Crown of Silence

Chapter 64 First, let there be light

“The so-called runes are the transcription of the sound of the world by the ether.

Abraham wrote on the blackboard and said solemnly: "In all current legends and myths, the beginning of human history must be the same thing, and that is the birth of language."

“Asgardians believe that it was their ancestor Odin who hung himself upside down on the Tree of Truth and sacrificed his soul in exchange for the original language – ‘rune writing’.

In Sumerian mythology, the wise Prometheus helped mankind steal the secret of the gods - 'language'. Humanity rose as a result, but Prometheus sank into hell, forever immersed in the wrath of the gods. in pain.

It is not difficult for us to see that language is the foundation of all civilizations and the source of all power.

It is through sound and language that humans can communicate with each other and that musicians can control the ether.

The holy book of the Order says: Mankind fell from the Garden of Eden to the earth because of the mistakes he made. When they lost their original language, they lost all their power.

According to the records in the holy scriptures, what the first humans spoke was the voice of the world. That kind of speech was as graceful as singing and had incredible power..."

Abraham looked back at Ye Qingxuan: "Can you think of anything about this?"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized:


"That's right."

Abraham nodded, his dull eyes shining: "If my research is correct, before the Dark Ages, before humans were deposed from the sky, everyone had the power of the musician."

"Heaven." Bai Xi murmured in a low voice.

In front of the blackboard, Abraham became excited when he talked about his research. He was almost dancing, and his original dullness and silence were completely lost."

“I have been studying the history of musicians and ether, and interpreting previous documents. If I can succeed, I may be able to dispel the fog of the ‘Dark Ages’ and restore the true appearance of musicians.

Where did humans come from? Is there still Eden in heaven? Why did we fall to the earth? And...why do natural disasters occur? "

Ye Qingxuan was dumbfounded. Next to him, Charles patted him on the shoulder: "As soon as the teacher starts talking about his research, he will enter a state of excitement. Just smile... Let's have a plate of Quint, uh, no, let's have some bananas." Bar!"


“…according to my research, the first words were ‘runes’.

In front of the blackboard, Abraham finally got to the point: "All research, in the final analysis, is to continuously discover runes and reversely restore the original 'Voice of the World', thereby returning to the great source."

When he was talking about this, Bai Xi had already fallen asleep on the table...


Abraham finally came to his senses and coughed twice in embarrassment: "Today's first lesson, let's start with the teaching of basic runes."

Ye Qingxuan quickly sat up straight.


"The first lesson is one of the simplest runes, 'Light'."

Abraham picked up the chalk and wrote a complex and clear pattern on the blackboard, and then marked nine syllables next to it: "It is the most basic and most widely used elemental rune, and can be used to create many effects.

It is not only the foundation of the Psalm School, but also occupies a very important position in other schools. As far as I know, it has more than thirty applications.

Let’s start with the most common effect of ‘Dancing Lights’. "

As he spoke, Abraham still led the students to recite the basic syllables next to them. However, Ye Qingxuan had a vague premonition.

Fifteen minutes later, his uneasy premonition was confirmed. It was just like when he started reciting to that notebook, the syllables were correct, the runes were correct, and he understood the principles, but he didn't know why...

——He just can’t learn!


In the silent room, a dazzling light lit up at Bai Xi's fingertips. The light, which was as big as a glass bead, rotated on her fingertips, releasing a dazzling light that alternated between strong and weak.

Although according to the principle, this effect can at most form a light source with the same intensity as a candle, and there is no reason to reach such a blinding level, but looking at her relaxed and calm face, she has completely mastered it.

"Teacher, teacher, is that so?"

She played with the ball of light on her finger and poked it twice, watching it flicker on and off. She looked at the petrified Ye Qingxuan next to her and her eyes became happy:

"Cousin, you look so envious. Don't feel inferior. It's not that you are a slow learner, it's just that I am a genius..."

Ye Qingxuan curled his fingers expressionlessly and tapped a chestnut on her forehead.

"Oh, junior sister, you learn very quickly."

Beside him, Charles looked in awe as Bai Xi took off the ball of light with his fingertips and examined it curiously: "This brightness is so blinding. Although it is worse than what I used to do, it is still passable. La!"

Ye Qingxuan was petrified again, and Charles actually took away the effects created by others using runes? He began to suspect that he was still dreaming...

"Ah, this is 'synchronicity', a technique used by high-end musicians to coordinate operations." Charles said with a proud look on his face: "Are you envious? There's no need to be jealous if you're envious!"


