Crown of Silence

Chapter 726 Win or Lose

Chapter 725 Win or Lose

"What's going on?"

At that moment, all the observers in the bridge of the sea fortress widened their eyes.

Klein turned back in surprise, his expression blank.

In the projection on the ceiling, the light of Nomadic Mountain suddenly went out, the light of the ether pool and the outline of the alchemical matrix disappeared without a trace, as if it had turned into a stone statue and fell into silence.

The engine... stalled?

Everyone was ready for the trapped beast fight of Nomadic Mountain, but no one expected that after the seal, the ether pool of Nomadic Mountain would instantly cut off the supply, and the entire ship fell into silence, without even the slightest resistance.

To make a more obscene analogy, it was as if the masked ** finally trapped the girl and was about to pounce on her with a strange smile: "You scream, no one will pay attention to you even if you scream your throat out."

But the result was that the other party not only did not scream, but did not even react at all, but entered a salted fish state, and began to stare and count the stains on the ceiling.

Although it was exciting to succeed, the other party was so uncooperative that I suddenly lost all sense of achievement.

Now, Nomadic Mountain has completely given up resistance.

Even all the equipment has stopped working.

If it weren't for the seal of the Messiah Chapter, I'm afraid this ship would have fallen into the sea now.

Did their chief engineer embezzle the money for buying the ether engine and buy a low-quality one to pretend?

Or... did they surrender?

Rommel was stunned at first, and then his eyes became colder.

"No, everyone don't hesitate, attack immediately... They plan to activate the Dragon Sleeping Boundary!"

He clenched the fiery Messiah Staff and suddenly pressed it.

What about the Dragon Sleeping Boundary?

That kind of limited thing is not enough to interfere with the music of the saints!

If Ye Qingxuan had such a naive idea, then he would be courting death.

But before he finished speaking, a roar erupted from the seal constructed by Messiah. It was not the roar of Nomadic Mountain, but the loud noise when the seal collapsed...

The forbidden seal constructed by the Chapter of Messiah actually cracked and cracked in the power contained in Nomadic Mountain.

It seemed as if a mocking voice sounded in Rommel's ears, making him look ferocious.

Hehe, Dragon Sleeping Boundary?

This is...


For hundreds of years, as the hub created by Dayuanzhong and the container of natural disasters, Guixu has nurtured the power of gods and isolated all the covetous and peeping of the outside world.

Without other elements, just its own existence, it has formed a nearly desperate domain.

Over a long period of time, that domain was shrouded above Guixu and transformed into the Dragon Sleeping Boundary that people were terrified of.

But the Dragon Sleeping Boundary is only a superficial appearance after all. After losing the support of Guixu, it is just a tree without roots and water without source. Although the effect is terrifying, it cannot be sustained. As long as it is crushed by a force that exceeds its source, it will collapse on its own.

But now, Guixu has long fallen into Ye Qingxuan's hands, and he has integrated it into the scepter and transformed it into an etheric network.

After mastering this essence, Ye Qingxuan's Dragon Sleeping Boundary is no longer the same as before.

At this moment, the scepter unfolds, as if Guixu once again emerges from the deepest part of the etheric world and falls into the material world. The huge Jueyu slowly unfolds in Ye Qingxuan's hands, and the same perfect forbidden music theory is added to the Nomadic Mountain.

So, the desperate silence comes.

This is the Guixu projection!

There is no trace of any music theory, nor any sign of manipulation. It is like a pure natural phenomenon, not affected by human will, and a crack is torn from the Messiah's domain bit by bit.

At this moment, the Nomadic Mountain, with all its engines shut down, was no longer able to float in the air. After tearing off Rommel's shackles, the huge body made of pure steel and giant beasts began to sink slowly.

It was like a red-hot iron sheet thrown into solidified butter.

Under the pull of gravity, it descended with its own power, and in an instant it had penetrated through layers of domains.

