Crown of Silence

Chapter 781 Acceptance

Chapter 779 Acceptance

Late at night, this is the only restaurant still open in Tianmenguan.

At this time when all kinds of supplies were extremely tight, Mr. Hu still prepared a sumptuous banquet for Ye Qingxuan - the boss cooked it himself, and after finishing the last dish in his restaurant, he served the cellared food. After a final drink, we left sadly.

All kinds of dishes opened Ye Qingxuan's horizons, and for the first time he felt that maybe living in the East for a long time was not a bad thing.

Knowing that Ye Qingxuan didn't like unrelated people, he only had Mr. Hu as his companion. Although the atmosphere was a bit deserted, Mr. Hu was quite talkative and not indifferent.

"Actually, even I in China have heard a little bit about what you are doing in the West." Mr. Hu sipped the warm wine and sighed softly: "It's really amazing, little Ye Zi, you are even more powerful than I imagined, the God of God" Your Excellency."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and shook his head: "In front of Mr. Hu, how can I dare to say that I am the Hand of God? Just think of me as the student of Romulus who was taught by you. Now that I am praised by you, it is inevitable that there will be A strange sense of shame.”

"Hahaha, puff up your chest."

Mr. Hu seemed to be a little drunk and patted his back vigorously, "You are already a big shot, Xiao Yezi, but... I didn't expect you to really come."

Ye Qingxuan asked, "Why can't you come?"

Mr. Hu shook his head and did not answer. He just asked: "For Bai Xi?"

"Of course it's for Bai Xi. Is there anything else in the entire East that is more valuable than her?"

Ye Qingxuan became a little silent when he said this. After a long time, he smiled ashamedly:

"I hope she doesn't think I'm too late."

"Maybe you didn't come too late, but too early." Mr. Hu shook his head: "Maybe after the dust here settles, there won't be so much trouble, and it won't be too long. Just wait a few more months." "

"I can't wait that long."

Ye Qingxuan rubbed the rim of the cup with his fingers, watching the fine ripples in the wine in the cup, and narrowed his eyes: "Actually, I occasionally think, if I didn't let her leave me, but killed Bai Heng there... ...Will things be different in the future? She won't be alone, waiting for me for so long.

When I think about how painful it would be for her to be alone in the East, I will hate my weakness at that time - this is a mistake I made, and I must make up for it myself. No matter how much it costs, I can't let her wait for one more minute. . "

Mr. Hu was stunned.

He stretched out his hand to pour himself a glass of wine. After drinking three glasses, he took a deep breath and finally sorted out his thoughts. His eyes became strange:

"I said, little Ye Zi... do you still regard her as a child?"

"Don't you think she looks like a child?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled bitterly, "When she was in Avalon, I would worry about whether she would cause any trouble when she went out alone.

Sometimes I get irritated, but looking at her, I can't get angry. "

Mr. Hu looked at him, and for some reason, his eyes became more complicated.

After a long time, he sighed softly and put down the wine glass.

"I guess that's the way she will only show you, right?"

Mr. Hu sighed softly, "With all due respect, Ye Zi, Bai Xi is not as weak as you think... In fact, you should have been aware of her other side a long time ago, right?"

Ye Qingxuan said nothing.

In fact, Mr. Hu is right.

He already knew this well when he first met Bai Xi.

That night when he was urged by Lao Fei to open the door, he saw the real Bai Xi, with lonely and stubborn eyes, and an indifference to everything.

Absolute distrust of other people.

Including to the original self.

Treating her as a weak little girl who couldn't live without him was just his wishful thinking. Bai Xi would rather hide his minions and play games with him.

But this doesn't mean that she is powerless after leaving him.

Seeing his complicated expression, Mr. Hu couldn't help but shake his head: "You can rest assured about her safety. Although she looks like an innocent and harmless little girl, no one will dare to make her suffer any injustice - those Those who dare to play dirty tricks are now floating in the stinking ditches of the imperial capital."

"You mean..."

"Yeah, that's right."

Mr. Hu nodded and narrowed his eyes: "Have you ever seen a cat playing with a mouse? Yes, it's like that, bit by bit, pushing the enemy into the blind corner, using words, eyes, and giving a piece of love to another person. A gift that cruelly cuts off all defenses, and then slowly drowns the enemy in despair."

In the brief silence, Mr. Hu raised his head, drank the cup of wine, and sighed softly:

"At the beginning, she would still make some mistakes, but later on, she became so skilled that it was scary... For ordinary people, the terrifying life-and-death struggle, for her, it was just learning, a... game.

Bai Heng gave her this opportunity and put a successful example in front of her eyes.

Every time I look at her, I feel as if I am looking at the emperor ten years ago - with her intelligence, no matter what choice she makes, there will be thousands of achievements in the future.

It's a pity that she chose the most terrifying one..."

In silence, Ye Qingxuan raised his hand and rubbed his swollen forehead, wanting to curse.

"That's what worries me the most."

Sure enough, I learned badly...

At this moment, his heart was filled with regret.

Damn Bai Heng, as expected, he should have been burned to ashes in the military camp!

"Perhaps, it is precisely because of this abnormality that His Majesty regards her as his only 'friend'."

Mr. Hu held the empty wine glass and shook his head slightly: "Although the emperor's friendship is always cold and short-lived, I guess deep down in his heart, His Majesty regards Bai Xi as someone who is equal to himself, right? This honor, even if she is her enemy, Bai Heng has never enjoyed it."

Speaking of this, Mr. Hu's expression became more bitter: "I'm afraid Bai Heng has already guessed this: even if it was himself who sent her to His Majesty, His Majesty would still devote himself to nurturing and teaching - she wants Bai Xi to become the self that she cannot become."

