Crown of Silence

Chapter 827 Epilogue Tide and Wind

Chapter 824 Epilogue Tide and Wind

The distant wind blew in the sound of the tide.

Above the endless blue sea, the red dragon flag hangs high from the steel ship, accompanying the fleet as it rides the wind and waves, setting off mighty waves and moving straight forward.

"How far is it?"

"It will be soon, Your Majesty." Christine replied, "It will be soon."

Then Mary's expression returned to calmness and composure again, and Her Majesty the Queen was as majestic as ever. Unless someone knew her well, they would not see that she seemed nervous and restless.

Asked many times along the way, Kristen could only repeat the same answer. Fortunately, this time, the outline of the distant city could finally be seen in the distance.

"It's only been three months."

Kristine put down the observation glass and sighed softly: "It has become completely different from the past."

Geraint, who had returned from patrolling the deck, smiled and said, "After all, you are the Hand of God, so even if you create any miracles, it won't surprise anyone.

It’s a pity that I entered the ‘grave’ at such a young age…”

Today, Geraint has just celebrated his thirty-fifth birthday. He no longer looks young, but he is still full of handsome masculine charm. Especially since his character is not as rigid as his predecessor Tristan, when he said this, he couldn't help but have a hint of ridicule.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he noticed two unpleasant eyes falling on his face.

"Sir Geraint!"

Kristine glared at him hatefully: This idiot doesn’t pick up any pot!

Geraint, who felt he had made a mistake, immediately saluted the Queen in embarrassment, not daring to stay any longer. He made an excuse and prepared to run to the deck for another walk.

But as soon as he stepped onto the deck, he heard the piercing sirens from the observation ship.

In an instant, the entire escorting royal fleet quickly entered a state of alert, and dragon power appeared on the flagship Royal Light. Brutal bestiality emerged from the reflection on the sea, staring coldly at the sky.

And just above the sky, a huge shadow suddenly appeared.

It was as if a giant object suddenly smashed into the sky, tearing apart the clouds amid the roar of the hurricane, and casting a thick, substantial shadow onto the sea.

Overlaying the Royal Fleet.

For a moment, even the navy, which was secretly ready to fire, did not react.

what is that?

Amid everyone's astonished expressions, above the sky, the huge city played a majestic melody, echoing the pulse of heaven and earth, moving forward seemingly slowly but really quickly.

Wherever he passed, the sea of ​​ether dragging beneath the city set off layers of silvery waves.

Magnificent and grand miracles come to the world.

"Don't act rashly!"

Geraint, who was the first to react, informed the entire ship: "Those are the Winged People who were invited to the Cloud Tower just like us. Stay alert. It's probably just a misunderstanding.

The inspired musicians first inquire about the other party’s intention, warn of the risk of accidents, and require the other party to quickly withdraw from our coastal defense zone. "

Although he said this, as a royal protector, Geraint could not help but feel unhappy.

The majestic Anglo Royal Fleet, which even includes Her Majesty the Queen's ships, is now literally being ridden on its head by a group of winged birdmen. To put it more seriously, this is no longer a diplomatic accident, right?

In sensitive times, it can almost be seen as a declaration of war.

Moreover, just for a quick trip, she almost went to war to move the entire country through the Ether Realm, hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, and moved here... How free is Her Majesty the Queen?

Even if the whole family went to the banquet to express their solemnity, how could they bring the house with them?

Almost as quick as the reaction of the royal fleet, a group of winged people surrounding the sky escorting the country slowly approached, stopped at a safe distance, leaned down to salute and apologize, and then quickly turned away to follow the queue. .

Millions of birds guarded the city flying in the sky, speeding up and leaving the range of the royal fleet.

Alert lifted.

Geraint wiped the cold sweat from his head and began to have a headache again, wondering how to report this matter to his Majesty.

And just on the bridge, the silent Mary suddenly made a voice.


"His Majesty--"

The awe-inspiring female knight leaned forward: "What are your orders?"

"Speed ​​up a little faster." Mary said expressionlessly, "We'll get there before them."


Christine nodded, turned around and gave the order, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw His Majesty biting his lip quietly and muttering softly: "If I had known better, I should have brought the satellite island here..."

In the end, are you angry because your ostentation is being compared?

Kristen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He is obviously so majestic at other times, but when it comes to Prince Ye, he becomes very childish...

