Orville and Tia almost didn't drink. If they only drank a little, the difference between low-alcohol wine and juice was not big, so it didn't prevent the two from discussing military affairs after the banquet, and their thoughts were still clear.

In a private conversation, Orville told Tia all his plans and intentions, that is, after pacifying Gaul, he would attack Britain in one go and plant the Roman eagle flag on the island.

Tia didn't rush to deny or accept this plan, but began to think seriously about the rationality.

"How many people do you have? The two legions in my hands have lost about one-fifth of their combat effectiveness. They can still continue to fight. Just reduce them a little."

"I lost about 500 legion soldiers and 2,000 auxiliary soldiers. Overall, it's acceptable and the loss is not big."

It doesn't seem to have fought much, but the security war often makes Orville lose a little combat effectiveness inexplicably, and the accumulation of small amounts is not small.

"So, in general, we have about 30,000 to 40,000 available combat forces. Are these soldiers enough to conquer Britain?"

"I personally think that even if it is not enough, it is almost enough. Our initial goal is not necessarily to conquer the whole of Britain, as long as we conquer a base. We can use the local Celts. Compared with the Romans, they definitely hate the invading Germans more. It is nothing more than using some necessary diplomatic means. Our goal is to establish order on the British Isles. I think the Celts who have experienced the chaotic era will not reject this concept.

In addition, those Germans The Mans did not have a unified and stable country at all. They were just a loose political entity composed of seven or eight small kingdoms, just like the situation the Franks were in before. It was not difficult to defeat them one by one or to make friends with distant countries and attack nearby countries. "

Also being island countries, there were some large battles with astonishing numbers of participants during the Warring States Period on a certain island in East Asia, such as the Battle of Sekigahara or the two Battles of Osaka, which had a minimal impact on the course of world history, but the scene was still quite large. The Battle of Constantinople, which affected the course of European history, was only of this scale.

As for Britain, which is now in the "Seven Kingdoms Era", it is not a place with abundant martial virtues in any sense. To exaggerate a little, it is basically not much different from the village war.

There are great kings everywhere, short-lived and glorious.

It was quite good for a general little king to have two or three thousand men under his command. When the Vikings invaded in later generations, three or four thousand Viking warriors could move freely in England. Even in the era after Alfred the Great unified the country, the available combat force in the whole country was about 30,000. The gap in quality with the Romans was needless to say. They were not on the same level.

Therefore, Orville felt that 30,000 to 40,000 people were enough at this time. Not to mention conquering Britain in one battle, it was no problem to take a few pieces of land.

"Let's not talk about what advantages we have, let's talk about what we lack first. We lack a reliable navy and a stable rear, which is an obvious shortcoming."

"These can be made up. The navy can't manufacture ships on site. The instability of the rear requires the two of us to find a way. The governor of Lugden Gaul Province has now been dismissed and investigated for desertion. Now this land needs a new governor. I am too young and there is no hope. Do you think you can do it?"

Tia understood what Orville meant and immediately began to think about it.

Now that the rebellion in the empire has been basically quelled, Vespa's policy in the short term is definitely to rest and recuperate. Years of war have already exhausted the empire's finances and army. If they continue to fight, they will be a bit hurt. Therefore, it is not realistic to launch a large-scale foreign expedition at least in the next five or even ten years.

From the perspective of a general, it is difficult for her to be appointed as the "commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force" or "commander-in-chief of the rebellion suppression force" during this period. Now that the main defense lines of the empire are guarded by people, it is not easy to change the commander casually.

To put it simply, there is no hope for the path of military honor promotion in the short term. In the next few years, she will either stay at home and wait for opportunities, or serve as a provincial governor to govern a place.

Relatively speaking, Tiya is definitely more inclined to the latter. She is not so interested in the luxurious life in the capital. Instead, she thinks it is better to go to the local area to exercise her abilities and accumulate administrative experience in governing the country.

Under this premise, Lugden Gaul is not a good choice because she has too many choices.

The Roman provinces are generally divided into two types - provinces directly governed by the emperor and provinces governed by the Senate.

Many places with stability, peace and no risk of war are provinces governed by the Senate, such as Greece, western Asia Minor, Africa, Narbonne Gaul, etc., which are not so dangerous, and the Senate should focus on benefiting from them.

Places bordering foreign countries, having strategic value or being unstable are provinces directly governed by the emperor. Perhaps these places are relatively difficult to manage and not so rich, but the army is also stationed in such places, and the emperor's military power is far greater than that of the Senate.

Ordinary provincial governors only have administrative power but no military power, but in order to deal with the powerful enemies of the empire, the provincial governors of the three legions have both military and political power, and serve as local governors and legion commanders at the same time. The governors of the three provinces of Syria, Germany and Mercia are also the commanders of the three legions.

If Tiya wants to serve as a local governor, it will definitely be difficult for the Senate Province because of the division of interests. However, the Head of State Province is basically up to her choice. There are too many places she can go. In comparison, Lugden Gaul A province that has just experienced the aftermath of a war is not entirely a good choice.

But Tia didn't care much about these things. Instead, she felt that going to such a difficult place would be beneficial to her growth and experience accumulation. So after repeatedly thinking about the feasibility of the expedition to Britain, she agreed to Orville's proposal. Require.

"I think there should be no problem with this matter. Let's take people back to Trier first, and then explain this matter to my father. I think he won't refuse."

Even though he knew it was a sure shot, Orville still breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, as long as Tia had no objection.

"Besides this matter, I think there is another thing that needs to be considered, how to deal with those Vikings. I heard the barbarian leader said at the banquet that he wanted to stay nearby for a while, because it is now the peak of the storm in the North Sea. During a strong period, if you return hastily, you will easily encounter a storm and sink the ship.

According to his request, they have to stay almost until spring. Is this appropriate? After all, they are a group of barbarian bandits, and staying here is likely to cause security problems. "

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