill of the forbidden faction.

For so long, he has always thought that he has mastered it to the extreme - making fire on stone and turning iron into springs are just a matter of seconds.

But now, he was defeated by someone with the same nature interference, and the other party's attainments in the forbidden way were far beyond his own by several times!

In just a few moments, the two sides had fought fiercely with their attainments in the forbidden field.

Music theory invasion, field protection, nature interference and fine control...

As a result, Ye Qingxuan was defeated.

The opponent's seed of destruction penetrated his field protection like a broken bamboo, parasitized in the music theory, blossomed and bore fruit in his body, and ignited the flame...

It was simply the pinnacle!

Ye Qingxuan had no power to fight back except passive defense and forced suppression, and every move was in the opponent's applause. In just a few snaps of the fingers, six counterattacks, before they were fully prepared, were extinguished by the opponent in the cradle.


Ye Qingxuan gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to his heart.

A ray of hot fire was suddenly pulled out from his chest, fell to the ground, and burned vigorously on the corpse.

If someone else did this, his heart would be burned instantly and turned into ashes. But Ye Qingxuan had no scruples. His heart had sublimated along with the Philosopher's Stone and entered the etheric world in advance.

At this moment, what was beating in his chest was just an illusion that existed but was not real. Even if it was ignited, it was just a rootless fire.

Even so, Ye Qingxuan felt dizzy and his will was dull.

If it was a little later, he might have been boiled to death by his own blood!

From the beginning to now, it was only a few seconds.

Before he could react, he realized that the defense he had arranged in advance had been shattered in a short snap of his fingers.

The purple-eyed griffin just waved his hand, and the shrill sound of steel friction spread like a blade, and the violent music contained in it destroyed several layers of barriers with ease.

Not only the sound...

In that sharp sound, there was also a shrill cry!

That was the sound of the blade breaking through the air.

It was a knife!

It was actually a knife!

At the moment of waving his hand, a kukri with a sharp blade painted black slipped out of the sleeve of the purple-eyed griffin and was thrown towards Ye Qingxuan.

The movement was smooth and skillful, not like a musician at all, but like a warrior killing people in the wild.

The flying knife was incredibly fast, just like a crossbow arrow shot out from a steel crossbow. The black blade was hidden in the dark night, drawing a strange arc, and attacked from his right side.

If it weren't for the reflection of a ray of iron light under the bright moon, Ye Qingxuan would probably die without knowing what he died on!

Even so, by the time he reacted, the iron light was already in front of him.

In a short moment, there were continuous dull sounds.

That was the sound of the strings being cut in the void.

At the last moment, the black iron cane popped out from Ye Qingxuan's hand again and blocked in front of him.


Steel collided, sparks burst, and a shrill roar sounded.

Ye Qingxuan was repelled by the huge force and slid back several meters, his expression twitching slightly.

Not scared, but angry.

Frustrated, too frustrated.

When has he ever been so frustrated in a fight?

From the beginning, he was taken over by the opponent and fell into the opponent's rhythm. He was exhausted from dealing with it, and now he didn't even have room to change hands.

Since his debut, where has he suffered such a loss?

As the cane in his hand waved, there was a sudden sound of strings bursting out in the mist, crisscrossing,

You are very familiar with Western music theory, right?

Then let's change a set!

The ladder to heaven, unfold!

The cane suddenly paused, and the sound of a piano rang out!

It was as if endless water vapor gathered from all directions, blending into the mist, and stirring restlessly. In the thick mist, thunder brewed and a storm rose.

In an instant, the storm rolled up the water vapor, forming a huge vortex, pulling more and more water vapor into it, until finally, it turned into a dark iron cloud.

The shrill lightning burst out from it.

Thunder and gale, blowing in the face.

Immediately afterwards, heavy rain poured down, and the lightning in the iron cloud burst out.

"Wind and Thunder Induction"!

This is "Wind and Thunder Induction" after being superimposed sixteen times at the same time.

The music from the oriental music score, with distinct musical theories running in the thunderclouds, combined with Indra's angry spirit, endless thunder burst out from the friction of water vapor.

Fierce light fell from the sky.

Seventeen times in a flash, wherever it passed, the rain vaporized, the earth was scorched, and the remaining lightning spread, causing pain on people's skin.

At the same time, the storm wrapped in rain and ice knives fell from the sky, bringing with it a bitter cold, making it difficult to walk.

The lightning as thick as a bucket was like an angry dragon, soaring between the water clouds and rainstorms, the sky and the earth, and the piano sounded, making a soul-stirring dragon roar.

At this time and place, it was clearly in the holy city, but in the cover of the rainstorm, it seemed to have come to the endless ocean.

The new swallows chirped behind the curtains, and the old dragons in the sea!