As the fleet accelerated, the shadow of the distant city gradually enlarged, revealing its outline like a huge city forged from steel.

It is completely different from the original Yunlou.

After the hand of the god took back Yunlou City from the Liu family with the Ye family's clan land, the old Yunlou City was bulldozed overnight - no, not so much bulldozed. Rather, it was literally 'uprooted' and then thrown into the nearby seabed to serve as the foundation for the satellite city.

On the originally empty foundation, new crustal movements were created, causing the seabed to rise. Overnight, the area of ​​Yunlou City expanded several times.

Then, on the new foundation, steel grew out of the ground like a tree. The unprecedented movement of change almost drained all the iron ore within thousands of miles, creating the majestic city that now shines with indifferent iron light.

If the destructive power of the original God's Hand made the countries palpitate, then the means of creation now have already made countless people feel discouraged.

Since the fall of the gods, this God's Hand has been the strongest in the world for hundreds of generations. As long as he wants, he can suppress the countries at any time and become the new god of the world.

And what makes everyone happy is that after the Caucasus, this son of God left Anglu and lived in seclusion in Yunlou. He even opened the access license of the Ether Network to the world almost free of charge, sharing this power that could have been exclusive with everyone in the world.

Since the destruction of the Sacred Cauldron, unless the musician who achieved the Scepter transformed half of himself into the Ether body, he would find that the difficulty of communicating with the Ether instantly soared dozens of times, and the stability of the music was even more frighteningly low, and it would explode at any time, leading to unpredictable and unknown consequences.

In just three days, I don’t know how many musicians were blown up by their own laboratories.

The rules originally established by the first three kings have been completely abolished with the destruction of the Sacred Cauldron. The rising Ether Network has completely dominated the operation of the Ether World.

Even the Scepter Musicians who were high above in the past must now bow to the Ether Network.

In order to show that he had no intention of dictating the world with this power, the God's Hand even withdrew the organization responsible for running the Ether Network from the Royal Academy.

Including Newton, all the necessary backbones have left their original nationalities and become international people who do not belong to any country.

The operation of the Ether Network has been recruited worldwide, and qualified musicians can participate.

All technologies for accessing the Ether Network are open to the public. In principle, every country can maintain and operate its local Ether Network.

After taking over all the remaining music theories and channels of the Sacred Cauldron, the Ether Network has become the only way for humans to use Ether today.

Musicians have also ushered in the biggest change in hundreds of years, from the old demigods to the new engineers.

This power will belong to all mankind and will never be monopolized by individuals or organizations... Anyway, that's what I said, you can believe it or not.

Anyone with eyes can see that in the next few decades, most things in this world, whether it is war or peace, or even the prosperity and dethronement of countries, will be decided by this God's Hand.

Especially before the God-killing, this God's Hand had already set off an unprecedented bloody storm among the countries.

Now, after the countries have been waiting in fear for three months, they finally waited for the new move of this God's Hand.

——A wedding invitation.

Well, an invitation from Yunlou City.

I, Ye Qingxuan, am getting married.

Just bring some gifts and don't expect anything else.

If the elegant and graceful content on the invitation is translated, it probably means the above.

Marriage, good marriage!

I don't know how many people breathed a sigh of relief at once.

Although there is no benefit, and the gift money must not be less, but in any sense, married people must be more stable than those before marriage, and they will not do things blindly when their minds hit.

And combined with Ye Qingxuan's construction of Yunlou in recent days, it seems that he will stay at home and live a good life after getting married, and will not go out when he has nothing to do.

Moreover, maybe after a while, the God's Hand will start a refined middle-aged health life... Many things can be solved with whiskey and wolfberry, isn't it beautiful!

It's simply a celebration for the whole world!

Whether it is the various countries that secretly breathed a sigh of relief, or the civilians who simply thank Ye Qingxuan for saving them, they don't mind offering their blessings for this wedding.

It can be said that no one was unhappy about this matter except the Taichang Temple under Zhendan.

In the final analysis, the problem still lies in the wedding.

The two protagonists of the wedding, one is the hand of God who can descend to the world as a god as long as he wants, and the other is the supreme emperor of Zhendan, the head of the dragon vein, the son of the dragon vein that is closest to perfection in the past hundred generations.