Soon, flames burst out from the many Ether cannons of the sea fortress. In an instant, hundreds of heavy shells flew out of the barrels that had been turned, falling like a rainstorm, causing the heavy armor of the warship to tremble violently, countless rivets flew out, the armor shattered, and the warship seemed to have become a sand castle that fell apart in the rainstorm.

The projection of Keguixu not only isolated the seal of the Messiah, but even the attacks of many musicians that followed were completely wiped out.

In the bombardment of the storm, the Nomadic Mountain was violently turbulent, but there was no sign of collapse.

In the eyes of everyone furiously, Ye Qingxuan laughed loudly, and the Guixu projection completely tore the seal of the Messiah and fell from midair to the sea.

The huge warship raised a hurricane and smashed into the sea, but it did not stir up any waves, not even a splash.

It was like sugar, blending into the water, leaving no trace.

Even the wounds that were originally broken under the bombardment began to recover rapidly. It was originally a son of the ocean, a deep-sea monster that had been roaming the seven seas for hundreds of years.

Compared to the air and the sea, the deep sea is its domain!

The left eye of the god burst into light, illuminating the black warship hidden in the sea water, but at the moment when the upper Guixu projection dissipated, Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and the staff of destiny fell.


The last lock of music theory was unlocked.

"There are gifts for you!"

As a result, heavy rain suddenly fell from the sky and swallowed up the entire maritime fortress in an instant.

But the sky is clear for thousands of miles, and why are there ever any rain clouds covering it?

It was only now that everyone discovered that with the collapse of the Chapter of the Abyss, the illusion that turned into little bits of frost had not dissipated. Instead, it had transformed into thousands of forms, evolving into this illusory rainstorm.

Like an invisible river, it penetrated layers of obstacles and covered the entire fortress area. Just when everyone was caught off guard, the inner hints hidden in it were like weeds after the rain, taking root and sprouting crazily and growing rapidly.

Ye Qingxuan laughed.

Today I’m going to let you experience Ye’s ‘Other Transformation’!

As a result, screams rang out from the fortress, one after another.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, the Nomadic Mountain that dived into the sea quickly disappeared into the darkness of the deep sea and disappeared.

There was dead silence on the bridge.

Everyone looked at each other with gloomy eyes and livid faces.

Soon, the captain made a hoarse voice:

"Injury report."

"At the moment...there are no casualties."

Amid the screams, the musician who reported had a strange voice: "Most of the lower-level crew members who did not wear mental amulets were implanted with telepathic hints. We are trying to remove them, but... every time we erase the hints, the hints appear again. Will reappear soon..."

Rommel looked gloomy.

Of course he knew that Ye Qingxuan was best at tricks and Ye's best field.


Ye's telepathic musician can influence other people's thoughts and minds with just words and movements without even using music.

The hints implanted by Ye Qingxuan himself, only if ordinary musicians can clean them up are there ghosts.

Now I can only be thankful that the scope of the maritime fortress is too large, and it is difficult for Ye Qingxuan to hide too strong hints into the fragments of the Sea Abyss Chapter and interfere with so many people at the same time.

But a hint is just a hint. If left unchecked, big trouble will happen sooner or later.

"What about the hint?"

Rommel asked: "What type of hints did Ye Qingxuan implant?"

There are many categories of hints from the Psychological School, and it is necessary to find out the types early in order to make a response plan.

What's more, while he was angry, he was also very curious. Given the limitations of scale and intensity, what hints did Ye Qingxuan plan to use to achieve the greatest effect?

The musician who reported the report looked strange. After a moment of silence, he replied: "It's 'fear'."

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and reported: "Based on rough statistics, more than 4,000 of our sailors...suffer from hydrophobia. Now more than half of them will vomit and tremble when they see the sea..."

For a moment, the entire scabbard fell into silence.

"Phobia of...water syndrome?"

Rommel murmured this word repeatedly, feeling extremely funny and mocking in his rage.

Known as the children of the north wind, the Asgardians who have been fearless for hundreds of years and dared to cross the black zone of the sea with even a canoe... are actually suffering from hydrophobia like rabies?

