Crown of Silence

Chapter 788 Consideration

Chapter 785 Consideration

At that moment, thunder rose from the ground.

The frantic ether tornado converged into a thread. Driven by the sword of the New Testament, the incarnation of the Holy Spirit controlled the thunder and stood on the sky.

The sound of cracking steel sounded, and thunder burst out in the void. It was the loud sound of the New Testament colliding with the Great Wall, rubbing against each other, and tearing apart layers of shackles.

In the vibration of the sky being torn apart, the etheric thunder whipped the clouds, roughly tearing open the covering clouds and barriers.

Wherever it passes, the broken music theory and the mortal world interact, revealing a red color like blood.

It was like an evil star spreading disaster. Wherever it passed, the sky was torn apart, and the heavy rain was like blood, sprinkling the mortal dust from the dizzy red.

"The white rainbow penetrates the sun, the comet strikes the moon, the goshawk swoops down on the palace..."

Under the main hall, the girl who was trapped and in a cage looked up at the sky. "After arriving in the natural disaster area, even if it is just pure murderous intent, is it enough to turn the world upside down... Seeing that my cousin has become so powerful, I will bear it." I can’t help but feel happy.”

As she said that, she tilted her head and looked at the Lord, "What about you?"

The emperor said nothing.

He just lowered his head and silently mourned the passing of the hero.

"Are these the tears of a pig woman?"

Bai Xi's eyes mocked, "Didn't you predict all this from the day you sent the last hero to the front line?"

In Cathay, the emperor and the princes jointly rule the world. The emperor only has 40% of the authority of the Great Wall and the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the iron rule that has remained unchanged despite the succession of countless emperors for thousands of years.

Located in the dangerous position of Tianmen Pass, Mr. Hu's attainments and the blessing of the Four Great Walls are enough to cope with the offensive of the Longmai family heads. Not to mention Ye Qingxuan’s help.

And with the inheritance and relics of Taichang Qing in hand, if Mr. Hu is determined to turn the tide and support the building from falling, then he will be able to gain the upper hand even if he faces the siege of the dragon princes.

Whether Mr. Hu lives or dies, the overall situation is under control.

But she didn't expect that Mr. Hu had never asked Ye Qingxuan for help, and even took the initiative to push him out of the whirlpool and quickly left Tianmen Pass.

Then, he completed his mission.

This was where the emperor miscalculated. Fortunately, fate pushed everything back on track again, allowing Mr. Hu to die due to Bai Heng's conspiracy from thousands of miles away.

Taking away the heroic ending that the hero deserved, it was replaced by a cold arrow and a despicable sneak attack, which completely angered Ye Qingxuan.

He finally became Bai Heng's enemy.

The out-of-control plan was brought back on track in an unexpected place.

But in such a mocking way.

In the silence, the emperor said nothing.

Just silence.


Two days and nights of galloping passed by in just three minutes. From outside the royal capital, Ye Qingxuan had arrived at the dilapidated Tianmen Pass.

The roar was accompanied by crazy electric light, and it fell in front of Tianmen Pass.

Raising his head, he looked at the heads of the Celestial Family on the battlefield amid the flying dust.

"Bai Heng, get out!"

No one responded.

Yuan Changqing, who was originally the only one who would be happy to see Ye Qingxuan's murderous intent, was already dead. After losing his opponent, Mr. Hu, the last elemental sword in his incarnation fell to the ground and was sealed by the current head of the family, Yuan He.

Everyone else seemed to have not heard the sound, turning a deaf ear. Even if they looked over, they had no emotion at all, as if they were looking at a transparent person.

Something that shouldn't be here.

Ye Qingxuan's eyes turned cold, he clenched the Sword of the New Testament and nodded slightly: "Very good, I understand."

"Wait a minute."

The middle-aged man with blue eyes propped up his body and stood in front of Ye Qingxuan regardless of his serious injuries.

"Master Ye, the war here has nothing to do with you. We have never stopped you, and we hope you will not stand in our way."

He solemnly said: "Besides, the sword is silent, the general will inevitably die in a hundred battles, and anyone here can die on the battlefield, including Mr. Hu.

