Crown of Silence

Completion Remarks——828 Miles of Wind and Moon

Commentary on the book - Eight Thousand Miles of Wind and Moon

According to the records of Qidian, the prologue of the book "Silent Crown" that many readers disliked and could not understand was uploaded in July 2015, but in fact, I started writing it earlier than that.

Probably around April? I have a poor memory of time and past events. It is not surprising for me to forget two-thirds of the names of my classmates on the second day of high school graduation. By the way, the embarrassing peak of this matter was on the third day of graduation. I met a female classmate on the street and was dumbfounded for a long time, "You, you are that who?"

This story tells us that if you forget a few names in spring, you will get a lot of dislike before autumn.

And you will also lose the invitation to the class reunion in the future.

But who cares, right?

That's all in the past.

Compared with this, face blindness is not worth mentioning.

Now we have to turn the topic back to the original track and talk about the origin of the creation of this book.

By then, I had left BJ and came to Shanghai. I found a new job. Every day, I was leisurely fishing, drinking, smoking, eating hot pot, and listening to Li Zongsheng's concert. I didn't know about the new book or Tianqu.

What's the point of updating?

In short, it was so cool.

I know I deserve a beating for saying this, but I can't lie to you, right? And now I have finished the book, I am not afraid of monthly tickets, what else should I be afraid of?

Ah, it seems to be off topic again, let's continue.

One day, my boss called me into the office, poured me tea, offered me cigarettes, and said softly: "Fengyue, how are you after you came to our company? Oh, it's good. In two days, the company will have new employees. Then we will assign you a girlfriend, okay?"

This kind of thing sounds very bizarre, right?


Because this kind of thing is impossible!

In fact, there was no tea, no cigarettes, and no soft voices. The boss at that time was exercising with dumbbells, his two well-developed biceps were about to burst out, and his vest covered the seven scars on his chest.

After beating the last slacking copywriter in front of me, he wiped his hands clean, turned around and asked me: "Feng Yue, do you think our company should create an IP?"

I said yes.

Then you come up with a world view and a novel. The number of words does not need to be many, just write a few million words, do you think it's okay?

I said okay, no problem, leave it to me!

After I was lucky enough to save my life and left the office, I squatted at the door and smoked a cigarette to calm my nerves. I felt painfully that the days of slacking off and playing games were gone forever.

Although I was nostalgic for the extravagant life of sleeping until noon, punching in and going home to continue sleeping, I still had to rewrite things to survive.

So, after discussing with a few roommates, I got an idea of ​​using music to cast magic from a friend, got a few books, and took a few world view classes...

In short, I got a horse from the East Market, a saddle from the West Market, a bridle from the North Market, and a long whip from the South Market, and then I started to tinker with it. After I finished, I saw...

Well, musicians, natural disasters, this natural disaster, that natural disaster, and more natural disasters.

Okay, the profession settings are set, and the monsters are all ready.

It's time to start.

Then, the question came:

-What is the name of the protagonist?

This kind of thing is very serious. You can't call him Er Gouzi or Tie Shuan. If the name of the protagonist is not good, no readers will want to read it. Will all the settings I made up be in vain?

After trying several names, I finally gave up my ability to name people, and could only reach out to my friend's newly born daughter... a nickname.

Well, let's call her Qingxuan. Just change it a little bit and add the first character of her father's ID, 'Ye Qingxuan', and we're done!

And this deal is worth it, much better than any naming website. Not only does it cost nothing, but it also solves the name of the protagonist's father!

It's simply one corpse and two... No, one fish and two... No, it should be one stone and one bird or something, anyway, that's the meaning, you get it!

And, I want to say: I'm so happy to kill Ye Lanzhou!

The so-called origin of creation, that's probably it.

Also, I wish little Qingxuan grows up happily, and, I hope she won't read this book, so that she won't be disappointed with the despicable world of adults.

She is so cute.

Super cute.


In fact, I often feel confused when writing the character of Ye Qingxuan.

I don't want to write a book like Iron Throne II or Sky Drive II. This is a new book, the world is brand new, old bottles should not be filled with new wine, at least if they are filled, people can't see it, otherwise it will lose my style.

Therefore, I had to repeatedly imagine Ye Qingxuan and how to distinguish him from Zhou Li.

Zhou Li is so much like me.