Just a hint caused the sea fortress to lose more than 4,000 sailors in a short period of time, stop operating, and was almost scrapped.

What a fucking joke!

After a long silence, Rommel's expression twisted and he let out a hoarse growl from his throat.

"Ye Qingxuan!"


"Oh, what a big loss, what a big loss."

In the deep sea, the bridge of Nomadic Mountain was sweltering. After the air circulation system was destroyed, the air that blew out turned out to be hot air.

Ye Qingxuan was sweating profusely. He fanned himself with the documents and still felt out of breath.

Now he is waiting for the people below to count the losses, his expression full of helplessness:

"This development is wrong. Shouldn't we just fire one shot, pretend to be cool and then leave? How come we were almost captured alive? If we hadn't had a preparatory plan, our organization would have been wiped out by the Asgardians today. What a bad time!"

Although he said it was a huge loss, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought of the hint he had given Asgard in the end.

"Your Highness, the losses have been calculated."

Captain Yegor, the adjutant who replaced Shi Dong, looked at Ye Qingxuan who was laughing like no one else, stepped forward helplessly and reported in a low voice:

"The external armor is seriously damaged and is in urgent need of replacement. There are cracks on the keel of Nomadic Mountain, and some tissues are severely damaged. In addition, a large number of equipment collapsed. Two of our backup engines also exploded, seriously injuring six people. But no one died."

The whole process took less than a minute. Just being caught by the sea fortress, Nomadic Mountain was almost completely destroyed several times. Now it can be said that it is basically half scrapped.

"Although the external armor is a set of consumables and has been prepared in advance, and damaged equipment can also be replaced, we have no way to complete the repairs at sea. I am afraid we have to return to port."

Thinking of this, Yegor felt extremely uncomfortable.

If the warship is seriously damaged, it must return to port. Even if Nomad Mountain has amazing recovery power, it is equivalent to withdrawing from the battle in a short period of time.

But the Asgardians don't worry about this at all. The sea fortress itself is a huge mobile port, enough to park their fleets in turns. There is even a large ship repair shop on it. There is no need to return to Asgard. With enough materials, they were even able to build their own boats.

Not affected by any disadvantages of away games at all.

"Don't worry."

Ye Qingxuan waved his hand calmly: "Even without us, the Royal Fleet is still the Royal Fleet. What's more, in a short period of time, the maritime fortress is equivalent to being abandoned."

As we all know, it is easier to destroy than to build.

The most disgusting thing about the Psychological School is that it is hundreds of times easier to destroy than to repair.

Moreover, the suggestions of each school are completely different. Some suggestions target the stress response, some suggestions directly act on the subconscious mind, and some suggestions modify the memory... and the music theory is also completely different.

His state of freedom is known as the spring breeze turning into rain, which moistens things silently. Once the seeds are sown, different things can grow in different places.

If you want to decipher Ye Qingxuan's hints, you can only do it one by one. And if you are not careful and leave a little root behind, you may relapse...

During this period of time, I'm afraid Asgard's telepathic musicians will have to vomit blood and work overtime.

Four thousand people, even if there are 400 a day, it will take ten days!

It was enough for Nomadic Mountain to run back to Avalon leisurely, change the armor, change the equipment, then prepare the hull, wax and polish it, maintain the hull, and then come back slowly!

After Ye Qingxuan's actions, conflicts at sea continued in a short period of time, but it was definitely not possible to break out a war involving all arms.

Just taking a risk and using a set of outer armor and some scrapped equipment to buy at least ten days, Angelou made a huge profit.

As for Asgard... at least Ye Qingxuan returned in defeat, and they won, right?

This is simply a win-win!

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but sigh: He is indeed a peerless general, so awesome! ——

Thousands of miles away from the North Sea, the southernmost part of the Anglo territory.

Under the Blanc Mountains, outside the huge fortress, Asgard's army roared to the city.

