Crown of Silence

Chapter 719 War and Dawn

Chapter 718 War and Dawn

A few months ago, Watson and Stone set out from Avalon together, but they had different missions and even their destinations were different.

Compared with Shi Dong who would give news every now and then to prove that he was alive, there was really no news from Watson, and no news came through any channels.

No one can be seen in life, no corpse in death.

Although he felt that with this guy's level of devastation, even if everyone else died, he might not lose even a hair on his head, but Ye Qingxuan was still a little worried in his heart.

But in the end, the news he was waiting for was not success or failure, but that he had advanced to the scepter...

Ye Qingxuan never worried about Watson's qualifications.

There are only five people in this world who can compare with him in talent.

After all, he is a robin, after all, he is the first priest of the Angelo Evil God who once served as a royal musician. For others, breaking through the scepter is as difficult as climbing to the sky. For him, it is just a matter of steps.

Although Ye Qingxuan washed away the evil music theory and returned to being an official musician, since then, with the unlimited supply of core music theory from various schools, if he can't make rapid progress, there will be trouble.

But Ye Qingxuan didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

"He should have been preparing for a long time."

Stone said, “Integrate purification music theory into the animal nature of the robin, and then let your own animal nature be infected by the abyss and then be purified by yourself. Repeat this several times a day.

As a result, in the end, I couldn't tell what state he was in. Purifying music theory had no effect on him, and the infection of the abyss had no effect at all.

——He hovered on the borderline between redemption and fall, thereby achieving the scepter. "

"When did you break through?" Ye Qingxuan asked.

Stone sucked the bitter concoction and smiled strangely: "After leaving Avalon, we walked through the passage, and he broke through before disembarking in the Netherlands."

Ye Qingxuan was helpless and silent.

He heard what Shi Dong meant.

A formal musician becomes a master, and a master becomes a scepter musician. The essence of the whole process is to promote one's heart sound to the chapter of destiny, and then the chapter of destiny is promoted to the scepter.

This is the sublimation of self.

In short, as a musician, he must first be himself and be the person he most wants to be.

This was one of the reasons why he was able to be promoted smoothly after leaving Avalon... because what Ye Qingxuan asked him to do before was not in line with his nature.

Even if Ye Qingxuan left Xiacheng District to him and let him do whatever he wanted, he would just use his dark side to suppress the gang of thugs below.

Fight evil with evil.

There are limits after all.

Otherwise, if Watson's ideas are followed, this guy will definitely make dozens of big news.

You can't kill everyone, you can't go too far, you have to leave a thin line, and you have to deal with it carefully... The most extreme thing is that he needs to be a good person.

Too forced.

Ye Qingxuan is not worried that after releasing Watson's shackles, he will become a blood-drinking and man-eating demon. His will and wisdom are enough to control his dark side, and he will even do better than he is now.

But ultimately, this is not good.

Ye Qingxuan helped him free himself, not because he wanted him to huddle in the shadows all his life and become the next shaman, but because he wanted him to live openly and openly in the sunshine.

It's a pity that if you don't like it, you don't like it.

"It seems that this mission made him very happy..."

Ye Qingxuan sighed, "Forget it, it's not sweet to be a coward. Let him live the life he likes. I won't stop him."

"This is long overdue."

Shi Dong rolled his eyes: "He asked me to tell you that I will be missing for a while, so don't worry. If you don't come, it means you are dead. If you are not dead, you will come back sooner or later."

"He has his own ideas, let him go."

"So, apart from the collapse between us and the Holy City, has anything else happened during my absence?"

"Quite a bit."

Ye Qingxuan shrugged: "Yesterday, the Holy City officially declared the 'Orthodox Religion' as a heresy, and requested the authority of the Guardian God of the Inquisition to launch a new 'Eastern Crusade' towards the Caucasus."

Shi Dong smiled, "What do you mean?"

"Haha." Ye Qingxuan didn't even bother to roll his eyes: "Now it is said that the Cardinal Church has even prepared to accuse Angelou of heresy.

It can be expected that in a few months, I, the Prince of Avalon, will be the ‘big red dragon’ that brings trouble to Angel. Should I obey the orders of the Holy City and commit suicide? "

Shi Dong didn't dwell on this anymore.

