Crown of Silence

Chapter 802 The End of Nature

Chapter 799 The End of Nature


Ye Xuan murmured softly.

"What?" Roland didn't hear clearly.


Ye Xuan smiled and said nothing.

It was difficult for him to describe his feelings at this moment. Was he happy or heavy?

he does not know.

If this is true, then when that day comes, human consciousness will be able to break through the limitations of the past and be uploaded from the body to this magnificent miracle, right?

It was a match made in heaven.

Empty matter has eternity but no consciousness, and humans have consciousness but cannot pursue eternity...

Freed from the limitations of the body, human beings can gain eternal existence from miracles.

Isn’t this the birth of a ‘soul’?

But for the first time, he doubted, is this really good?

Is this the soul you dream of?

Can it really bring the so-called happiness and perfection to mankind?

After a long moment, he closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

"Mr. Roland."


"Regardless of whether your idea is possible, but how are you sure that we can control this 'unknown substance'?"

Ye Xuan asked.

He always likes to be the one who disturbs the scenery the most, and he is specifically responsible for doing this, reminding the crew committee when they occasionally dream that dreams are not so beautiful.

He is responsible for understanding the brain, understanding desire, and reminding everyone of the price that needs to be paid behind desire: "In other words, how do you ensure that the 'unknown substance' can be used by us?"

Roland was stunned.

His expression hardened.

"Mr. Ye... we have initially established a bridge of communication with unknown substances through sound..." He explained somewhat confusedly: "This is just the beginning, and its potential is profound.

I believe that one day, we will be able to master their power! "

Ye Xuan couldn't help laughing.

Roland's expression became even more ugly.

"What is this?" he asked, "the cycle of history?"

"Since you mentioned bridges, you should understand that bridges are two-way, right?"

Ye Xuan looked into his eyes and asked word for word: "Bai Nan is not here, then I will take Bai Nan's place and ask him the questions he should ask.

How do you ensure that they won't be like the junk on earth, becoming self-aware and driving away humans? Or, have you forgotten our lessons learned from the past? Or do you simply want to show off your talents and create a monster that is beyond our control? "

"But, but... they are different! They don't even think... they don't have any self-awareness at all, they just respond purely to sounds!" Roland retorted excitedly.


Ye Xuan spoke. A categorical rebuttal: “Information generates rules, rules form routines, routines become fixed responses, and through responses, a logical machine is formed.

The Greeks said that human beings do not have souls, that "consciousness" is just an illusion of self-deception, and that "self" is just a reflection machine formed by countless logic valves after countless learning and failures. Aren’t you creating all this? "


Roland was sweating profusely and looked at Xiao Huan with expectant eyes.

"Okay, Mr. Roland, please go out first."

Xiao also put out his cigarette: "Your work is over."

Roland left.

Very reluctantly.

It was like being chased away.

In the silence, Xiao Huan stood up and walked towards the storage cabinet rising in the corner.

"Before leaving the earth, my family had a strong foundation. Thanks to my parents, I was born with a silver spoon. Their legacy continues to this day, and then...only this is left."

He reached out and took out the box. There was also a bottle of orange wine in the box.

"Two hundred years ago, when synthetic wine destroyed the traditional wine-making industry, it was the last whiskey made from natural grains. I don't think I can taste anything special, but now is a good time, we can have some."

With that said, he opened the bottle.

The wine is fragrant.

Ripples between ice cubes and glasses.

The cup was placed in front of Ye Xuan, but Ye Xuan didn't touch it.

"Why did you call me here?" Ye Xuan lowered his head: "I'm just a psychiatrist, a committee member who makes up the numbers. Do you want to talk to me first, and then pass the committee's vote?"

"What if that's the case?" Xiao looked at him calmly.

"If this is the case, I will not agree." Ye Xuan took a deep breath and closed his eyes: "Life or death is up to you, Captain, I appreciate your sympathy, but please allow me to retain my pessimism."

"Stop looking like this and pick up your glass."

Xiao was still sitting opposite him, looking at him with an indifferent expression: "I have enough people to kill today, and you can't be included in them. You can rest assured."

Ye Xuan opened his eyes in shock and looked at him.

It's not because I'm not on the death list.

But because of his previous sentence...

For so many years, Xiao has always been like a cheerful bearded man with an upright and rough temper, but he sticks to his principles. Many people hate him and dare not say it, but the immigration ship cannot do without him, and everyone knows it.

He has been suppressing everyone's conflicts in a gentle and irrefutable way, maintaining the peace and coexistence of the committee, and has gone through the ups and downs in the long years.

He never abused lynching, nor was he emotionally driven by his own likes and dislikes.

