Crow's Paradise

Chapter 288 Classification Level

Saying goodbye to "Padfoot", he continued to wander around this bone island.

However, as he moved step by step, he gradually released the power of Backfire.

The originally swaying black robe gradually became swaying like a flame.

However, the dark red color was not revealed.

Although other abilities have been suppressed, the most core one, [Rumor] itself and the two accompanying abilities, still exist.

The most core thing is the ability to ignore preconditions and activate abilities without prerequisites and evidence.

The ability to alter the performance of an ability to some extent.

Targets affected by his ability will leave a mark on their bodies that will continue to grow, can be detonated at any time, and can infect others. The mark will continue to corrode the target's spirit to grow. After reaching a certain level, it will automatically detonate, or it will be affected by external forces. , it will also detonate.

If you have to name them, you can probably use "shadow", "yi", and "feather" as pronouns.

To put it simply, without any fancy changes, it can be called: Rumor's Shadow, Rumor's Clothes, Rumor's Feather.

However, in order to avoid accidents, such as mind reading and other means, it is better to replace "rumors" with "crows".

Shadow of Crows, Clothes of Crows, Feathers of Crows.

Of these three abilities, the one of Rumor Feather is quite useful as an offensive and defensive method in this kind of world.

However, now he uses the Clothes of Crows.

Although his other abilities are in a strange state of "unusable" or even "non-existent" due to ability suppression, the "rumor" itself still exists.

Because of the backfire ability, his "Death Clothes" appeared like dark red flames.

Then, just replace the color with Cloth of Crows and a shadowy black.

As for features, maybe not.

Because, his "body" originally looked like a shadow, with feather-like features.

Switching from Flame Feathers to Shadow Feathers will also work.

However, using the form of shadow flames may be used as a means of testing, and maybe something can be drawn out.

Although, there is a reason why the more features you change, the greater the consumption.

Think about it from the perspective of "effort saving".

At the same time, his hand moved toward the bone mask.

Based on his current research into the Corpse Poet's abilities, "controlling corpses" is not accurate.

He has been thinking about a question.

The worlds I have experienced before, and the ability to "peel off" fragments from different worlds, show that these worlds have intricate "concepts" intertwined.

The reason for the formation of these spiritual concepts is that the original worlds had more or less "settings" such as "levels" and "stages".

The reason may be the layers that exist everywhere in society.

However, in the current and previous worlds, this "level" has formed substantial rules.

How to put it, like an electronic transition, a substantial energy level has been formed.

It is necessary to accumulate enough "energy" and meet the conditions before it can jump to a higher energy level orbit.

This level has become a "law of reality".

In the era when he was alive, "level" was already an extremely common setting.

He may not have had levels of power in his previous life, but in other aspects, prototypes of "levels" were everywhere.

The simplest, and the longest lasting, is the level of status that comes with class.

Priests, tribesmen, slaves.

King, subjects, common people, slaves.

King, Duke, Marquis, Uncle, Son, Male, Commoner, Slave.

This is the most primitive level, formed based on status classification.

However, there are too many hierarchical sources that appear later.

According to the size, according to the number, according to the distance, according to the strength.


The various levels of prototypes are "classifications".

Classification shapes hierarchy.

Where there are standards, there are levels.

The root of "standards" is human cognition, memory, and judgment mechanisms.

As long as there is no fundamental change in the structure of human memory, cognitive judgment, classification and hierarchy will definitely appear.

The world in his previous life was full of various "levels".

As long as there is the intention of "subdivision", "specificity" and "detailed" description, then various levels will definitely appear.

Especially the "science" and especially the "military" fields.

A grade based on criteria such as "how much", "damaged area", and "intensity".

In games and novels, when talking about destructive power, these aspects will inevitably be involved.

Some people really dislike "class."

However, the lack of "level", to some extent, also indicates the low level of "science".

Because this means ambiguity in standards and ambiguity in classification.

However, in the "real" world, although human beings themselves and the power possessed by individuals have levels classified by various "standards", ordinary people actually have little contact with them.

It exists, but it is far away from ordinary people.

Some people hate "level". In fact, they don't know exactly what they hate.

What some people hate is the use of "exaggeration" in novels for dramatic effect, widening the gap between the two levels.

What I hate is that the gap between the two levels is too big, and what I hate is the situation of "cannot kill people beyond the level".

It's just that they themselves don't quite know what they hate, so they can only vaguely describe it as a "hate" level.

The ambiguity of classification and judgment leads to misalignment, and even in the process of constant repetition, the object of disgust is really fixed on the "level", which is the product of the standard classification of hate level.

However, in this world, when power forms a substantial energy level gap, it becomes a natural law.

What does this mean?


Yao Yan silently recited this word in his heart.

The concept of "standards" can cover too many areas and is too large.

If this concept has become the core of power similar to his "rumor", then...

"Rumors" themselves will also be included in "standards".

It can be said that in his understanding and logic, the status of "standard" is close to that of "almost", even...


ps: There are too many negative and negative things written, haha, I’m sorry everyone.

Cognitive things are indeed not very enjoyable to write about.

I am not going to write about philosophy or not, cognition or not, and other seemingly profound things. I am going to write about something that is more joyful and more everyday.

It just so happens that Zhu/Zi's new work may be released by the end of this year if it doesn't delay.

As mentioned before, prepare to open a PM.

If it goes well, maybe we can see a new game released?

But I don’t plan to use this account to open a new book. After all, there are too many stories about bitter hatred and deep hatred. If I were to open a new book under this account, I would probably write the one about “The Dragon Tyrant”, right?

As for what kind of PM article you will write, it is also easy to identify.

Let’s start with the crow.

If you find it, you can take a look if you are interested. However, just like this book, the update may be unstable.

But the book isn't open yet, so don't bother looking for it. Maybe it won't be released in two days? (I am also not certain)

Oh, of course, this book will continue to be updated, but again, don’t worry, the Night Crow book has been updated intermittently for so long, and I still feel bad about it and don’t want to do it again.

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