It is the dark side hidden in my bones, and the cruelty revealed on the outside.

Compared with him, Ye Qingxuan is the complete opposite.

I gave him something that is very precious to me, just like what Xiaer said at the end, he always has compassion for the world, instead of Zhou Li who already has countless hatred.

He loves this world, unlike Zhou Li, even if this world is unfair to him and there are so many sufferings.

Compared to human nature, he has the most "divinity" in his bones. He is compassionate and quiet, and walks his own way without looking back. If this world is not good, he will break it all and create a better one.

He can make more people happy.

He is full of expectations and trust in the future of mankind, and firmly believes that it will be good.

Although he refuses to become a god, in a sense, he is more suitable to be a god than Charles.

Charles is too powerless, sensitive and weak, and kind enough to sacrifice himself.

Even if everything is worn away by the world.

In the past, Wilde, the "Prince of Lips", wrote "The Happy Prince", which was regarded as a "fairy tale" by many people.

The pirated booksellers were uneducated. When they saw that the bird could talk, they put it in the collection of fairy tales, which brought the first shadow of life to countless children. I sincerely hope that they will be beaten to death by the children when they grow up.

The story says that the statue of the prince is covered with gold leaves, shining brilliantly, and his eyes are a pair of sapphires, as beautiful as a weather vane. There is a huge ruby ​​inlaid on the hilt of his sword.

Everyone loves him.

A lone swallow landed on him, saying that he heard a cry from afar, and asked it to give one of its eyes to a sick little boy. The next day, he said that someone was suffering, and asked it to give the other eye to the suffering person.

The swallow loved him and was reluctant to leave, but it could not resist his tears and pleading, so it pecked off his eyes, sword, and golden clothes and ran in the winter, bringing those things to those who were pitied by the prince.

In the end, people may have gained happiness.

The prince also lost everything, without gorgeous decorations, became ugly, and even lost the swallow, which froze to death in the cold winter.

In the end, only a lead heart that was broken because of the death of the swallow was left.

No one loved the ugly him anymore.

Those who he had helped pushed him into the furnace to melt him, leaving only the broken lead heart and the swallow's body lying in the garbage dump.

At the end of the story, God said that this was a precious treasure, and resurrected them in heaven, singing praises.

But I think this ending was probably forced by the publisher... In the original story, the prince and the swallow probably didn't get redemption.

Unfortunately, this is not a happy story.

This is probably Charles.

He didn't even have a swallow to love him. He sacrificed himself, exchanged his blood for food, and exchanged his body for miracles, but humans began to be afraid.

But on the other hand, maybe it's problematic to pin the fate of the whole world on whether a person is kind?

Just like Charles said, he finally figured it out: the world doesn't need him.

If he had nothing at the beginning, he probably wouldn't have suffered so much. He might try his best to help those who are suffering, but in the end there will be a day when he feels powerless.

Just like humans.

Just like you and me.

It seems not bad to live a life without regrets.

In short, after getting a new life in the future, Charles will surely have a more fantastic and incredible journey to the dark world?

How to solve the problem as a pure human being? It's very interesting to think about it, but this is a digression.

The story of the Silent Crown has ended here.

From now on, humans belong to humans, and Dayuan belongs to Dayuan.

The Inquisition will also transform into a pioneering organization for the dark world, and the musicians with mobile phones will come out to find jobs after the training course, and all the spellcasting records will be filed in real time.

After the short industrial revolution, with the power of ether, I'm afraid it will soon catch up with the level of modern society?

The next story will probably be another outline I wrote before writing Silence. Well, from the time of its birth, Silence should be its prequel.

- The final journey of boys and girls in a world of technological monopoly, the road to death of the silent mute boy and the cheerful girl.

But I'm afraid I won't have the chance to write it, so I'll just mention it here to leave you with a thought.

Although it may not necessarily be a response if you keep thinking about it, how can you know if you don't think about it? Right? .

At this point, the Silent Crown has finally ended.

Writing Silent Crown is an unprecedented challenge for me. As a fan of crazy hacking and slashing, not being able to write about Berserkers is like eating hot pot without red soup. No matter how I write, it doesn't taste right. I can only start exploring a new field from now on.

Although it seems that I have returned to the old path, it is really a new experience. I learned a lot of things that I can't use in cool writing. It should be considered a reward... right?

