Crown of Silence

Chapter 805 Ye Xuan

Chapter 802 Ye Xuan

Click, click, click, click...

Ye Qingxuan heard a crisp sound echoing in the void.

The rainbow light flowed, like countless mirrors colliding with each other, shattering, reflecting the scattered neon, the world seemed to have turned into a kaleidoscope, so gorgeous that people couldn't look directly at it.

And so lonely that it was disturbing.

"Are you awake?"

He heard a peaceful voice.

Looking up blankly, he could only see a vague back, hidden in the scattered light.

"Where is this?"

"The central core partition, independent of the three sages. It is a primitive silicon crystal server created by humans, named 'Neanderthal', which means the boundary between humans and animals."

The man turned around, looked at him, and smiled: "Are you Lanzhou's child? I recognize you, and you should know me too."

Ye Qingxuan had seen that face countless times.

When pushing open the musician's door.

When the Ye family scepter was lit.

In a dream.

Ye Qingxuan suddenly realized, "You are... Ye Xuan?"

"I guess so."

The figure responded ambiguously, stood up, and walked towards Ye Qingxuan.

As if there was no distance, he appeared in front of him in just a few steps.

It was Ye Xuan.

Just as in memory, wearing black clothes, white hair like snow, with a familiar outline, and a kind of... indelible loneliness.

In his hand, he held a strange thing, which looked like a three-ring nested lock, and kept rotating with the movement of his fingers.

"You're still alive?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him, then frowned: "No, you turned yourself into a natural disaster?"

" mean to create a fixed sound field to program the ether and upload consciousness?" Ye Xuan thought for a long time and shook his head, "It can be regarded as a compromise."

He said: "I copied my memory into the database of the 'Neanderthal', and then folded my personality pattern as a hint and implanted it into the blood...When the two overlap, I can wake up temporarily. Or, temporarily created--

Is this probably the only privilege of the reserve captain?"

"You also chose to escape death? Using such an unseemly method."

"I just chose to wait."

Ye Xuan responded calmly, and did not try to explain anything.

In the silence, there was only the sound of him lowering his head and turning the lock.

Click, click, click, click...

Ye Qingxuan frowned: "What are you doing?"

"Doing something in vain."

Ye Xuan let go of his hand, looked at the 'lock' in his hand that was stubbornly reset, and couldn't help shaking his head: "Sure enough, no matter how emergency stop, there is no response.

No matter how carefully and carefully humans use intelligence, after leaving the center and becoming a natural disaster, they are no longer bound by any treaty."

Accompanied by a roar, a tragic crack appeared in the sky of the kaleidoscope.

As if an invisible behemoth was pressing down, countless knives and axes were chiseling, and cracks appeared in the firewall of the 'Neanderthal'. The broken mirror fell to the ground, emitting a crisp sound, and finally melted into the rainbow light.

Behind the crack, a vague sign emerged, like an eye, looking at where they were.

Compared with the tiny consciousness of human beings, the behemoth formed by countless logics is like an irresistible god. At this moment, with the firewall breaking piece by piece, it brought a suffocating sense of despair.

"What is that...?"

"Dong Wanggong."

Ye Xuan threw away the meaningless lock in his hand and let it dissipate in the halo: "If I guess correctly, it should be Bai Heng who is cutting off the connection between Him and the emperor.

He has no way out now. He can only forcibly occupy the central core and then transform the Great Source before Bai Heng succeeds... Don't worry, He is just passing by.

The Neanderthals originally created a closed system to prevent the three sages from losing control. It can't get in."

Ye Qingxuan was stunned.

He never thought that Bai Heng, a prisoner outside, would force Dong Wanggong to this extent?

And even at this point, He still refused to give up...

Even if it was a one-shot bet.

"What does He want to do?"

"It's very simple, save humanity."

Ye Xuan thought for a while and said, "If we use the dystopian routine as an example, then He is the kind of villain intelligence that wants to make humanity better even if it means removing all human white matter from the brain, right?

Even if he has the will, he is unwilling to change. The mission is obviously meaningless, but he is still loyal to the mission."

He sighed softly, "No wonder Hermes hates Him. The two sides are completely two extremes."

"What happened?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at him: "Why did humans become what they are now?"

"A lot of things happened, such as 'war'."

Ye Xuan shrugged, "As a result, humans got the earth and the future as they wished, but the price was the loss of the past and the sky.

It's ridiculous, right? There is an infinite universe that can demonstrate the free will that humans are proud of, but in the end, humans still choose to get into a box that makes them feel at ease."

At this point, he retracted his gaze from the sky and reached out to Ye Qingxuan: "Do you have cigarettes?"

Ye Qingxuan spread his hands, his hands were empty.

He didn't even know whether this was his brain or the central core, so it was impossible for him to bring a pack of cigarettes in.

