Crown of Silence

Chapter 787 The End of the Hero

Chapter 784 The End of the Hero

The Battle of Tianmen Pass.

It was impossible for Ye Qingxuan not to feel such a big shock.

In fact, the terrifying vibrations coming from Tianmen Pass could probably be observed throughout Cathay.

As early as when Tianmen Pass activated all the barriers and synergistic rituals, he felt the ether fluctuations coming from there, thousands of them, carrying the aura of war.

Bai Heng came too quickly.

After mobilizing the elite, they marched hard for two days and one night, and appeared outside Tianmen Pass, as if following Ye Qingxuan's footsteps.

After Ye Qingxuan came to Cathay, he seemed to have turned into a crow, bringing disaster wherever he went... Even if he was involved in those disputes not far away, there was still no way to escape.

From the beginning to the present, Ye Qingxuan can see clearly through the sword of the New Testament.

For a moment, he wanted to take action to prevent all of this from happening, but was rejected by Mr. Hu's eyes as he looked behind him.

That night, Mr. Hu could have spoken.

As long as he opens his mouth, Ye Qingxuan will stay at Tianmen Pass. As long as Ye Qingxuan is here, with the blessing of Wuhe Homeland, no matter whether it is an army of one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand, it is just a number.

When two people join forces, no matter how many musicians come, they are no match.

The gate of heaven is eternal.

But he didn't say anything.

He didn't want to let himself stay, nor did he want to get involved here. He didn't even say anything to Ye Qingxuan for help in the end.

He just hoped that he could take Bai Xi and leave here.

This is not his hometown or his country, and all disputes have nothing to do with him.

He has no obligation and no excuse to intervene in a war that does not belong to him.

If someone is destined to make sacrifices for this country, then he only needs to be the hero.

During the two-day journey, Ye Qingxuan rode his horse and galloped all the way. Now the walls of the imperial capital were in sight, but it was difficult to move forward.

As if aware of his hesitation, the hero far away at Tianmen Pass looked back and gave him a heroic smile.

Don't wait, Ye Qingxuan.

What are you still hesitating about?

Isn’t there something to do?

Isn't it great that the person you want to take away at all costs is right in front of you in the city?


This was the last farewell. He turned around with a smile and rushed towards the hero's end.

"Well, bye."

Ye Qingxuan nodded sadly and stared at his back, watching the hero's end.

Outside the Tianmen Pass, flames soared into the sky.

It was as if it was about to completely ignite the dead and cold world.

The hero is burning and roaring to the sky.

Endless light and heat burst out from his body, forming a brilliant sun disk in the sky, spreading majestic brilliance, igniting the earth and sky, and awakening the embers buried in the center of the earth.

Under the point of the sword of the Sword of End, angry lava spewed out from the earth's crust and swept across it. Accompanied by the attraction of heavy-mass weapons, it entangled in the void force field, forming a star-like core. Brilliant flame.

As the inhuman force of hundreds of thousands of kilograms fell, the terrifying light of the exploding star spread!

Swallowing the sky, covering the earth, dispelling all the bitter cold and dead silence, throwing everything into the cruel furnace, reforging it, and igniting the fire.

The end of rebellion!

The child's shadow was turbulent, and under the frontal bombardment, the elements of the execution trembled crazily, cracks appeared, and fell apart.

After giving up a quarter of themselves, the other three swords joined forces to attack, cutting off an arm from Mr. Hu's body. The etheric blood burned and poured into the weapon in his hand, spraying on the hot lava. , accelerating the fierce power of the flames.

"A world where nothing exists—is this what you crave?"

Mr. Hu laughed and stepped forward to meet Yuan Changqing's shadow: "I don't know how to live but want to die! What problem can pure destruction solve? There is only eternal emptiness!"

The scorching sun was waved by his arms, and there were bursts of thunder, which was the loud noise of the world breaking apart.

A terrifying impact erupted, causing cracks to appear in the Realm of Death and Silence.

The swords of death and end screamed and intertwined with each other, almost frantically besieging Mr. Hu's shadow.

Outside the realm, the heads of the family, who had felt relieved after Yuan Changqing's death, became solemn again.