So, the question is-

The emperor cannot marry, even if all the three dukes and nine ministers are beaten to death, he must not marry, otherwise the Zhendan national system will be unstable immediately, and your majesty is unwilling to abdicate... Will the head of the Ye family come to marry into the family with a red blanket?

So, who will marry whom?

Although everyone knows the answer. But due to the face of the majesty and other reasons, those who don't want to die don't say this directly.

Therefore, after the Taichangqing was almost cerebral congestion, he finally thought of a way.

Can't we just hold a Western-style wedding!

And the head of the Ye family also has the title of bishop! Although the sect is now in name only, both the East and the West will still recognize the sect-style wedding.

Although this idea is a bit bad, wouldn't it be better to let those barbarians worry about it?

By then, the marriage will have been concluded, so does it matter who marries whom?

After all, His Majesty is still His Majesty, so it's better not to worry about other things.

With the political wisdom of the court and Duke Ye's approval, and after several wise men signed a letter, and everyone pretended to go through the procedures at the court meeting, the matter was settled.

The final result was a wedding that seemed to attract the attention of the whole world in a short period of time.

Although the time was set two months later, many people had arrived a month in advance, hoping to 'happen' to meet Lord Hand of God before then. As a result, more than twenty days had passed and nothing had been caught.

And it was on the wedding day that the truly important guests appeared.

When the Royal Light arrived at the pier, it happened to be right behind the Burgundian Mission.

Mary, who was originally persuaded to be a little calm by Christine, stepped onto the deck and saw the Prince of Avalon at the port who was chatting happily with the first citizen of Burgundy. She instantly retreated into the cabin and worked hard. Resist the desire to look in the mirror.

"Kristen, how do I look in this outfit?" She pulled her knight as if asking for help, "Isn't it a bit dignified?"

Christine sighed helplessly.

"All right."

Mary bit her lip, took two deep breaths, and tried to calm down.

"Let's go." She pretended to cough twice, "Well, after all, it's not good to keep people waiting."

Just as she stepped off the gangway, she saw the wedding guests waiting on the pier.

He was dressed in the best attire to welcome guests, smiled, and bowed to his former emperor.

"Long time no see, Your Majesty, you are still as charming as ever."

"Nowhere, Mr. Ye is the one."

Mary wanted to be polite, but for some reason, her nose couldn't help but feel a little sore when she spoke: "Um, I..."

But at that moment, Christine suddenly changed her temper and pounced on Mary. The sound of the Knights of the Round Table drawing their swords could not be heard. A group of knights in power armor came out of nowhere and blocked her with their bodies. They arrived in front of Mary and were heavily guarded.



With a brisk shout, something fell from the sky and landed next to Mary, causing a dull echo and flying dust.

In the eyes of everyone who were either stunned or wary, there seemed to be a ray of flame emerging from behind the dust.

In front of everyone's eyes, the emperor of the winged people descended from the sky, majestically like a blazing fire from heaven, his red clothes fluttering in the wind, unstained by dust.

However, he was holding a handful of snacks in his hands and his mouth was full.

As if she didn't notice the unusual atmosphere around her, she skillfully stretched out her hand and pulled the man's clothes in front of her: "Ye Qingxuan, Ye Qingxuan, is there anything to eat? I'm hungry."

Ye Qingxuan's expression twitched, looking at the big bag of snacks in her arms, speechless.

Until this time, the winged people who flew down from the sky after their emperor arrived belatedly. As soon as Caligula landed on the ground and saw this hellish scene, his eyes couldn't help but darken.

It's over.

He slapped his forehead and went to the front of the Anglo mission with a helpless face to apologize.

But the emperor of his own family was still unaware. He was asking the host of the wedding to inquire about the menu: "Ye Qingxuan, I heard from grandpa that there is roasted penguin in the dinner. Is it true?"

Ye Qingxuan looked confused and looked back at Watson:

"And this show?"

"...just treat it as such."

Watson's mood was also very complicated. He could only come over and lower his voice and said: "I will ask someone to go to the kitchen to give instructions later. At the worst, I will ask someone to summon one to come out and kill it."


Ye Qingxuan's expression twitched, and he could only hope that there would be no collective food poisoning at his wedding dinner.

"It's so troublesome for you to get married."

