Crown of Silence

Chapter 780 Entering the City

Chapter 778 Entering the City

Since they parted in the Holy City, Mr. Hu has disappeared without a trace.

Ye Qingxuan did not expect to meet him again under such circumstances. Although he was able to avoid a dispute, he was happy and regretful at the same time.

"Then, can you let me in?" he asked.

"Of course."

Mr. Hu readily agreed, and then looked at the victims behind Ye Qingxuan: "As for them... As a condition for letting you pass, how about helping me maintain order later?"

Ye Qingxuan nodded, "Of course no problem."

Mr. Hu thought for a while, and ordered his subordinates beside him: "Then, open the city gate, maintain order, and let the victims enter the city in an orderly manner. Spread my words..."

He raised his voice, with a hint of hoarseness, like thunder, exploding in everyone's ears: "After entering the pass, you are not allowed to stay, leave immediately!"

"Those who sneak around and spy will be beheaded; those who disobey orders will be beheaded; those who lead the crowd to riot will be beheaded!"

In the astonished look of the victims, Mr. Hu issued three beheading bans in a row, and then slowed down his tone a little, "You are allowed to rest for one night in a place ten miles behind Tianmen Pass, and have a meal of porridge.

I will inform several counties in the rear to receive them. At dawn tomorrow, they will set off immediately. Those who linger will be treated as spies!"

What will happen if he doesn't have a spy, but I'm afraid it won't be a good end.

Ye Qingxuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

All along, he had always thought of Mr. Hu as a gentle musician, and never thought that he would have such a cruel side. Although he was still dressed in gray at this moment, when he looked down at the disaster victims, his eyes shone with a fiery flame that was completely different from the past.

Like lapis lazuli burning in the scorching sun, turning into boiling iron juice.

Until now, he remembered that Mr. Hu's nickname in the Holy City, "Sun", was probably derived from his cold side?

Soon, the three gates of Tianmen Pass opened with a bang, and thousands of cavalry soldiers galloped out to announce their orders.

They held swords in one hand and heavy iron spears with the spearheads removed in the other, weaving in and out of the chaotic disaster victims. For those who did not obey orders and wanted to make trouble, they would naturally not be kind. When the iron spears were knocked down, they would inevitably be beaten to a bloody head.

In the crowd, there were a few people who looked quite calm hiding at the back. After exchanging a few glances, they were about to shout something, but their movements stopped and they could not move.

They only felt stiff all over, as if they fell into an ice cave.

When they raised their heads with difficulty, they only saw a pair of eyes as hot as the sun. Then, they were struck by lightning, their hearts beat like drums, and their faces flushed.

After a few snaps of the fingers, the heart broke in the crazy beating, blood oozed from the seven orifices, and they fell to the ground and died.

At the same time, a pair of eyes stared at tens of thousands of people at the same time.

Even Mr. Hu found it difficult to support himself.

Ye Qingxuan, who was respectfully invited to the top of the city and witnessed this scene, suddenly had a complicated expression, "It seems that I came at the wrong time?"

"Not just the wrong time?"

Mr. Hu couldn't help but sigh, "You really gave me a huge problem."

No, to be precise, it was not Ye Qingxuan who threw this problem.

But Bai Heng.

If it wasn't intentional, how could the victims be so densely blocked at Tianmen Pass overnight?

Bai Heng deliberately let his soldiers plunder and drove this group of homeless people to Tianmen Pass, just to force the emperor to solve the problem.

If they were allowed to pass, there would be no doubt that the musicians and traitors mixed in would definitely cause chaos when the army attacked the city, no, they might even start a riot when they entered the city.

If they were not allowed to pass, then when Bai Heng's army was at the gate of the city, the swords and soldiers were blind, and once the war started, these people would have only one way to die. If they did nothing, it would be equivalent to letting them die.

Regardless of the turmoil in the hearts of the people at that time, there would definitely be people in the court and the public who would make a fuss about the lives of tens of thousands of people, which would be a big trouble for His Majesty.

You can't let them go, and you can't not let them go. You can't not kill them, and killing them would be more troublesome.

It's a dilemma.

Mr. Hu knows this very well.

If it wasn't me who came here today, Ye Qingxuan might not give me face. If others blocked me, I'm afraid that would only force Ye Qingxuan to turn against me and cause more trouble.

I can only say... Your Majesty is really thoughtful.

Thinking of this, Mr. Hu couldn't help but sigh.

No, now it seems that I'm afraid that I have already mastered everything.

When I received the news that Ye Qingxuan was coming to the capital, I sent myself out in advance, day and night, to guard Tianmen Pass - for someone like Ye Qingxuan, it's meaningless to talk about rules. Forcing him with a tough attitude will only do harm, and if I'm weak and accommodating, I will lose my dignity.

And if I come here, everything will be easy.

No matter what happens, Ye Qingxuan is the type who will never make things difficult for his friends.

And when dealing with the victims, with his own feelings, Ye Qingxuan may not be unwilling to help.

It's just that he is used to His Majesty's ingenuity, but Mr. Hu doesn't feel the slightest joy in his heart at this moment. Although the emperor is a wise ruler, he does not feel happy.

