Crown of Silence

Chapter 806: Finally

Chapter 803 After all

The moment the door was closed, Ye Qingxuan fell into the abyss.

In fact, this was just an illusion of the senses. Except for the words that flashed by quickly in front of his eyes, his body did not feel the weightlessness at all.

The world of illusion seemed to be moving in an illusion.

But the difference between illusion and magic is that he has become an illusion suggestion and integrated into a part of the entire huge virtual scene.

[Translation plug-in loaded]

With this string of fine characters flashing before his eyes, Ye Qingxuan woke up from his trance and saw a green ocean around him.

That was an endless number.

It seemed that in an instant, the whole world was replaced by more than ten times the laws and formulas, and everything became a string of thin and boring data and records.

Including Ye Qingxuan himself.

This feeling was extremely unpleasant, but here, unpleasantness was just a string of insignificant roots in Ye Qingxuan's data.

And, why is it a translation plug-in?

He could feel that this was Ye Xuan's hand, but why was it a translation plug-in?

Ye Qingxuan had already acquired almost all the knowledge of ancient characters from Ye Xuan's memory, and there was no difference in getting another translation plug-in.

But soon, he found out... the function of this plug-in was completely different from what he understood.

It did not translate language...

In his 'perception' and 'observation', the myriad phenomena that had collapsed into countless formulas and records began to change, sublimate, and transform rapidly.

It was not a revolution that would change the world.

It was just that after 'a leaf blinded the eye', the mountain was not visible.

Through the 'filter' of the translation plug-in, the data world in the central core was quickly transformed into something that Ye Qingxuan could recognize.

Thus, a maze of ten thousand feet rose from the ground.

Not only the planes of the four rooms on the left and right, but even the sky and the earth were shrouded in endless fog and high walls. In the dark world, there were only six roads leading to different directions.

At the end of each road, there were also six different choices. After six times six, there was another six times, and then another six times...

The maze was rapidly increasing in value at a terrifying cubic rate.

He lost his mind in an instant, and even the door he came from was submerged by the maze that was sweeping in all directions like the sea.

Ye Qingxuan even began to wonder if he had heard wrongly.

Is this the shortcut that Ye Xuan mentioned?

This is clearly a cage that will never end!

Now he can't even find the way back...

Could it be that he accidentally offended this ancestor, and then he opened the door to the dead end to harm him? Well, that guy might do this...

Ye Qingxuan judged others by himself, and began to speculate on Ye Xuan's purpose with his own dark psychology.

Ye Xuan's unpleasant voice soon rang in his ears.

"That's enough! What are you doing? Run!" He urged anxiously: "The firewall's network police have found you!"

"What the hell? Network... police?"

Ye Qingxuan looked around the maze blankly: "Sounds similar to the patrol police in Avalon?"

"Completely different! They are all AIs that enforce the law in the virtual fantasy. They are not even human beings. They have been infected by Dong Wanggong. Don't be lucky-"

Ye Xuan's voice stopped abruptly and turned into a piercing scream.

The vague communication was cut off.

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan suddenly turned around and a tall shadow appeared behind him.

It was like a cold silhouette from a nightmare. The translation plug-in did not hesitate to use the worst impression in Ye Qingxuan's memory to describe the outline of that thing.

It can be vaguely seen that it is a humanoid object wearing a black uniform. The texture is like steel and glass. In short, it is definitely not flesh and blood.

It wears a big hat and hides its face in the shadows, or it can be said that it has no such thing as a face.

Only a pair of cold and cruel eyes, looking down from the burly body, staring at Ye Qingxuan, as if examining even the slightest dirt in Ye Qingxuan's heart.

"User Ye Qingxuan, you have been reported for violating the Internet Management Regulations and the User Civility Convention--"

A mechanical and cold voice came out.

That thing pulled out something like a sword and pointed it at Ye Qingxuan. On the blade, the fierce light of destruction shone. Although standing in front of him, it seemed as if he was completely blocked and surrounded by him.

"In your conversation with user???, you used insulting words for women, which violated the crime of discrimination against women--"


Ye Qingxuan was confused and felt extremely wronged. It was fine to be called a murderer or a lunatic, but suddenly being accused of discriminating against women was like that?

"Where did I insult women?"