Abraham pointed to the corner with an expressionless face, so Charlotte stopped laughing. He obediently returned the ball of light to Bai Xi, who was sluggish, and then ran to the corner and continued to press the book.

In front of the blackboard, Ye Qingxuan almost had his face pressed against the blackboard, but he still couldn't understand:

"What's going on?"


He closed his eyes, sensed the ether, and recited the syllables again. The ether gathered around his fingertips, colliding with each other, and condensed into a crystal of nothingness. The last bit of light was brewing from it and was about to spread...

But in the next moment, the entire structure lost control and fell apart under the internal repulsive force.

Not even close.

It’s always just a little bit different!

Ye Qingxuan hammered the table with some frustration and sighed. It's like this every time, every time I'm almost successful, but I'm always a little behind on the control of the syllables. Obviously I did exactly what the book said, but there was no way I could succeed.

"How did you do it?"

He looked at Bai Xi helplessly.

"It feels like it's very simple. You can do it easily just by feeling."

"What the hell is relying on feeling?" Ye Qingxuan was confused.

"Just follow your feelings, it's obviously very simple!"

"...You said it so easily, I almost believed it. Obviously my pronunciation is almost the same as yours."


Abraham shook his head: "No two people's voices in the world can be the same. Even if the timbre is imitated to the extreme, your heart sound and her heart sound are ultimately different. Blind imitation is not a good thing. What's more, we have the same runes with Dongfang and Tianzhu The singing methods are all different.

Don't just imitate other people's voices, focus on your own, everyone has their own frequency. "

He paused and said the words that the young man seemed familiar with: "The sound is just the appearance, the important thing is the communication between the will and the ether."

Ye Qingxuan thought about it carefully and felt that he understood something, and his mind calmed down slightly.

He recalled the smooth communication between himself and the ether that night, closed his eyes, and sensed the brilliant and undulating faint light spots around him.

In his induction, flickering light spots called ether were floating irregularly in all directions.

In the sensing area, ether is constantly gathering not far away, and is thrown into the whirlpool-like halo. In the induction, those ethers rub and collide with each other, releasing blazing light, which looks like a sun shining in a dark world.

That's etheric induction.

That was the rune cast by Bai Xi.

"I seem to understand a little bit."

He slowly opened his eyes, stretched out his fingers forward, and murmured softly: "Although the principle is very complicated, it is actually like the operation of a machine, right?

Communicate with the correct syllables and you will get the correct results. If the result is wrong, it is because of the difference in syllables. Although I can't grasp the ethereal 'feeling', at least I have some experience, and I should be able to succeed this time. "

The boy recited the syllables, his eyes focused on his fingertips.

"——First of all, there must be light."


In the silence, there was only the young man's low murmur.

In a calm consciousness, the power of nothingness outlines a vague outline. The runes gradually took shape in his mind, guiding him to recite the syllables.

In the faint sound, a ray of dim light gathered from the void and wrapped around the finger.

That dim light is like a candle in the wind, ready to be extinguished at any time, but it will struggle back every time.

In the end, the weak light finally gathered into a ring at the young man's fingertips. The ring-shaped light rippled, finally forming a light ball with uneven density. That was the result of insufficient ether control. The ball of light looked just barely there, as if it would collapse on itself in the next moment.

But Ye Qingxuan laughed.

"Finally there is light." He sighed softly.

Next to him, Ciel ran over at some point. took a breath, and the light on the young man's fingertips dispersed and went out instantly.

"What a weak light."

Charles shook his head and saw Abraham's unhappy expression, and was suddenly shocked: "Teacher, don't be angry yet, I understand where the problem lies!"

Abraham sighed: "Now that you know, let's talk about it and act like a brother. Looking at you like this, I always feel that you will be beaten when you go out at night..."

"Oh, teacher, how can you say that? I'm just a little more handsome."

Charles laughed shamelessly, moved a chair to sit down, and patted Ye Qingxuan on the shoulder: "Don't be sad, Bai Xi's talent is already many times stronger than you know. It's natural that you are slower than her. .

Moreover, I learned a basic rune in half an hour. Although I just learned it and it is still far from the level of application, it can be regarded as a genius outside. "

"...I'm sorry, are you complimenting me? I didn't feel it at all."

"Of course, when an ordinary apprentice learns runes, even if he is guided by a teacher or even placed in a high-density ether environment, it is natural that he cannot find any 'feeling' after spending a whole day."

Hearing what Charles said, Ye Qingxuan thought of the ten days of hard training with no results, and couldn't help but sigh: "I understand this, I feel the same way."

"So, now you know what the problem is, right? - It's the feeling!"


"Yes, it feels like it!"

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