Crown of Silence

Chapter 57 The so-called natural disaster

An hour ago, at eight o'clock in the morning, Ye Qingxuan arrived at the lecture hall where he had taken the exam.

Today is the official opening day of the school. According to the practice of the Royal Academy of Music, the first class is arranged here regardless of which branch or department. However, in previous years, the principal gave a speech to urge everyone to study hard together, but no one expected that this year, although the principal was not in school, he still left such a terrifying gift!

Just when the teacher just entered the door, a sudden illusion pulled everyone in.

Now the illusion finally dissipated. On the podium, the teacher carefully picked up the vinyl record on the phonograph and put it back into the box.

"Tsk, this is a very rare record-type alchemy equipment. I didn't expect that I could get good stuff by coming to the first-year classroom occasionally."

Someone patted his thigh next to him: "The visual effect and sound are shocking. It's worth it that I got up early and came to listen to the class."

Ye Qingxuan turned around with regret and saw Xia Er chewing an apple with a happy face. There were fruit peels on the ground under his feet. Next to him, the fruit basket had been occupied by Bai Xi and held in his arms.

He glanced at Bai Xi, but was glared back by Bai Xi. He sighed immediately: "Brother, it's okay for you to come here to attend classes as a senior, but is it really okay for you to eat like this?"

"How can you watch the video without eating something?"

Xia Er looked at him in surprise: "I've finished a bucket of popcorn, and you're telling me this? How about you have some too, junior brother?"

"I'd better forget it..."

Ye Qingxuan's mouth twitched, and he wisely stopped talking.

Since the entrance exam ended two days ago, Ye Qingxuan and Bai Xi moved into the college. Because they were both listed under the Department of Music History Research, they even lived in the same dormitory.

In fact, it was more than just the dormitory.

The classrooms, offices, student dormitories and teacher dormitories of the entire Department of Music History Research were basically all in the same two-story building. That's right, it was in the corner of the school, the one that you couldn't find without looking carefully.

When Ye Qingxuan saw that small building for the first time, he felt a chill on his back.

This house must be at least two hundred years old, right?

The mottled walls were covered with vines, the front door was full of fallen leaves, and there was an indifferent glance from the wild cat on the roof. Countless details were piled up to restore the atmosphere that only existed in horror legends.

Is it really okay to live in such a haunted house?

Moreover, the architectural arrangement of the entire Royal Conservatory of Music is quite weird, so weird that someone would get lost after living in the college for five years.

The entire Royal Conservatory of Music is a complete maze!

When Ye Qingxuan knew that he had to carry a map to buy breakfast, he was completely desperate...

Under normal circumstances, there should be enthusiastic seniors who would lend a hand. But the biggest problem is that this enthusiastic senior is completely unreliable!

In just two days, Ye Qingxuan deeply understood Charles' ability to get lost.

Sometimes it was a flat road, but in the blink of an eye, Charles disappeared! And this guy will definitely pop up from all kinds of strange places next...

And this guy not only gets lost himself, but also leads others into the ditch.

Once Ye Qingxuan followed him to the school cafeteria,

but inexplicably ran to the lower city of Avalon. He began to understand why the teacher repeatedly told him not to let Charles lead the way...


Just two days of knowing each other, but the short time is so fulfilling for this senior brother!

In two days, he was blocked by debt collectors four times, chased and hacked six times, and was slapped in public by two stranger girls last night and this morning. The two beautiful girls didn't say anything, they just started crying and covered their faces and left... How much sin have you committed!

"Ye Zi, your expression suddenly became so miserable."

Beside him, Xia Er came over with a warm face: "Are you suffering from hemorrhoids? Oh, this disease is terrible, it must be discovered and treated early. If you ask me, let's go to the infirmary after class? It doesn't matter, my senior brother is familiar with it. I'll take you there and maybe the doctor can give you a 20% discount..."

"...No, I'm fine." Ye Qingxuan's expression twitched, and he forced a smile with difficulty.

"Oh, that's good."

Xia Er took out another durian from somewhere and handed it to him: "How about you have some too?"


Ye Qingxuan turned his head and felt an urge to burst into tears in the stench of durian.

"Oh, by the way, there seem to be a few people in the row next to you who have been staring at this place. Are they too hungry?"

Charles sighed in a low voice: "If you want to eat fruit, come and get it. How can you not eat breakfast..."

Ye Qingxuan looked back and saw only a few noble boys sitting together looking at him with contempt. He remembered that the red-haired boy in the lead was the first one to be admitted in this year. His name seemed to be 'Edmund'?

Beside Edmund, Banner seemed to still be asleep. He lowered his head and looked down at his fingers. His slender eyes were raised, making it difficult to understand what he was thinking.

When they noticed Ye Qingxuan looking over, their expressions became disgusted, and they glanced at him and looked away.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Xi found that he was looking at other places, "Didn't you get enough sleep?"


Ye Qingxuan retracted his gaze: "There are a few psychopaths who want to eat bananas."


"Okay, you all seem to have recovered."