A scroll appeared in the other hand of the 'Internet police'. It was unfolded, and the chat records between him and Ye Xuan appeared on it.

Among them, the line "What happened to you and your eldest grandson later?" was marked in red.

"This sentence implies that women have no dominance and are in a passive position in emotions, and objectifies women, exposing the ugly face of your male chauvinism!"

The Internet police solemnly declared: "The crime is discrimination against women, and the sentence is 'death penalty'!"

"Fuck, wait a minute!"

Ye Qingxuan subconsciously wanted to resist, but found that he could not feel any ether now, and even his legs could not move, and his heart became more and more aggrieved.

"Let's take a step back. Even if I discriminate against women, there's no need for the death penalty! Can't I just ban you from speaking?"

"The crime, the death penalty!"

The Internet police roared. The black shadow raised the sword and suddenly paused: "The search is complete. The crime is updated. User Ye Qingxuan violated the crime of breathing, the crime of survival, the crime of abusing pets, the crime of individualism, the crime of rebellious thoughts, the crime of hidden dangers, the crime of illegally climbing over the firewall... crime, crime, crime, crime, crime!"

The solemn and cold voices of countless people overlapped, and countless incredible crimes were gathered on Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan just wanted to spit blood to kill this ghost thing.

Forget about the inexplicable crime of breathing, illegal climbing over the firewall, and the crime of abusing pets!

Friend, are you still reasonable?

It's not that I abused Lao Fei, it's Lao Fei who abused me!

Ye Qingxuan wanted to refute, but it was too late.

Every moment a voice fell, a layer of red light would appear on Ye Qingxuan's body, until the end, he was dyed red. The layer of red burned him like a flame, corroding his "data shell" from the outside to the inside, and wanted to completely disintegrate and crush his process.

"——Sentenced to death!!!"

At that moment, the sword of the Internet police fell.

The process named [Pain.EXE] was repeatedly started tens of thousands of times in an instant, completely covering all of Ye Qingxuan's computing space. Every inch of his consciousness and breath made him roar miserably and wail in pain!

But then, at that moment, a roar broke out.

Through the filter of the translation plug-in, Ye Qingxuan saw that a huge monster suddenly emerged in the data layer under countless formulas, just like a palm, roughly blocking Ye Qingxuan and the Internet police, tearing a gap from the almost unreasonable blockade, and then suddenly pulling him out and throwing him out to the maze.

That was Ye Xuan in the "Neanderthal".

"Stop shouting, run!"

He urged Ye Qingxuan to run away immediately.

The executable program named Pain was shut down in an instant. Although he was incomplete, he did not feel any pain or panic. Ye Qingxuan was hacked by Ye Xuan and executed a sandbox program called "Mechanized Thinking".

Under the protection of the program, he seemed to be isolated from the outside world. He could only control himself to run like a headless mouse through a few buttons.

But the speed was so slow.

He could even see the scene behind him through the big hole in his chest.

The cyber policeman began to split rapidly, one became two, two became four, four became eight... A sea of ​​people rushed in from the front, from behind, from the left and right directions.

Every outline was equally cruel and cold, with cold eyes fixed on him, and whispered: "Death penalty! Death penalty! Death penalty!"

"No, sooner or later... No, we will be caught up soon!" Ye Qingxuan shouted in panic, "What on earth is this? Think of a way, Ye Xuan!"

"Now you are crying so miserably, where is your determination to never regret even if you die!"

On the other end of the communication, Ye Xuan's voice was also full of pressure: "Neanderthals are a closed system, and it is a miracle that I can interfere with the outside world a little bit!

This group of things is a variant of AI after being implanted by a gang virus, wait... the previous virtual environment settings have not been deleted, wait, wait! I found it!"

Accompanied by Ye Xuan's surprised voice, a dark window popped up in front of Ye Qingxuan's eyes, and a string of numbers and codes were quickly entered into it.

[keyser soze 9999]

[I see dead people ]

[there is no spoon]

[It vexes me]

Some commands turned red the moment they were entered, but some were still effective. In an instant, layers of glow were bestowed on Ye Qingxuan.

A magnificent and majestic pumpkin carriage suddenly emerged from under his feet, and the strange projections of the seven dwarfs sang and danced around him.

