Crown of Silence

Chapter 548 Breakfast

Chapter 549 Breakfast

At the same late night, in the silent room, there was only the sound of the burning fire.

In the jumping firelight, Ye Qingxuan leaned on the bed, lowered his head and flipped through the thick book in his hand. In the silence, there was only the rustling sound of the pages rubbing against each other.

In the shadow of the corner, Laura's figure emerged. Seeing his calm appearance, her slender eyebrows slightly raised, and her tone mocked: "You look confident."

Ye Qingxuan raised his head and pinched his chin in confusion: "Is there anything wrong?"

"You are not really going to take this group of guys straight into the fog to save the world, are you?" Laura poured a basin of cold water on him, "Don't let me remind you how stupid that is.

"How is it possible? I haven't lost my mind and become a madman."

"But I look no different from a madman."

Lola glanced at him and said coldly: "It's right to want to save the world, but you always have to have a plan, right?"

"Don't worry, there is always a plan. ‘

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and continued to read: "No matter what, with Angelu silent, the Fifth Department is probably the only force that can change the situation.

This is Maxwell's hard work. If even the Fifth Department loses control, there will be no hope."

"Is this your plan? Relying on a group of killers and spies? Every profession has its own expertise, Ye Qingxuan, the realm of demons is completely different from that of humans. Even the executioner who kills countless people and the invincible warrior may not be able to be of any use at this time."

"Don't worry about this."

Ye Qingxuan looked at the book, but smiled meaningfully: "They will come in handy, and it won't take long."

In the long silence, there was only the sound of the book in Ye Qingxuan's hand turning.

Laura couldn't help curling her lips as she saw him concentrating:

"What are you reading?"


Ye Qingxuan shook the book in his hand and smiled: "The music theory of a school called Dinar, which originated from an old school in the Dark Ages. It has been developing in Burgundy over the years and has not had much contact with the outside world."

As Ye Qingxuan flipped through the pages, the moonlight appeared faintly on the empty book.

The moonlight outlined the fine handwriting and music theory, and flowed on the pages, weaving together vivid and detailed images.

It was like a musician's research notes, recording his own music and research in detail.

For example, the crow tide formed by thousands of flying birds, the magnificent summer night with countless strange feasts and noises...

The strange ritual that turned people into nightmares, as well as the research on various strange things, and even the method of communicating and trading with unknown beings in the etheric world.

As the pages turned, the young musician described in the book gradually aged, and finally became the old musician at the end of the illustration.

After more than a hundred years of time, he coexisted with the weird, and even transformed into a weird, and had faintly become a creature of the etheric world.

"'Essence Fusion' inherited from the classical school?"

Laura sneered knowingly: "This old topic of the old times has long been replaced by more subdivided fields, but it has not been eliminated yet?

There is nothing to study in this dead end, right?"

"Some theories are still quite interesting."

Ye Qingxuan shrugged, "Unfortunately, the direction is wrong. No matter how hard you work and how scheming you are, it's just like that. After the novelty disappears, it's meaningless."

He closed the book and yawned: "Go to sleep, you have to get up early tomorrow."

Lola disappeared in the shadows.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep.



In the basement, Oden collapsed to the ground.

With the sound of the head bursting, Mandel's body fell to the ground, and scarlet and grayish liquid spurted onto Oden's face, smearing his face pale.

The boiling brain fell into his mouth, bringing a disgusting salty taste.

He felt his eyes go black and almost fainted on the ground.

He couldn't understand at all...what the hell happened?

Since the end of Mandel's ceremony, the old man has been standing there in a daze, lost, and the ether around him keeps fluctuating.

Sometimes it seems like he is talking to an invisible person, but his eyes are empty.

It seems that his soul has been taken away long ago.

Until just now, he twitched all over and his head suddenly exploded.

With Mandel's death, the ether furnace in the middle of the room cracked silently, the flames went out, and the pungent smoke filled the air. The strangeness bred in the flames screamed and dissipated.

Mercury fell from the ceiling like rain.

It was freezing cold.

Oden shivered, staggered to his feet, and rushed to the door.

We can't stay here any longer.


In the early morning, Xavier woke up from his bed.

The damp sea breeze seeped in through the cracks in the door, and moss almost grew on the damp and cold bedding.

He took a deep breath, rubbed his face, and felt a sense of relief.

Perhaps because of Master Mandel's assurance, he hadn't slept so well for a long time, as if he had come back to life, no longer tired.

There was a knock on the door.

"Colonel, breakfast is ready."

The person outside the door said, "Shall we bring it to your room?"

"No need."

Xavier stood up and said lightly, "I'll go to the restaurant, you go and ask Mr. Ye to come with me."

The footsteps outside the door faded away.