Elsa looked at the scene around her, shook her head and sighed: "When we get married, after inviting everyone to dinner in the evening, we go to bed directly with the bride in our arms. By the way, Ye Qingxuan, do you also go to bed with others in your arms? I don't Can you go take a look? Don’t worry, I’ll just take a look and I won’t say anything.”


Ye Qingxuan didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, after Watson had seen enough of the excitement, he still had his conscience intact and came over to rescue him: "Your Highness, it's time for you to change your clothes."


Ye Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat from his head, nodded and said goodbye: "Excuse me."

Mary, who had hesitated for a long time and finally plucked up the courage, was left standing there, frozen in place, and almost her whole body turned gray.

Mr. Ye, I still have something to say...

"What's the matter?"

Elsa looked at her curiously: "Sister, you seem sad?"

"No, it's nothing."

Mary smiled reluctantly, her mood was complicated and difficult to describe.

"Come on, eat some sweets." Elsa blinked, as if she understood something, and comforted her: "There's no need to be sad, we can be friends even after we get married."


Mary was stunned.

It was like a 'click', a remarkable switch was flipped, and a new understanding was gained.


She murmured softly, her eyes brightening: "We can still be friends after getting married."

Next to her, Christine turned her head away in pain.

No, Your Majesty, the 'friend' she mentioned and the 'friend' you mentioned... have completely different meanings!

And even in the locker room, there was a rush at the moment.

Ye Qingxuan was changing into cumbersome clothes for the fourth time today, but Watson next to him was still adding to the chaos, pushing a stack of documents over.

"According to your request, the structure of the first committee has been set up. Here is the preliminary list. However, you have to think carefully - is it really okay to share the right to control the world like this?"

"Nothing wrong, right?"

Ye Qingxuan looked up at the list and let the attendants turn him into a clothes rack, putting on layers of formal clothes: "I can't stand the Scarlet King's life of walking on thin ice, so just give me a vacation.

Wait, why are there a few people missing here? "

"Oh, I was kicked out."

Watson shrugged and pushed another stack of documents over: "Here is the investigation report sent today. A group of idiots are secretly funding Asgard's defeated soldiers to build the Free Army, and they think they are very secretive. You... Give them a good face, and they can't wait to open the dyeing shop.

However, I suspect that there are other people behind this group of clowns who are leading the charge. Do we want to continue to investigate? I'm sure I can pull out a few great moths..."

"forget it."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head helplessly, "Just throw this thing to them and don't be so murderous. You won't be able to deal with them in time when something happens."

"Leave the troublesome work to me anyway, right?"

Watson's mood suddenly became complicated, "Sooner or later I will die of overwork, Ye Qingxuan."

"Watson, don't underestimate yourself." Ye Qingxuan patted his shoulder and said sincerely: "Shi Dong lived more than two hundred years."


Watson didn't want to talk anymore, turned and walked away.

Until Ye Qingxuan opened the door and came out, seeing the gloating smile on his face, he suddenly felt something bad: "What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty is missing."

Ye Qingxuan looked confused: "Which Majesty?"

Watson couldn't help but rolled his eyes:

"Of course the one you marry."

Then, Ye Qingxuan began to face this strange problem in life.

——On the wedding day, the bride can’t be found, what should I do?

Half an hour later, when Ye Qingxuan climbed from the balcony of the bedroom to the roof, he finally saw Bai Xi.

She was wearing a white wedding dress, sitting on the tiles, not afraid of dust on her wedding dress, looking at the sea leisurely, holding a fruit plate in her hand, as if she didn't realize how much trouble she had caused. When she saw Ye Qingxuan, He even waved his hands carelessly:

"Cousin, you are here."

After she finished speaking, she was stunned for a moment and thought thoughtfully: "No, you can't call me cousin in the future, right?"

"This kind of thing is up to you."

Ye Qingxuan rubbed her hair angrily, "You won't be scared when things happen, right?"

"No, it's not like you're calling too many people and it's really annoying!"

Bai Xi glared at him, and then his eyes became a little dim: "I don't know why, but I always think of the past lately."

"Because of Yunlou?"

"Not here, there's nothing worth remembering here." Bai Xi shook his head and looked at him: "I mean when we just met."


Ye Qingxuan looked at him faintly: "You mean you framed me the first time we met?"

"Ahaha, has anything so extreme ever happened?"

