Crown of Silence

Chapter 549 Disappointment

Chapter 550 Disappointment

"Colonel Xavier, I've seen your file."

In the dead silence, Ye Qingxuan's fingers tapped on the empty soup bowl. The moist wind condensed into water droplets and fell on the wooden table, leaving slender wet marks.

"You have done well in Burgundy over the years, and Maxwell also appreciates you. In two years, you can be transferred to the Military Staff Office and become the youngest person with real power.

Department 5 has never been sorry to you, but your choice makes me very disappointed. "


Xavier's face twitched, perhaps because of shame, perhaps because of anger, bloodshot eyes oozed, and he squeezed out a voice from between his teeth:

"What qualifications do you have to be disappointed in me? How much contribution have I made to Angelo! Six serious injuries, on the battlefield in East Tianzhu! How many things have I sacrificed for this country?

All my friends died because of this, except me! "

He looked at Ye Qingxuan, his eyes full of contempt and disdain: "A little kid with no hair on his head, a waste like you who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, can only point fingers in a condescending manner.

Just one sentence and let me come here like a dog, waiting to die in the sea?

Because you were the only one who saved Angel? dream! You were just lucky and happened to be hiding in the Holy City when Angelou disappeared!

Where were you when Angelou needed saving the most?

Maxwell is dead, how many more people do you want to be buried with your so-called loyalty! "

The sharp roar echoed between the stone walls, and the soup bowl shook slightly. Xavier breathed heavily and spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground with disdain.

Ye Qingxuan lowered his eyes, did not speak or refute, just waited quietly, until he felt a trace of embarrassment and panic in the long silence.


Ye Qingxuan raised his eyes and looked at him, as if looking at a dead child rolling on the ground. No matter how much he screamed and cried, he remained indifferent and looked at him coldly.

He didn't make a sound until he was done crying, tired of shouting, and motionless.

"Take it easy, Xavier."

There is nothing funny about being afraid of death, nor is there anything to be laughed at about being weak and running away.

You don't have to be so outraged.

But you must understand that none of this is taken for granted, nor is it worthy of praise. "

Ye Qingxuan's voice was gentle and slow, leisurely and without any impatience.

But the sound didn't have any warmth. It couldn't make people feel warm. Instead, it cruelly took away all the warmth and seeped into the bone marrow little by little, making it bone-piercingly cold.

"Then shut up."

"For my family, for my life, for bearing the humiliation, for saving the country, for being able to climb mountains and come back again in the future...even for Angel.

People can do wrong things for any reason, but the only thing that can't be changed is that you have already made a mistake.

A 'mistake' is a 'mistake', and it cannot be changed no matter what high-sounding excuses you use to cover it up.

And mistakes must be punished.

Otherwise, the meaning of ‘correct’ existence will be lost. "

In the dead silence, Xavier's lips murmured, trying to make a sound, but his throat seemed to be frozen, and the right to speak was taken away.

Ye Qingxuan reached out, opened the notebook at hand, scanned the confession records one by one, and asked casually: "When did Xavier get in touch with you?"

In the corner, Oden shivered and replied tremblingly: "Half a month ago."

"Oh? It's quite early."

Ye Qingxuan smiled, "It seems that the Kingdom of Burgundy has been coveting these things for a long time, right? Once Angelo disappeared, he couldn't wait to come out and take over the inheritance.

By combining the inside and the outside, we got a lot of good things. "

Xavier stared at Oden angrily, his eyes blood red.

Oden shrank back and avoided his gaze: "He took the initiative to contact us and said he was willing to cooperate with us to completely take over the entire perimeter of the fifth department.

His lordship took this matter very seriously, and sent me here, among others, with Master Mandel. "

"Is it?"

Ye Qingxuan nodded clearly: "It seems that all the people in the Burgundy branch have fallen.

The losses were heavy. It was the first time in so many years that the fifth department suffered such heavy losses. If it were normal times, Maxwell's old face would have been wiped out, and now I'm afraid he would have taken the blame and resigned.

So beautifully done. "

The last sentence was obviously a compliment, but it made Xavier's body tremble. Cold sweat seeped out of his pores and adhered to his skin, exuding the smell of fear.

After reading the confession, Ye Qingxuan raised his head, with no emotion in his eyes.

There was total indifference.

"Seventeen secret bank accounts, more than millions of pounds of funds. Three tons of lapis lazuli as a national treasure, and two secret equipment storage warehouses... A list of the entire southern underground members...

Do you know where these things come from, Xavier? "

He said softly: "For more than a hundred years, hundreds of special commissioners died in order to defend these things, and countless people died for this.

The Royal Knights held a secret state funeral for them, filling two cemeteries in total. On the uninhabited island, what you can see are tombstones all over the mountains and plains.

