Crow's Paradise

Chapter 287 Padfoot

After the bone ship docked completely, Captain Split Skull took Yao Yan and others to the bone island.

On the Bone Island, the men in black robes silently watched the other men in black robes who were moving, and naturally the four of them were among them.

However, when they arrived at the giant ship closest to the center, Captain Skull Skull made them stop.

And the captain cracked his skull and stepped onto the huge ship.

Around the giant ship, there were countless men in black robes standing indistinctly.

Black Arm and Black Wrist did not stay where they were. After greeting him, they left.

Obviously, this is not their first time here.

And Yao Yan did not act with them.

He wandered around the bone island built among the bone ships.

Then he discovered something special about the black robe.

There are at least two to three meters tall men in black robes.

A man in black robe with a stooped figure and long robe that touches the floor.

The black robe does not completely cover the body, and the bones are exposed.

In addition, there are some black-robed people with non-human skeletons.

There are not many strange ones.

His eyes passed over the strange-looking men in black robes, and he asked the men in black robes closest to him.

The first few didn't answer. Only a man in black robes with a black mark across his face on his mask looked at him and replied:

"There are all kinds of guys with bones that don't look like humans."

"Some of them are due to memory confusion. There are many memories of animals in their memories, so they feel that they may not be human."

"Some guys don't want to be human anymore and want to try other bones."

"Some of them are because they didn't find all the bones or they were broken, so they just found a few and put them together."

"Some attach the bones of their companions or other dead people to their bodies, thinking that fighting in an inhuman posture will be more powerful."

He raised his head slightly and motioned Yao Yan to look at those special-looking men in black robes.

There are humanoids, animaloids, and even weird men in black robes that look like octopuses and squids, with palms at the end of their bony tentacles.

Yao Yan thought for a while and asked a question:

"If the skeleton is in the shape of a bird, can it fly?"

This question made the man in black robe with a black line across his face look at him:

"You can't fly with bones alone. In other words, you can't fly with bones. If you want to fly, you need to remove the bones."

"After the fourth level, the bones will break and give birth to a complete 'spirit body'. At that time, you can fly."

After hearing this sentence, Yao Yan couldn't help but ask:

"Why can the 'bone bird' created by the third-level 'death bird' be able to fly?"

This sentence made the man in black robe stunned for a moment, and then he laughed:

"Because the amount of bones is small enough, and the bones are filled with 'spiritual energy'."

"What makes them fly is 'spiritual power'."

"What should I say? Have you ever heard of such a thing as a 'balloon'?"


"Yes, a gas that is lighter than air is sealed with a very light material and can float in the air."

The man in black robe talked eloquently:

"According to our understanding, the 'spiritual power' itself is very light. If it touches the Black Sea, it will be sucked away. If we dead people do not directly touch the Black Sea and are 'killed' on the bone boat, the 'spiritual power' will be Float away."

"When there are few enough bones, light enough, and enough spiritual power, it can float, and by flapping its wings, it can perform actions similar to flying."

"It seems that when I didn't know it before, the third level was called 'Necromancer' or 'Skeleton Master'. Later, when I learned about 'spiritual power', some people used it to make bone birds, and the names became 'Sad bird'.

"Are these titles changing?"

"I don't know." The man in black robes with black lines touched his chin, "I really don't know this. I'm only at the third level. I haven't been 'resurrected' for a long time. If you want to know these things, go ask a higher level person. Those guys."

"Their memory is more complete and their thinking is a little clearer."

"Oh, by the way, my name is Padfoot."

As he spoke, as if to explain his name, he lifted up his black robe, revealing a strange skeleton.

The upper body is similar to an ordinary humanoid corpse, but the lower body is made up of broken bones of different sizes. It is thick and wide, and looks very powerful.

At this time, Yao Yan also understood what the black lines on his mask meant.

It's cut in half.

"When I was resurrected, I only had half of my body, and then I worked hard on my own."

He shrugged his shoulders, looking very relaxed.

Yao Yan thought for a moment and asked another question:

"Does this Death's Clothes only look like this? Are there other shapes or colors?"

This sudden question made Padfoot think for a moment:

"At each level, the spiritual power will continue to grow and fill the bones. After the fourth level, the spiritual power will generally expand through the bones and form a complete spiritual body."

"At this stage, the Death Clothes will undergo certain changes, and you can also take the initiative to interfere with the form of the Death Clothes."

"As for the color, the color can also be changed, but changing the color seems to be of no use, right?"

Padfoot explained, sounding a little confused.

It is certainly meaningful for Yao to ask these questions.

For himself.

Currently, only Backfire is "unblocked" on him.

If he doesn't actively suppress it, the "spirit body" in his skull will take the form of a dark red flame, and the Death's Clothes will also be dyed a dark red flame.

His eyes swept over every black-robed man on Bone Ship Bone Island.

Although the figures of the men in black robes are different, the black robes covering their bodies are basically black.

At most, the color is slightly lighter.

There are no bright and conspicuous colors.

If you are too special, it will be a trivial matter to be noticed. If you are targeted, it will delay things.

However, this information may be worth studying in detail.


Why is "Death's Clothes" like this?

Why is this the rule?

Find a breakthrough from this direction.

ps: After reading books for a week, there are still many books I want to read, so I recently slipped away to the library.

To be honest, the experience of going to the library to read is quite novel. I have been to the library several times before, when I was in college. The feeling of going to the library for reading is really different.

But now I am staying in a small place. The library does not have many books, and there is only one room.

But luckily, I have something to divert my attention.

I have no appetite, I have to stuff food into my mouth even though I can't eat, and I feel nauseous while eating.

After writing about one non-human world after another, I suddenly felt that it was good not to be human.

It's a pity that imagination is imagination and reality is reality.

Sorry, the negative sentiments are too depressing. You don't need to pay attention to it. It's just a fool complaining.

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