Well, he is born to do great things, a leader. You may not like him, but you will definitely admire his skills and heart.

Now, he is going to start killing people.

So, who will die?

Bai Nan? Liu Dongli? Zhao Qian? Or more people?

Such a huge shock made Ye Xuan unacceptable.

"I am very tired now, Ye Xuan, I just want to find someone to drink, so stop using your little head and pick up the wine glass."

Xiao Hao maintained his original posture and looked at him.

Ye Xuan was silent for a long time and picked up the wine glass.

The wine glasses collided, and the sound was crisp.

The golden wine swayed between the ice cubes, like a sea of ​​gold carrying glaciers.


Xiao Hao raised his head and drank it all.

When Ye Xuan put down the wine glass, he suddenly felt a palpitation, and a faint auditory hallucination came from afar.

It was like countless people wailing.

But across the vast space, no sound can be transmitted, and the last cry of life will only be annihilated in the cold universe.

All that is left is just a brilliant spark.

Ye Xuan looked back dully, feeling the darkness in front of his eyes.

He saw it.

Outside the huge porthole, in the deep space, a huge flame suddenly rose in the distance.

It was an immigrant ship.

A distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, he could not see the specific outline, and all he could see was a little dazzling spark, like a flower, blooming in the silent darkness.

Iron slurry and flowers of fire.

Blood and broken bones evaporated, dissipated, fell to the earth, and turned into a silver burning rain.


Ye Xuan still remembered the name of this friend.

At that moment, he finally understood something. He turned back stiffly and looked at Xiao Huan with a twitching expression:

"You killed them?"

"Well, it's troublesome to do it."

Xiao Huan poured himself another glass and tasted the fine wine from his hometown in small sips. "Although the immigrant ship has large weapons to deal with meteorites and shooting stars, once it is activated, it will be sensed by the opponent's radar.

It really took me a lot of brains.

Fortunately, everyone is sailing on the same track, and you can always leave some gifts for your next home on the road."

"You're crazy!"

Ye Xuan screamed and roared. This time, he really felt like a woman, hysterical and unspeakable.

Because the worst murderer in human history was right in front of him, and he personally admitted that he murdered 410,000 people on the South American immigrant ship!

"In the lunatic asylum, the person who goes crazy first always has an advantage, doesn't he?"

He looked up, looked at Ye Xuan's pale face, and then ordered: "Sit down, don't waste my time, if you want to know why..."

Ye Xuan suppressed his anger and fear and sat back in his original place.

"Drink some, it's better for you."

A glass of wine was pushed over.

"For a long time, many people didn't know that although the size of the immigrant ships was similar, each immigrant ship had different focuses.

For example, the South American immigrant ship that was just destroyed was an assault ship, with sixteen large-caliber main guns and ten thousand carrier-based aircraft that we didn't have.

For example, the Eastern European immigrant ships ahead of us on the track, they have the best life-support equipment, and food and supplies are never-ending.

The advantage of the East Asian immigrant ship lies in the three artificial intelligences we brought from Earth, including the 'Dong Wang Gong' produced by Taiqing Heavy Industry, the 'Hermes' produced by Zarathustra Laboratory, and the 'Nibelungen' specially made for us by New Switzerland.

Maybe many people think that one is enough, and the computing power of three is already redundant, but the only thing we are good at is technology.

Because of this, we can be six hours earlier than them. The truth about the ‘unknown substance’ was learned at that time. ”

Xiao also drank in a heroic manner, raised a finger, and said in front of Ye Xuan: “Now, I have a psychological experiment for you.”

He said, “The world was destroyed by God.

Three broken ships drifted in the sea, driven by three people, A, B, and C, with completely different personalities but extremely selfish at the same time. They occasionally helped each other, but only to have a companion in the long and bitter journey, and to share what they had with themselves.

And now, they have gone through a long period of suffering and the torture of the ocean and found a new land.

The new land is fertile, with many prey, and even magical magic that can make people gain money, power, and even immortality, allowing people to create their own new world and empire.

So, now outside the island, as the first person to discover the truth, what will you choose to do? ”

Ye Xuan was silent.

Isn’t the result clear?

This is exactly their current situation. It’s just that Xiao also materialized the group of three immigrant ships into three people.

In a world with scarce resources, humans form a collective just to survive, and the nature of the collective is selfish. In other words, the nature of human beings is selfish.

As long as it can make their members live better, they will do anything unscrupulous. Even if the leader does not do this, the people will force the leader to choose this in the riot.

What's more, there is magic that leads to heaven.

If the three parties can maintain a balance, it is not impossible to develop together, but if the North American immigrant ship discovers the nature of the unknown substance, then as the most powerful immigrant ship, it will definitely choose to fire and attack.