For Yuan, the power of natural disasters is nothing, and it’s not like they haven’t killed them before. Although the inhuman power of one hundred and eight thousand kilograms is terrifying, how many artifacts have been destroyed by Yuan's sword?

The battle up to now is no longer a pure competition of strength and quality. In this crazy fight between the two sides, they are burning themselves and rising endlessly, and their strength is rising horribly every minute and every second.

What dominates the war situation at this moment is the obsession passed down from generations, the duel between heroes and death, fifteen years of pain and twenty years of waiting, determination and desire, sacrifice and madness...

If souls exist, then this moment is a battle of souls. The undead who burn themselves into flames use the earth as a duel ground, risking their lives and immersed in the terrifying fight.

We can no longer sit back and watch. Even if it is eroded and affected by the elements of the Sword of the End, that monster must be completely eliminated here.

With the roar of the candle dragon, the Jiuyin Pool surged and boiled again, and the tsunami swept out. Along with the twelve turning wheels, the evil spirits of the Jiu Cao Yin Division emerged.

The magnificent heavenly palace opened, and countless giant spirits expanded. With Changsun Jigui's pale face, the divinity was given, and the transformation of eight hundred spirit officials and three thousand heavenly soldiers was completed.

Following closely was the chain of heavenly tribulation. In the sound of drums, thunder shook, and thousands of lightning bolts turned into chains, covering the sky and the earth, tightly binding the mortal world, from the ultraviolet to the inside, restricting Mr. Hu's music theory.

In a flash, the burning hero was pierced by the sword of the end.

Between the dark heaven and earth, only hoarse laughter sounded.

"Nine Yin Pool? Raising the ghosts of Yin beasts for three hundred years, burning wind and thunder, suffering every day, wandering between humans and ghosts like this, can you get immortality? Zhulong? Just guarding the corpse of the ghost, go and rest!"

He raised his pupils in the dark abyss, and the flames of the scorching sun burst out, like a burning iron block falling into the pool water, the dark Yin beasts wailed and roared, and quickly evaporated.

"Immortal Binding Chain? Holding the Heavenly Punishment, overlooking the mortal world, giving life and death... can it bind people's hearts? Heavenly Tribulation? It's just a pile of broken copper and rotten iron, go away!!"

Bang, bang, bang!

With the hero's roar, countless thunder and lightning broke, wailing under the terrifying sweep of a hundred million pounds, and dissipated in the sky.

"The Imperial Palace? It has been eyeing the great order for hundreds of years, and its wolfish ambitions are known to passers-by... Can it get close to the imperial domain? If you don't care about the people's livelihood and don't care about the suffering, what's the use of these spiritual officials and heavenly soldiers?!

--Jumping clown, go away!!!"


The Heavenly Palace shook, the hero moved forward, the furious flames were waving, the burning weapons swept across, crushing the heavenly gates, destroying the Yuque Palace, the eight hundred spiritual officials and three thousand heavenly soldiers were nothing but chickens and pottery dogs!

"You, is that all?!"

From the collapsed heavenly palace, the burning hero slowly walked out, covered in blood, with a broken body, facing the sword of the end, smashing down the power that transcends the mortal world and imagination!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under the terrifying impact, the flames burst out, extinguished, the mass spread, and disappeared.

Under the layers of restraints, in the core of the void field, a very small and fine "darkness" emerged-that is the core of the supermass tidal brake valve, the image of riot that will only appear when the stars are annihilated.

It's like the soul hidden deep in the material after the endless mass evaporates.

The most microscopic and tiny "star debris" created by humans in the past, just a wheat awn, has a weight of ten thousand pounds. Like the soul of the dead, it greedily devours everything in the material world all the time, and even light cannot escape its restraint and pull.

With the hero's full force, that tiny point expanded rapidly, but under the tiny base, after expanding dozens of times, it was still the same as before.

The only thing that changed was its own weight.

If it was originally a height that humans could not imagine, it has now climbed to the limit that the material world can accommodate. Even the sea of ​​​​ether was distorted under the terrifying gravity, forming a closed ring. Countless ether torrents turned into torrents in the warped space, and the burning glow attached to the terrifying power, forming an impact that was enough to tear everything apart.

Then, accompanied by the hero's roar, the slender point was lifted up, and with the restraint of the force field, it was swung forward!