What was even more terrible was that he had a white lace puffy skirt on him, which was as weird as it could be.

And behind him, a pair of butterfly wings emitting colorful and vulgar fluorescent light fluttered in the wind.

From a blank board to a golden one.

And the speed…was even faster by a hundred thousand times!

It was so fast that Ye Qingxuan could no longer react. He could only choose between each fork in the road by instinct, rushing into dead ends at lightning speed, and could not find the exit at all.

Behind it, the group of AIs that had turned into viruses were still chasing after it, following it like a shadow. If it was a little slower, it would be caught by them.

Several dwarves had been cut in half by them, blood gushed out, and then quickly blurred, turning into a mess of color blocks that were difficult to see clearly.

Ye Qingxuan looked down, looked at her lace puffy skirt, and the cute pink magic wand in her hand, and felt a little overwhelmed:

"What the hell is this!"

"Ahem, I remember it should be an equipment in a card-drawing game..." Ye Xuan replied awkwardly: "But don't worry, at least you are now a big guy with a full set of magic clothes! As long as you are not stupid enough to think that you can kill back, you will be fine for the time being."

"Then where should I go?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the maze around him blankly, completely confused and unable to find the direction.

"You ask me, who should I ask? I've completely burned my life to help you here. Even the old grandfather is not omnipotent. I have to rely on you to burn blood and explode!"

At the critical moment, even Ye Xuan, who had always been a gentle cousin, exposed his unreliable side, which made Ye Qingxuan want to hit him.

"Speak human words!"

"Oh, human words are, I can't help you, you great grandson, you wish you good luck."

Ye Xuan's words were light, which made Ye Qingxuan have the urge to spit blood: "I'm almost dead, can you take less advantage?"

"Saying you are my great grandson has raised you many generations, what else do you want?!"

"Do you think you will have no chance in the future, so you seize the time to take advantage of me? Can't you just stop mentioning the word grandson!"

Ye Qingxuan responded angrily, his eyes suddenly blurred, and then his whole body stiffened.

In the midst of running wildly, he felt bone-chilling cold.

"What's wrong? Why do you suddenly look like you've seen a ghost?"

Ye Qingxuan wanted to swallow his saliva to show his panic, but he didn't know what the command for this action was, so he could only look at the blurry scenes rushing by on both sides in panic.

"Did you just... see a white shadow suddenly flash by?"


Ye Xuan was silent for a long time and then sent an ellipsis to interrupt: "Are you trying to tell me a ghost story in the virtual program! Please start your performance..."

"Really, no lie--"

Before Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, a bleak white flashed in front of his eyes. If he had hair now, it would definitely stand up at this moment: "It appeared again!"

"No, everything is normal here-is there something wrong with your neural interface? You don't look like you have claustrophobia? Could it be..."

"Stop treating me!"

Ye Qingxuan was so angry that he almost jumped up, completely confused.

Because the bleak white shadow appeared again, this time right in front of him.

He gritted his teeth, clenched the pink heart-shaped magic wand in his hand, and urged the carriage forward with all his strength - no matter what it is, crush it to death first!

In a flash, the long distance passed by.

The madly galloping pumpkin carriage rolled forward with a roar, but at the last moment, Ye Qingxuan was struck by lightning, and pulled the reins like crazy. The two white horses in front of him, which still had sawtooths, neighed rigidly, lost stability, and suddenly crashed into the wall.

In a roar, Ye Qingxuan felt that he was about to break.

The roar of the sky and the earth.

The south wall was broken, but no dust flew.

The carriage ran again, and after passing through the thick wall, it was miraculously intact. It was just missing a pumpkin.

In a trance, Ye Qingxuan heard Ye Xuan's roar: "Are you fucking crazy! If I hadn't reacted quickly, your data shell would have overloaded and exploded!"

"——Bai Xi."

Ye Qingxuan looked back blankly, trying to see the familiar figure again through the hole that was gradually receding behind him. No matter what, he couldn't believe it.

In the moment just now, at the last moment of the collision, he saw Bai Xi.

That face, so familiar.

"What you see is an illusion!!!!"

