Crown of Silence

Chapter 725 Perfection in Theory

Chapter 724 Perfection in Theory

Nomadic Mountain!

Rommel's eyes widened, and he was the first to recognize Ye Qingxuan's legendary ship!

In the Silent Agency, Rommel had another famous title besides the Sharp Knife and the Executioner.

——Soul Eater.

No matter what kind of black musician, as long as he was on his wanted list, it was like being possessed by a ghost. Even if he could get rid of it several times during the hunt, he would eventually find it difficult to escape from his clutches.

It was as if the soul was eaten up bit by bit during the long hunt.

This was the ability given after awakening the Heart Sound, and it was even improved to the limit after becoming a master.

Just through information and rumors, he could understand and control the enemy.

The longer the preparation time, the less chance the enemy had of winning, until finally, he was completely devoured and became his food.

In just a few days, he had memorized all the information about Ye Qingxuan collected by the Silent Agency. Sometimes, he even had a flash of inspiration and could guess Ye Qingxuan's thoughts.

It was this talent of "substitution" that allowed him to clearly experience Ye Qingxuan's horror and weirdness - sometimes he even had the illusion that it was not him who understood Ye Qingxuan, but Ye Qingxuan's will that was controlling him!

Because of this unprecedented pressure and danger, he had a murderous intention towards Ye Qingxuan that he could not control.

And in the days of thinking like imprisonment, he had already known Ye Qingxuan's character very well.

This guy, if he didn't move, it would be a thunderbolt!

For example, now...

"Full ship defense!"

Rommel roared, and the silver stick in his hand suddenly fell to the ground. His skinny and hunched body supported the stick and suddenly stood up, and the light suddenly burst out of his thin body.

It was as if the divine will was running in the body of a mortal, shining in all directions, and bursting with the scorching sun.

The magnificent majesty descended from the sky!

At this moment, since the sea fortress was on the mountain of nomads, everyone felt their hearts and minds swaying, as if their souls were captured by the divine light, and they couldn't help but want to lower their heads.

In the void, it seemed as if there was a Holy Spirit singing.

"But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner's fire and like a fuller's soap."

"He will sit like a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify mortals, refining them as gold and silver."

As the Messiah's rod was slowly raised, a pair of blazing white wings slowly opened from Rommel's back, and the wings of light expanded wildly, as if to cover the entire sea fortress.

"Messiah", the inherited music of Saint Handel.

God's will is moving, descending on human beings!

Governing all music, reason and spirit, just like God shepherding people's souls.

When he comes, the world will be saved, and where he is, it will be a ten-thousand-foot strong city, unbreakable!

Seeing the huge wings slowly closing, Ye Qingxuan suddenly became unhappy in the Nomadic Mountain.

"Hey, so angry! It's only two minutes away from charging!"

On the bridge, he patted the armrest of the seat: "Forget it, don't wait for the overdrive, fire! If you don't fire, the daylily will be bright!"

Yegor heard Ye Qingxuan's voice and suddenly felt helpless. He turned around and looked at the priest in the corner, waving his hand: "Fire!"

The Purification Musician enthusiastically drew the holy emblem on his chest:

"—— God wishes!"


It was not a harsh roar, but a muffled sound that made people uncomfortable.

The low sound resounded throughout the North Sea in an instant, and with it, a terrifying static electricity field.

The dazzling electric light overflowed from the main gun, spreading in all directions, dancing on the crests of the waves and the wind outlet, as if a blanket of electric light descended from the sky and covered this mortal world.

At that moment, the ether engine that had just climbed to the fifth drive started to run loudly, and the barrel of the main gun of the third-generation Prayer suddenly burned red. In the core of the ship, the heart infused with the beastly nature of the dragon began to beat wildly, and the roar of the golden dragon burst out from it.

In the blink of an eye, endless dragon power gathered from the Nomadic Mountain, and along with the crazy beating heart engine, it poured into the main gun and turned into a magnificent light.

Although it was not at its limit, the dangerous aura it exuded made everyone shudder instantly.

If this thing fully charged and fired a shot at the core of the sea fortress...

The catastrophic consequences were simply unimaginable.

In just a moment, the defense barrier of the fortress itself was torn apart like thin paper, and a huge crack was poked out. Then, the glow poured into the sea fortress like a broken bamboo, rushing to the core of the fortress...