I hope you won’t do anything that leaves no one with a choice. "

Ye Qingxuan smiled angrily:

"What if?"

"Otherwise, it will be a pity for everyone."

The eldest grandson Jigui looked at him with no fear in his eyes: "This is not your Angelou, it's Cathay. Since you didn't choose to come back here, I hope you won't interfere in the affairs here again.

You are an extraordinary talent far superior to me, and you should not jump into this muddy water that does not belong to you. "

"That's very well said. I really hope that if I was the one who made the sudden attack just now, you would be able to accept it with such righteousness."

Ye Qingxuan's tone was full of ridicule and malice: "In other words, you think that with so many people besieging one person and having to shoot cold arrows to win a victory, it is very fair and reasonable. I'm afraid I have to teach you about right and wrong today."

He raised the sword in his hand and pointed it at Changsun Jigui's face.

A hundred steps away, the terrifying elements entangled on the sword blade formed a pressure close to the deep sea in the ether, setting off a hurricane and blowing away the blood on the face of the Changsun family master.

"Finally, let me correct you: I didn't stop you, it was you who stopped me."

His eyes were cold: "Now, let me ask you one last time.

——Bai Heng, where is he? "

In the suffocating silence, the eldest grandson Jigui sighed. When he raised his eyes again, his eyes were already determined.

Facing Ye Qingxuan's killing intent, he opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a sudden voice.

"I'm here, here!"

A familiar voice sounded: "Wait a minute, I'll be here soon..."

It was Bai Heng.

Since he rushed back to Tianmen Pass from thousands of miles away, he has been riding non-stop, without even drinking a sip of tea, and even riding his horse very fast, passing through the army formation and trotting over.

As if he didn't notice Ye Qingxuan's cold killing intent at all, his tone was relaxed and leisurely as if everyone was going to have a meal together.

In this way, he passed through his army step by step and walked onto the battlefield.

But for some reason, he was not wearing the robe that represented the position of the princes, but a plain inner garment that was almost embarrassing, and... and...

Ye Qingxuan looked at Bai Heng dully.

Looking at Bai Heng with disheveled hair, bare feet, and heavy shackles on his hands and neck, walking towards him step by step.

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan almost suspected: There is still an illusionist hidden in the East whose illusion attainments are ten times higher than his own.

He had unknowingly fallen into a hallucination.

But he was not the only one who was shocked. Whether it was the guards on Tianmen Pass, the thousands of troops behind Bai Heng, or even all the heads of the Dragon Vein families... at this moment, they were all stunned in this unspeakable silence.

In the dead silence, Bai Heng walked step by step to the gate of Tianmen Pass.

Then, facing the location of the capital behind Ye Qingxuan, Bai Heng... knelt down!

In the dust, the old man lowered his head, unfolded a piece of white paper with both hands, and read seriously:

"I, the sinner Bai Heng, am ashamed of the trust of the late emperor and the love of your majesty. I forged the order, started a war, stole the sacred artifact, and killed loyal people... I know that my crime is unforgivable and cannot be redeemed by death. Now I can only bow my head and wait for death, and dare not disobey. I hope that your majesty will use the most holy virtue to ascend to the throne..."

Silence, a long silence.

At this moment, not only here, but all the musicians in Zhendan who were observing this place were struck by lightning and began to doubt their sanity and brains.

Including the capital and the palace.

Even the water mirror was shaking, and the musician who maintained the water mirror opened his mouth wide, and his chin almost fell to the ground.


Just like that... surrendered?

For decades, Bai Heng, the regent who controlled the government and had great power in Zhendan, started a war, launched a rebellion, fought outside Tianmen Pass, and killed the emperor's strongest assistant... surrendered?

In the dead silence, Bai Xi suppressed a smile, turned around, and looked at the palace.

"Is this also within your expectations?"

The emperor did not speak.

Just silent.

But Bai Xi saw the emperor's astonishment and anger behind the indifference, and couldn't help laughing softly.

The laughter echoed briskly in the silence.


After a long silence after the gate of heaven was closed, Ye Qingxuan turned his head with difficulty, looked at Changsun Jibei, and pointed at Bai Heng:

"What the hell did he say?"