When thinking about the settings, I tried my best to separate this world from the real gravity of you and me. Even the hair color of Oriental people was changed to silver, and there was an additional moon in the sky, giving readers as much novelty as possible.

Well, DND is good, WOD is also good, and add two spoons of COC to it...

However, when writing it, it was the opposite. I need to try my best to make it a world that you and I are familiar with, so that everyone can integrate into it, and ensure that the plot can develop as I expected.

The sins I did before must be repaid now, even if I vomit blood, and I have been stuck in the writer's card countless times and feel miserable.

Fortunately, although the train nearly derailed several times, it did not overturn in the end. This train has successfully arrived at the terminal. Please prepare to pack your luggage... and before getting off the train, remember the friends who jumped off the train.

I sincerely hope they can come back.

At least next time when I drive, everyone can still be happy together.

I thought about whether I should say what kind of world I want to create here, how dark, how huge, how cruel, and how beautiful it is... But in the end, I feel that for an author, no matter how big the world view is, in the end, all he can write is a story in a corner, right?

The story begins with Ye Qingxuan's exile and ends with Ye Qingxuan's wedding. Ye Qingxuan's friends appear one by one and bow out one by one.

Either they give up before their ambitions are fulfilled, or they die with satisfaction, or they continue to walk on the road of displacement...

This is good, this is their fate, their will cannot be distorted to choose their own ending, compared with the magnificent wishes they have, death or life is no longer important.

Oh, idealists are so damn stupid.

Just like what Wolf Whistle said to the priest: "Those who can die for their dreams are the happiest!"

It's so cool to be able to face your ideals openly, walk on that path realistically and persistently, and die for something more important than life without regrets.

This is what the so-called "man's romance" should be like.

——That's what I think!

So, it doesn't seem to be a problem to post more lunch boxes, right?

I would like to thank "Lord of Light" here. Roger Zelazny is really awesome, 100,000 times better than me. I love this kind of punk atmosphere full of fantasy.

I hope he rests in peace in heaven.

By the way, in fact, at the beginning, when writing the Silent Crown, I was also preparing for the comic adaptation.

At that time, in the style of American comics, in the form of illustrated novels, a total of four comic scripts were prepared.

"Son of the Wild" about Wolf Flute's past as a gladiator, "Eyes of the Starry Sky" about Abraham's years as a dragoon, "Death of the Awakened" about the final struggle between Hermes and Dong Wanggong, and the last one "Where the Soul Is" with Ye Xuan as the protagonist.

Unfortunately, in the end, due to staffing issues, it had to be shelved, which is a pity.

Therefore, in order to make up for the gap in the logic of the main text, I had to move part of the plot to the main text with great effort, and some of them really couldn't be installed, so I had to reluctantly cut their length.

Now every time I think of it, I always sigh: It's a pity that I didn't succeed in pretending to everyone!

There is no way, there are always regrets in life.

Human power is sometimes limited, and for me, there is only so much I can do with all my strength.

After all, "Silent Crown" is so clear and so cruel. As a cool writer, I always feel powerless... Well, I accidentally abused it again. I'm really sorry. It's my fault. Please forgive me.

Maybe... maybe... maybe... I won't be sadistic anymore, right?

Ah, when I write this, I feel guilty like a scumbag who goes home to cheat money to pay off his gambling debts.

Anyway, you will still love me, right?

I believe that this is the close bond between us!

Even if I post the QR code for payment in the reader group every day, it can't be cut off, right?

After all, it's normal to celebrate by drawing a card after finishing the book. It's not my fault that I can't draw Gong Lin! Steam has reduced the price again and I can't do anything about it. Zelda will be released in Chinese in February, and I can't not buy it...

Not to mention I have to support my family.

Alas, as a man who has entered the refined health-preserving period of middle age ahead of time, life is really hard.

If you want to blame someone, blame this cruel world! Look at what life has turned a boy who used to blush when asking for a monthly ticket into!

So, after fully exposing my shameless face, please pretend that nothing happened and let's talk about something else.

A serious topic about life.

Although it is serious, it doesn't seem to be that serious.

After all, it is neither strange nor strange, and there are not many stories worth telling.

If I describe it in detail, it seems that I can cheat more than ten yuan of subscriptions, but if I keep it simple, it is probably nothing more than "I am still living a stable life now".

