Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 281 Naming is difficult

At this point, we have to complain about the poor naming ability of the Flavian royal family. Most of the previous legions had nice names, such as [Skylark], [Thunder], [Apollo], [Victory], etc., but when the Flavian royal family came to power, they named the army in a simple and rough way.

The First Flavian Legion, the Second Flavian Legion, the Third Flavian Legion, and the Fourth Flavian Legion are actually not a problem, but they always feel that they lack some sentiment.

Orville didn't want to name his legion the Sixteenth Flavian Legion, so he took the time to let his officers vote on the name, and finally they chose a somewhat unexpected name.

[Hercules], also known as the Hercules in Greek mythology, is also the most outstanding hero, famous for completing twelve almost impossible feats.

The Hercules of this time and space can almost be confirmed to be a real person. Although he is not as exaggerated as in the legend, he can have the power of holding up the sky and go to the underworld to subdue the three-headed dog of the underworld, but he is indeed a rare strong man in the world. In that era when social production was not yet developed, his various deeds were recorded and sung, and finally became the legend of Hercules today.

Because there are gods, people in this world are generally more pious than those in the original world. Even these Romans have a great respect for Hercules. The reason for choosing this name, according to the officers, is that they hope that their legion can achieve great deeds and overcome difficulties and obstacles like Hercules, and then establish their own glory and legend.

It is indeed a more sufficient reason, and the name itself can be said to be catchy and loud. Orville naturally has no need to refuse, so he reported it to Vespa.

Now the number of legions has increased, and at the same time, the personnel composition within the legion is becoming more complicated. The messy composition means that it is not easy to command and dispatch, which is what Orville does not want to see.

Therefore, before putting this army into use, Orville told Stilicho to train them uniformly for ten days or half a month, so that they could form a collective consciousness.

At the same time, he also planned to find time to carefully screen the officers and grassroots soldiers within the legion - those with strong abilities should be promoted, and those who were idle should be punished. He planned to do both things at the same time, and by the way, he would clean up some officers in the Third Legion [Cyrenaica].

Judging from what Tiya meant, he would be the next governor of Egypt. As the Egyptian garrison, the Third Legion would of course be placed under his command, and the two sides would become superiors and subordinates.

Orville did not accept the existence of factions within the army, so the necessary blood transfusion and weight loss after taking over would definitely be inevitable. It is better to do these things in one go than to suffer a long pain. Only in this way can the army perform at its best as soon as possible.


Orville prepared a house for Tiya, but in fact Tiya still slept in Orville's room. Everyone was not surprised by this. It was legitimate for a couple to live together, and there was nothing to complain about.

In name, the Governor's Palace is now the palace of the King of Egypt, but in fact, Cleopatra is the only member of the royal family living here.

Orwell sent away other members of the royal family in advance, and the nominal reason was that these people were guilty of harboring or plundering the people's wealth, and now they were sentenced to exile. In fact, Orwell secretly protected these people. After the incident with Ptolemy XIII, Orwell did not trust Cleopatra so much.

If these people were to remain in the open, Orwell would still have to worry about their safety, so it would be easier to keep them under protective custody. Orwell is not a bodyguard, and he cannot guarantee their safety while allowing them to move normally. Who knows, they may have an accident one day.

Cleopatra may have felt Orwell's distrust, but she did not say it clearly. She only invited Tia to take a cruise on the Nile after learning that she came to Egypt.

Considering that Orville has been very busy these past two days, and it doesn't make much sense for her to be here, Tiya reluctantly agreed to his invitation. The two decided to leave in two days. It would probably take three or five days to come back, and visit the pyramids and other attractions.

Orville himself planned to use this time to quickly deal with his work. On the one hand, his business could be expanded to Egypt, and he had to deal with this matter. On the other hand, he also wanted to take time to accompany Tiya. It was unknown when the two would meet next time, so it was okay to cherish the time together.


That night, a banquet was prepared for Tiya.

Tiya is a person who advocates frugality and restraint, and hates extravagance and red tape. She especially emphasized that she should not pay attention to the so-called pomp and circumstance, and a normal meal would be enough. Orville also doesn't like a noisy environment with too many people, so he followed her wishes and had a small meal in the Governor's Mansion.

In addition to the two of them, Cleopatra was also present. There was not much tension between her and Tia. On the contrary, Cleopatra looked polite as usual, as if she was receiving a guest from afar. Tia, on the other hand, seemed a little overly nervous. She stared at Cleopatra from time to time and did not hide it. It was obvious that she cared about her presence very much.

The attitude is not hateful or hostile, but more of a scrutiny. She knows that her husband has a good personal relationship with the Egyptian royal family, so she decided to put aside her prejudices and stereotypes and take a closer look at what kind of person the other party is. The two sides will inevitably deal with each other in the future, whether in private or political matters, so it is better to get familiar with each other first. Understanding is the prerequisite for communication, and Tiya is doing this now.

Tiya said to Cleopatra in Greek, considering her tone: "I think this should be our first meeting, but I heard about you from Orville, and he has a very good evaluation of you. From now on, Egypt's stability and peace still need the joint efforts of both sides to promote it. I hope you can learn from the lessons and experience of the predecessors and make Egypt a more fertile land."

To be honest, what Tiya despises most should be the stereotyped Ptolemy royal family. She thinks that this group of people is morally corrupt and disdains to associate with them, but she will not attribute the mistakes and bad reputation of the family to individuals, and let it be as it should be.

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