Crown of Silence

Chapter 751 Error

Chapter 750 Error

While surrounded by four people, Ye Qingxuan felt the chill getting more and more biting for some reason.

The pressure from the saint who had not taken action was getting greater and greater, like a thorn in his back, making it difficult for him to concentrate on dealing with it.

At this time, the ether fluctuations between the five people rose and fell, attacking first, counterattacking, defending and transferring... all kinds of music and music theories were intertwined together, and it had become a chaotic network. If you are not careful, it will cause the consequences of a ripple effect.

Facing this war of attrition that must focus on the overall situation and be meticulous, Ye Qingxuan's uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

They wanted to drag him here, separate him from the incarnation of Leviathan's natural disaster, and defeat them one by one.

This is not Anglo.

The longer it drags on, the more terrible the counterattack of the Asgardians will be, and a quick battle must be resolved.


Ye Qingxuan hesitated for a moment, and suddenly withdrew all his defenses, facing the siege of the saints without paying any attention, and turned around and crossed dozens of meters.

Mahler, so close!

At that moment, he saw the saint's enlarged pupils.

The Sword of the New Testament was raised and aimed at Mahler's heart. Regardless of the full-scale siege of the saints behind him, the blade tore through the layers of defense in an instant and collided with the robe that was obviously a holy relic.

In the harsh sound, violent turbulence burst out, a narrow crack was torn on the holy relic robe, and the blade penetrated, carrying burning blood, and came out from behind.

At the same time, the joint attack of Verdi, Puccini, and Telemann hit Ye Qingxuan's back. Ye Qingxuan's body shook violently, and he felt the scepter shaking violently, and the ladder was almost broken.

In a flash, he exchanged his life for his injury.

One less!

Ye Qingxuan no longer cared about Mahler. He didn't have time to wipe the blood off his face. He turned around to deal with the enemy who was pressing step by step, but his movement stopped abruptly.

The Sword of the New Testament stopped in place.

Can't pull it out...

He turned back in surprise and saw Mahler's indifferent face and the blazing ether glow in his eyes.

At that moment, Mahler awakened the Holy Name inheritance.

——"Song of the Earth"!

The heavy melody sounded from the body, layer by layer entangled in the Sword of the New Testament...At this moment, all of Mahler's music theory was transformed into a forbidden lock.

One thousand six hundred layers of the way of commandments, from the inside out, he used himself as a seal and shackled the Sword of the New Testament in it!

This is not a hasty decision, but it seems...


Ye Qingxuan's pupils expanded instantly, and then he sensed three equally violent ether fluctuations rising behind him.

Holy Name inheritance!

Verdi, Puccini, and Telemann simultaneously stimulated their own Holy Name inheritance!

Ignoring Ye Qingxuan's hasty counterattack, Verdi stepped forward and pressed his palm on Ye Qingxuan's forehead.

In an instant, Ye Qingxuan seemed to be detached from his body. After a brief moment of weightlessness and dizziness, everything in front of him twisted and changed. A huge phantom swallowed him and pulled him into its belly.

Countless streams of light and phantoms flashed before his eyes.

In a trance, soft and cheerful songs sounded, warm wind blew from the fireplace, crystal chandeliers illuminated the gorgeous hall, and the bands played dance music carefully, causing countless figures to dance.

Ye Qingxuan looked around in astonishment, but saw that every face was wearing a pure white mask, crying and laughing, holding him, pulling him, inviting him to join this joyful masked ball.


Layers of illusions surrounded him and pulled him into the world of nothingness.

It was like he was split into countless people in an instant. He was Ye Qingxuan, fighting here; he was Armand, a love-struck man who admired a beautiful prostitute; he was Nebuchadnezzar II, the tyrannical emperor; he was Rigoletto, the hunchbacked court clown; he was Carlos, the helpless prince...

He was a commoner... He was a beggar... He was a mother... He was a wicked son...

In an instant, he seemed to be traveling through countless lives, but he knew that this was an illusion. He could still see himself on the battlefield of Asgard, and he could see Puccini walking towards him.

He wanted to resist, but he couldn't figure out which one was himself, which one was going to resist, and which one of the 100,000 selves was where.

The prince drew his sword and killed the emperor, becoming a prisoner; the clown assassinated the duke and was beheaded in public; the emperor went crazy and was assassinated by the guards...

Countless of himself, countless failures, and countless people's mocking voices.

Right in front of him, Verdi stumbled and fell to the ground, burning everything in this illusion that dedicated his whole body and soul.

Puccini was close at hand, and his palm pressed against Ye Qingxuan's chest. Through his heart, countless music theories extended into the projection of the etheric net. He was obviously a saint of the Holy City, but his music theory was completely different from that of the West. Instead... it was like the blood of a dragon vein!

A... celestial being! ?

Ye Qingxuan raised his head with difficulty and saw that his golden hair faded and turned pale in the excitement of music theory, and his green eyes burned out in the fire, leaving a charcoal-like black.

The saint's inheritance forcibly corrected his bloodline, and then the core music theory was activated...


