Cleopatra replied in fluent Latin: "His Royal Highness also always mentions you, saying that you are extraordinary in martial arts, intelligence and beauty. You can rest assured that I am not like my fathers or Brother, even if I don't want to do that, I will shoulder the responsibility of being a ruler, and you will see a vibrant land."

Orville didn't praise Tia so much, but it didn't matter. Tia was a little surprised when she heard the other party's fluent Latin - most of these followers have high self-esteem, and most of the upper class people in Rome can also speak a few words. Greek seems to be elegant and cultured. In fact, not many of these people can speak Latin, and even fewer are as fluent as their native language.

In fact, let alone Latin, historically Cleopatra seemed to be the first Ptolemaic Egyptian ruler who could speak Egyptian. This is certainly not a matter of language talent and locale, but more of a matter of A matter of attitude and politics.

Cleopatra was indeed a very talented person with languages, and she was more willing to learn other languages. She could speak most of the common languages ​​on the east coast of the Mediterranean, and she spoke them quite well - Latin, Greek, Egyptian, Aramaic, in short, if she travels, she basically does not need a translator.

Her knowledge attribute is very high. To a large extent, she should be influenced by this aspect and rely on language to support her high knowledge points.

Tia quickly changed the language to Latin that she was more familiar with: "There are too many political issues that I won't ask or mention. This is not what I should be concerned about now. Orville will naturally make it clear to you. I Just ask you to remember one thing. Remember who you are now and remember your current situation."

"Certainly Egypt would be a friend and not an enemy of the Roman people."

Cleopatra spoke very appropriately, and Tia was not a particularly sharp-tongued or critical person, so she was very satisfied with this answer.

The later banquet time was more relaxed and comfortable. The three of them talked to each other about local customs and other things. There was no smell of gunpowder and the atmosphere was comfortable and relaxed.

It was rare for Tiya to talk about such matters as astronomy and geography with someone of the same sex, not to mention that the other party was indeed very talented and knowledgeable, and she was very insightful in conversation, so she could chat with this Egyptian princess very well. Cleopatra's own speaking skills were indeed good, and she could make the other party feel as comfortable as a spring breeze. Afterwards, Orville hardly spoke much and just listened quietly. The two of them chatted until very late before leaving the table.


Even though there were only a few thousand reinforcements, the arrival of these soldiers made the environment in Alexandria much more stable, because the locals felt the emperor's real support for Orville, and they realized one thing more deeply - if they resisted, The enemy is not just an Orwell or a Roman legion, but the entire Roman Empire with a vast territory and powerful military.

Thinking of this, even the most optimistic people feel that it will be difficult for Egypt to win. After all, the combat effectiveness of their army has also been tested in actual combat: that is, those praetorian guards who are paid high salaries and given blood can still go up and fight twice, and the remaining The troops under the command were basically weak shrimps that fell down at a touch. Nearly 20,000 people felt overwhelmed when facing thousands of Romans.

There were only 4,000 Praetorian Guards, but there were more than 20 such Roman legions. After weighing the military strength of both sides, the vast majority of rational people chose to temporarily cease their activities and wait for the opportunity to move, waiting for the empire's rule to be shaken. Chance.

Before the opponent waits for such an opportunity, Orville still has a lot of room to operate.

Cleopatra and Tia left after simple preparations. On the one hand, this was the Queen of Egypt accompanying the imperial governor on a tour of Egypt. On the other hand, it was also a tour to appease the people and demonstrate against hostile forces.

Orville knew this well, but he was happy to see it come to fruition. Cleopatra was now on the same front as him, and it would not hurt him if the other party's rule was stable, as long as he ensured the other party's position and his own. Just keep it the same.

Taking advantage of Tia's absence, Orville arranged some business matters.

First there were his hotels and caravansaries, now officially in Egypt. He had already written to Nicanor in Rome, asking him to send men and merchant ships over.

Most of the money gained from looting Egyptian noble families must be contributed to the central finance. This is one of the reasons why Vespa chose to attack Egypt now. More money is urgently needed to support the central government. The remaining money must also be prepared for future financial investment in Egypt. Orville did not benefit much from it personally, because he operated the Egyptian province as his basic base for the future, and there was not much plundering or extortion.

Even so, he also had hundreds of thousands of dinars in cash, because this place is so rich, and the wealth accumulated by the nobles is too much, and even a small part of it is more expensive than in Britain. Scraping three feet of the ground will yield more wealth.

For normal additional investment, these hundreds of thousands of dinars are actually more than enough. After all, the entry-level property qualification of a Senate senator is only two or three hundred thousand dinars. However, Orville has to do more than just normal additional investment. His budget investment is at least three million dinars.

This period happened to be a vacuum period for Egyptian business. Many merchant ships in Alexandria were burned by Cleopatra's fire. Many industries suffered heavy losses due to the fire in the city. The reshuffle of the political world also led to a reshuffle of the business world. To put it bluntly, Egypt is now in a state of post-war reconstruction. It is a good time to enter the market.

And considering the size of Egypt, at least two to three million dinars must be invested to make a splash. He gathered 800,000 dinars in cash on hand. After selling some of the spoils, he would have about 300,000 to 500,000 dinars, and there was still a gap of more than one million dinars.

First, he asked Tiya for some money. Tiya didn't have much to spend, so she simply lent all the more than 300,000 dinars in her hand to Orville, and Orville had a part of her shares.

Then he went to Cleopatra to explain the pros and cons and pulled in a sum of money to invest, about more than 500,000 dinars, so she was also a shareholder.

The remaining money was not counted as shares but loans. Orville borrowed from King Herod and some merchants in Rome, a total of 1.3 million dinars, and promised them a relatively high interest rate.

After the calculation, Orville actually held 65% of the shares, Tia held 10% of the shares, Cleopatra held 20% of the shares, and Orville temporarily allocated the remaining 50% of the shares to Ivar and others.

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