After clearing out the servants, Orville confirmed that Astolfo was not in Alexandria. He seems to have gone to the Nubian Kingdom in the south with his brothers. He will definitely not be able to come back in a short time. He will not know. He holds these two so-called holy objects in his hands.

The centurion of Orville's guard brought up two tightly wrapped sacred objects. Cleopatra looked at them carefully, and her expression changed slightly.

Orville was quite curious, but he resisted asking any questions until Cleopatra stepped back and said, "How was it?"

"Let me put it another way, if we find the skin of the giant lion Menea of ​​Heracles (Hercules) and the shield given to Perseus (the ancestor of Mycenae, the demigod hero) by Athena , found the wolf skin of the she-wolf that nursed Romulus (the ancestor figure in Roman legend), what do you think we will do?”

"You will probably be overjoyed. Regardless of whether these things have actual value, their spiritual value is already great enough."

"That's basically true, and I want to tell you clearly that these things have practical value. Part of the power of the chosen ones will remain on the items they used during their lifetimes. Of course, they are not just random things, but those with real value. Something of value and meaning.

The strength of the remaining power depends on their own strength and the elapsed time. The stronger the person, the more useful the things they leave behind will be. As time goes by, items contaminated with their power will gradually lose their original value. Spirituality. "

Orville focuses on practicality: "What about these? Can you see that?"

Cleopatra looked at him with a smile: "I am just an ordinary person, not even a genius. I know that these things are already the results of diligent study, so don't expect more. I can't Give you some guidance.

But when it comes to how to use it, I also know a little bit about it, and I can also do the relevant rituals. After I'm done with it, you can just go back and use it yourself. "

When talking about this matter, Cleopatra sounded a little depressed: "I originally learned these things because I wanted to find the legacy of Alexander the Great to use, but in the end I did find some of his legacy, but Because too much time has passed, the power above should have returned to the earth and the embrace of the gods, and it is of no use to me. "

In the end, this was considered an advantage for Orville. The other party offered to help, and Orville had no reason to refuse. It was of no practical use to him anyway.

Cleopatra took the short spear, stood up and patted the huge True Cross. After feeling the feel, she asked Orville: "What do you want to make this short spear like? Or should I give it to you?" Is it okay to leave it as it is?”

After thinking about it, Orville said in a wicked way: "Then, help me make it look like a long sword."

It is said that the sword used by Charlemagne is named Guillot, which means joy in French. It is not only featured in many medieval martial arts songs such as "The Song of Roland", but is also often mentioned in folklore.

Anyway, Charlemagne doesn’t know where to learn spelling or speaking yet, so Orville plagiarizes the other person’s ideas a little bit, which is considered a small joke, although only he can understand it.

"I will do a good job and give you the results in about three to five days."

As she spoke, Cleopatra walked up to the servant, took the sheepskin scroll from the other person's hand, and then handed the scroll to Orville: "There is one more thing that I need you to give me snacks. Those black people in the south have been restless recently. I need your strength to protect the country."

"Nubians?" Orville's eyelids twitched, "How is the situation? Tell me in detail."

His troops were all stationed near Alexandria and did not care much about the southern border. The Egyptians themselves were responsible for the security of the southern border. After Orville's large-scale disarmament, Egypt's border strength must have weakened, coupled with the loosening of the central government's rule caused by the civil war. , it’s no wonder these Nubians have twisted minds.

"The document is very clear. In short, they began to harass and test my army. My generals vigorously tried to fight back, but the frequency and intensity of the harassment continued to increase."

Cleopatra's face didn't look good. It was obvious that those "powerful counterattack attempts" were not very successful. His army did not gain much in the confrontation, which made the other party intensify their efforts.

Orville comforted the other party: "There is a problem with your army construction, but it is not your fault. I will help you gradually correct the problem later, but it will take some time.

As for the Nubian affairs, it is best to resolve them peacefully. The emperor is not satisfied with some of my actions. If I take the initiative and start a war again, I am afraid that the Senate will also impeach me. In my opinion, we can just maintain the status quo with the Nubians, and we can even transfer some benefits to them. What do you think? "

Anyway, Orville does not intend to continue to expand southward. It has no practical significance and will only increase losses. If Nubia is really a land worth seizing by force, then the Ptolemaic kings of the past should have taken action long ago. The fact is that Nubia Asia and Egypt maintained peaceful and trading relations for most of the time.

Cleopatra's focus was first on the former: "Then can we make an agreement?"

"It is shameful to waste precious resources. I cannot accept that your country has so many meaningless so-called warriors, so I will help you build a Roman-style army, of course, the premise is that you don't forget your own identity." He also needs more soldiers. As the governor of a peaceful province, he now has three legions, which is already a lot, even the most under the three legions.

But even so, it is still not enough compared with the governors of those border provinces. The three legions of Germanic, Danube, and Eastern, the highest commander of each legion can command more than five legions. If Orville wants to have the same right to speak as them, he needs to have the same power as them.

Seeing that Vespa's health is getting worse day by day, Orville has to think about the future. Although the court has no objection to Tia's accession to the throne, in fact, many elders look down on the Flavian Dynasty as a nouveau riche.

In their minds, Vespa is just a temporary cover for them. After a transitional emperor, the throne will still return to the elder class.

Tia's gender issue was enough to make some elders have a problem with her, but the problem was more than that.

Maybe she had been with Orwell for too long, and Orwell was a bit talkative when he was with his acquaintances. She also picked up some of Orwell's thinking logic, which was considered quite dangerous by the elders.

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