"I always feel... more and more unfamiliar."

Ye Qingxuan's expression was bitter.

The changes in this world are too weird. He lowered his head and poured himself a glass of wine, trying to get himself drunk. He looked sad: "Sir, are you really talking about the Bai Xi I know?"

Mr. Hu laughed and gloated: "Everyone has an unknown side, Ye Zi, everyone has one. You can't treat her as a puppet doll who can't breathe without you.

She has her own favorite things and the life she wants - you need to learn to accept it."

"Accept what?"

Ye Qingxuan rolled his eyes.

What the hell is he accepting? It's crooked, right? It should be corrected!

Ye Qingxuan has already started to plan how to turn Bai Xi back. Sure enough, if he had known earlier, he shouldn't have let her be so naughty.

But thinking about this, he felt a little powerless.

I'm afraid it will be a waste of effort, right?

"Fool, everything will not go as one wishes. Can you always get what you want? Or do you treat her as a clay sculpture or a wooden sculpture that you can knead at will?

She is alive, Ye Qingxuan, just like you. Don't always think about changing her into what you want in your heart."

Mr. Hu picked up the chopsticks and knocked on his head. It was a thin chopstick, but it made his eyes go black when it hit his head, like a wake-up call:

"Accept the side of her that she doesn't want you to see, accept everything about her - if you really love her."

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

After a long silence, he smiled bitterly and raised his glass: "You are right, I took it for granted. In Romulus, Mr. Hu taught me how to become a musician. I didn't expect that when we met again, you taught me something new."

"It's just nonsense."

Mr. Hu shook his head and looked ashamed: "I have the same old problem again. I just read some books blindly and seemed to know everything. I became a teacher.

If you have any expectations, I am afraid you will be disappointed. In fact, I have never married and have no children..."

"Did you not meet someone you like?"

Mr. Hu was silent.

He lowered his head and drank.

After a long time, he sighed softly.

"I met one a few years ago... She was very good to me, and I respected and loved her."

Ye Qingxuan frowned, "Then why didn't you get married?"

"At that time, I was... too naive. I was very proud of my reputation, and I always thought that a real man should achieve great things, but I never thought about how sad she was waiting for me. Later..."

He smiled bitterly in a low voice: "Then she left, she couldn't wait for me - the blood of the dragon vein, if you don't get married at the age of 20, you will be an old girl that no one wants.

I missed her, and I don't have the face to see her again. The only thing to be thankful for is that she found someone who cares about her more than I do, and she has lived a good life these years."

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a long time, and apologized in a low voice.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"Nothing, just an ugly thing in the past."

Mr. Hu shook his head indifferently, looked at Ye Qingxuan, and suddenly asked, "What did you wish for when you were a child, Ye Zi?"


Ye Qingxuan didn't expect Mr. Hu to ask this suddenly. After thinking hard for a while, he felt ashamed: "Well, I have had many... I want to be a painter, please don't laugh, I'm serious."

Mr. Hu laughed and waved his hands: "No, no, I'm just relieved. Compared to me, your wish is already very mature."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head helplessly:

"What about you, Mr. Hu?"

"Me? This..."

Mr. Hu scratched his head awkwardly, and his smile became embarrassed.

"Well, I have, and there are many - I want to be a hero."


"I can't remember it now, I just remember shouting at that time why I should establish my mind, why I should establish my life, why I should inherit the lost knowledge, and bring peace to something...ah, it's so shameful to listen to it."

Mr. Hu lowered his head and drank the wine, hiding his embarrassment. In the end, he sighed softly: "Unfortunately, none of them have been realized now. I didn't become a hero after all."

"I also thought about becoming a hero, but unfortunately I gave up later." Ye Qingxuan comforted him, "It's better to say that in this era, it's a happy thing to be yourself instead of being a hero."

Mr. Hu laughed hoarsely, as if he was drunk, talking to himself.

"Yes, after all, it's an era where there is no place for heroes... It's great to be able to be yourself."


For the time being, both the host and the guest enjoyed themselves in the end.

Both of them were drunk, but they were musicians after all, so they had some self-control and were not so drunk that they could not walk steadily. After sending Ye Qingxuan to his residence, Mr. Hu bowed and said goodbye, and agreed to see Ye Qingxuan off the next day.

Recalling that he saw him off the last time in the Holy City, Ye Qingxuan felt the wonder of fate.

However, after saying goodbye and walking away, Mr. Hu stopped, turned around, and looked at Ye Qingxuan who was looking at him, with a complicated expression.

Ye Qingxuan heard his voice, with a hint of drunkenness.

"Ye Zi, in your opinion... after a person makes an irreparable mistake, what should he do?"

"Mr. Hu, I don't know if you ask me that." Ye Qingxuan smiled helplessly, "But since it's irreparable, then he can only suffer for the rest of his life, right?"

"Don't you want to atone for your sins?"

"Since it's irreparable, why bother looking for excuses to get rid of it? I think that the big mistake has been made, so it's too irresponsible to get rid of it on your own."

Speaking of this, Ye Qingxuan shook his head awkwardly: "Sorry, I said something big. But I think: it's just carrying the pain of a lifetime and continuing to live, not to the point where you have to rack your brains to escape, right?"

Mr. Hu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed out loud.

It was like the answer to the question that had puzzled him for half his life.

It was like a heavy burden.

Facing Ye Qingxuan's blank eyes, he bowed to the young man and turned to leave. His clothes fluttered under the bright moonlight, indescribably free and easy.

It was like he had been redeemed.

Ah, after writing this chapter, I felt that Baixi’s stocks soared, and then I reflected on whether I was suspected of manipulating the stock market... Also, there will be a double bonus at the end of the month, so please leave your monthly tickets for me.

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