Crown of Silence

Chapter 63: Average Temperament

In the study of the rhythm level, the apprentice will no longer face a single rune, but a new structure that is several times more difficult than before after being combined. ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

——'Chapters' composed of notes!

The effect of a chapter is completely different from the effect of a single rune. Whether in terms of integrity or effect, the same number of scattered notes cannot be compared with a chapter.

The chapter should be more stable, the structure will be more complete, and it will move further towards systematization.

The ultimate goal of this stage is to require the apprentice to connect them together through the study of one 'chapter' after another to form a whole.

Until this time, the chapter will transform into a complete score, with its own life and changes, and no longer incomplete.

This sign represents that the apprentice has finally entered the third stage.

That is the real - Musician level.

Only after entering the Musician level can the apprentice's hat be taken off from the head and truly become a musician recognized by the Musicians Association and the Holy City.

Most musicians are at this stage. Before this, no matter what kind of people they are, they will only be regarded as the reserve, apprentice and seed of musicians.

Only when they reach the third level can they be "capable of great use".

Because at this stage, musicians do not need to perform hastily on the spot when they need to mobilize ether. They can pre-load the music scores they have learned into the portable instruments and use them at any time under their thoughts and will.

The rigorous structure of the music scores determines their strong independence. Even if they are constructed, they will not dissipate for the time being, but can be stored in other media.

Just a simple syllable can trigger it at any time.

After reaching this stage, the danger level of the musician will rise sharply. Because as long as the correct music scores are loaded in advance, the musician will not lose the ability to resist under any circumstances.

After reaching the musician level, a good instrument will directly affect the victory or defeat and life and death of a dangerous battle. It is precisely because of this that the rainmaker was so furious when he found that his instrument was stolen.

The music scores used by Wolf Flute in his battle also come from pre-loading. The instruments of both sides also took a considerable amount of pressure on their behalf during the fight, otherwise the instrument of Master Bu Yu would not have exploded so easily in the end.

It can be seen from this that a good musical instrument is like a swordsman and a sword, a poet and a pen, and it is simply life and property.


"But for you, the musician level is a bit too far away. The apprentice level alone is enough for you to study for a long time." After Abraham said this, he stopped, and Ye Qingxuan had already rubbed his hands excitedly and couldn't wait.

"Teacher, when will you teach me the notes?"

He blinked his eyes and couldn't wait: "Let's start quickly."

Abraham closed the old book in his hand, knocked on Ye Qingxuan's head three times helplessly, shook his head and sighed.

"Teacher, I understand!"

After Ye Qingxuan pondered for a moment, his expression became firm. He stood up and said goodbye solemnly: "I won't let you down."

"Eh? Wait! Don't go, I haven't said anything yet!"

Abraham was stunned: "What did you understand?"

"Did I misunderstand?"

Ye Qingxuan sat back awkwardly: "Don't you mean by closing the book that the law should not be passed on easily? Knocking on my head three times means that I should come here quietly in the middle of the night and wait,

Shaking my head and sighing means that this road is difficult and dangerous, so I should be mentally prepared ..."


Abraham was speechless for a moment, and couldn't help but sighing to the sky: "You have only been here for three days, how come your imagination is bigger than Charles? I just told you not to worry."

He paused and scratched his hair: "You have to wait for me to finish my words. Before I officially teach you runes, you still need to make a vow."


Ye Qingxuan was confused: "Swear not to pass on the sect's unique skills or something? I understand this, come on!"

"It's not that simple."

In silence, Abraham stood up.

The wind outside the window stopped.


"These are the three vows made by the first three kings, and all musicians must abide by them, even if it's just in name."

The old man stood in front of Ye Qingxuan, looking down. He stretched out his hand and pressed the boy's forehead: "Although it has become a superficial ritual in many places, I hope you can complete it seriously. So, I will also take it seriously."

Just like an instant, the light dimmed, and the noise and birdsong outside the window disappeared. [6][9][s][h][u][x][.][c][o][m]

Ye Qingxuan's pupils subconsciously locked.

Because it was quiet.

In the silence, it seemed that he could hear his own breathing. The wind was inhaled into the lungs, exhaled from the mouth and nose, and when it reverberated in the body, it made a deep echo.

Abraham's figure was against the light, and Ye Qingxuan couldn't see his face clearly.

In the sound of the wind, there was a faint whisper coming from afar, but that sound was too faint, like an illusion, and it was hard to hear.

It was as if countless souls were staring at them in the dark.

"Calm down."

The hoarse voice came, and Ye Qingxuan's mind was at peace.

Abraham put his hand on his forehead. The hand was made of iron, but it was not as scary as a sword. His shadow protected the young man, blocking out the eyes in the bright light and the souls in the darkness.

"Go ahead and listen to those voices."

He whispered: "Don't let the Forerunners linger too long."

"I see."

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes.


In the silence, Abraham's chant sounded.