The power of the saint was forcibly transformed into Ye's bloodline talent.

Countless silver lights turned into lines of thought and instantly carried on the projection of the etheric net. That was the ladder to heaven!

Bypassing Ye Qingxuan, Puccini forced a resonance with the ether net and opened the door to the core of the natural disaster. Finally, Telemann stepped forward, burning Puccini's power, and countless music theories were compiled from his hands, and the music took shape.


Ye Qingxuan felt a chill all over his body.

The music theory flowing out of Telemann's hands was from the same source as his own... No, it was completely the same interpretation as his own!

The intervals, structure, techniques and even ideas were all full of Ye Qingxuan's style, very strong. If Ye Qingxuan hadn't come to distinguish, I'm afraid everyone would have mistaken it for his arm, right?

Telemann was imitating his own music theory... No, at this level it was no longer imitation, but despicable plagiarism and copying!

Countless movements flowed into the etheric network along the interface opened by Puccini. Once they entered the etheric network, they were frantically replicated, spread, and transmitted in countless concerts...

Just like worms drilling into the stomach, viruses spreading in the lesions, countless movements evolved rapidly, and the music theory was madly superimposed. In an instant, half of the concerts turned on the red light and lost their response.

I am afraid that they have completely stopped in the high heat of overload operation.

In the end, countless movements responded to the same call and converged to the core of the etheric network. The complex music theory was extracted from the movement and compiled by itself, just like the worker ants collected materials from everywhere and worked hard.

A completely different power from those cumbersome movements emerged from it, and then the elements responded and descended from the etheric world, outlining the core inheritance of the saints, the true name of the movement.

——"The Last Judgment".

Even this movement is a complete copy of "The Day of God's Wrath"!

It was like the legendary Trojan horse with hidden ambushes was sent into a heavily guarded city.

The music that was extremely similar to the Day of God's Wrath triggered a fiery glow, from the inside out, like a raging fire burning firewood, frantically destroying the structure of the etheric network...

Until now, Ye Qingxuan finally understood why even if the four saints joined forces, they were only a little bit better than ordinary saints.

Because their holy name inheritance was not built according to the standards of saints!

Almost everything that was not needed was abandoned, and all the important parts were strengthened. The four people were nothing when separated, and only when they were together, they were the lore that the Holy City had carefully designed for Ye Qingxuan...

Mahler sealed his sword of the New Testament, Verdi made him unable to resist, Puccini forcibly transformed his power to resonate with the etheric network, opened the interface, and then Telemann imitated his own music theory and habits, temporarily wrote music theory on the spot, bypassed all defenses, and destroyed the etheric network from the inside out to the greatest extent.

If he guessed correctly, there would be a back-up plan to kill with one strike and eliminate hidden dangers forever, right?

It is worthy of being the Holy City and the cult.

With a large family and a large business, they can afford to gamble and force the exchange. After indulging Ye Qingxuan for so long, they finally caught his weakness and loopholes and killed him.

Exchanged his life with four saints.

For the first time in his life, Ye Qingxuan felt that he was respected so much.

He began to wonder, since when did the Holy City prepare all this?

Was it from the moment he forged the Sword of the New Testament? When "From the New World" appeared in the world? The day when he achieved the Ether Net? Or... the night when he refused the reward from the Holy City and went to Anglu?

Or, who was this prepared for?

Was it Ye Qingxuan's Ether Net, or Ye Lanzhou's Hundred-Armed Giant?

"It's worthy of being a cult."

He laughed hoarsely, feeling the ridicule from the bottom of his heart, "It's worthy of being a holy city!"

In the distance, Leviathan roared, and the incarnation of natural disasters no longer paid attention to Odin, wanting to rush over, regardless of his own life, but was stopped by the divine armor driven by the old musician.

Under the blockade of Gungnir, the King of the Seven Seas cried angrily.

"Ye Qingxuan, as you wish, the Holy City is now your enemy - this is the farewell that the Holy See asked me to bring you."

Mahler stared at him with fanatical eyes: "Next, please disappear from this world with your despicable heretic creation!"

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment.

He laughed at this joke with a puff.

"My creation? No, no, no, you're wrong..."

Letting Telemann wreak havoc in the Ether Net, Ye Qingxuan laughed hoarsely and seriously corrected Mahler's speech errors: "I have never created anything.

Whether it is the Sword of the New Testament, the Ether Net, the Chapter of Fate, or even the Land of Nothingness, they are all the results of Ye's thousand-year dream...

Indeed, the Ether Net is controlled by me, made by me, and is the composition of my power, but in fact - its real designer is not me.

Long before it was born, its core music theory and basic The alchemical matrix has been constructed.

The person who designed it is a sloppy and bad guy. He is not likable, but he has never been unreliable in creation. As far as I know, no one in the world can compare with him in terms of pure talent.

If I had designed the etheric network, I would have been helpless now, but if it was that guy, how could you think he would not have any defense against your tricks? "

At that moment, as the outflow layer, formation layer, creation layer and final activity layer fell apart.

In the deepest part of the etheric network, the name of the creator outlined by the elements emerged.


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