That is...

-The stars are falling!

After a moment, the loud sound of the world's wailing spread in all directions.

The hurricane that was enough to shake the mountains swept forward, shaking Tianmen Pass like a hut, and the vanguard of the princes' coalition was blown away in an instant, and countless people's bones were broken and turned into meat paste under the wind pressure.

Then, the earth was like waves, and the frenzied aftermath swept around, causing a near-catastrophic collapse.

Under one blow, the ground within a thousand miles was instantly several meters lower.

And the first to bear the brunt, under the bombardment of the star debris, the three surviving sword blades burst out with mournful cries, slashed forward, and cracks emerged, one after another, until finally, they completely fell apart.

Only one blade was left with cracks.

Along with the complete destruction of the four elements of punishment, killing, and trapping, all the power gathered on the last sword blade, causing the sword of the wreckage to burst out with a glow that penetrated the stars.

Even its power of destruction was integrated into the destruction it represented!

The closer it was to destruction, the stronger the power it represented.

Why would there be four true swords of the end?

Just one is enough!

One sword is enough to destroy everything!

This was the final step. In the fierce battle, the elusive and illusory sword inherited all the elements, and its last sense of reality was wiped out.

What remained between heaven and earth was only a scar-like wound.

The wound of the world.

The final battle began.


Thousands of miles away, on the broken hills, a pitch-black steel tower rose.

Thousands of miles away from the main camp, a secret army stayed where Ye Qingxuan fell. Instead of marching towards Tianmen Pass with the coalition forces of the princes, they stayed where they were. With the help of the musicians, they piled up the soil to form a platform, and after days of processing of changing music, it has become an iron mountain.

The top of the iron mountain was carefully cut to a horizontal level, without the slightest mistake, and alloy expansion screws were driven into the four corners.

Then, the heavy and complicated iron frame was built.

From beginning to end, all the equipment, all the items, and all the assembly were done by the man named Jiuying. Even though he had taken off his shirt, he was still sweating profusely.

Corresponding to this, there was an expression as indifferent as steel from beginning to end.

In the end, two huge iron boxes were opened, and the heavy steel lying in black velvet and chemical fiber that was definitely not a product of this era was lifted up. One by one, heavy parts as thick as an ordinary person's waist were installed on the frame. As the earth shook wildly, the surrounding hydraulic valves made a creaking sound.

However, after several shock absorbers, the huge creation at the top, which was like a battering ram, maintained an absolute level.

With the twisting of the scale, the top of the "battery ram", the opening only as thick as a thumb, faced the Tianmen Pass, thousands of miles away, and aimed at the battlefield of the fight.

"Are you ready? It seems that I am late."

Bai Heng, who was late, climbed onto the high platform, holding an ancient scroll in his hand, and looked in the direction of Jiuying: "There is still a little time, do you need to rest?"

Jiuying shook his head silently, and got into the gap between the steel column and the iron frame, sitting on the chair just below the battering ram.

Then, he lifted his hair, revealing the alchemical matrix extending from the back of his neck along the spine to his limbs. As the circuit was activated, a layer of iron white was coated on his bronze skin.

He seemed to be integrated with steel, but he did not gain strength, but lost his agility and had difficulty walking. Only his shoulders, wrists and five fingers could move.

This was definitely a failed transformation, but to make such a subtle mistake, it can only be said that... it was deliberate.

As his iron transformation was completed, the iron mechanism on the siege hammer opened and lowered the partition, almost covering half of his body.

A faint light lit up inside the partition, illuminating his jaw. As if enjoying this stiffness, he slowly moved his five fingers, feeling the stability brought by this excessive stiffness.

Hold your breath.

After losing his pulse, the whole person seemed to have turned into a piece of iron.

Only five fingers slightly moved the handle on the armrest. As the handle moved, the angle of the 'siege hammer' also subtly changed under the adjustment of the iron frame.

"Has it started so soon? I haven't rested yet."

Bai Heng sighed and looked down at the book in his hand: "Come to think of it, this is my first time using it. Let me see..."

As he spoke, he opened the book, skipped the strange title of "Orion β Deep Sampler Operation Manual" on the cover, and looked directly at the detailed text on the back.