This set is all leftover from their past. During the witch hunt, countless people who were suspected of being connected to the abyss were directly sent to the stake. The civilians did not need a reason, and the nobles could just find an excuse.

Back when this group of lunatics played demon skewers, the people in the Holy City have not yet learned how to make a fire.

"What about the east?"

Shi Dong asked: "Since Bai Heng has broken the balance between the East and the West, there will definitely be big moves next, right?"

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time, shaking his head.



Stone raised his eyes. This was the only thing that surprised him. It was unexpected.

For hundreds of years, East and West maintained what can only be described as a connection. The two sides rarely interacted with each other and restrained each other. They did not dictate to each other's territory.

Now that Bai Heng has rashly broken the tacit understanding and balance between the two parties, there will definitely be a storm next.

But he didn't do anything.

What on earth does he want to do?

"Not only did he do nothing."

Ye Qingxuan said angrily: "He won't let anyone else do it."

"What's the meaning?"

Stone asked.

"look by youself."

Ye Qingxuan sighed and knocked on the table. A ray of light was projected from the void, intertwined into a phantom, and appeared in front of Shi Dong.

It was a huge three-dimensional map.

The whole world is included in it.

But compared to the areas that humans have explored, at least two-thirds are still submerged in darkness. Among the areas that have been explored, more than half are the sea.

Anglo is located in the due west of the map and is included among dozens of countries in the west. Far opposite to this is Cathay in the East.

In fact, the area of ​​Cathay cannot be compared with that of the West, only about half of the entire Western countries.

The reason why it is divided into east and west is that the east and west are almost separated by an unexplored dark world, leaving only a few routes and winding roads that are difficult to traverse.

For a long time, Cathay has paid little attention to the changes outside Cathay. This country has almost no interest in the West on the other side of the dark world. Only a few dozen traveling musicians come to the West every year, but they rarely talk about it. and his own hometown.

Including Ye Lanzhou.

For him, the East is a sad place that will only bring trouble to him. Therefore, except for the music, he never mentions the situation in Cathay. As a result, although Ye Qingxuan is of the blood of heaven and man, he is not interested in the scenery of Cathay. No concept at all.

And if there was almost no contact before.

So now there is no contact at all.

"What's this?"

Shi Dong looked at the changes on the map and was stunned.

During the observation of the Ethernet, the darkness that originally separated the east and the west became a hundred times thicker, completely blocking all roads. And the entire Cathay has been shrouded in a halo of blur, making it impossible to see any changes at all.

"Probably the Great Wall."

Ye Qingxuan's expression was indifferent: "If I guess correctly, Bai Heng obtained the fragments of the Wheel of Balance in order to complete the flaws of the Great Wall and achieve this effect.

Judging from the current effect, the Great Wall has been fully opened, covering the entire land of Cathay, expelling all outsiders. That's why he is not afraid of falling out with the Holy City at all. Even if he falls out, the Holy City can't do anything to him... He built a house for himself before the storm. "

Shi Dong was silent for a long time, sighing with relief.

"That's good, we've lost a huge variable." He looked at the north of Anglo on the map: "The only things that need to be considered now are the Caucasus and Asgard."


There was a brief silence in the room.

In the past two days, the Anglo Military Department has held countless meetings for this purpose, but every time this name is mentioned, it feels difficult.

An existence known as the Millennium Overlord.

The largest country in the entire West, the empire with the strongest national power, financial resources and war potential. Apart from Cathay, it is the only country with the position of emperor.

Now the idea of ​​​​chaos has also opened the road to war.

Ye Qingxuan is not surprised that the Asgardians chose war. It would be strange if they did not choose war.

Although Asgard's hegemonic status in the past came from its own strength, it was maintained by the Holy City's restraint on other countries. Now that the Holy City has lost control, Asgard will naturally not sit back and watch other countries control it. Create a threat yourself.

What's more, Asgard is the biggest beneficiary of the Holy City system. It will definitely not watch another system be re-established and deny its own status.

Especially Gaius's revolution and system are absolutely incompatible with Asgard, the maintainer of the old world.

