Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 195: Using barbarians to control barbarians

The Vikings’ strongholds were actually all over the Atlantic Ocean, including the Netherlands Lowlands in later generations. The small islands around the lowlands were excellent hiding places and supply points for the Vikings. Both the Romans and the Franks had never had a good way to deal with the pirates on the islands.

The islands in the lowlands became a safe haven for pirates, where pirates and crime flourished, but now the situation has changed.

On a foggy morning, a huge three-layered oared warship broke through the thick fog and crashed straight into the dock of the island. The Vikings on the island had no time to organize an effective resistance. They did not expect that someone would use the navy to attack them. They could only watch the warship crash into the dock, and then dozens of heavily armed warriors jumped off the deck.

Behind the tall and majestic galleys were more than a dozen Viking longboats carrying dozens of people. The Vikings could not understand why their compatriots appeared with the Roman heavy warships. But before they could figure out the joints, dozens of Viking warriors jumped off the longboats that quickly rushed to the beach. They quickly formed a shield wall formation on the beach and rushed to the pirates who were hastily fighting and almost unprepared.

They did not have an advantage in equipment. The equipment level of pirates and elite regular troops was incomparable. Not to mention that these Vikings were hastily fighting, without even wearing armor or stringing bows and arrows. Some of them were still asleep and did not notice the Roman attack at all. The result of the battle was one-sided, and the Vikings had almost no power to fight back.

Soon most of the Vikings were killed on the spot by the sailors who landed, and only a few Vikings survived as prisoners.

The Viking pirate leader who had just woken up from his sleep was taken to the deck of the galley by two burly men. He was a little confused about the situation at first, but soon understood it after seeing Rollo in front of him.

He looked at Rollo with red eyes, and laughed angrily: "Is this how you repay us? Bringing the Romans to attack the brothers' lair? If I hadn't brought you into the industry, you might still be wandering in some mountain valley now! Look at what good things you are doing now!!"

Rollo did not show any self-blame, but just lowered his head slightly and looked at the other party: "It's just an exchange of interests. Didn't you also take my money? I don't expect you to understand what I'm doing now, but I can tell you confidently that what I do is meaningful."

"Meaning? I think it's you who are greedy for wealth and glory, and you want to be a noble lord like your ancestors. Even if you betray us, you are just a foreigner. What good end can you have? "

"Maybe so, but my current master is a foreigner who deserves to be excluded. I don't want to be like him. I just want a place to stay. If he can become the prince of the empire, then my request should be met. "

After that, Rollo stopped talking nonsense with him. He waved his hand to his subordinates, and they immediately took the Viking leader away.

At this time, a navigator saw the opportunity and came forward: "Everything has been solved here. What should we do next?"

Rollo didn't even raise his head and answered casually: "Ask people to burn down all the houses, completely demolish the port, take away the supplies that can be taken, and burn those that can't be taken away. We will go to the next pirate camp. I remember it is nearby, only half a day away from here..."

The navigator looked at the port and nodded helplessly.

This place can be regarded as a place that carries his memories for many years. Rollo and his fleet have also replenished supplies here many times. When Rollo first said that he wanted to surrender to the Romans, his brothers thought that he was just greedy for money and wanted to make a fortune. Unexpectedly, Rollo was so determined this time that he was ready to go against his own people and go all the way with the Romans.

Before, Rollo fought against the pirates as a mercenary, which was not considered to be breaking the rules. After all, each of them served their own masters on the battlefield, and no one stipulated that they could not accept the employment of the Romans. But now Rollo's attack on the pirate camp completely broke the original rules. Rollo could no longer be a pirate anyway. He cut off his own retreat, and even his brothers on the pirate ship also embarked on this road of no return. The navigator did not know whether this choice was the right one, but the matter was done, and he could only do it this way.


Orville was very satisfied with Rollo's surrender, and deeply realized that professional matters should be handled by professionals.

Anyway, the Roman army can't find a few professional admirals of the navy. Even if there are such people, they will definitely maintain the stability of the Mediterranean route in the Mediterranean. After all, that is the foundation of the empire's survival, and they will not come to such a remote and backward place.

Since there is no such talent on the side of Orwell, there is no need to do something difficult like the "Mongol Navy". The army generals can just command the army. He can also let the Vikings command the navy to deal with the Vikings' problems, which can be regarded as an alternative way to control the barbarians with the barbarians.

Let the Vikings command the fleet first, and the Romans' own sailors will be trained and accumulate experience. After a few years, Orwell will consider the localization of the navy fleet. Now let's solve the problem as soon as possible, and do it in the most efficient way.

There is an insider among the pirates' top brass, which has a great impact. Rollo really doesn't know much about Ivar's land in Ireland and Scotland. After all, he is not active there, and Ivar also prohibits others from making money on his territory.

But Rollo knows the situation on both sides of the English Channel and the lowlands very well. He has been active in this area for more than ten years and knows the locations of various pirate dens, hidden ports and other places here. Many dens were even established with his help.

With his help to solve this problem, the fleet is naturally very efficient. Orwell's goal is not to kill them all, but to make these Vikings feel pain and fear.

Rollo destroyed more than ten pirate dens in more than half a month of operations. This cannot cure the problem, but it is an obvious warning. As for the reactions of the Vikings, they have not yet responded. They may be more angry and may also have some fear. It depends on the subsequent development. Orwell has time to slowly grind with them.

Since Rollo has done practical things, Orwell will not be stingy with his rewards. This matter, together with the matter of dealing with the Anglo-Saxons, Orwell gave him and his warriors a large manor in the southeast of England, so that Rollo can take their families to live together.

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