Crown of Silence

Chapter 62 What is a Musician?

The blazing afternoon sun passed through the shades of trees and windows and spilled into the study. ♡♢ ♦ ♦

Outside the window, a lazy golden retriever dog lay on the steps, basking in the sun and taking a nap comfortably. Next to it, Bai Xi carefully combed its fur, and then made a mess while Lao Fei was asleep...

But in the study room indoors, Charles stood in the corner with tears in his eyes, holding two buckets in his hands, standing against the wall and holding a thick book "The Origin and Analysis of Semitic Civilization" on his head. superior)".

"Don't be dazed, your movements are deformed!"

Abraham was unusually stern. He hit Ciel's knee with the pointer in his hand: "What did I tell you? Knees are closed and you haven't eaten? Keep doing this for two hours. If it becomes deformed, start again..."

Charles whined: "Junior brother, save me!"

Ye Qingxuan sighed and begged again: "Teacher, in fact, today's incident is not to blame on Charles, it's all because of me."

"The mistakes made by the younger brother were due to the inaction of the older brothers and elders."

Abraham shook his head: "Ciel has been bad for a day or two. It didn't matter before. Now he should at least act like an elder brother and set a good example for the younger generations."

"Okay, don't worry about him, let's start class."

He pointed to a chair in front of the messy desk and motioned for Ye Qingxuan to sit down: "Originally, I planned to let you read some books and do some theoretical study first. But now it seems that there is not enough time..."

As he spoke, he stepped on the ladder and took down an old book from the bookshelf and placed it on the table. I opened it stiffly with my prosthetic hand.

This old-looking study room is filled with all kinds of books. The air smelled of ink and paper, but it wasn't damp or moldy. It can be seen that it has been well treated against moisture.

In addition to the three walls filled with heavy tomes, the floor was also littered with books, and there were scattered manuscripts on the coffee table and desk. It was obvious that Abraham was not good at organizing his life.

After all, no one whose right hand has become made of iron will be very sensitive.

This was Abraham's own office. After Ye Qingxuan and Bai Xi entered school, it also became their classroom. Anyway, as long as the study is tidied up, the space will at least be enough.

“First of all, let’s briefly explain what a ‘musician’ is.”

Abraham took the chalk and wrote down a few characters casually, some of which were Semitic scripts, some of Asgard's rune writing system, and some of which were wordings in Latin, the predecessor of Common Language.

"In the earliest Semitic languages, musician means 'messenger.' In runic languages, musician is pronounced Vanaheim.

In their belief, the world is divided into nine levels, and 'Asgard' is the country where the gods live. The 'Vanaheim' gather in the Hall of Valor, fight with evil spirits day and night, die at night, and then Resurrection during the day. With eternal gods to prepare for infinite war...

Vanahem also means saint, power, wizard and death. They see musicians as a kind of destiny embarking on a desperate path. Fate cannot be disobeyed, and it is also an honor that does not need to be disobeyed. It's worth fighting and dying for. "

“In Romulus, which has been destroyed, the word ‘musician’ has the same meaning as ‘messenger’, and musicians often have a part-time job of ‘delivering missions’.

Although in their descriptions, the musicians are extremely powerful, they do not contain any divinity in the legends and have never been deified.

They call the musicians "Black Marquis". When the bride gets married, the Black Marquis will serve as a messenger and go to the two families on behalf of the groom to participate in the common sacred fire sacrifices of the two families. Finally, he will replace the bride's fathers and expel the bride from the house. On behalf of the groom's parents, accept this girl. They have the right to cut off other people's family ties, and they also have the responsibility to find family members for homeless people.

In terms of social roles, they are not superior, but are part of the operation of the entire country, and their status is more like bureaucrats..."

"In common language, the meaning of musician is the simplest and most ambiguous. Looking back, this word is composed of the roots of two words, and its meaning is 'one who controls the ether'."

Abraham paused for a moment when he said this, but heard the young man mumbling to himself.

"Ether is the messenger, leading the rebellious sons back to the source..."

Inexplicably, Ye Qingxuan blurted out. He recalled a sentence, but he couldn't remember where he heard it, but it felt unusually familiar.

Abraham was stunned. He looked at Ye Qingxuan complicatedly, as if he suddenly didn't recognize him. After a long time, he said softly: "Ye, your understanding is better than I thought.

——Musicians are the messengers of the ‘Great Source’. "


In many civilizations, there are undoubtedly various legends. But among these many legends, there is often a shadow of the ‘Great Source’.

