Crown of Silence

Chapter 718 Water Tank

Chapter 717 Water Tank

The water tank test was successfully completed.

Shi Dong's words made Ye Qingxuan feel relieved, but as the elevator descended to the ground and the door opened, the scene outside the door made him dazed.

In the huge underground square, the light of the searchlight shone from the dome, and countless steel structures reflected iron light on the rock wall.

The cantilever and lifting cables were opened to both sides under the commander's arrangement. With the low sound of the machinery running and the drag of the steel cable, the Nomadic Mountain had already been drawn into the port berth at the edge of the square along the guide rail.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that under the open deck of the Nomadic Mountain, three black things spewed thick smoke and emitted harsh noises, and slowly drove towards the center of the square with three steps and three tremors...

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

"What is this?"

Shi Dong's expression suddenly became embarrassed. After coughing twice in a fake manner, he replied: "Water tank."

Where is the appearance of a steel chariot?

This is just a pile of... broken copper and rotten iron!

In silence, Ye Qingxuan felt that he was screwed.

"You told me this thing is a 'water tank'?" He asked Shi Dong: "It looks completely different from when it set sail!"

The new generation of chariots made by the Royal Research Institute with great effort, after being taken out for a walk by Shi Dong, turned into what it is now.

How can this be a cutting-edge war weapon?

This is clearly a piece of junk picked up by a homeless person from the garbage dump!

"And why are there only three?"

Ye Qingxuan asked: "Didn't you take eighty with you when you left?"

"Oh, this is a long story."

As if he had expected Ye Qingxuan's collapse, the old man sucked on the oxygen tube and waved his hand calmly: "Listen to me and tell you slowly... You see, after all, it is a weapon test, right? And it's rare that it's a place full of challenges like the dark world. It's normal to have some problems."

Although they took the sea route, in fact, the sea route is equivalent to a detour. However, they relied on the speed to bypass the original obstacles and saved about two-thirds of the time.

But the sea route has an end after all, and the remaining one-third of the journey must be traveled by land.

Anyway, the original intention was to send these old men to fulfill their wishes, just as if they were traveling abroad and conducting an inspection at public expense. It was impossible for them to walk on their own two legs.

So, Ye Qingxuan waved his hand and approved 80 water tanks that had just come off the assembly line and were still warm, and a maintenance team from the Royal Research Institute, as a means of transportation.

"In the dark world, you know, rabbits can grow to two tons. There are even more strange monsters, and even wild dogs' teeth are harder than alloys. It's natural for them to be worn out, right?

And the water tank is a new weapon after all. It has only undergone simple testing. It's normal for problems to occur after long-term high-intensity testing! Broken, leaking, exploding, worn out..."

Shi Dong spread his hands: "In fact, before we reopened the White Stone Fortress, all eighty water tanks had broken down.

The engineers dismantled the usable parts and pieced together with the spare parts to make another sixteen. As a result, when we opened the White Stone Fortress, we lost eight more.

Don't tell me, this thing is really useful!

This time we brought three back and let the people in the research institute study them carefully. When the problems are solved, we will send another eighty over."

Ye Qingxuan didn't say anything. He had seen that Ronald, the head of the power department of the research institute, had turned green.



Do you think you are moving honeycomb coal to your house in winter!

Now Anglo is so busy that even his paws can't rest. Ronald has multiple duties and has been stuffed with several projects by Newton. Just obeying Ye Qingxuan's order and squeezing out resources to mobilize the confidential department to manufacture these 80 water tanks has almost driven him crazy.

Many parts were even hammered out by him and his men temporarily...


He was afraid that Ye Qingxuan would be persuaded by Shi Dong again: "Now the research institute has no more manpower to allocate. There are as many engineers as needed for maintenance, but it will take at least three years to train a group of new researchers to do this! And the production line is completely insufficient!"

Seeing that he was so anxious, Ye Qingxuan was also a little helpless and looked at Shi Dong:

"This is the first field test. It is planned to be at least two years away from being put into service. Is it really necessary for you to be so anxious?"

"Take a look at this first."

Shi Dong threw an ether ball over.

It contains the combat records of the water tanks, which were recorded by the purification musicians and sent back with the three water tanks.

More parts are in the Harmony of Nomadic Mountain, which are specially selected by Shi Dong for Ye Qingxuan to see.

There are dozens of water tanks attacking giant monsters, but more are scenes of water tanks trudging forward in various environments, mud, hills, plains, and even crossing mighty rivers.

One scene that Ye Qingxuan repeatedly watched was that after poking the giant beehive, ten water tanks ignored the overwhelming bee swarm and crushed forward, and the musicians spewed fire in it, burning the bee swarm completely.