Separated by a distance of several kilometers, relying on the huge barrier supported by hundreds of synchronic rituals, they began to set up camp and build war fortifications in front of the Angel Legion.

There were also two teams of the most elite frost giants riding chariots, showing off their power under the fortress, and shooting challenging arrows at the city wall.

Even across the city wall, the noise of the Asgardians could be heard from far away in the restaurant.

Kristen held the dinner plate expressionlessly, sat in her seat, and swallowed the burnt beef.

After finally taking care of the defense in hand, the belated lunch finally started.

Soon, a secretary of the military department, holding an urgent report, walked forward quickly. He could not hide his joy, saluted Christine, and then reported in a low voice: "Your Excellency, a good news came from the Royal Fleet:

His Excellency the Prince fought against three Asgardian scepters in the northern seas. The Nomadic Mountain faced the sea fortress on the ground and retreated unscathed, causing the sea fortress to temporarily lose its combat capability. "

Christine nodded:

"I see."

The secretary of the military department left, and soon another knight walked in quickly with a pale face. He walked to Christine and lowered his voice: "Captain, the Asgardians outside are here again. They are going to form a formation." Ex-showdown'.


Kristen kept holding the knife and fork in her hands, but just nodded: "Wait until I finish eating."

The knight took three steps back, stood in the corner, and waited silently.

In the silence, there was not even the sound of the clinking of knives and forks.

Kristen chewed her lunch, finished it slowly, wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, handed the plate back to the chef, and looked at her retinue.

"Let's go."


The knight straightened up, followed her, and strode out.


Fifteen minutes later, amidst the noise of the Asgardians, the city gate of Brown Fortress slowly opened, and what came out was not thousands of troops, but only one person.

But as he walked out, not only the walls of Brown Fortress were crowded with people, but also many people ran out of the Asgard military camp. Some people even found a commanding height in the military camp, Looking through the binoculars, staring at that figure.

In front of the fortress, the armored knight faced a group of Asgard frost giant knights calling for formation, and a cold voice came from under the steel mask.

"You want a knight duel?"

Through the steel, the voices became blurred. The several frost giant knights who were gearing up looked at each other, and an exceptionally burly figure walked out of them.

Facing the eyes of everyone on both sides, the frost giant made an obscene gesture to the knights of the Round Table in front of him, inserted the flame-shaped giant sword in his hand into the soil, and then took off his helmet.

Amidst the sound of steel rubbing against each other, the knight actually took off his armor and walked out from behind the steel.

After being modulated, the physiques of most knights will grow a second time, especially the frost giants from Asgard, which will directly increase their height to more than two meters.

But even among the frost giant knights who are famous for their height, that knight's physique can be called burly, even close to three meters.

It's like a wall.

The frost giant with a cold and indifferent face had no hair, a totem that represented perfection was tattooed on the top of his bald head, and his skin was iron-gray like frost.

He reached out, pulled out a heavy sword from the hidden compartment of his armor, and pointed it at the face of the Knight of the Round Table.

"In the name of the Gray Sun Clan, on behalf of Holy Asgard, I challenge you to the oldest battle in front of the battlefield."

The frost giant's voice resounded across the battlefield, causing rolling thunder:

"——Use this sword to prove the truth!"

At that moment, in the Asgard military camp, countless frost giants who were watching the battle cheered and roared, "Truth is mine! Victory is mine! Glory is mine!"

The rolling sound waves swept over.

On the fortress wall, all the spectators were shocked by the sudden roar.

"Then, I accept your battle in front of the battlefield."

Under the Knights of the Round Table, a hoarse voice without sadness or joy was heard, and they were not affected at all.

Then, Galahad's heavy armor slowly unfolded, and the thin female knight walked out of it.

For a moment, the frost giant on the opposite side was stunned.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

In the dead silence, he suddenly burst into laughter.

It was as if he had seen a great joke.

He laughed, pointed at Christine, turned around, and looked at his comrades: Look what they sent? A woman? Doesn't Anglo have even a man who can use a sword? "

Not only the few frost giants not far away, but also the laughter of teasing and mocking came from afar.

