Crown of Silence

Chapter 826 New World

Chapter 823 New World

The giant tree of light that occupies the entire Caucasus bursts into mourning.

Terrifying scars emerged from it, flowing out like a waterfall of blood.

The light representing the gods swayed from the sky, flickering dimly until finally, accompanied by the roar of rupture, it completely dissipated.

A tragic rift appeared on the paradise earth.

After the entire axis was penetrated, it was completely penetrated from the inside out, completely destroying its foundation and structure, and completely destroying the eternal and silent heaven.

In the disintegrating paradise, all the glory that once existed has completely collapsed.

The earth was engulfed in flames, rivers evaporated, and the souls of all the dead disappeared into swaying shadows. The paradise that was once enough to make anyone fascinated has been completely broken.

And the god was nailed to the center of the rift.

He let the sword penetrate his body without any resistance.

He just smiled and stared at the enemy in front of him, waiting for the relief that was about to come.

However, the sword blade stopped abruptly.

Before destruction comes.

Just like it had been planned.

Without any concern that he might be destroyed by a blow from the god, he made the same choice as Abraham did in the past.

"Sure enough, you just...want to die, right?"

In the silence, Ye Qingxuan stared at the face covered with blood, and sat down on the ground tiredly: "Do you really want to die in my hands, Charles?"

"Isn't this bad?"

Ciel stared at the cracked sky and murmured softly: "This is the best ending, isn't it? This world does not need gods... I understood it from the beginning.

As long as I live, all value will be lost. "

"...This world doesn't need me."

He finally showed a real smile, as weak and gentle as before.

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

He lowered his eyes sadly.

"Stop being like a child, little Ye Zi, and stop hesitating."

Ciel spread his arms as if embracing a collapsed paradise, welcoming the end: "Just take pity on me and do what you should do.

Come on, kill me and save your world. "

So, Ye Qingxuan reached out, grasped the hilt of the sword tightly, and pulled the blade out of the crack in his chest.

The burning residual light rises high like the afterglow of heaven.

It illuminated Ciel's broken smile.

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes.

At that moment, cracks emerged from the sword blade.

In Ye Qingxuan's hands, the weapon that could kill the gods was broken, and thousands of fragments flew in the air with a crisp lingering sound.

In the hand where the blade was cut, red blood flowed out from the scar and fell on Ciel's face, smelling of rust.

"Ciel, I'm not here to save the world——"

He said, "To save you."

From the wound on that palm, countless fine crystals of ether emerged, as small as dust, but as complex as the world in motion.

That was something borrowed from Bai Xi, an alchemical matrix engraved in the blood.

A low aria flows from it, quiet and distant.

Among the thousands of threads of thoughts, they are intertwined to form the prototype of the soul.

The dim light of the candle glowed from it and was reflected in Ye Qingxuan's eyes, as if to illuminate the dark world.

"So endure the pain, Ciel, for it won't be the last time."

He opened his palms and shed the light of redemption on the son of the god in front of him:

"——I will not allow you to die alone."

In the silence, the dim light of the candle fell from Ye Qingxuan's hand, traced a straight trajectory, penetrated into Charles's chest, and disappeared into the scars of the sword blade.

At that moment, a hoarse scream burst out from the god's mouth.

It was the roar of turbulent heaven and earth.

Pure flames burst out from Ciel's body, sweeping across like a torrent, engulfing the broken paradise wherever it passed, igniting the paradise on earth, and burning everything in this mournful scream.

It was fire and pain.

He brutally killed everything, pulled the gods off the altar, and caused the kingdom of heaven to fall into the fire of hell.

First came the Kingdom of Eden, followed by the scepter, the Chapter of Fate, and even all music theory...all the miracles and great power were burned in the flames.

After taking away everything, fill the empty body with human original sin.

First there was sadness and hesitation, then anger and despair...

In the midst of mourning, it kills natural disasters and revives human beings.


Deep in the etheric realm, the turbulence finally returned to calm.

Countless surviving musicians looked up to the highest point in fear and ecstasy, staring at the collapse of Eden. On that huge country, countless pillar foundations slowly broke and dissipated.

The huge realm ushered in the final collapse, flying into the far-reaching realm of high-level dimensions and disappearing.

The gods are falling.

With an unprecedented roar, the land of the Caucasus was immersed in turmoil.

Countless torrents of blood flowed down from the towering Book of Light, causing the purified desolate land to be polluted by the world again, and returning the frozen soil and wasteland.

As the Tree of Light shattered, countless dust-covered wings emerged from the land of the Caucasus, igniting the long dark night, as if they were about to envelop the entire world.

They had not even unfolded, but they collapsed, turning into the flash of stars and returning to the vast ocean of ether. Only a distant and sad song was left, lamenting the end of paradise.

The salvation of the gods, the peaceful world, the peaceful paradise...

In the end, they were rejected by humans.

All that remained was the world that had not changed.

The stars still shone.