Ye Xuan seemed to be in great pain, and roared at him: "Don't be stupid, Ye Qingxuan, no matter what you see in the maze of the firewall, it's all fake! Even I am fake! I died hundreds of years ago, do you understand! You are crazy and looking for death, but you tell me that you saw Bai Xi? You can save your mind! Bai Xi is not here!"

"I saw it!"

Ye Qingxuan angrily retorted: "I saw it!"

"What you saw is just data! Do you fucking understand data!" Ye Xuan roared: "That's not real. Do you think this is really a virtual world? This is a sandbox! This is the data layer, there is no room for thinking here!

Only rigid programs are running here! Humans don't have souls!

Wake up, Ye Qingxuan! No one can appear in the maze of the firewall, no one! Even you now, you are just dreaming in a chair, and you can empathize with your account data!"

At that moment, Ye Qingxuan fell into stiffness, as if he was frozen in an instant.

"Ye Xuan, you just..."

He asked dully: "What did you just say?"

"...What's wrong?" Ye Xuan on the other end of the communication noticed his own loss of composure and responded awkwardly: "I said you are just an account here."

"The previous sentence, your previous sentence!" Ye Qingxuan gritted his teeth: "You said that only 'rigid programs' are active here, right?"

"What's wrong? Wait, wait, wait! No way..."

Ye Xuan's logic module seemed to have deduced some results, and then the emotional module began to lose control: "You mean: that little girl forced herself to become a program? Impossible! What is she trying to do? Just to appear here? This is simply suicide!"

"Yes, the same as you!"

Ye Qingxuan endured the anger that came from nowhere in his heart, suddenly turned the direction of the carriage, and ran wildly towards the road he came from.

"Are you crazy? Can't find a way out, and still go to die?!"

"No, I'm just going to find her."

Ye Qingxuan turned a deaf ear to Ye Xuan's obstruction and ran towards the dead end.

He finally remembered, that pair of eyes, her eyes... so empty, and so silent.

That look was like the one night in Avalon, in the alley, when they met again Bai Xi.

But he didn't see Bai Xi.

It was Chao Yue...

"Wait, Ye Qingxuan, she might want to kill you! She has already tricked you once!"

Ye Xuan urgently flipped through Ye Qingxuan's memory, retrieving all the information about Chao Yue:

"That girl has had a big problem since she was born. Even without CT scans and diagnosis, I can conclude that she must have undergone partial brain tissue removal and pontine truncation surgery.

Everything she showed was just following the logic machine created by her father. Her personality was so weak that it could be ignored, otherwise how could she appear in Here?

Your anger is just the ‘empathy’ caused by her similar appearance to Bai Xi. Be rational! You expect her to find you for good, it’s completely desperate! "

"Then why didn’t she kill me?"

Ye Qingxuan asked back: "If she wanted to kill me, just stopping me for a moment would be enough for the virus to kill me, right?"

"Don’t be stupid..."

Ye Xuan seemed to be cursing, only a sharp and piercing sound rang from Ye Qingxuan’s ears, followed by countless chaotic noises, and distant and vague shouts.

"King Dong...close...communication will be closed, you have to be careful..."

Ye Qingxuan could feel that Ye Xuan's voice was quickly moving away from him.

Isolated by layers of barriers.

In the end, only a hoarse sigh was heard.

Communication was cut off.

Silence came again, and in the mad rush of the broken car, even the sound could not be heard.

Only Ye Qingxuan called blankly and in vain.

Ye Xuan's voice disappeared.

He was the only one left, running wildly in the endless maze, but he couldn't find the way back.

After losing his way, he suddenly felt that he might never get out again.

Ye Qingxuan tried to shout Ye Xuan's name, but no one paid attention to him. He must have been really angry, cutting off the communication and letting his unworthy descendants fend for themselves.

Maybe something happened again, and he couldn't save himself.

And Ye Qingxuan had lost his way back, chasing the illusion that meant nothing in vain and madly, like a hysterical madman.

The funny thing is that now he can't even find a way to his own death.

Maybe a long time has passed.

Maybe many years have passed.

Maybe a moment has passed.

He finally saw the vague figure again, appearing at the end of the road. For some reason, her figure flickered erratically, as thin and turbulent as an illusion.

She looked at Ye Qingxuan, then stretched out her hand and pointed to a fork in the maze.