This way, when he had breakfast, he could enjoy the sight of Ye Qingxuan's body being dragged out of the room. A body with noble blood might be more noble, and it would be good to use it as a side dish.

He pulled out his dagger and shaved off the stubble that had just appeared in front of the mirror in the living room. In the end, he looked at himself in the mirror, dignified and majestic as iron.

Xavier nodded with satisfaction.

This was the last hard day. After Ye Qingxuan was solved, there would be no more trouble. It was appropriate to welcome a new life with such an appearance.

He no longer looked at the cracks on the mirror and pushed the door open.

In the early morning, the cave monastery was silent.

In this lightless sea, only the torches on the wall were burning dimly, and it was impossible to tell the difference between dawn and dusk.

Many people had already gotten up. They sat in the aisles and rooms. The cook pushed the dining cart over and poured the cooked paste into their iron cups. Before it cooled down, they were spooned into their mouths.

After days of torture, everyone's face turned pale, and they lowered their heads and sat in the corner like prisoners, silently without making any sound.

The fire was almost ready.

Xavier was thinking about the next arrangement in his mind, walked through the corridor, and pushed open the kitchen door.

Then he saw Oden sitting in the corner.

The man who looked like a scribe was sitting on a bench, feeling very uncomfortable, his face was pale, and he curled up in a ball. When he saw Xavier coming in, he forced a smile, but avoided his eyes.

Xavier was stunned.

An inexplicable coldness got into his collar, almost freezing him.

Something was wrong, but he couldn't say it... He just felt that it was bad.

Then, he heard a voice from the main seat.

"Sorry, I took your seat."

The white-haired young man sat in the seat that originally belonged to him, cutting the fried tender beef on the plate slowly.

"I was quite hungry, so I didn't wait for you. I hope you won't be angry."

"Ye... Qingxuan?"

Xavier's face trembled and twitched.

For a moment, it was as if an invisible nightmare attached to him, draining away all his strength, causing panic to boil in his chest and dimming his eyes.

He stepped back subconsciously, but saw that two people had stood at the door at some point.

They looked at him indifferently, without saying a word.

"Sit down."

Ye Qingxuan pointed to the seat opposite him, "We brought some mushrooms on the ship, and I asked the cook to make soup. It tastes good, drink it while it's hot."

Xavier stood stiffly in place for a long time, then moved forward with difficulty, pulled out a chair, and sat in that position.

A steaming soup was emitting the aroma of cream.

He picked up the spoon, but hesitated and didn't dare to take a bite. Soon, the hot soup that had just come out of the pot was covered with a layer of oil in the cold air, which was a pity.

"Aren't you hungry?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him, stretched out his hand, and took the soup away: "Then give it to me, I'm not full yet."

Xavier opened his mouth to say something, but no sound came out.

In the silence, there was only the sound of Ye Qingxuan drinking soup.

After a long time, he put down the soup spoon and sighed with satisfaction.

"There is a little too much cream, but it tastes really good. Praise the chef. After such a long time on the sea, drinking a bowl of hot soup makes me feel alive.

It's a pity if you don't drink such a good soup."

Xavier was silent, put down the soup spoon in his hand stiffly, and his fingers trembled slightly.

"Just found out that this location is really good, right in front of my room."

Ye Qingxuan took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth, as if chatting: "If a frozen corpse is dragged out of the room during breakfast, it must be very pleasing to the eye."

In the silence, a small sound came from outside the door.

Someone brought out a headless corpse from the basement and dragged it past the door bit by bit. When it was far away, a muffled sound was faintly heard, as if something had fallen into the sea.

"Since we have already eaten, let's talk about business."

Ye Qingxuan looked at his pale face and said softly, "It's about the Burgundians."

Xavier's last hope was extinguished.

His face was gray.

It was as if he had aged a dozen years in an instant, and he couldn't sit steadily and almost slipped off the chair.

Ye Qingxuan threw two passports on the table, as well as a curled travel guide. Looking at the harbor scenery on the cover, he smiled:

"Calais is a good place, with spring-like weather and warm breezes. Open the window and you can see the harbor, and there are wild cats basking in the sun on the eaves.

You chose a good place for yourself, where you have a property and a 400,000-pound order bill, and you can spend the rest of your life in an enviable way, and then arrange a decent funeral.

You can live a peaceful and happy life, away from all dangers and struggles.

I have to say that you sold your colleagues for a good price. They will definitely thank you in hell."


Xavier finally spoke.

He clenched his fists and glared at Ye Qingxuan: "What do you know! I just did it for..."

"It doesn't matter what it's for."

Ye Qingxuan interrupted him, lacking interest: "I'm not interested in listening to your difficulties and excuses for betrayal. Anyway, you have betrayed, haven't you?"

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