After a short silence, the expression of the head of the Changsun family changed from complicated and painful to indifferent.

"He said that he knew he was wrong and dared not resist. He only asked Your Majesty to see him for the sake of the past. He would be happy if he died..."


Ye Qingxuan nodded and looked at Bai Heng, his eyes became relieved:

"If you know you are wrong, then die!"


At that moment, the sword of the New Testament fell, and the mighty wind and thunder burst out of thin air, so fast that no one could react. The blade had already fallen, tearing the gap between the material world and the etheric world. After gathering a huge force, it almost turned from a solid body into a stream of light.

Where the light stream passed, everything fell apart.

Under this sword, Bai Heng might not even have charcoal left.

However, under the bombardment of the light stream, the projection of the Great Wall suddenly appeared in front of Bai Heng, like a reef splitting the waves, protecting him from the light stream that could crush him to pieces.

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan failed to cut him, Bai Heng raised his sword again, raised his head, raised his hands, and shouted: "Ye Qingxuan, you can't kill me!"

Ye Qingxuan frowned.

Bai Heng took a deep breath, looked at him, and analyzed in a serious and orderly manner:

"According to the rules of the East, if you want to marry Bai Xi, then I am your father-in-law. Even if we don't hide our relationship, we must not commit the crime of patricide.

According to the rules of the West, I am still a duke now. Although you are the Prince of Anglu, your title in the Holy City is only a marquis. Your behavior is unjust and unreasonable.

According to the rules of revenge, Mr. Hu and the Ye family are neither related by marriage nor within the five mournings.

According to the situation in Zhendan, I am the one who is rebelling now, and you don't have any official position, not even the title of a general to fight against the enemy.


He paused, tilted his head and looked at Ye Qingxuan:

"Why do you kill me?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled.

"Because - I am willing!"

Gathering dozens of times more power than before, the Crescent Sword burned everything, emitting infinite light, lightning and thunder gathered, outlining the music theory of Gungnir.

That was completely different from Mr. Hu's weapon. If Mr. Hu's destruction was caused by pure force, then Ye Qingxuan was now using the essence of the extreme transformation and forbidden school, evolving destruction itself.

Lightning fell from the sky!

Amid the roar, everyone's eyes went dark, almost blinded by the blazing light.

But when the light faded, Bai Heng was still sitting there.

Even one step away from his body, the earth had been burned into a turbid fluid by lightning, and the lava was boiling.

He looked at Ye Qingxuan as if he were a disobedient child and sighed softly.

"It's useless. I am the head of the Bai family. I have passed the orthodox inheritance of heaven and man, boarded the road of dragon veins, and obtained the protection of the heavenly city. I can avoid water waves and fire."

He explained helplessly and in detail: "Unless the emperor personally cuts off my head, no musician in Cathay can touch a hair on my head. Do you understand?"

As for the rest... you see, I am wearing protective equipment all over my body. Even if I am thrown into the darkness of the universe from here, I can survive for half a year. "

As he spoke, he showed off the brilliant rings on his ten fingers, not caring that the person in front of him wanted to take his name, rather... he was deliberately telling him how to kill himself.

"If you want to kill me, why not let me give you an idea."

He stood up from the ground, stepped on the scorching hot ground, moved forward, and stood in front of Ye Qingxuan: "For this plan, the most convenient thing is for you to take me to the capital and lock me in a prison.

At that time, without me, the coalition of princes will be leaderless, but you killed the chief culprit and put down this rebellion with your own hands. Not to mention rebuilding the Ye family, your majesty might even preside over your marriage and marry Bai Xi to you.

By the way, you can also ask His Majesty to write a letter in blood, remove me as the head of the family in person, and cut me into pieces...

You see - I got my revenge, got married, made great achievements, won the heart of a beautiful woman, and completely reached the pinnacle of my life, wouldn't it be fun! "

Ye Qingxuan looked at him without speaking.

"Think about it."

Bai Heng smiled, looked into his eyes, and said word by word:

"Think about it carefully."

Ah,'s the beginning of the month, please vote for me. You didn’t even give me a hundred votes (hiding face and crying

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