Bai Xi blinked his eyes with an innocent look on his face, as if he had never done anything.

"Yes, and it happened more than once. There was also that time when you were in the fruit shop. You and Charles took other people's things and ran away, which made the teacher and I very embarrassed as we followed behind.

Also, the same goes for the buffet! There was so much left and he threw things on my plate, causing me to be caught and fined..."

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked by Bai Xi: "Why do you remember so clearly?"

"That's all I remember."

Ye Qingxuan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I have forgotten many things."

"Last night, I dreamed about my teacher and Charles. They said they would come to my wedding." Bai Xi lowered his head and rubbed his red eyes: "I miss them very much."

"Me too."

Ye Qingxuan reached out and picked her up as if holding a large doll. The girl leaned in his arms, lowered her head, looked at the wedding dress on her body, and her eyes became wandering: "Cousin, am I still living in a dream?"

"Is it a sweet dream?"

"Yeah." Bai Xi nodded.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but laugh: "Then let the sweet dream continue."

"Will you come with me?"

Bai Xi looked at him with a serious expression: "I remind you for the last time, I am very difficult to deal with."

"Don't worry." Ye Qingxuan lowered his head, rubbed her face, and smiled softly: "No matter what happens, I will be with you."

So, Bai Xi stood up, adjusted her wedding dress, dusted it off, and pretended to cough twice, as if she wasn't shy.

"Let's go, the wedding is about to begin."


Ye Qingxuan held her hand.


When the bell rang, Laura, who was called to be the bridesmaid, finally changed into Bai Xi's new wedding dress at the last moment, feeling deeply how wise her decision to order two sets of wedding dresses was.

The carriage is about to arrive at the venue.

For the last time, she checked the white gauze fixed on the bride's silver hair. She nodded with satisfaction and put the bouquet into Bai Xi's hand.

"Okay, let's go... Bai Xi? Bai Xi? Are you listening?"

"Ah? Oh, oh."

After being stunned for a long time, Bai Xi finally reacted and nodded quickly.

"You weren't listening at all?"

Lola couldn't help shaking her head, "Do you remember the wedding process? Anyway, there are only a few simple steps. You just need to nod to Father Ben, the officiating priest. After the wedding, remember to throw the flowers away... Really, why should I, a person who has never been married, remind you of these?"

Looking at Bai Xi, who was a little lost and stiff, and walked with a crooked turn, Lola sighed: Sure enough, she said she was not afraid, but in the end, she was still very nervous.

"Let's go, just follow me."

She took Bai Xi's hand, pushed open the door of the carriage, and stepped on the red carpet.

The long-awaited band played the melody, and the crowds watching the ceremony cheered on both sides of the red carpet. The old man from the court and the musicians from the Royal Academy of Music whistled in the crowd. After Bai Xi glared at them, the whistles became louder.

Then, Bai Xi became more nervous.

The wedding dress was too tight, making her a little breathless. In the crowd, so many eyes were looking at her, making her a little dizzy.

If the dull old man was still there, just like he had promised her, holding her hand and leading her into the church.

With him, Bai Xi would not be afraid.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling sad.

But in a trance, she seemed to see a familiar face. When she turned around, she saw the blond young man from outside the crowd.

It seemed to be completely different from the past. The former handsomeness was no longer there, but the pupils were just as gentle.

Noticing Bai Xi's sight, he smiled and took off his hat, touching his chest to salute.

In the sound of the whistle in the distance, he slowly retreated, waved goodbye, and finally turned and left.

The slender figure melted in the afternoon sun.

"Bai Xi, what's wrong?" Laura asked softly, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, nothing."

Bai Xi laughed.

As if she had gained courage, she raised her head and stepped into the future that belonged to herself and Ye Qingxuan.

"Let's go."


The setting sun cast a golden afterglow, reflecting the quiet cemetery.

In front of the lonely tombstone, someone presented a bouquet of white flowers.

To the beloved Abraham...

The echo of the tide came from the distant wind.

All the past ended quietly in silence.

The End

Well, it's finally finished. As usual, there will be a long and perfect speech for everyone tomorrow or the day after tomorrow~ This kind of thing is like the subtitles at the end of the film. Although no one is interested, I still hope everyone can take a look.

Anyway, it won't hurt to watch it, and it's free, so just watch it~

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