Crown of Silence

Chapter 803 Sorry

Chapter 800 Sorry

In the evening, the carriage stopped outside the village.

The old man got off the carriage, holding a cane, and stepped on the muddy ground in the village with his long leather boots, stepping on the chicken and duck feces, and walked into the village.

In front of the door, a few children playing in the mud saw him and hid away in fear.

The old man was wearing a thick coat, a top hat on his head, and the cane and leather boots in his hands were also very valuable.

If they got dirty, they couldn't afford to pay.

"Go home quickly, it's time to eat."

On the bench in front of the door, the young man who was playing with the children smiled, gave them a few wooden toys that he had just made, and coaxed the children to leave.

He didn't look like a farmer in this village. In fact, even among the nobles, few people were as handsome as him.

And he had a good temper, good handwork, and was a doctor who could use some herbs to treat high fever.

He had only been here for half a month, and everyone liked him.

The only pity is that he lost one eye.

Many girls in the village secretly looked at him, and then privately argued about how beautiful his eyes would be if his eyes were intact.

"Long time no see, Mr. Constantine."

He looked up, looked at the old man, and smiled. Unfortunately, with an ugly eye patch, the smile became a pity.

"Well, Charles, long time no see."

Gaius supported himself with a cane, walked slowly to his side, and then sat on the muddy stool, as if he was tired, and let out a long sigh.

"I came to see you."

"I'm recovered."

Charles smiled and wiped his hands with the apron on his pants, "I'll go find you something to drink."

"No, I just come to sit down."

Gaius said, "I'll leave in a moment."

In order to avoid causing riots like before, Charles has been secretly recuperating in a small village near the capital these days.

Except for a few guards and secret protectors, no one knew that this gentle and handsome young man was the son of God.

Many people used some wheat to exchange for him to help their families with work, and Charles was happy to do it.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Charles did not feel strange, and was still chatty: "It's nice here, Mr. Constantine, you should come and live here if you have time.

The chickens I raised are about to be released. When I first came, there were only so many of them. I had to put them in the house when I went to bed at night, chirping..."

Gaius nodded, "I'll come again when they are released. Do you want me to bring a chef?"

"It's better to bring one. My cooking is not very good. I just eat other people's food." Charles smiled awkwardly.

"It's good to see that you live well. Get better as soon as possible. Without you, I can't handle many things." Gaius held his hat and cane in his arms, raised his head and rubbed his hair, and his mottled hair became a little messy.

It's hard to hide his fatigue.

"I'm really jealous of you, Charles."

He sighed softly, "In the past, many things didn't matter to me. After I met you, I realized that I'm old and no longer energetic."

"Give yourself a break once in a while, sir." Charles smiled, "In the summer, you can still go fishing in the river here, I can accompany you."

He searched for a long time and only found a bag of dried fish at home to entertain people.

Feeling very embarrassed.

Gaius took the dried fish and looked at it repeatedly, reluctantly stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it twice, but couldn't bite it, so he swallowed it whole.

Then he choked.

"I'll go get some water..."

It wasn't until five minutes later that Gaius recovered and smiled bitterly.

"It's too salty."

"Someone gave it to him, and the salt was a bit too much."

Charles explained awkwardly.

In fact, the person who gave it to him was kind-hearted. Salt is very expensive nowadays, and dried fish is not worth much.

It's a pity that he didn't expect it to choke people.

After listening to this, Gaius was relieved: "You've made new friends, Charles. I told you that everyone will like you."

"Yeah." Charles nodded and said nothing.

"What's wrong?" Gaius asked.

Charles was silent for a moment, and whispered: "Mr. Hoffman, the man who sent me the dried fish, died a few days ago..."

Gaius nodded and said nothing.

"He sold his land and went to work in a factory in the city. Before leaving, he gave me the dried fish at home. But within two days, he was sent back. One of his hands was cut off by the machine in the factory and infected. There was no medicine here, and I couldn't help him reduce the fever. He died."

Charles said this and smiled bitterly: "If it was before, I still had the strength to save him."

"Charles, this is not your fault."

"I know, I'm just sad."

Charles looked at the calluses and scars on his fingers: "The village Many people in the factory are like Hoffman, and there are many children. The child just now is his youngest son. He will go to the city to work in two days. He signed a three-year contract.

Obviously, you can't make much money in the factory. You can only earn so little by doing hard labor and working like a slave for half a year. But you will starve to death if you don't work.

Obviously, the harvest in the field is good, but if the grain is not sold at a low price, it can't be sold at all. If you want to buy it, it is too expensive to buy, or even impossible to buy... Mr. Constantine, why is this?"

Gaius didn't speak.

Ciel didn't wait for an answer.

"Aren't we already victorious, sir?" he asked. "The war is no longer there. Many people are working hard to live, but it is still difficult to survive. The Holy City was overthrown, but many annoying things still continue. .

Those who can’t live, still can’t live. "

Ciel asked him, "They have sacrificed so much for this world, why do they have to sacrifice more?"