Instead, he feels a little... sad.

While he was thinking, he suddenly heard a mournful howl from afar.

He suddenly turned around and saw that in the middle of the pass behind him, several carriages suddenly broke apart among the chaotic victims after entering the pass. In an instant, cloth and gold ingots flew everywhere.

Silver flowed out like water, dazzling everyone's eyes.

After a brief pause, the victims were boiling with excitement, rushed forward, and fought desperately.

The musicians mixed in the crowd smiled and threw music around, regardless of any casualties and consequences. Iron lights emerged from the void and turned into heavy rain to sprinkle on the city gate.

Then everything solidified in the air again.

It was as if time was frozen.

Whether it was the metal rain, the roaring roar, the angry faces of the soldiers, the unsheathed long swords, the stabbing spears, or the gold ingots and silver flying in the air, or even the chaotic victims and musicians.

Everything within the entire chaotic range came to an abrupt stop and stagnated in place.


"Are you distracted?"

Ye Qingxuan asked with a smile.

Now that the authority of the Yellow King has deepened, Ye Qingxuan has completely understood the principles of "Faust", which was performed by Hermes, and even used it skillfully.

Although he does not have the terrifying attainment of Hermes, who can freeze even the king for two or three seconds with a piece of music, it is easy to use it to beat those musicians who have just touched the threshold of the distortion level.

"Ah, sorry, I was distracted."

Mr. Hu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Thanks to you."

"Just checking for deficiencies and filling in the gaps."

Ye Qingxuan loosened his shackles, erased the music of the group of musicians, and sealed the etheric induction of several people. Compared with Ye Qingxuan who can only act after the fact, Mr. Hu seems to have the advantage of foresight.

Under the gaze of the pair of fiery golden eyes, it seems that all the details cannot escape his detection. Just a glance, he can easily identify the spies and the victims.

"This, this, and this..."

Mr. Hu pointed his fingers, and among the chaotic disaster victims, more than a dozen people had eye-catching signs on their heads. Then, a cruel order was issued:

"——Kill them on the spot."

Soon, several brand-new heads were hung on the gates of the city wall.

Leaving a few big fish that looked more advanced to be tortured, the rest of the people would not have a good end.

In this regard, Ye Qingxuan had no room to intervene, nor did he think he had any excuse or reason to intervene. Just by looking at the behavior of the musicians just now, you can know what these guys want to do by mixing in with the disaster victims.

As long as they can stir up enough riots in Tianmen Pass, I'm afraid all the disaster victims will die, and these guys won't blink an eye.

Compared with this group of people who don't care about death, Ye Qingxuan is more curious about Mr. Hu's eyes.

If he guessed correctly, it should be the result of some kind of revelation school, but there are subtle differences between Eastern and Western music theory, and there are many differences in the theme and image. Ye Qingxuan can only recognize that it is a kind of implanted matrix, but it is difficult to find anything else.

However, after some observation, Ye Qingxuan, who is now a completely different person from the past, discovered something he had never discovered before.

Mr. Hu, who is close at hand, this thin and old man, actually has a violent power in his body that even makes him feel a little palpitating.

Although there is no blood of heaven and man, and it is not a dragon vein inheritance, this power is not inferior to the inheritance of dragon vein blood.

No, it can be said that it has climbed to the same height as Gungnir.

However, the nature it shows is completely different from Gungnir's lightning. If it is roughly summarized by an image, it should be "iron stone and fire".

The elements of iron and fire constantly collided in that kind of power, bursting out a violent breath of destruction, but they were restrained by layers of seals...

It was so sharp, but it was covered by heavy fog. It only appeared when Mr. Hu used his eyes, and then quickly disappeared in the clouds and mist, and it was difficult to see clearly.

As if he noticed Ye Qingxuan's curiosity, Mr. Hu did not hide it, but explained: "This is my teacher's early research. To some extent, it can be regarded as the result of alchemy. It's a pity that only my case can be said to be successful."

Ye Qingxuan coughed awkwardly and turned his eyes away.

Just now, he was curious and violated the taboo and peeped at the research results of other schools. Although Mr. Hu was generous and didn't care about him, it made Ye Qingxuan more ashamed.

With Mr. Hu's screening and Ye Qingxuan's checking and filling in the gaps, a large number of disaster victims soon passed through the city gate and entered the former imperial land, that is, the territory directly governed by the emperor in the past.

It was not only the disaster victims who left here.

Originally, Tianmen Pass was not small, and it could even be said that it was a city built around Tianmen Pass, but now, this city has fallen into a dead silence.

Many people left with their families, carrying packages and gifts, following the team of disaster victims.

"Are they leaving too?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the people walking out of the city and couldn't help frowning.

"The war is coming, Ye Zi, many people have to leave and retreat inward. Soon, there will be no one here except the musicians."

Mr. Hu patted his shoulder, "But the chef of the best restaurant in the city will leave tomorrow, at least we don't have to eat dry food and chat tonight."

"What about you, Mr. Hu?" Ye Qingxuan asked, "Will you stay here?"

Mr. Hu just smiled and didn't answer.

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