"This is... Dragon Breath!"

The Scepter of Revelation Klein instantly identified the essence of the light and was also shocked by the terrifying power contained in the dragon's breath.

"And the Day of God's Wrath!"

He screamed.

After incorporating the purification music theory, Ye Qingxuan also added the punishment music theory of the Day of God's Wrath into it. All non-cult music theories were like bubbles in front of this power and collapsed instantly.

Across a distance of hundreds of meters, the terrifying temperature contained in the light had already burned the steel on the top of the fortress red.

"Don't even think about it!"

Rommel snorted coldly, and the Messiah's Staff suddenly fell, and the wings of light closed, blocking the front of the Dragon's Breath main gun.

In the praise of countless holy spirits, a loud sound like the collision of the sun broke out, and the blazing light stung everyone's eyes.

Like a whip of nothingness falling from the sky, the beast nature contained in the dragon's breath actually collapsed in an instant and was defeated!

Facing the Messiah's Staff that dominates the spirituality of all music, even the Golden Chapter of Victory can hardly exert its power. The beast nature was dispersed just after it was formed. After losing the spirituality of music theory, the music is just a walking corpse.

It was the music theory of the day of God's wrath that caused great pressure on Rommel!

If he was not a saint, he would probably be declared a heretic in an instant.

The collision ended in an instant.

After the light of the main gun dissipated, the pair of wings covering the fortress were intact. The scene like a miracle made all the Asgardians cheer in unison, and their morale was immediately high.

And when no one noticed, Rommel's expression was gloomy, and the palm holding the Messiah's Staff twitched slightly, as if holding a red-hot iron.

In that moment just now, it was as if he had received a blow from Ye Qingxuan with his bare hands, which had been prepared for a long time.

Although he did not fall into a state of embarrassment, the huge impact caused his scepter to shake slightly.

After the blow, Nomadic Mountain did not even look at the result, and turned around and prepared to leave.

"Want to leave?"

Rommel grinned and sneered like a wolf: "It's not that easy!"

Before he finished speaking, Klein's God's Eye rose from the fortress, tightly covering the steel warship that was about to escape into the sea tide and disappear without a trace. Then, another scepter rose from the fortress.

Ten thousand feet of blazing light.

It was like a rotating four-sided flaming sword hanging high in the sky, and everyone felt the fear of impending destruction.

Another scepter in the fortress finally made a move, and once the element was revealed, it triggered the response of the Messiah.

This is the element condensed according to the holy book. Its essence is the sword of the guardian god's residence. Once it is opened, it is not only fierce in attack, but also watertight in defense.

Just now, the boat almost capsized in Ye Qingxuan's hands. The scepter is now full of anger and ready to give him a good look.

At this moment, there are three scepters in the fortress, one is insightful, one is both offensive and defensive, and there is also a saint like Rommel. With hundreds of ether engines and giant harmonies to assist, it is simply as solid as a rock.

And Rommel's heart is full of sneers.

Ye Qingxuan likes to take risks. In addition to his perfect grasp of timing, he also likes this kind of gamble that is all-out. If he wins, he will make a fortune. If he loses... he will be trapped.

Now that the attack fails, Ye Qingxuan has exposed his whereabouts and there is no way he can get out of it.

Do you really think the sea fortress is a roadside restaurant where you can come and go as you like? !

In a flash, drawing the mighty power from the sea fortress, the four-sided flaming sword surged, and in a flash it extended hundreds of times, as if it spanned the sea and the sky.

The red line burned people's pupils, making people dare not look directly at it.

The flaming sword spun wildly, rolling up a mighty hurricane, the wind helped the fire, the fire increased the wind's power, and evolved from a narrow line into a pillar of fire that reached the sky, slashing down towards the Nomadic Mountain.

At this moment, the hymn of fire echoed between heaven and earth.

It seemed that the whole world was burning.

This was the real battlefield music, drawing the ether reserves of the sea fortress, sharing the pressure with hundreds of harmony instruments, the power of the flaming sword surged without limit, and the humid and hot sea breeze also boiled, the ocean surged, bursting with roars, the burning wind swept, and the wailing came one after another.

Before the sword fell, the sea surface covered by the sword shadow sank dozens of meters, as if a crack torn out by wind pressure.