The two were destined to be incompatible from the day they were born.

Asgard had declared war on the Caucasus long before.

But now, facing Ye Qingxuan's rebellion, the threat of Gaius, and... the so-called Orthodox Son of God, the Holy City that has lost control of the world will never sit still and wait for death.

Everyone has already felt that this war will sweep across the entire world. If the East does not block its borders, even Cathay will be involved.

The world is vast, but no one can escape.

"It seems that Gaius has now changed from a thorn in the Holy City's side to a life-or-death enemy."

Shi Dong shook his head helplessly: "Whether it is the Orthodox Church or your... friend the Son of God, they are all scary."

"Ciel is not the Son of God."

Ye Qingxuan corrected him coldly: "He is my senior brother, that's all. Don't let me remind you again."


Shi Dong sighed and no longer struggled with this issue: "So, after rejecting the Caucasus alliance, how do you plan to face the current situation?

Now you are no longer the lonely musician. Behind you are the entire Angru, the Inquisition, and even the Chainsaw Friars who have chosen you.

You can expect that once the war begins, you'll have more allies... and more enemies than allies.

On the surface, your biggest conflict comes from the Holy City, but as long as the Holy City is willing to give in, as long as you are willing to compromise, your goals can coexist with the Holy City's goals.

But Asgard is different..."

"I understand." Ye Qingxuan pondered for a moment and said in a deep voice: "What you mean is that I can choose to make Angel become the next Asgard, but Asgard has no retreat..."

"Asgard's prosperity for hundreds of years comes from its connection with the Holy City. It is the pillar of the Holy City system. Asgardians have always relied on the dividends of the system to bridge domestic conflicts, but the conflicts between clans can no longer be suppressed, and the conflicts between civilians and nobles have become so acute that they cannot be buffered. Moreover, Gaius's revolutionary theory of abolishing the nobility has pushed it hard from behind.

If the Holy City system collapses, it will be wiped out in the civil strife and external threats. Therefore, Asgard must defend the old world and the Holy City.

For them, this is a moment of life and death.

-If I were Asgard, I would definitely choose Anglu first."

Stone's words are exactly the conclusion drawn by the military after the meeting in the past two days.

This war will definitely start between Asgard and Anglu.

There are many reasons.

The biggest one is the geographical location.


Anglu is too close to Asgard. If the Burgundians open the border, they only need to cross a strait to land in Anglu.

What's more, Anglu is currently in a state of emptiness due to the attack of Leviathan, and the royal fleet has been severely damaged. The domestic economy has just entered a period of rapid development and has not yet been transformed into strength.

Moreover, anyone with a little bit of brains can see that the more the ether network created by Ye Qingxuan reaches the later stage, the more terrifying it will be. If it is an enemy, it must not be left alone.

Moreover, the most fatal thing is that although the Asgardians are huge, compared with the territory, the distribution of resources is completely concentrated on the other side of the territory. Industry, manufacturing and even grain production are distributed around the Golden Palace. If a war breaks out with the Caucasus, then it must rely on sea transportation to maintain supplies.

What's even more bizarre is that if the Asgardians dare to cross Anglu and start a war with the Caucasus, Anglu can rely on the Avalon effect of the ocean currents and the national defense line to intercept the Asgardians' supplies to the point where they can't recognize them.

Therefore, the logic becomes very simple.

War is bound to break out.

And once the war breaks out, it will inevitably be protracted.

Once it takes a long time, the competition will be about national power reserves and supplies. In order to ensure supply and transportation, the sea area must be controlled.

In order to control the sea area, Anglu must be suppressed to death first.

And it must be suppressed to death and cannot die again.

Even if Anglu only has one Avalon left, it can rely on the national defense line to nail Asgard in the heart.

Therefore, the first battle will inevitably start between Anglu and Asgard.

And the beginning of the war must be at sea.

This war caused by the route will determine the overall situation of the entire world in the future.

"Be prepared, sir." Shi Dong lowered his eyes: "Winter is coming."

"It's not winter."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head and stared out the window. The ether net hanging high above the sky in the long night - the crystal reflected the sunlight bred on the dark sea in the distance, magnificent and quiet.

"It's dawn."

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