Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 196 Civilization Level

On the northern border of England, among the long-term fortresses built by the Romans, Orville was inspecting the frontline environment.

When he looked at the clothes of the soldiers on the front line, he couldn't help but curse in his heart - he finally knew that he had to save face and suffer the consequences.

When his army spent the winter in the northern province of Gaul, he actually prepared winter trousers for the soldiers. However, most soldiers from the Mediterranean world generally believed that wearing trousers was an unmanly and barbaric thing. , so I have been reluctant to wear it.

Now that they have arrived in northern England, the time has entered autumn, and the weather is gradually getting cooler, which makes these people born around the warm Mediterranean feel a little unable to bear it. In the end, after a lot of ideological struggle, most of the soldiers finally They all chose to put on pants, warm coats, and cloaks.

There are two reasons for this. After the first centurion chose to put on trousers, the rest of the Roman army unanimously chose to put on trousers in a very short period of time. Orville didn't even think too much about it. I can understand how these soldiers who are stationed in different places can be uniform.

Looking at these soldiers, Orville shook his head helplessly, and then he asked Prokopius, the secretary beside him: "What do you think of the environment here?"

Procopius subconsciously raised his head and glanced at him: "Do you want to hear the truth or do you want to hear the entertainment?"

"Just tell the truth. Am I that small?"

"The environment in this place is simply terrible. The sea is full of water, the ground is full of water, the air is full of water, it's foggy and wet everywhere, and it's not warm at all. It's cold and wet. It's not warm at all. It is suitable for normal human life. I am afraid that only uncivilized barbarians can adapt to this life-threatening ghost climate."

As if a valve had been opened, Procopius began to rant about the bad environment in Britain. He had no intention of hiding it. The soldiers accompanying him could also hear it, and they couldn't help but nod their heads in approval. Obviously, their thoughts were also shared. Almost like Procopius.

For the Romans who were accustomed to the Mediterranean climate, the environment here was indeed not pleasant. If the environment was just a bit poor, it would be fine. The Germanic provinces were at least well-constructed, and the Roman legions were usually stationed there. A city with very complete facilities, including public facilities such as theaters, bathhouses, arenas, and even libraries.

The treatment here in Britain is not that good. For the Romans who are accustomed to civilized life, the environment here can only be said to be that you can't die here but you can live.

Now that the Romans have just arrived and have not encountered any difficulties, the soldiers are relatively supportive of Orville. This dissatisfaction is limited to verbal complaints, but Orville should really pay attention to this issue. Once the situation changes, there will be dissatisfaction. It may be escalated. He is a general who cares more about the emotions and support of his soldiers. Otherwise, mutiny or assassination will not be worth the gain.

Orville looked around at the soldiers and comforted them: "I know that the environment in Britain is not comfortable and livable for the Romans, but please believe me, new cities and settlements will be built here soon." From the ground up, we will build this place into a livable and safe new province. Everything we do now is for our future and our descendants.

The provinces of Gaul are a vast land that can accommodate tens of millions of people to live safely when fully developed. If you want the provinces of Gaul to be stable, you must make the British provinces stable, otherwise the barbarians and pirates coming from Britain will Everything is necessary to make the residents of northern Gaul restless. Please be patient for a while longer. It won't be long. I think within two years, the situation will fundamentally change.

I won't write you useless bad checks. The current financial situation of the central empire is not very good, and I don't even have any spare money. When the financial situation becomes better, you will have everything you desire. I promise to give you a triumphal ceremony, generous bonuses, and enough land for future generations to cultivate, as long as you fulfill your duties and endure the current harsh environment. "

After Orville's brief impromptu speech, everyone on the scene felt much better and regained the fighting spirit they had when he first landed in Britain - he has always been a man of his word, and he gave the soldiers what he promised. It will be fulfilled, so the soldiers don't think Orville can pull the pie, but choose to believe it all.

Seeing that morale had obviously recovered, Orville was satisfied with the effect. He ordered Prokopius: "Collect what I said and post it to various garrison locations. I want my soldiers to know that their struggle is not Things that don’t make sense.”


Procopius looked at him with admiration, and then hurriedly went to prepare the paperwork, leaving Orville and the officers and soldiers at the scene.

Orville coughed twice and continued to ask the captain stationed there: "How is the situation recently? You have been stationed for more than half a month, so you should be familiar with the local situation."

"The soldiers have basically adapted to the climate here. Things such as water collection, food storage and weapons storage have been done. However, the relationship between the locals and us is still relatively tense. There are often incidents of soldiers collecting water being attacked, harassed and followed. We obeyed. Your order did not cross the border to suppress the locals, but the soldiers were also very dissatisfied with the situation of being passively beaten, so we reported the situation to the commander of Belisarius. "

For these professional soldiers, this situation is undoubtedly very frustrating, so the captain also spoke with some grievance and indignation, and was quite dissatisfied with the Celts in the north.

"Have you figured out the specific situation of the barbarians in the north?"

The captain smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I am not very clear until now, and I believe that it should be similar if someone else comes. The situation of those barbarians is too chaotic, and I don’t know where to start."

Ovel motioned the captain to continue, and he began to complain to Orville, and Orville took the opportunity to listen to the details.

Relatively speaking, Boudica's barbarians have the highest level of development and civilization, because they have been dealing with the Anglo-Saxons in the east for many years, and they always bring a lot of new things in the war. In Orville's opinion, these people are probably at the level of tribal alliances. As for the barbarians in the north, they are generally at the level of scattered tribes, not even at the level of tribal alliances.

The captain wanted to negotiate with the other side, but he had no idea who to contact. The other side did not have anyone authoritative and powerful enough to represent the entire tribe and negotiate with the Romans.

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