Some myths believe that when the whole world first began, it was just an extremely small point. But over the course of an unknown number of years, this point exploded, forming a vortex called the ‘Great Source’. Four major substances flowed out of the vortex to form the entire world.

There are also legends that at first the abyss was dark, and God was moving in the great source. God said there must be light, so there was ether.

Tianzhu people believe that Dayuan is an ocean. In the ocean there is a huge giant turtle with four elephants standing on the back of the turtle, and the elephants carry the world like a saucer on their backs. The musicians are all messengers beloved by the elephant god.

But no matter what kind of myth, they all have one thing in common: the Great Source is the source of all ether, the core of all mysteries, the collection of all meanings, and...the seat of all power!

Over a long period of time, countless musicians have tirelessly explored the realm of Dayuan, eager to go deep into it.

It is said that in Tianzhu, a prince gave up his country to become a musician. After traveling and practicing asceticism for decades, he meditated under the plane tree for seven days, overcame many natural disasters, and finally entered the Great Source.

But there are so many such legends that Ye Qingxuan can make up several of them with his random imagination. He once thought that the world was created by a bowl of flying lasagna... Well, of course it was in When he is so hungry.

The only proven miracles in this world are in the Holy City. It is a power that can go against common sense and the world, and can even reverse death.

Seven days after the death of the first pope, he was reborn in full view of the public and entered heaven. From then on, every pope will inherit the divine power under the witness of the College of Cardinals, die by being pierced through the heart during the coronation ceremony, and then give birth to new life in the light of the temple.

But Ye Qingxuan only heard about it. In fact, he felt that this matter was probably just a rumor, but after all, he felt embarrassed to say such things to the priest.

But there is no doubt what Dayuan means to all musicians and the world.

"Since the Dark Ages, humans and musicians have been constantly researching and making attempts in pursuit of the mystery of the Great Source. After countless people's exploration and induction, the current ninth level of musicians was formed.

This is the most standard result reached after countless discussions and conflicts among mathematical schools. "

Abraham quickly wrote line after line on the blackboard: "The most important thing to you right now is the first three stages."


The so-called ninth level of musician is composed of nine levels such as 'apprentice level', 'rhythm level', 'musician level' and the following resonance level.

And for students, the first three stages are the most important. After all, most musicians in the world are still stuck in these three stages.

For the musician, the foundation of foundations is the interaction between human beings and the ether.

Being able to sense the ether and use it to produce a note can be regarded as entering the first stage - the 'apprentice level'.

Those who reach the apprenticeship stage will continue to learn new notes at this stage and begin to study how to sing the correct syllables.

This is something that everyone has to navigate because everyone is completely different. There are many subtle differences in voice, habits and intonation.

Therefore, other people's experience can often only serve as a reference, and the most critical part must be mastered by oneself through constant exploration and trial.

This is why Lang Di once believed that Ye Qingxuan could not become a musician. If he could not sense the ether, he would not be able to complete this stage.

Even if he barely passes, he will just be a poor musician who will blow himself up and die at some point.

When the apprentice can fully master the chanting and playing of multiple notes and skillfully perform the movement, he or she can move on to the next stage.

This is the second stage that determines the musician's future path - the rhythmic level.


If the first stage of apprenticeship is accumulation, then the second stage requires making choices.

After being able to use plural notes independently and complete the playing and use of a movement measure. Apprentices will choose a complete piece of music to explore and study under the guidance of their teacher.

And just before that, he will make a crucial reflection based on his performance and experience at the apprentice level. The result of this reflection will determine his future path.

No one can completely master all fields, and sometimes making choices is inevitable.

After entering the second stage, apprentices will officially begin to choose the faction and specialization they are best at. Among the seven major factions of musicians, each faction is enough for a person to study for a lifetime.


At the Royal Conservatory of Music, in order to carry out teaching more efficiently, this choice has been advanced to the first stage. People no longer choose factions, but representatives of each faction choose new successors.

This can save you as much trouble as possible. After the first stage of accumulation, you can get the most professional guidance as soon as you reach the second stage.

In response, the owner of the watch shop, Sir Hermes, sneered:

“Choose the path you are best at after in-depth research, is it the same as mass-produced products that have been trained from the beginning?

Only the former can create artists, while the latter only gets a group of mediocre craftsmen, which is simply vulgar..."

Although there was some truth in it, Ye Qingxuan always felt that Hermes just hated the Royal Academy of Music.

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