Even Mr. Hu probably didn't think about how terrible it would be after the combination of Fengleiyin and the 'Nine Heavens Ring Pendant', which was known as the remains of the real dragon. Even though Ye Qingxuan was never good at changing music theory, he could still stimulate its power to a shocking degree through the guidance of the ladder.

Spanning seven systems, the operation is the same!

What's more, it also incorporates the spirituality he got from Thunder Emperor Indra.

With such divine power, even the unfathomable purple-eyed griffin had to retreat, and its movements were swift, almost inhuman, and it turned into a phantom and ran away in an instant. Unfortunately, no matter how fast a human body is, unless it reaches the scepter of the changing faction - the realm of elemental incarnation and lightning galloping - otherwise, it can't be compared with this destructive lightning!

In a blink of an eye, the purple-eyed griffin was swallowed by the lightning.

Ye Qingxuan did not relax, squeezing the power in the water vapor of the thundercloud, causing it to stir in the clouds, constantly brewing violent lightning, and striking down one after another.

The roar of the thunder dragon could be clearly heard even a hundred miles away.

In an instant, dozens of thunders struck the purple-eyed griffin.

But then, in the next moment, the purple-eyed griffin broke through the thunder.

He raised his hand and shot out dozens of iron lights, which were the silver coins cast by the Holy City. The silver coins deflected the electric light and passed by him. The water vapor around him evaporated and flowed layer by layer.

The aftermath of the thunder and lightning struck his body, and most of the power was transformed into the water vapor, as if he was wearing thunder as a coat.

In the gallop, the purple-eyed griffin stepped on the ruins and flew up, raised his hand again in the air, and slashed at Ye Qingxuan with two kukri again. In a whistle, the rain flew, and the two kukri drew a strange arc in the air, breaking through the rain, one pierced Ye Qingxuan's heart, and the other slashed his neck.

Ye Qingxuan's figure was turbulent for a moment, and then disintegrated into water vapor. This is an illusion refracted with water vapor as the fulcrum!

Not far behind the purple-eyed griffin, Ye Qingxuan came hiding in the water vapor, snorted coldly, stretched out his hand, waved his hand, and countless lightnings fell!

The purple-eyed griffin turned strangely in the air, and the music theory in its body repelled and resonated with the sea of ​​ether. The center of gravity turned, and in a flash, it turned strangely in the air, walked in the air and pounced on Ye Qingxuan.

Once it reaches the resonance level, it can communicate with the sea of ​​ether through music, control the huge power, and make itself rise to the sky and fly in human form.

At this moment, the purple-eyed griffin showed that it used its own music theory, which had been tempered and imperfect, to force resonance with the external material world, and with the interference of properties, it was like the two poles of the magnetic field were close, generating repulsion and attraction out of thin air, completely ignoring the potential energy on its body, turning around, and shooting towards Ye Qingxuan in an extremely strange way.

Such means can only be used when the music theory and heart music in the body are strong enough to distort the material world, and it is much higher than ordinary musicians who rely on external forces.

In just a moment, the purple-eyed griffin has already fallen from the sky and pounced in front of Ye Qingxuan.

The dark robe broke through the rainstorm and lightning, and it rustled, like a griffin flapping its wings and a predator falling from the sky. In a pair of strange purple eyes, there seemed to be a real murderous intention that shocked the soul.

Want to fight head-on?

Ye Qingxuan roared, and stabbed the purple-eyed griffin with the cane in his hand.

In an instant, endless thunder and lightning fell from the sky and merged into the Jiuxiao Ring Pendant, coating the Jiuxiao Ring Pendant that turned into an iron rod with a layer of fierce light, and in the fierce light, the moonlight was brewing.

Wind, thunder and moon, merged into this sword.

With a sword stabbing out, the spirituality of the music was born, and it evolved into a tragic illusion of a white rainbow piercing the sun.

In an instant, the two passed each other, and the body of the purple-eyed griffin suddenly collapsed and disintegrated into wisps of mist again.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

It's fake!

Where is the real one?

Suddenly, he turned around and looked at the carriage behind him.

The real purple-eyed griffin had already silently fallen from the sky, pulled out a snake-shaped sword from the inside of his robe, and stabbed Constantine who was fainting on the ground!


From the beginning, his target was Constantine!

Pretending to deal with Ye Qingxuan was just to make him careless and forget to be on guard against this place.

Constantine knew too much and had seen too much. If he was alive, he would undoubtedly be a big worry for Gaius! Not to mention letting him fall into the hands of the Holy City?

If the four distorted musicians cannot complete the task, then this strongest elite hidden in the Holy City will be dispatched!

The long sword is like a snake, falling from the sky!


Monthly ticket, friends.

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