Those tiny rays of light fell from the sky, illuminating the embers of paradise, and the pair of eyes that slowly opened, tired and silent, as if awakened from a long sleep, unable to adapt to the pain brought by life.

"Little Leaf, will the new era come?"

Charles whispered softly: "Will the beautiful world you expect really come?"


Ye Qingxuan nodded.

"Will that world be full of disputes like it is now?"

"It will still be." Ye Qingxuan said, "If this is human nature."

"I believe it is not."

Charles laughed softly, "Disputes...will end one day, right?

Everyone on earth loves each other, just like in the kingdom of God. There may still be troubles and sorrows, but long-term peace and a stable life will allow everyone to face everything with integrity.

Such a world will come, right?"

He stared at Ye Qingxuan expectantly, "A world where everyone can live without hurting others does exist, right?"

"Yes, there will be such a day."

Ye Qingxuan nodded and promised him, "On that day, even the new world I created will be abandoned as an ancient thing.

The perfect world will be created by people who are a hundred times stronger than us.

That day will definitely come."

But his words were not answered.

When Ye Qingxuan looked over, he found that he had closed his eyes.

It was like meeting a long-lost dream again, with a smile, calm and peaceful.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned for a moment, took off his coat and covered him.

"Go to sleep, Charles."

He whispered softly.

The nightmare is over.

Everything about you has just begun.


When Ye Qingxuan got up from the ground, his expression returned to tranquility.

Maybe everything is over.

Maybe there is still a problem that has not been solved.

He stared at the last wreckage of the paradise on earth in front of him, and his sight seemed to pass through the barrier of matter and fall into the deepest part of the ether world, watching the distant world where the aftermath gradually calmed down.

Seize this last time.

And in this silence, he suddenly had a practical understanding: Perhaps, for the ether... humans are the sudden natural disaster?

He broke into this silent world as he pleased, created his own civilization without authorization, regarded himself as the primate of all things, and thought he had everything.

Creation, destruction, rise, and demise, all of them were focused on interpreting their own sorrows and joys, but they never asked the real master here.

"Whether it is the Great Source or anything else."

Ye Qingxuan said softly: "You are looking at me, right?"

At that moment, it seemed as if nothing had happened.

But in this tranquility, the aftermath echoing in the deepest part of the ether world seemed to have received a faint response.

The endless sea of ​​ether was turbulent, and with the huge aftermath of the fall of the gods, it outlined a distant outline.

Just like a pair of blurred pupils, from the gap of long sleep, it cast a quick glance at the world.

Staring at him quietly.

Listening to his words.

Perhaps, that is the end of all mysteries and powers, the source and destination of all ether, the Great Source that humans dream of.

Compared with the long time he has experienced, the thousands of years of human beings are just a short moment. Countless dynasties rose and fell, but for Him, it was nothing more than a long sleep.

Humans, confined to the material world, had never touched His essence. For hundreds of years, humans had used the power of ether to squander miracles and disturb His dreams.

Thus, in the midst of the complex prayers and wails, the bubbles called "natural disasters" and "gods" were born.

By now, perhaps even He felt helpless and bored?

In this seemingly eternal silence, Ye Qingxuan stared into His eyes and expressed a request from humans.

"I want to talk to this world."


I don't know how long it took.

Time seemed to stop flowing, and human perception could not comprehend its deep flow.

When the first snow fell from the sky, the short and peaceful conversation came to an end.

"Then, thank you for your generosity."

Ye Qingxuan stood up, touched his chest and saluted, saying goodbye with human etiquette: "According to the agreement, from now on, the Ether Network will preside over the operation of the Ether Realm and completely block the path of mankind to the Great Source. There will be no new natural disasters, and no one will disturb the quiet sleep of the Great Source."

"Maybe when you wake up next time, the world will be different again?"

No one responded to his words.

As the last aftermath in the Ether Realm dissipated, the Ether Sea returned to calm.

It seemed that nothing had happened.

No one knew that a distant door had quietly closed.

This world ushered in a new era.

In such a silent way.

When the faint sunlight emerged at the end of the ice sea, Bach saw the figure of Ye Qingxuan in the distance, the first person to walk out of that barren land.

Brought the final end of the war.

He raised his head, sat on the ice, and looked up at the silent young man. After a long night, they all had the same tired eyes.

Ye Qingxuan told him: "It's all over."

"Where is God?" Bach asked.

"He's dead."

This was Ye Qingxuan's answer.

As if he understood something, Bach nodded and said nothing more.

The two of them watched the sun rising in the distance in silence.

After a long time, Ye Qingxuan finished his last cigarette.

"I'm leaving, do you want me to give you a ride?"

"No, thank you."

Bach smiled and put the cold pipe beside him: "Just let me stay alone for a while."

"Then, goodbye."

"Well, goodbye."

Bach smiled, did not watch him leave, but just stared at the place where the sun rose.

For a long, long time.

He closed his eyes peacefully.

The old era ended here.

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