The Nomadic Mountain roared.

The harsh sound of thunder and lightning burst out, and in the roar, countless musical theories grew like luxuriant trees, evolving to a jaw-dropping scale in an instant.

Klein's staff saw it most clearly, and was shocked the most, almost dumbfounded.


How is this possible!

This is simply not something humans can do!

Such a huge and complex movement is difficult to support even if thousands of people resonate with it. It is not that they are unable to do it, but that it is simply impossible to evolve to such a complex scale.

It is as if a thousand-foot-high building rises from the ground in an instant, extremely gorgeous, like a heavenly palace.

Even if a skilled craftsman spends decades to build a huge and magnificent palace, there are still mistakes and omissions. But now, how can the towering movement and endless musical theories evolve so perfectly?

It is so exquisite that it is unbelievable!

It is like pushing down a domino, triggering a chain reaction of supernatural craftsmanship.

In the countless musical theories, countless notes echoed each other, as if the gods had arranged everything perfectly.

This was clearly an extremely dangerous gamble, and even if there was a single mistake, all the previous efforts would be wasted.

Obviously, a wrong note would lead to the failure of the movement, but this movement was so perfect that it was despairing - so magnificent yet delicate, without any mistakes.

Is this really the realm that humans can reach?

Among countless musicians, even many of the most skilled ones could hardly guarantee that every note was perfect, every rhythm was just right, and every segment was perfectly matched, making the entire movement a complete whole.

If there was only one wrong note among 100,000 notes, then there would be no chance of perfection.

What's more, in the huge movement that was revealed now... there were more than 100,000 notes? The theory of birth and death of music was not only embodied in one faction?

And in the evolution of countless musical theories, countless seas rolled back to the sky.

It was as if the sea and the sky were hanging upside down, with billions of tons of seawater falling into the sky, and at the end of the sky, a crack so dark that no light could be seen slowly opened, swallowing up all existence and leading everything to the end.

School of Change?


Klein suddenly realized that there was also illusion music theory in it! And it was a terrifying maze that was enough to condense elements and limit illusions to reality.

—— Chapter of the Abyss!

After Ye Qingxuan integrated the School of Change, the music that expounded the essence of the abyss with illusion music theory had completed the transformation of reality and virtuality, and used endless water pressure and the deep ocean as a fulcrum to protect this illusory abyss.

Under the impetus of Leviathan's blood, it seemed as if the Hundred-Eyed Man and Leviathan's clones came here at the same time, joined hands with each other, and perfectly performed this miracle.

The perfect music brings a perfect effect.

The Wand of Destiny pried the Sea of ​​Ether. Under the crazy beating of Long Wei's heart, the Nomadic Mountain entered the limit of overdrive, turning into a jaw-dropping huge instrument, pushing this movement with all its strength.

The combination of illusion without a trace of illusion and the terrifying change movement without any shake, the power has more than skyrocketed tenfold?

But... is this really something humans can do?

Theoretically, an orangutan constantly jumping on the piano will be able to play a perfect movement one day, but how long will this orangutan jump?

Hundred years? Thousands of years? Or will it continue until the desperate end of time?

But now, the probability of less than one in a billion is revealed in front of Klein, making him suddenly confused-could it be that the gods are standing opposite him?

In an instant, his mind was full of distracting thoughts, and he was unconsciously lost and completely confused. As the musician wavered, even his scepter became blurred...

"Don't be fooled by him, Master."

A hand suddenly pressed on his shoulder, holding his body tightly. The severe pain woke Klein up, and he turned around and saw Rommel with a livid face.

"That's his scepter!"

Rommel gritted his teeth and stared at the illusion of the abyss with furious eyes:

"——The Land of Nothingness!"


The Land of Nothingness!

The scepter was created by the elements given by Dayuan himself based on his own achievements.

It has no power and no sense of reality, like a dream bubble, and does not even exist in the material world and the etheric world.

Its essence is the projection of the new era, the elements reflected from the illusory future, a lighthouse guiding Ye Qingxuan towards his goal, a grand blueprint that does not exist at all.

For half a month, the news has been spreading all over the world. Everyone is shocked by Ye Qingxuan's ambition, but also admires his determination - for an illusory future, he actually gave up a bright future and created the weakest scepter in history.

But Rommel didn't think so.

