Crown of Silence

Chapter 58 Dark Earth Mother

The extremely evil mother's womb, the source of the beast tide, the evolutionary vortex...

For hundreds of years, humans have given the Dark Earth Mother many ‘titles’. For the entire human world, the most poisonous one among natural disasters is undoubtedly the Dark Earth Mother. ♦♦  ♦♦

At the end of the Dark Ages hundreds of years ago, the Three Kings drove it to the northern ice fields. It wanders in the dark world, disappearing and appearing, always leaving disaster-like mutations and monsters wherever it passes.

Taken simply by itself, it actually doesn’t even have a shape that can be completely described. It is difficult for humans to define what it really is, so countless attacks and crusade can only severely damage it, but cannot eradicate it no matter what.

It's like a deformed disease in nature. You can feel it coming through the world around you, but you can't really touch it.

In the descriptions of many classics, its pattern is defined as a creeping ring.

Some philosophers believe that its true form is an indescribable cycle, but as we all know, philosophers are useless in most cases.

In some current descriptions, it is a collective natural disaster formed by a collective of creatures. An organization formed by countless birds, beasts and mutated monsters.

But this description is not accurate, because the Dark Earth Mother has no entity at all.

People can feel that where it is, there is an invisible force drawing the ground into a circle. In this circle, it is difficult for any living thing to leave. This is a phenomenon caused by biological root attachment and strong resistance to the outside world.

And within the circle, all living things will be liberated from 'common sense' and begin to grow and evolve almost crazily. Immediately afterwards, they devour each other, undergo deformed changes or fuse.

In a short period of time, the young will become giant beasts, insects and ants will become legions, swimming fish will grow limbs and walk ashore... Even humans will become monsters.

All living things have accelerated their evolution hundreds of times in a short period of time, forming different shapes based on the deficiencies in the entire food chain and regional elements.

In the end, even an ordinary forest will become a place where demons reside. If unfortunately there is a human village here, the consequences will be even more troublesome.

Because compared to those bloodthirsty beasts, humans are more terrifying once they become monsters...

After the priest and Wolf Flute dug up the sarcophagus, they saw the corpse of the monster. Even though it had died long ago, the beast's ferocity and killing intent still remained on the body.

Over the past hundreds of years, countless blood-stained history has proved a truth.

——Reckless evolution will only bring disaster.

However, sooner or later the entire 'circle of evolution' will collapse due to abnormal evolution. The ‘Mother of Darkness’ exhausted all her power and vitality in this round of ‘gestation’ and then ‘died’.

At that time, the deformed demons will fight for no reason and the strongest one will be awarded the title of 'Son of Mother Earth'. Immediately afterwards, the restraint lost its effect, and the beast came out of the cage and ran in all directions...

The dead Earth Mother will be reborn from the dark world again after several years of preparation.


This pathological cycle of monstrous evolution has existed for hundreds of years.

It itself does not have any consciousness, it just wanders in the dark world, sowing the seeds of disaster along the way. But those sons of Mother Earth inherited their malice towards humans from their mothers, and greedily thirsted for human bones and blood.

It's like a necrotic cyst parasitic on the world,

Endless poison. Just the alien creatures left behind by the Dark Earth Mother hundreds of years ago when it was in the hinterland of mankind have not been completely eradicated yet.

You know, almost all the demons and monsters in this world can trace their lineage upwards to the same mother.

Because of this, it is considered to be the most serious threat among all natural disasters at present.

Any musician who discovers its existence must report it to the church, and a team of more than a hundred people will be led by a scepter-level musician to attack it.

Among all the natural disasters of living creatures, the Dark Earth Mother is undoubtedly one of the representatives.

"But not all natural disasters are as troublesome as the Dark Earth Mother. In fact, some natural disasters have no idea what they are doing...maybe they themselves don't know why they exist."

After finishing speaking, the teacher's tone relaxed:

"Take, for example, the most harmless natural disaster in the world. We can look up every night and see it shining brightly in the night sky, like a laurel wreath..."

"Star Ring?"

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help blurting out, and then froze: "Is that also a natural disaster?"

"That's right.

The teacher nodded and skillfully drew the coordinates and images of the stars on the blackboard in the classroom. Finally, he took a piece of chalk and drew a horizontal line from west to east.

That is a celestial phenomenon called a star ring.

On a clear night with no clouds, everyone can look up and see countless stars shining in the sky, and a river of light that seems to be formed by the gathering of stars, running across the night sky from west to east.

Some people call it the 'celestial orbit', which corresponds to the earth's axis and has become an important coordinate point. All astrology and geology in the world are built on this important coordinate point.

It has hung high in the night sky for thousands of years. Everyone thinks it is a dense starlight projection, but according to researchers' exploration, it may be a phenomenon caused by the gathering of an unimaginable amount of ether.