Gaius didn't answer.

Just looking into the distance, staring at the smoke of the village not far away, watching the sunset slowly setting.

"There are many things, Charles, it's hard for me to explain them clearly. I know some things are not good, but for the future, we have to do this... sacrifice one generation, and use the blood of one generation to exchange for the prosperity of the next hundred generations."

He said, "Char, this is a necessary pain."

"But there was no need for this. If people today can't survive, what's the point of EMI's prosperity?"

Charles shook his head, confused and angry, unable to accept such an answer at all: "Mr. Constantine, you told me before that you wanted to create a new world where many homeless people would have a place to live, which would make many homeless people People live a happy life.

Haven't we already succeeded? We have obviously done it...but why is it still so cruel? "

Gaius finally turned around.

His expression was calm.

There is a hint of aging, and more, the determination and compassion that Ciel is familiar with.

"Char, do you remember what I told you when we were in the Holy City?" He said, "The pain will eventually pass, all pain will pass.

This world is not perfect, Ciel. There are always regrets, which are beyond human control. "

He finally said cruel words:

"Sorry, there's nothing I can do about it."

Suddenly, Ciel felt a little dazed.

It was like going through a long period of asceticism, but it was difficult to reach the key point of the road, unable to contain the fatigue and sadness in my heart, and... unwillingness.

"It shouldn't be like this, Mr. Constantine, it shouldn't be like this."

He forcefully raised his remaining eyes and stared at Gaius. The one eye seemed to still retain the former glory, like a flame: "What I want is not a world like this!"

Gaius froze.

"If you can't do anything, let me do it, sir, I can!"

He moved forward excitedly and stood in front of Gaius: "I still have one eye, and I still have so much blood. I can give you a miracle, sir, no matter how much you want!"

Gaius said nothing.

Just look at him.

For a long time, for a long time, until Charles's excited expression could no longer be sustained, he lowered his head feebly and sat back on the chair.

The sun set, the silent twilight arrived, and the sounds of wild beasts came from the distant mountains.

"It's too late, Ciel, rest. It's time for me to leave."

Gaius leaned on his cane, stood up from the stool, put on his hat at last, and said goodbye to him: "I'm sorry, I didn't care about your condition and said inappropriate words."


Charles smiled reluctantly, stood up and wanted to see him off, but unexpectedly, the old man took a step forward and hugged him.

He was obviously so old that he had to use a cane to walk, but the hug made Ciel feel suffocated.

It's like saying goodbye to your own son.

So hard.

"Uh, sir..."

Ciel was stunned and at a loss.

"I'm sorry, Ciel." Gaius' voice was hoarse: "I'm sorry."

Charles didn't know where to put his hands, and felt a little embarrassed: "No, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's just a quarrel... It's already late for you. Sir, please go back and rest as soon as possible. Maybe there will be another meeting in the middle of the night. "

He patted Gaius on the back: "Okay, I'll go back and help you after I recover from my injuries. You won't be so tired by then."

"See you."

Gaius took a step back and gave Ciel one last look.

Turned and left.



After Gaius returned to the carriage, the carriage drove silently into the darkness.

On the carriage, the man waiting silently handed over a folder.

He looked a little older.

Dull and old.

He doesn't look like a secretary, nor does he seem to be capable of such a smart and quick job. He doesn't even have anything to do with the so-called political wisdom or foolishness.

It's just slow.

"The things left in the car," the man said, "I think the medical report should be yours."

Gaius took the folder, shook it, and forced a smile:

"Have you seen it?"


The old man shook his head.

Gaius stroked the cover of the folder for a long time, then threw it onto the empty seat next to him.

A long silence.

"There is a tumor in my body, right here." He raised his finger and pointed at the right side of his brain: "It grows together with the nerves."

He said, "It started six years ago. I always thought I could control it. I thought I could hold on for a while, even for a while."

Still silent.

The old man seemed to be stunned, without any reaction or words of comfort.

"I don't have time anymore, Abel."

Gaius lowered his head tiredly and closed his eyes: "I'm going to die."

In the darkness, in the long silence.

Someone choked softly.

"Abel, please... kill him."


The carriage stopped on the snow in front of the palace.

Gaius pushed open the door, but he could not stand still and stumbled. The guard wanted to help him, but he waved and pushed him away roughly.

White snow fell on his shoulders.

He bent down and supported his knees, as if exhausted.

Unable to bear the last weight.

"I'm sorry."

He wrapped his coat tightly, but was still cold, and said to himself: "I'm sorry, Charles, I'm sorry..."

Just like that, he disappeared into the darkness in a state of dismay.

Outside the high wall, Paganini stood silently in the shadows.

Snow fell on his face, covering his dark eyes.

He turned and left.


Three consecutive updates, nearly 15,000 words, and the chapter breaks are super conscientious. Please give me a monthly ticket! Monthly ticket! Monthly ticket!

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