After walking out of the ashes, four of the ten water tanks had been scrapped, full of huge bee stings, and turned into iron hedgehogs...

After reading it, Ye Qingxuan fell into silence. Soon, he waved his hand and called his entourage. Half an hour later, the departing entourage returned with two members of the Golden Retriever.

Most of the former organists of the fifth department came from the military, and many of them had experience in commanding small teams in combat. Although they were not as far-sighted as the military staff group, they had the advantage of having a high level of confidentiality and being able to access these confidential information.

Like Ye Qingxuan, after seeing these effects, the hounds fell into deep thought. After briefly explaining their views to Ye Qingxuan, they went back to stay up late to write a report.

Tomorrow, their report will be placed on the Privy Council desk along with this ether ball.

Ye Qingxuan's view of the water tank has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Originally, he didn't attach much importance to this new type of tank. Although it was quite lethal, Angelo was not lacking in lethality. With the mass-produced musicians around, lethality was not a problem at all.

But what about the others...

This field test made Ye Qingxuan see its new potential.

——It has terrifying mobility that completely ignores most of the terrain, as well as a defensive power comparable to that of a small temporary fortress, and it perfectly complements the musicians.

Although most of these power armors can do better, with the Stirling internal combustion engine, the cost and cost of a water tank is less than one-third of that of a basic power armor!

And if you make do with it, at least seven people can be crammed inside!

In addition to the necessary drivers, all other people can be equipped as mass-produced musicians on the Ethernet. Using a mobile fortress like a water tank as a base, the musician's own protection has been qualitatively improved, and even... can be installed inside A small mobile synchronizer!

As long as the water tank is within the coverage of the large-scale concordance instrument of the Ethernet, wherever the water tank moves is equivalent to where the power of the Ethernet can be expanded.

No more worrying about the stability of music theory transmission.

This is an excellent repeater between the large orchestrators and musicians in the Ethernet.

Even if this point is discarded, the water tank can be used as a power armor for ordinary people!

Unlike knights, an elite force that requires more than ten years of training, there is no need for knights to be trained!

Modulating and implanting artificial nerves and alienated organs for a knight costs at least eighty pounds of lapis lazuli, and this does not take into account the technical cost.

And as long as after three months of driving training, no, in a wartime emergency, a manual is stuffed in, and a slightly literate person can barely open the water tank in just three hours.

Now, after the Caucasus took the lead in coming up with the 'redemption', other countries followed suit and followed suit in developing countless molten lead weapons.

Immediately afterwards, the musicians discovered that their own defenses were weakened to the limit in front of the molten lead weapons.

There are not many ordinary musicians who have died for this.

The musician who used to be able to brave the rain of arrows back and forth, now faced with six molten lead weapons, had to consider whether he should run away.

With the addition of a water tank, the threat of molten lead weapons has plummeted.

Unless the enemy is crazy and attacks with large war weapons, even if he dies... he can still leave a whole corpse, right?

After contemplating, Ye Qingxuan already had a calculation in his mind and looked at Shi Dong: "So, in your opinion, what are the shortcomings exposed in this test?"


Shi Dong answered without hesitation: "The stability of external combustion engines still needs to be improved. Even if the cost doubles, as long as the stability can be increased by 30%, it will still be within the acceptable range.

The outer armor is removed from the fuselage and used as an accessory, and more than ten additional sets are required! This thing is completely consumable. After a battle, the armor will probably need to be rotated.

The bigger problem is the track. The research institute does not have enough understanding of the importance of the track. Now the alloy formula of the track needs to be upgraded at least one generation before its capabilities can be fully exerted. "

"Later, ask your subordinates to write down these things in detail, and hand them over to the research institute together with these three... broken things, and the institute will solve the problem."

Ronald hesitated to speak, looking helpless.

"Don't worry, I won't put any more pressure on you."

Ye Qingxuan patted him on the shoulder: "As for steel vehicles, the Chainsaw Monks should have a lot of experience. I will go back and discuss cooperation issues with the dean.

As for the level of the water tank, starting from today, it will be raised to the second level.

The Dark World is an excellent testing ground for three rounds, where after three rounds of pressure testing, it is handed over to the production line in Birmingham for manufacturing and assembly.

The biggest reason for limited production capacity is to keep it secret, but since we are planning to do something big, there is no need to hide it anymore. "

Ronald's expression relaxed a little.

But even so, the pressure on the institute was still very high. He reluctantly said goodbye and prepared to stay up late to write a plan report.


"By the way, there is another news I forgot to tell you."

In Ye Qingxuan's office, after debriefing in the middle of the night, Shi Dong drank a bowl of medicinal tea and patted his bald head, finally thinking about it.

"——Watson has advanced the scepter."

I really don’t want to write about industry and farming, but I still have to mention something that should be mentioned...

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