"Could it be that you found a woman from the kitchen to make up the numbers?"

The frost giant looked down at Christine and sneered: "Don't embarrass yourself, Angelo. If you really have a little shame, you should send someone who can really use a sword up and stop desecrating the sacred duel in front of the battlefield!"

Amid the laughter, Christine's expression did not change.

She just reached out and pulled out a long sword from the armor behind her.

"I dedicate this body to the great and supreme emperor."

She took a step forward and slowly raised the sword with her arm, with the blade facing forward, her expression solemn, as if praying: "May God bless the kingdom, my emperor bless me."

My emperor bless me!

The reverse scale was touched.

The frost giant's face changed.

Staring at the sword edge, he changed from disdain to coldness.

"You know what it means to draw a sword to a knight, right? "

The frost giant clenched his sword and took an offensive stance, his eyes red with murderous intent: "Although she is a woman who came from nowhere, don't expect me to show mercy."

At that moment, a shrill whistle sounded from the air.

The earth shook.

In the blink of an eye, a long distance was passed, and the iron light cut the air and stung everyone's eyes.

The loud sound of steel colliding suddenly burst out.

The blades collided, and sparks burst in the harsh sound.

Feeling the huge power on the blade that was not inferior to his own, the frost giant was stunned and his eyes were stunned. Across the blade, he heard Christine's breathing.

It was like an inhuman beast opened its pupils, expanded its lungs, and greedily absorbed every breath.

Immediately afterwards, high fever ran through the blood, making the heart beat like a drum, filling the limbs and bones with strength, and turning the murderous intent into substance, integrating into this violent power.

"——Hah!!! "

The roar was like thunder, crushing all the noise.


The frost giant suddenly retreated, pushed back by the power of the sword. Then, the inhuman girl stepped forward and took three steps, her footsteps imprinted in the iron and stone.

Raise the sword and chop.

The sound of gas explosion erupted from the sword, roaring as if to tear the sea apart, and the sword fell from Christine's hand.


The frost giant blocked the sword that was coming to chop, and his body shrank, his face flushed, and his spirit was Passionate rage.

Christine raised her sword and slashed again!


Unlike her previous delicate and complicated swordsmanship, at this moment, she was like a dragon spreading its wings. With only her thin body, she burst out with the power of a monster.

Pure killing intent was transformed into the blade.


A tragic gap appeared on the frost giant's blade, and then it fell apart. Amid the splash of countless fragments, Christine stepped forward, stretched out her hand, clenched her five fingers into a fist, and rushed towards the frost giant. 's heart.

With a muffled sound, the fist was like a sharp cone, crushing the heart into pieces through the thick ribs and muscles, leaving him no way to dodge.

Then, Christine's sword blade fell.

In the silence, screams suddenly broke out, and an arm holding a broken sword flew into the air and fell to the ground, blood gushing out.

The sword blade turned, and the heavy hilt smashed down.

The bones shattered.

A tragic crack appeared on the frost giant's skull, which was harder than iron and stone. His eyes were dark and he knelt on the ground involuntarily.

Finally, the cold sword blade was pressed against his neck.

In just a few snaps of the fingers, the victory and defeat were decided.

In the intense pain, the frost giant raised his head with difficulty, stared at the enemy in front of him with wide eyes, but did not see any expression.

Christine looked down at him, his eyes as cold as iron: "What you just said, someone has said it to me before, but unfortunately, your level is not even one percent of that person's. "

She slowly retracted her sword, without looking at the armored knights who drew their swords, but turned around and slowly raised her sword, showing her military honor to Asgard and everyone in the Brown Fortress.

"Remember my name and go back and tell everyone."

Christine's voice rang in everyone's ears, announcing to them:

"--Your enemy is Galahad!"

In that cold voice, the swords of the Knights of the Round Table were unsheathed on the fortress, and countless iron lights burst out.

With this victory as proof, the truth is mine!


A 6,400-word chapter!

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