While comparing the operation instructions on it, he pressed the button on the battering ram a little unfamiliarly.

"Let me see, what is this red one? Well, real-time wind speed correction... Then distance correction... Where are the temperature difference and air pressure? Let me see... Oh, here, do you want to correct the humidity? Forget it, fix it... Well, there is also ballistic correction..."

As one link after another ended, the tiny lights on the 'battery ram' lit up little by little, until the end, a cold beeping sound that made people's scalps numb.

Warm-up completed.

Bai Heng opened the last box, and with some effort, he lifted a box as big as a human head, staggered towards the strange object hanging on the iron frame, and finally, he stepped on the ladder and filled it into the groove. With the operation of the pivot, it sank into the core of the black steel and was never seen again.

The cold air flowed out from the places that seemed to be exhaust holes, turning the high platform into an extremely cold cellar. Just a few strands of it were so cold that people shivered.

With the final preparations completed, Jiuying's fingers trembled slightly, as if excited, and his whole body tensed up, and his thumb rubbed the top of the handle, the red button.

"Slow down, steady."

Bai Heng bent down and patted his arm, "This is the last collection of the Bai family, there will be no second time."

As he said, he squinted his eyes and looked at the Tianmen Pass thousands of miles away. Through the storm and fierce light that rose to the sky, it seemed that he could see the heroic figure fighting in it.

"Jiuying, feel honored." He whispered softly: "After the three generations of dragon slayers, this is the last one left in the Bai family, and it should be used on heroes like this."

In the dead silence, there was no sound of breathing, only the deep echo of the hurricane from afar.

Bai Heng peeked at the scene in the mirror that magnified thousands of miles away to every detail, and stared at the burning figure.

In the mirror, a thumb-sized red frame moved quickly, chasing the figure that came and went without stopping, and included the shadow in it, and then made a sharp sound.

Bai Heng took a deep breath.

The storm from Tianmen Pass slowly spread from afar, like a giant roaring on the earth. Countless mud and dust were stirred in it, forming a turbulent sandstorm, and the wind roared like iron.

Bai Heng narrowed his eyes.




At that moment, a crisp sound rang out.

That was the echo of the spring when the start button was pressed.

The roar of the storm, the sound of breathing, the wailing of the earth, the echo of the sky...all the sounds seemed to disappear.

In this cold silence, there was only a muffled sound.

It was like pulling out the cork of red wine.

A ray of light gushed out from the opening, rushed into the distance, and disappeared into the hurricane and sandstorm.

The next moment, the hurricane exploded, and the bleak white waves extended in all directions. The gray-black sandstorm was cruelly cut in two, like a piece of torn cloth, making a chaotic sound like a boiling oil pan.

The cold was gone, and the terrifying high heat was released from the battering ram, burning red in an instant, as if brewing a furnace of hell. The exhaust port spewed out a few feet of flames, licking the ground.

The battering ram was turned on, throwing out the iron box that Bai Heng had just put in with all his strength, but most of the weight had disappeared, as if it had been taken away by an invisible hand.

Only a red-hot empty box was left rolling on the ground, and finally melted in the flames, emitting a foul smell.

In the terrifying high temperature, Bai Heng covered his mouth and nose, and did not leave, but still stared at the half-melted screen. Snowflakes flickered on the screen, vaguely reflecting the figure falling from the sky.

At that moment, the light that converged into a line penetrated the wind and dust of thousands of miles. Wherever it passed, everything fell apart under the impact, and the terrifying pressure left straight gullies and depressions on the earth.

In just a moment, the world created by the Sword of the End was torn apart, penetrated, whistled through, and passed through the wall of Tianmen Pass with overwhelming force, and then passed out obliquely, flew past the other end of the city gate, shattered the sky, and disappeared in the darkness of the universe.

The hero's roar came to an abrupt end.

In the dead silence, there was only the dull echo of the broken body falling to the ground.

On the broken head, the outline of the past could be vaguely seen.

Staring blankly at the sky with one eye.

No more smiles.

He died.

The belated roar echoed and dissipated in the empty world.

For a long time, for a long time...

Ye Qingxuan's hoarse roar sounded.

"——Bai Heng!!!!!!!"

Ah, a 5,000-word chapter, I updated it... Please give me a monthly ticket!

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