The world is not destroyed, human principles are not burned, and there is no king from another world who summons me to eliminate the devil. All the plots that can save the world seem to be far away from me.

But compared with "marriage", it seems that it is not a pity even if these things are far away.

——I, Fengyue, Da... No, it's marriage!

Ah, for me, it feels like something that was originally very far away from me suddenly appeared in front of me, and everything was done at a speed that I could not imagine.

After it seems that all the luck I have accumulated in the first half of my life has been exhausted, I met a girl with the same pen name as me, and suddenly I fell in love, and suddenly I got married. The changes in fate are always unexpected.

It's like there is really a god who has had enough of my whining complaints and can only sacrifice himself to a girl so that I can shut up quickly.

——This story tells us that regular visits are necessary... maybe.

In short, it's great to be married. I live a luxurious life with everything provided for me. I don't have to hand in my salary, I don't have to sweep the floor or wash dishes every day, and I won't be abused every now and then. I broke my arm and my broken eye accidentally fell on the ground!

Okay, let's not talk about this topic that will hurt people. We should think on the bright side.

Someone can understand you when you occasionally sit in front of the computer and scratch your hair hysterically, stay up late and can't sleep, toss and turn, and then run to the toilet to smoke, and can't think of the plot and become depressed and don't want to do anything.

Someone can tolerate your bad temper, let you say goodbye to the bad self in the past, and make you better.

This is the best thing in life.

So it's great to be married.

My wife is great!

It's like you took your wife to Tokyo Skytree on April 15th and found that the warmest place in the world is on the Skytree.

My wife is the best!

This is something worth writing about.

For creators, life and work are inseparable.

It's like opening my eyes and splitting myself into two parts. One part is constantly thinking about the next plot and the next development, and the other part is making sure I don't get hit by a car while thinking about the plot.

Sometimes I write down a plot quickly after I figure it out. When I look up and see the unfamiliar scene in front of me, I start to ask three questions in life.

Who am I? What am I doing? Where the hell do I want to go?

I'm used to thinking about the next plot and the place where I get stuck before going to bed. Although this occasionally brings surprises, there are two drawbacks that I can't escape.

The first is that when you're drowsy, your mind clicks and an inspiration flashes through, and you wake up immediately. The second is the next question. You're almost asleep. Should you reach out and pick up your phone from the bedside, turn on the blinding screen, and write down your inspiration...

Although the result of each entanglement is the same, you will inevitably be entangled next time, whether to pick up that damn phone!

And the problem I'm facing now is:

After writing Silence, I can't sleep.

I habitually think of something, but my mind is empty, nothing, countless thoughts surge one after another. When I open my eyes during the day, I don’t know what to do.

It’s like a person released from prison and gained freedom.

It’s hard to adapt to the blankness that follows.

Even if you are addicted to playing games, eat and sleep every day, and live a life that even pigs would have no desires, you will still inevitably feel that it’s too useless, I should do something.

The moment you start to get used to writing something, when you bring this thing into your life, your life is destroyed by creation.

Or, only creation is left.

There are only a few things left, and there are not even a few worth writing about.

After enduring a lot of pain through it, you can get a drop of happiness like a consolation prize, which is very cost-effective and extremely unhealthy.

But there is no way, you volunteer.

One is willing to fight, and the other is willing to be beaten.

Until one day you can no longer write, put down the keyboard and pen, endure a long period of anxiety, send it away, and then live in a house full of traces. When you look through old things, you will remember its phone number and want to call it back to continue to torture you.

I think I am sick.

But writing is so happy.

It is as happy as getting married. Compared with it, you will be willing to give up many things.

This is probably my life.

What is left after throwing away the monthly mortgage, credit card bills, and the cats and dogs in the hospital is now presented in front of you.

Since I started writing in college, my life has gone from regular to chaotic, and then from chaotic to regular. After repeating this for dozens of times, it has become what it is now.

When I wrote Steel, I returned to Shanxi from Xi'an. When I wrote Tianqu, I ran from Shanxi to BJ. When I wrote Silence, I ran from BJ to Shanghai. Before finishing the book, I ran from Shanghai to Chengdu.

After all the running around, I took root and circled a place to make my own nest. From then on, I ate three hundred rabbit heads a day and grew up to be a Chengdu person.