On the podium, the teacher who finished cleaning up slowly looked at the audience: "The teacher has prepared smelling salts here. If there are female students pretending to faint, they can come up and get some. The student next to you, don't be so excited to ask for artificial respiration. She is pretending, can't you see it?

And the student who is eating, where did you get the food?"

The teacher looked in the direction of Charles, his face became serious: "I'm talking about you, the student in the second row, I recognized you a long time ago, eating in my class, do you know the rules?"


Charles was stunned, he awkwardly grabbed the banana he had just broken in his hand, thought about it, and carefully handed it to the podium: "How about you have some too?"

"Brother, you are hopeless."

Ye Qingxuan covered his face sadly, not wanting to admit that he knew this idiot.

"Young man, you know the rules!"

In silence, the teacher and Charles looked at each other, and suddenly smiled: "You are a teachable boy!"

Amid the sound of falling eyes, the teacher grabbed the banana and nodded with admiration: "Well, don't say! This tastes really good!"

"That's right! I just stole it from the backyard of the Transformation Academy this morning. Those guys have been waiting for this for half a year."

Charles took out his own stock from his pocket: "How about you try another orange?"

The teacher hesitated for a moment, and finally reacted when he saw the stunned students below, so he pretended to cough twice:

"Ahem, we are in class, this is not good."

In the front, Ye Qingxuan heard it clearly, and the teacher lowered his voice and said: "Remember to send another two kilograms to the office later..."


Is this school still saveable?


"Ahem, I was just joking. Now the class is officially starting."

After the teacher finished eating the banana, his expression suddenly became serious: "If any students were relieved just now, let's bring it up again now."

"The break time is over."

"What I will teach you next is all in the "A Brief Discussion on the History and Research of Natural Disasters" that I gave you. By the way, the whole book is the content of the exam, so there is no need to ask me to mark the key points."

Ye Qingxuan sat up instinctively.

The main part of the play is finally here!


Natural disasters, as the name suggests, are disasters that cannot be resisted by human power.

Generally speaking, such things that cannot be resisted by human power will stay away from humans, but most natural disasters wander on the border of the human world. Since the Dark Ages, legends of destruction have been left behind. Every invasion of natural disasters will result in tragic losses and sacrifices.

Even before the Dark Ages, there were signs of the existence of natural disasters in the murals discovered by humans.

There are many kinds of them, with various characteristics. Some are living things, some are plants, and some even look lifeless... The complex classification is enough to write a thick book. It is the big book in Ye Qingxuan's hand.

But no matter what natural disasters, they all conform to a basic law, or are shrouded in the same mystery.

Where do they come from?

What do they want to do?

And why do they hate humans so much?

Since the emergence of humans, the terrifying shadow of natural disasters has always accompanied human history. Even after humans mastered the power of ether, various tragic events have emerged in the five hundred years since the end of the Dark Ages.

So far, humans have explored no more than a quarter of the open land in this world. And the ether temperate area that can be cultivated in this quarter is no more than half.

Every inch of land is stained with the blood of humans fighting against natural disasters.

Every victory over natural disasters requires hundreds of lives.

But what is despairing is that these monsters are immortal.

Their bodies are made of ether, and there is no so-called death. Even if their bodies are destroyed, they will only lose their memories and return to the dark world to sleep again. When they appear again, they will have a brand new life.

They are getting stronger and stronger...


In order to defend against the arrival of natural disasters, humans have built boundary monuments in all directions.

In the far east, the four emperors of the Zhendan Empire drove millions of slaves to build the Great Wall. On the walls, beacon towers were erected every hundred steps, and musicians were on duty 24 hours a day, never leaving.

One hundred thousand beacon towers mean one hundred thousand beacons. As long as the beacons are not extinguished, the natural disaster will not be able to break into the human territory recklessly.

On the northernmost ice field, the Asgardians built the entire empire on the glacier. There, the group of madmen who regarded death as their destination forged the Valhalla defense line with broken battle axes and the bones of the dead.

In the western desert, the defense line originally built by the Semites has been completely breached and is now rebuilt by the coalition forces of various countries. It is said that at the end of the desert, the ruins of the old defense line still burn with an inextinguishable fire.

As for the Endless Sea in the far west, it is the calmest, and the sea monster Leviathan has not appeared for more than hundreds of years. And guarding here is the city where Ye Qingxuan and his friends are... Avalon.

The Kingdom of Anglu itself inherits the mission of Arthur, the founding king hundreds of years ago, and stands forever in the far west to fight against the sea monster.

Even though it has not appeared for hundreds of years, the security has not been relaxed.

There are more than 20 satellite islands around Avalon that are completely confidential and blocked. Someone will stop the stray ships in front of them within 10 nautical miles and tell them that they have entered the restricted area. It is not too late for them to realize their mistakes. At least they can choose to turn back or die here.

In addition, there are thousands of fortifications of all sizes and fortresses in the hinterland of the human world... The art of war of humans is not only to sharpen each other among the same kind, but also to prevent disasters from different kinds.

When talking about this, the teacher paused and smiled mysteriously: "The natural disaster that currently poses the greatest threat to the human world, I believe everyone has heard of its name.

-'Dark Mother Earth'."

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