Before Ye Qingxuan could speak, he disappeared, leaving Ye Qingxuan running wildly on the road pointed by the phantom, like a fool.

But soon, at the end of the fork road, at the intersection where six forks converged, a new shadow appeared, pointing his finger upwards.

Ye Qingxuan turned the reins without thinking.

Seizing the opportunity at that moment, he wanted to shout loudly, but he couldn't make a sound.

The loud noise almost knocked him over.

Behind him, countless viral AIs reappeared and chased him closely.

"Sin, sin, sin, sin, sin!!!!"

"Death penalty! Death penalty! Death penalty! Death penalty!!!"

Countless red lights symbolizing sin chased him, pulling the broken carriage under his feet, and stubbornly trying to stop it from running, even if they could only pull out one nail.

First the nails, then the car shell, and finally the rear of the car, the base, the stool, the axle, the wheel, and even the reins were broken.

Ye Qingxuan could only jump onto a horse's back, holding the horse's neck tightly, chasing the guidance of the phantom.

Until one moment, a white light emerged from the far end.

Ye Qingxuan saw the exit.

The increasingly thin phantom stood at the exit, quietly guiding him in the direction, allowing Ye Qingxuan to ride past him and run towards freedom.

But at the moment of crossing, Ye Qingxuan jumped off the horse, rolled on the ground, hit the wall, and almost fell apart.

Not far behind him, the frenzy of virus AI split swept over.

But separated by that thin phantom, their speed seemed to slow down. The closer they got, the more they got stuck. In the end, they were immersed in a time that was slowed down by tens of millions of times.

A line of distance, but difficult to reach.

"You shouldn't stop."

Ye Qingxuan heard her voice, and those empty eyes looked at him.

She said, "Bai Xi is waiting for you."

"What about you?"

Ye Qingxuan looked into her eyes and found that the phantom was getting thinner and thinner, as if it was about to dissolve and dissipate in the endless ocean of data.

"I'm fine here."

Chao Yue replied calmly: "I like it here, it's very quiet."

"Don't be silly, no one likes to be a machine! No one likes this kind of ghost place!"

Ye Qingxuan ignored her thoughts, reached out, and pulled her hard, but felt that he was drowned in glue, and it was difficult to move. He squeezed out a voice from his teeth:

"Even if Bai Xi saw your self-destructive look, she would definitely lose her temper!"

Chao Yue looked at him quietly.

It was like that from the beginning to the end.

It was as if she could not feel the pain of splitting, but just looking at something incomprehensible, her eyes became... confused.

"I poisoned you, you should hate me."

"It seems that everyone has harmed me, but I am a saint, I am not competitive, I can forgive everyone, so it doesn't matter. Even if I am very angry, I have no resistance when I see others showing me that expression of seeking help."

Ye Qingxuan barely squeezed out an arc from his round head, pretending to smile: "You showed me the way, we are even."

Chao Yue was still silent, without any reaction, like a dull child, or... unable to react.

Only the group of virus AIs were constantly approaching, and they were already close at hand!

It was urgent.

Ye Qingxuan was furious.

"Chaoyue, Yunlou Qingshu is dead!"

He jumped up and shouted, then felt guilty: "Okay... I'm just guessing, there is no evidence, but he didn't respond for such a long time, and there is Bai Heng, that bastard, outside, his traitor must be dead!

Even if he is not dead, just treat him as dead! Don't make machines anymore! You can do anything you like, just don't make machines!"

"But I don't know how to make other things."

"Then learn! Like Bai Xi!"

Ye Qingxuan used all his strength to roar at her:

"--Be yourself!"

At that moment, in the fleeting time, Ye Qingxuan felt that he had hallucinations, but the hallucinations were too short, so short that he could hardly detect them.

Chaoyue had disappeared.

Before she disappeared, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

As if she was laughing.

As the figure shattered, he was pushed out of the maze and fell from the air.

In the whistling wind, he fell down, falling endlessly, watching the group of virus AIs rushing angrily at the exit, but he couldn't catch up.

He finally entered the bottom layer of the central core.

Approaching the Great Source.

But he looked at his empty hands, and it was difficult to calm the anger and frustration in his heart.

After all... After all...

He didn't do it after all.

The light engulfed everything.

He finally entered the 'Great Source'.

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