A hero like Ye Qingxuan, who takes one step and counts ten steps, had already made a plan to swallow up the entire Avalon before he even set foot in Avalon. How could he allow himself to create such a scepter that has no value?

He once frantically collected all the information about it, but he couldn't imagine how this scepter that didn't exist at all should be used.

In the end, he could only give up and treat it as an occasional mistake made by Ye Qingxuan.

But now it seems that everyone in the world is a fool who is played by Ye Qingxuan.

Rommel was so angry that he laughed.

How can this be the weakest scepter?

This is clearly a trump card tailored by Ye Qingxuan for himself!

Just look at its name and you will know - the land of nothingness, the ideal country, utopia... This is a realm that only exists in fantasy, an ideal country where everything is perfect.

This is the road to perfection!

At this point, how can he not see it?

This is a scepter that is even more weird and terrifying than the old musician in Asgard!

The lens can freeze time and see through all situations, but it is impossible to achieve such an effect.

As long as the scepter is blessed, all the effects that can be achieved in theory can be achieved in Ye Qingxuan's hands.

No need for any practice and running-in, nor any time, as long as it exists in theory, even if there is a one in a billion chance, he can

Not only the music, but even the ether metamorphosis, all alchemical matrices, and even the music theory of other schools, as long as he is mastered, then he can instantly deduce to the highest peak of his theory.

There will be no mistakes or omissions, and no mistakes.

Everything is perfect, just like arranged by the gods.

A perfect enemy...

When Rommel thought of this, his teeth chattered: This is simply everyone's nightmare!

"I'm afraid this is the reason why Ye Qingxuan dared to come alone."

He whispered hoarsely, his expression sinister: "Unfortunately, he is too arrogant... Even in theory, the possibility of one person fighting against an entire empire does not exist!"

Although the Nomadic Mountain is terrifying, how can it be compared with the sea fortress built by Asgard's national strength for a hundred years?

Sixteen giant ether pools, hundreds of super-large harmonies, thousands of musicians, twelve masters, three scepters... This is enough to overthrow a country, how could Ye Qingxuan play tricks in front of him? !

Even if it is a perfect movement, it is difficult to resist the flaming sword that gathers the power of the entire sea fortress!

What's more, the enemy is a movement of change that has evolved to the extreme after integrating the superior elements!

In just a few snaps of the fingers, the endless sea water was broken apart by the slashing of the flaming sword, countless fulcrums were wiped out, the illusion of the abyss was broken, and it collapsed into countless ice and snow, which fell one after another.

The flaming sword fell like a waterfall, the sea and sky roared, the hurricane swept, and roared forward, galloping thousands of miles in an instant, tearing the thick fog and turning it into a burning red cloud.

The royal fleet, hundreds of miles away, also shook slightly in the impact of this terrifying aftermath.

And a huge crack opened in the deep ocean, the seabed was burned red, and countless giant fish turned into charcoal.

But the primary target was deviated at the moment when the chapter of the abyss resisted the flaming sword, avoiding the terrifying slashing of the sword blade. Even so, half of the armor on one side had been burned red, and the alarms inside the entire warship went off one after another.

Seizing this precious opportunity, the outer shield of Nomadic Mountain opened again, withstanding the torrential rain attack from the Asgardians, and took the opportunity to distance themselves and prepare to escape.

"Too late!"

Rommel roared, the Staff of the Messiah fell, and endless light fell from the sky, covering the entire Nomadic Mountain, and solidified in an instant. Just like amber sealed an insect, it was sealed in it.

After a short period of accumulation, the movement "Messiah" sounded, and the divine will was running, distorting reality, and fixing Nomadic Mountain in place.

The perfect timing control seized the gap when Nomadic Mountain left at full speed, and then, it was the pinnacle of forbidden music theory, replacing reality, and sealing him in the realm of self.

"Give up!"

Rommel's eyes flashed with blazing light, staring at the Nomadic Mountain, as if he could see Ye Qingxuan's astonishment. The music in his hand roared, and he took advantage of the situation and didn't give Ye Qingxuan any chance. He wanted to seal him here completely!

"Forbidden School?"

Ye Qingxuan was slightly stunned when he sensed the music theory, and then he was amused: "Are you sure? You're playing forbidden in front of me?"

He closed his eyes.

The smile was mocking.

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