Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 124 Alexander's Ghost

Orville's persuasion was successful, and the defenders of Citi Island all laid down their weapons and surrendered to the Romans.

Their weapons were confiscated, and then they were properly guarded. The siege of Paris finally ended. The casualties on both sides were not large, and Paris was not looted by the Romans or Vikings. It was a satisfactory ending for both sides.

The only ones who were a little depressed were probably the nobles in Paris. Orville didn't like to squeeze the civilians, but that didn't mean he wouldn't blackmail the nobles. Every noble had shed blood and enjoyed the property discount package that Orville carefully prepared.

Having said that, Orville didn't completely let down his guard. Who knows if there will be scattered Gallic troops to touch him here? Orville was relieved until Tia's army was withdrawn.

At this point in the war, except for a small number of rebels in Brittany who were still resisting, there were no large-scale rebels in other places. The news of the fall of Paris and the surrender of Jeanne Dacre also spread, and the resistance of the Gauls basically collapsed.

In half a month, except for the Gallic rebels who were fighting stubbornly in the deep mountains and forests, the Gallic War could be declared over, and the Romans could return home.

Considering that there were still a lot of ingredients left that Orwell had bought before, Tia and he decided to open champagne at halftime and hold a celebration banquet.

Because these temporary legions would most likely be disbanded after the war, and would not follow them back to Rome, but would be organized to return to their hometowns. If they did not celebrate at this time, there would be no chance in the future, so generous generals would often hold a celebration banquet and farewell banquet at the right time.


The soldiers who were unfortunately drawn to be on duty would make up for it the next day, and most of the remaining soldiers would hold a celebration banquet in the fortress built by Orwell.

Unlike the activities of the upper class where a few people half-lying together, this kind of public banquet in the army is more like a buffet, and you can eat as much as you want.

During the march and the battle, there were only three sets of hard bread, bacon and fruit vinegar for a long time. The soldiers finally had a chance to eat and naturally ate to their heart's content. Tia only restricted them from drinking too much wine, but didn't care about other things.

Even the auxiliary soldiers from Egypt or Palphi were treated very well. The Roman soldiers were in a good mood after winning the battle and didn't mind that they ate almost as well as they did.

Orville and Tia didn't attend the public banquet this time, but only set up a private banquet in the camp.

Accompanied by Ragnar, Procopius and other necessary people, at Tia's request, Orville also invited Jeanne Dacre out of the hostage tent to attend the banquet.

Orville still respected her very much. Except for restricting her freedom, he tried his best to meet all the other requirements and didn't treat her harshly. But she never made any requests, just ate, prayed and slept quietly, and didn't say a word most of the time. I think she hasn't accepted such a reality yet.

Not everyone likes the way of eating half lying down, so the military camp kept it simple. Everyone was given a small table, and they sat on the ground and served their own dishes. There were servants serving everyone.

Several Romans ate like that, of course they didn't feel awkward. Ragnar quickly got used to it and didn't feel anything wrong. However, Jeanna Dacre sternly refused to be served and insisted on doing it herself.

Procopius frowned slightly. He was a little unhappy with this reaction. In his opinion, letting the defeated attend was the greatest respect. It was a bit too much to insist on the customs of his own nation. The Roman banquet had to follow the rules of the Romans.

Orville let the servants leave with a normal expression, because he was not used to it at first, and it was normal that the other party didn't like this extravagant way.

Ragnar's performance was the most natural. He seemed to really come to enjoy the food. From time to time, he took the initiative to start a topic, asked Orville or Procopius questions, and shared his own experiences in various places. Everyone was also interested in listening. In ancient times, such people who traveled thousands of miles were indeed rare.

"We northerners eat more fish, mainly sea fish such as herring, salmon, and trout. Other things are definitely not as rich and luxurious as you Romans eat, but we have something very good, that is mead. I found that you don't have this thing here, probably because there is not so much honey here.

That thing is really delicious. It is fermented and brewed with honey and water. Various grains, fruits and spices can be added to it according to taste, so the taste of each household is different. My favorite is the mead brewed by a good brother. According to him, he added apples and oranges, but I think he must be hiding something from me."

After drinking a little bit of wine, the other party became a chatterbox, and Orville and others also chatted with him with a smile.

Dia did not participate in it, but stared at Jeanna with interest, trying to see through this person's details.

Like most Romans, she also thought Jeanna was a bit incredible. Because of the letters Orville gave her, she knew more details than others.

For example, she is only seventeen years old this year, for example, she is not even literate and has not received any qualified education.

Tiya has a lot of military experience and considers herself a talented and hardworking general. She understands how much talent is needed to march and fight, but even so, she doesn't believe that anyone can lead troops to fight when they are in their teens. The key is that there is no need for any learning, and this talent is in their blood from birth.

Alexander is indeed so amazing that he can fight very well at the age of 18, but he has received elite education from the ruler since he was a child. His father is an excellent military talent, and his teacher is Aristotle, the "Hegel of ancient times" and "the most learned person among ancient Greek philosophers". Such education and environment can give birth to such an Alexander.

Tiya believes in the important role of education and family background in shaping military capabilities, and believes that not everyone can be compared with Alexander, so she can't understand how Jeanne Dacre did all this.

It seems that because Tiya's gaze is a bit too naked, Jeanne also looks over with Tiya's gaze and greets Tiya gently.

Tia smoothly turned her eyes away and returned her attention to her dining table, and began to enjoy the food given by the gods as usual.

There are many things that I don’t know, but I will find out slowly in the future, so there is no need to rush.

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