I ran and ran along the way. I went to XJ on a business trip. I drove to see half of the whole XJ and galloped through the vast wilderness. I remember that the sky was very high and the clouds were very low. The earth and the clouds were separated by a line, as if they were extending to the end of the world.

When I got married, I went to Guang'an and collected a lot of money from my friends. After that, I went to Japan. I hurriedly ran with my wife all the way. I successfully came back alive from Japan with my half-baked Japanese, and within eight hours, I staged a "fire rescue" in Osaka, or "fire rescued".

By the way, I spent all the money.

Chasing the restlessness that was probably the last bit of youth, after the last bit of youthful afterglow was exhausted, I came to Chengdu.

Now, my home is next to the university where my wife graduated. Downstairs there is a snack street that takes two hours to eat from start to finish. It is like the paradise on earth in the Shire, with milk and honey flowing in the river. You just need to scan the magic QR code and you can eat until your mouth is full of oil.

And it is so cheap, so cheap, and so cheap!

Repeat the important things three times.

This is one of the few things worth mentioning in my life now.

Moving is a very troublesome thing. I haven't finished the follow-up work yet, and I haven't started to get used to the new life of doing nothing.

Due to the pressure of livelihood, I am afraid that I will be busy again soon.

Next, I expect that I will take a break from my busy schedule to publish a book on Qidian. I will try out the tricks in my mind during this period of time regardless of the taste of readers and the reaction of the market.

Then for the next book, I am wavering between "Super Civilization Parliament" and another pit... It seems that both books are very interesting.

As for what will happen in the future?

I really can't think of it.

The world changes so fast that I can't catch up. I can only make plans full of loopholes and uncertainties within the narrow scope of my control.

The air conditioner broke down these two days, both of them broke down, completely broken down, and broke down on this cold and windy day. The master who came to repair the air conditioner brought new bad news: it is better to replace it with a new one if it is broken to this extent. No, it is two.

Then I can only replace it with a new one and endure the pain of bleeding from my pocket. I would not have bought a game console if I had known earlier.

In the new year, I want to buy a dishwasher and a better chair. The former is better for my wife, and the latter is better for me. I want to install another desktop computer to realize my ambition of playing games with my wife. I hope she won't ruin our relationship.

I want to play World of Warcraft; I want to play the Chinese version of Zelda; I want to collect all the moons in Odyssey and kill that damn golden turtle by the way; I want to increase my SSR; I want to save money to go to Iceland. I like the movie "Daydreamer" and have always wanted to see volcanoes and glaciers.

I want to get better and change my bad temper.

I want to spend more time with my family.

I want to make more money.

I also want to continue on this path.

I want to keep writing until I can't write anymore, until no one loves me like you do.

These are probably my life ambitions.

Some can be realized, some are far away, some require hard work, and some can only be talked about and thought about.

The advantage of making more wishes is that there are always a few wishes that can come true - this is one of the life wisdoms I have gained after living in a muddle for more than 20 years.

Here I will tell you this secret technique, please cherish it and don't tell anyone.

From the beginning of silence to the end, it has been more than two years. In more than two years, I have accumulated a lot of unremarkable ideas and impulses, which cannot be listed here one by one.

Sometimes I feel that I have changed a lot compared to the past, and I am a completely different person. But sometimes, in a flash, I will find that I am still the same person in the past.

I don't know which one is an illusion.

The world is constantly changing, and I think my life and I will continue to change in the future, until I have enough ability to change the world, or the world finally takes the time to change myself.

Before that, perhaps I will not give up my futile efforts.

From Xi'an to Shanxi, from Shanxi to BJ, from BJ to Shanghai, from Shanghai to Chengdu...

For so many years, I have been running around all the way, from one person to two people, from loneliness to not loneliness, from the past to now, from the beginning to now -

It's a long road, and eight thousand miles is more than enough.

And it can be predicted that the future will continue to move forward, all the way to the end of life. From 8,000 miles to 80,000 miles, 800,000 miles, and then to 8 million miles, and 80 million miles without stopping...

So, this time, the Crown of Silence, this is the only way this train can reach. Please bring your packed luggage and get off with me in an orderly manner.

Waiting for the whistle to sound again one day in the future.

I hope that by that time, we can meet on a new road.

I believe we will be together.


On January 7, 2018, in a hotel at the foot of Mount Emei

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