More than half of the coffins were empty, and some even had mutilated bodies.

Their death was exchanged for the lives of more people.

Maxwell once ordered me to swear to them that one day, after taking over all this, their sacrifice would not be meaningless, and their death would not be worthless.

This is the result of all their hard work and their entire lives.

Now, everything is destroyed in your hands, all of it. "

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes and suppressed his anger.

"——All of it. "

Xavier opened his mouth with all his strength and made a sound: "I don't..."


A hurricane burst out of thin air.

In the loud noise, the fragile tables and chairs were destroyed. The soup bowl fell to the ground and was crushed to pieces. Dust rose from the corner and fell again.

Xavier's voice stopped abruptly, and a hand grabbed his neck and pressed him against the wall.

Then, he saw the pair of dark pupils.

"I said, shut up! "

But Xavier's face showed a mocking smile: "Look at your confidence... You still don't know anything, Ye Qingxuan.

You don't know what happened in the fog at all!"

Regardless of his tightened palms, he made a sharp sound and used all his strength: "Anglu is finished! There is no hope! At that moment, I saw it clearly through the telescope! That monster will destroy everything! Including you!"

"Monster?" Ye Qingxuan frowned.

"Do you want to know? Hehehehe..."

Xavier laughed strangely: "I won't tell you, Ye Qingxuan, I have lost, you can torture me and kill me in any way, but I won't tell you anything.

One day, you will experience the same despair as me, and then you will find that you have no way out... Hehehe... Hehehehe! "


Ye Qingxuan let go and let him fall, kneeling on the ground, gasping for air, choking and coughing, wiping away his snot and tears, his eyes full of provocation and mockery:

"Come on, Ye Qingxuan, what do you want to do? Let me see your methods, let me see how much you have learned from Maxwell. "

"You want me to kill you?"

Ye Qingxuan looked down at him, his eyes indifferent: "Don't worry, I won't."

He reached out and touched Xavier's hair, and his eyes became compassionate: "I promise that you will get what you deserve, in the right place.

But before that, I will let you witness it all. "

Ye Qingxuan paused and smiled:

"--In the best position. "

Xavier was stunned, not knowing what Ye Qingxuan wanted to do, and he opened his mouth to speak. But the person behind him was rude and hit him on the back of his head with a stick, causing his eyes to go black and he fell to the ground and fainted.

Soon, he was dragged away.

Ye Qingxuan sat back in his seat, looking at the mess on the ground, waiting quietly.

After a long time, a middle-aged man named Naven appeared at the door and knocked on the door.

"Mr. Ye, according to your instructions, the boat has been repaired."

"Very good."

Ye Qingxuan nodded: "Has the medicine been distributed to everyone? If not enough, I will make another one."

"The doctor is injecting them."

Naven replied: "Most people have recovered. After the musician checked, he said that the parasites have lost their activity and they will be fine after a good sleep.

There are still four people... they are beyond help. "

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

The Fifth Department that currently remains in the outside world has entered a silent period under Ye Qingxuan's order. All activities have stopped. Unless there is another order from the headquarters, there will be no activities or responses.

In other words, it has entered a state of suspended animation.

Although this is a huge loss, and over time, it may turn from suspended animation into real death, but at least it avoids further loss of strength in the chaos.

Because of Xavier's betrayal, most of the losses were some materials and reserves in the bank. But the truly precious talents and channels are hidden in the dark and have not been greatly implicated.

Therefore, Xavier made his calculations here.

The nearly 400 special operations personnel here are the essence of the Fifth Department after the headquarters fell silent.

These action specialists from various branches specialize in force and destruction. Most of them have basic musician qualifications and have undergone special training, including assassination, poison, mechanical engineering, first aid, etc.

Each of them was recruited by Maxwell from Angelo carefully selected them to ensure absolute loyalty. They are the army within the Fifth Department, and the "Organizers" who were awarded the badge by Maxwell himself.

In addition to their own abilities, the secrets stored in their brains are even more valuable than themselves.

In order to obtain this power completely, Xavier had to rely on the strangeness summoned by Mandel to control and parasitize without a trace through slow transformation and infiltration.

Weakened their defenses bit by bit, and then controlled them all in his hands.

The consequence is that some people cannot withstand the transformation, their minds go out of control, and they become lunatics. Those who have detected his plot through clues have been isolated on the pretext of mental disorder, and even killed after interrogation and thrown into the sea.

The cave monastery closed by the ocean has become a prison.

If Ye Qingxuan came half a month later, I am afraid that all the action specialists here would be brainwashed and become puppets of Burgundy.

At that time, it would be the time for the Fifth Department to fall across the board.

Even now, it’s too late for some people.

Sorry, I’ve been a little lazy recently. I’m trying to get back on track, so please forgive me.

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