It seemed like it was coming from a very far distance, and it seemed like it was echoing in my ears. That sound carries the flavor of iron and stone rubbing against each other, like rotten iron rubbing against the wind!

Invisible majesty filled the young man's mind, and he heard those whispers like thunder.

It was the sound of countless people chanting overlappingly. The sound guided his will, making him immersed in it involuntarily, and followed Abraham's voice.

Then, the silence was broken, and Ye Qingxuan's voice became sharper, like a sword, trying to engrave the oath in his destiny and soul.

"According to fate, everything goes from birth to death."

"Manpower is limited, so you should stick to your limits."

"Fear the ether, only the great source is eternal."

When the last murmur ended, a reverberation like metal trembling was left, and the reverberation curled up and dissipated in the air. The young man suddenly woke up from his trance and found that he was sweating profusely.

In this sense of exhaustion, he heard Abraham whisper: "Fear the ether."

"—Awe of the ether."

He closed his eyes and responded tiredly.

"Let's take a rest."

The teacher said, "In two hours, I will start teaching you the introductory lesson for all musicians - "Equal Temperament."



Two hours later, when Ye Qingxuan came back to his senses, he felt that the entire study was packed.

The study room, which was originally a little cramped after being piled with books, now not only had Charles, who was forced to stand, huddled in front of the table, but Bai Xi, who was playing outside, also ran in after hearing that something interesting had happened. Even Lao Fei, who was sunbathing, came to join in the fun.

"What are you waiting for! Start, start, start!"

Ciel rubbed his hands with excitement.

"Senior brother, you stepped on my foot." Ye Qingxuan said quietly.

"Oh, don't be sorry, sorry... Ouch!! It hurts, it hurts, Lao Fei, please let go, quickly let go, I didn't mean it, I was wrong!!"

This idiot stepped on Lao Fei again.

"Be serious! Class is on!"

Bai Xi slapped the table hard, and everything fell silent for an instant. But the problem is that she is the least serious person. She is still holding two apples snatched from somewhere in her hand, taking a bite out of one and eating them happily.

Now in the study, Ye Qingxuan has been squeezed to the back by the extremely excited two people and one dog. The chair is also occupied by Bai Xi. He can only sit on the ground and sigh quietly:

"By the way, why are you joining in the fun while I'm in class...Bai Xi, didn't you say you're only responsible for playing and not studying? And senior brother, you're about to graduate, why are you here?"

"Reviewing the past and learning something new, let me review the basics." Charles took out another bunch of bananas from nowhere and started eating on the spot!

"It's class, how fun it is!"

Bai Xi's face was filled with excitement, and he was completely in a state of watching the fun: "Cousin, it's your first time, why should I witness it all? It's so memorable!"

Lao Fei: "Wow!"


Ye Qingxuan was speechless for a while and wanted to roll his eyes.


Abraham coughed twice and knocked on the old book in his hand: "Everyone, please be quiet. Class has begun."

He paused for a moment, and seeing that everyone was quiet, he nodded and showed Ye Qingxuan and Bai Xi the booklet in his hands: "This is something that all Western musicians cannot skip when they first start. The foundation laid by Mr. Bach.

We call it - "The Law of Averages"

"Oh, oh, I know!"

Bai Xi raised his hand excitedly: "It's just like the Eastern Theory of Five Sounds!"

"Uh, probably..." Abraham looked embarrassed: "I don't know much about Eastern music theory."

"Don't interrupt."

Ye Qingxuan knocked Bai Xi on the head and straightened his posture: "Teacher, please continue, please continue."


As Abraham said, the score "Well Tempered" occupies an irrefutable important position in the history of musicians.

Although this book seems to be just a simple introductory textbook now, in the dark ages, when humans had no understanding of ether and musical notes, the appearance of this book was like a morning star in the slowly growing night, www .ansh. c illuminates the future direction of all musicians.

As we all know, musical notes are the most basic tool for musicians to communicate with the ether.

In the score, each section is an elaboration and structure of a ‘rune’.

It was by reading the runes that the first musicians understood how to control the ether. Similarly, the more profound and correct the understanding of runes is, the greater the power that can be exerted.

In "Well Tempered", Bach gave the most straightforward and serious explanation of the forty-eight basic notes through forty-eight different fragments of music score.

Although these forty-eight 'fragments' are simple, their interpretation of the runes is almost perfect.

It establishes a musical temperament from shallow to deep, and redefines and classifies notes by revising the musician's concept.

At that time, it almost revolutionized the classification of runes.

Contrary to the previous ‘fifths’ and ‘octaves’, Bach directly pushed it to the height of ‘twelve equal temperament’.

Establishing a new order from chaos, it laid the foundation for an unprecedented huge system. Some people even call it the starting point of the Great Source Road.

Before that, almost all musicians’ research was groping in the dark. The birth of this score represents the end of the ‘Dark Ages’ and the beginning of the Renaissance, the golden age of mankind.

To a certain extent, ‘Bach’s’ status as the head of the three kings was established by this “Well-Tempered Clavier”.

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