"Just imagine it." Ye Xuan asked: "Which brand do you usually smoke?"


An iron box appeared out of thin air in Ye Qingxuan's hand.

Ye Xuan smiled.

"Thank you."

He took the box from Ye Qingxuan, opened it impatiently, lit it, took a deep breath, and smiled bitterly:

"It's been so long, have you even forgotten the taste of cigarettes? Or did I remember it wrong? It always feels weird when I smoke it.

Speaking of which, even if you are dead, you can't give up this reliance on nicotine. It's really sad, right?

By the way, you are very familiar with Hermes, right?"

Ye Xuan flicked the ash and suddenly asked: "Was he in pain when he died?"

"No, he was smiling."

Ye Qingxuan replied Answer: "It's an enviable smile."


Ye Xuan sighed and shrugged: "That guy is the most rebellious one after becoming a natural disaster. Before I uploaded it, I met him once and was completely shocked. I couldn't recognize him at all.

-He rejected everything in the past and started a new career according to his so-called aesthetics. He was so self-willed... He was just like a human.

Both of them became human, but he was so happy, while Peter was so miserable. Surely, there was something I overlooked?"

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

"What's wrong? You look like you have a lot on your mind?"

As if he had seen through his anxiety and uneasiness, Ye Xuan flicked off the ash and asked softly: "Do you have anything to say? Don't worry, I won't be angry whether you question or complain.

Anyway, it is reasonable for the descendants to complain about irresponsible ancestors like me. Don't worry, as compensation, I can answer any questions you have."

In silence, Ye Qingxuan shook his head.

"I should go."

He took a step back and looked at Ye Xuan in front of him: "Sorry, I know this is the last inheritance of the gods or something - but I can't stay here anymore."

He said, "I still have something important to do."

Ye Xuan was stunned.

With a faint light flashing through his eyes, his expression became clear.

"So that's it."

He nodded: "I know."

As he said, Ye Xuan pointed behind Ye Qingxuan.

There, the outline of a door suddenly appeared.

"But before that, Ye Qingxuan, there is one thing I need to remind you,"

Ye Xuan relit a cigarette, repeating this meaningless action in the world of nothingness, as if he could find the real feeling of being born as a human being, with a happy smile.

Or, with a kind of bad taste of watching people suffer.

So familiar.

"Although this place looks similar to the real world, it is a virtual sandbox after all. In other words, you are essentially a piece of code running in the data layer of the central core.

After passing through there, you can enter the real logic layer of the central core. Now the central core and the big source are connected in one place - Bai Xi's consciousness should be there.

However, Dong Wanggong is faster than you. If you want to catch up with him, you can only take a shortcut.

The shortcut is not safe.

I don't know how much computing power and authority Dong Wanggong has regained. If the firewall is also lost, you will probably be regarded as a virus by the self-discipline program the moment you enter. And kill.

At the same time, all your brain cells will be forcibly formatted, and your brain will be burned into a pot of porridge. ”

He looked at Ye Qingxuan, his eyes scrutinizing:

“——Even so, are you going to find Bai Xi back?”

Ye Qingxuan smiled and pointed to his head: “Since you can read my memory, don’t ask meaningless questions anymore.”

“That’s good.”

Ye Xuan smoked a cigarette and laughed softly: “You have already completed your mission very well, Ye Qingxuan. Anyway, the mission of every generation of the Ye family is to come in and chat with me.”

As he said, he took something off his neck and threw it to Ye Qingxuan.


He said, “Do what you should do.”

Ye Qingxuan subconsciously took advantage of it, saw the thing in his hand, was stunned for a moment, and then turned around and ran towards the door.

Just at the moment of pushing the door open, he hesitated and looked back at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan still stood there.

With his back to him, he looked up at the flowing sky in silence.

For hundreds of years, he stayed here, waiting for the inheritors of each generation to come in and leave.

It was as if he was waiting until the end of time and the future.

From beginning to end, he was alone.

Lonely as if he was abandoned by the whole world.

"Hey, Ye Xuan!"

He stopped and shouted to the back: "What happened to you and Changsun later?"

This was his only question.

Not that year, not in the past, but in the corner of the grand drama in the past, the silent woman who once risked her life to push him into the space capsule.

She likes you, you know.

But where did she go?

Why did you stay here alone?

What happened?

"Nothing happened, Ye Qingxuan."

Ye Xuan turned his back to him, hiding his expression where he couldn't see, and just lowered his head, "I was seriously injured when the immigrant ship crashed, and I slept for forty years."

He said, "She waited for me for a long time, but she didn't wait until that day."

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

She took a last look at him and remembered that lonely back.

The door closed.

In the silent world, Ye Xuan raised his head and sighed softly: "Go, Ye Qingxuan, don't let her wait too long."

"Don't be like me..."

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