For a long time, few people may have imagined that in the night sky, there is a river of ether flowing silently.

It is obviously a natural disaster, but its existence is so insignificant to most people. In the history of history, it has almost never had any impact on humans on the ground, nor has it killed anyone... Of course, those two in the past two years grew up looking up at the star ring, so they also wanted to fly up when they grew up. In the sky, I confidently studied the aircraft, but the pair of musician brothers who exploded halfway through the flight were not included.

Remember what they are called? The Wright brothers?

For a while, many musicians relied on this joke to make a living...

On the podium, after the strange teacher finished telling this joke, he was so happy that he banged the table and laughed for a long time. As a result, the people below could not find the point of laughter at all and could only remain in awkward silence.

"Ahem, I just wanted to liven up the atmosphere, don't worry about it."

He finally stopped laughing, pulled a chair and sat down, resting his elbows on his knees and raising his chin.

He was obviously just smiling, but his eyes became cold, as if he was holding a sword in his hand:

"I hope you will listen carefully to what I will tell you next.

If there are idiots who think it doesn't matter if they don't listen, that's okay. It's just that even if you die because of this in the future, it won't be a pity after all, right? "

“If the Dark Earth Mother is the source of disaster that all human beings fear, then this is the natural enemy that all musicians need to be wary of the most.

It emerged with the fall of the First Musician and has been the Order's sworn enemy since the Dark Ages. For hundreds of years, it has bewitched countless lost musicians to fall into the darkness and become its own minions. "

He paused and whispered the name:

"His name is—Evil God Hundred Eyes."


Before he finished speaking, there was a voice outside the door.

Outside the classroom, Bain, who came out of nowhere, knocked on the door: "Sir, if it's convenient, could you please take a step to talk?"


The teacher muttered unhappily, stood up and waved to the students: "You go to yourselves first, I'll be back later. So who... Leave some durians for me!"




"Mr. Administrator, long time no see."

Outside the lecture theater, Bain stroked his chest and saluted: "I didn't expect that a representative of the Musicians Association would come here. I'm really sorry for missing the welcome."

"I remember you are...Mr. Bain, right?" The administrator glanced at Bain: "If you have anything to say, you'd better tell me quickly. I was a little unhappy when I was called out during class time."

Bain was stunned for a moment, and his expression became a little ugly, but he didn't want to get angry.

He took a deep breath, lowered his voice and said:

"The school has just learned that people from the Musicians Association have replaced the teachers in the first class. Although the Musicians Association has certain jurisdiction over all musicians, does it not look down on the Royal Conservatory of Music? "

"Maxwell asked me to take this class. If you don't know, it's your own problem. If you have anything to say, tell Maxwell."

The administrator said calmly: "Of course, that is if you don't take your principal seriously."

"...Since it's the principal's arrangement, that's another matter."

Even though he said that, Bain's expression as if he had eaten a fly still showed his current entangled mood.

Anyone who encounters an opponent like this who will put some shoes on you, put some eye drops on you, and put some obstacles in your way from time to time will feel unhappy. Especially the principal is naturally on the side of reason. Public refutation is definitely the most unwise. s Choice.

So, he changed his approach and glanced in the direction of the lecture theater: "However, Mr. Administrator, wouldn't it be better not to tell them about evil gods at this stage?"

"Mr. Bain, have you lived in the greenhouse for too long?"

The administrator looked at him with a strange look: "Since when has musician become a title that earns admiration at the luxurious banquets of the upper class?

Since you become a musician, it is natural to go to the battlefield, right? Isn’t it natural to know one’s enemy? "

The merciless sarcasm made Bain's expression turn livid, ww.ash. c He tried to control his anger: “It’s too early for them to hear this.

Moreover, the evil god’s confidentiality level is beyond their reach. "

"The content I arranged naturally has my reasons. It's not anyone else's turn to interrupt. If you have anything to say, please talk to your principal."

The administrator became a little impatient: "Did you come here just for this kind of boring thing? I'm going back, so you can go and do what you're supposed to do. How can a good musician be scheming and scheming every day..."

Bain's expression turned green and white, but he stretched out his hand to stop the administrator.

"What do you mean?" The administrator looked at him sideways.

"Actually, the person who came to find you was not me."

Bain reluctantly stepped aside and looked at the direction upstairs: "Today is the first day of school. A distinguished guest came to the college to inspect the new generation of musicians on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen. He saw you in class and asked you to come up. Talking about old times.”


The administrator thought for a moment, then suddenly glanced at him and laughed softly: "I see... No wonder you have a sour taste in your mouth. It's because I stole your chance to shine."

Bain turned around silently and led the way.


Thank you Nishigiri Aki for your support and reward again. The illustrations that were originally scheduled to be released have not arrived yet, so I will add another chapter at noon today.

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