Monopolize the new world...

Did they do many such things along the way?

This is human nature, an unchanging law from the jungle to space.

The weak eat the strong.

Human beings are animals themselves. They cannot reject their animal nature and cannot resist the temptation to live.

Ye Xuan knew this clearly.

There may be some people who are kind, compassionate, and willing to cooperate with the outside world, but most people will not risk their own death to consider others.

Xiao also did what he should do.

Just like what he had always done, he took responsibility for the immigrant ship and then personally caused the consequences of the massacre.

No need to answer, Ye Xuan has figured it all out, or he knew from the beginning that this was going to happen, but he just couldn't believe himself.

Now he just feels tired.

"Why tell me?"

Ye Xuan drank the bitter wine and looked at him: "Do you need psychological counseling?"

"Are you talking about lying on a chair and talking in your sleep like a little girl? Then what? Using the shadow of your childhood and the obstacles in your heart to escape the sins you committed? Forget it." Xiao shook his head indifferently.

He was drunk, but his eyes were awake.

"The war is about to begin, Ye Xuan, be prepared."

He said, “Next, you and all other precious talents will be sent to the safest place on this ship, with independent recycling equipment and supplies, enough for you to survive in space and on earth for twenty years.

If you have made a will in the central core, when I die, you will be the new captain. "

He pulled a pendant from his neck, and the iron plate on it was engraved with fine words.

"This is the password for emergency takeover of the system. Yuan Eryi will obey your orders when necessary."

The alarm sounded, red alarms continued to appear from the top of the dome, and the prompt of being targeted appeared.

"The wine has been finished, Ye Xuan."

Xiao also waved, "It's time for you to go."

The door opened, and Yuan Eryi, fully armed, was waiting for him.

"last question."

Ye Xuan looked at him, "Why me?"

"Because you understand everything I do, right?"

Xiao also smiled half-heartedly, as if he was mocking, but also as if he was pity:

"Because you understand humans, Ye Xuan.

So, when necessary, you will do the same, like me. "

Ye Xuan turned and left.

Like an escape.

Escape from becoming the devil you are.

Because Xiao is still right.

If it were him, he would do the same.

He was just lucky and had no chance of becoming a devil.

Before the door closed, he heard Xiao Huan's last voice.

The man was lying on a chair, staring out the window at the distant land, drinking the last bottle of whiskey in the world.

"Ye Xuan, I'm so jealous of you."

He murmured softly, "At least, you can breathe the air of the new world."


The door is closed.

Ye Xuan closed his eyes, clenched his fists, and said nothing.

Only Yuan Eryi patted his shoulder carelessly, looking like a good buddy. He never cared about anyone, he didn't even care about himself.

He only cares about the fight he has.

Now, his chance has come.

"I know everything, Ah Xuan, we have to rely on you."

Yuan Eryi threw another pack of chewing tobacco into his mouth. The tobacco could soothe his burning nerves and make him at least look...stable.

"Come on, I'll take you to your small room."

Ye Xuan heard shouts in the distance. Someone wanted to rush over, but was stopped by Yuan Eryi's men. Those guys who also had no sympathy punched the poor guy to the ground and then trampled him under their feet.

It's Roland.

He was treated as a toy for those people to eliminate their leisure time. Even his glasses were crushed when they played with him.

Extremely embarrassed.

He shouted his name.

"Mr. Ye! Mr. Ye! Please take me with you!" He stretched out his hand to grab Ye Xuan, but was kicked away. However, he still refused to give up. He got up from the ground and looked at Ye Xuan:

"At least, please take a look at this!"

He threw a stack of information at Ye Xuan with all his strength. The information flew into the air and fell to the ground like snowflakes.

Ye Xuan didn't look at him, didn't want to speak, and chose to turn from the corner in front.

"Why don't you understand! Mr. Ye, don't you know what this means!"

Not far away, Roland stared at him and shouted crazily: "With mastery of unknown substances, our technology, our lives, and our resources will all make unprecedented leaps!

We can even enter heaven during our lifetime!

Think about it, Mr. Ye, those machines that drove us away from our homes, those artificial intelligences, even if they exhausted all their resources and completely turned the entire solar system into silicon crystals, the computing power they would get would be less than a ten thousandth of theirs. one!

With it, we can do anything, and even...can create gods! "

Ye Xuan's steps stopped.

He lowered his head and looked at the pile of torn paper at his feet.

"Then what?"

He turned back and looked down at Roland's deformed face.

It's like stepping through the body and getting a glimpse of human desires that can never be satiated:

"Kill Him again?"

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